Trump: the gift that just keeps on giving


New member
Nov 10, 2010


Donald Trump (seen here Friday) vows to bring back the millions of American jobs lost to China and other foreign competitors if voters put him in the White House


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
(He wants to mass deport 11 million people? Not going to happen)

In an article Sheriff Joe shared recently on this site General Eisenhower, before he became president
was concerned about the "The rise in illegal border-crossing by Mexican 'wetbacks' to a current rate
of more than 1,000,000 cases a year has been accompanied by a curious relaxation in ethical standards
extending all the way from the farmer-exploiters of this contraband labor to the highest levels of the
Federal Government."

When he became president he eliminated illegal immigration for 10 years & sent back millions.
Several retired Border Patrol agents who took part in the 1950s effort, including Mr. Edwards,
say much of what Swing did could be repeated today.

"Some say we cannot send 12 million illegals now in the United States back where
they came from. Of course we can!" Edwards says.

Donald Coppock, who headed the Patrol from 1960 to 1973, says
that if Swing and Ike were still running immigration enforcement,
"they'd be on top of this in a minute."

Read the article of course Trump can solve the problem,
Eisenhower did!

(Back when America got things done...)

It's funny, listening to libs you'd think illegal aliens have rights or something.

I have no doubt the process would be ugly in every way imaginable but that's what the military is for: keeping the peace while overseeing an orderly exit.

Of course it can be done. All it takes is a real leader to smash through the PC establishment and do it.

Once the decision has been made, we can discuss the pros and cons of different plans and strategies.

But make no mistake, as Trump says, "they have to go" or America isn't a country anymore.

New member
Jan 16, 2013
(Back when America got things done...)

It's funny, listening to libs you'd think illegal aliens have rights or something.

I have no doubt the process would be ugly in every way imaginable but that's what the military is for: keeping the peace while overseeing an orderly exit.

Of course it can be done. All it takes is a real leader to smash through the PC establishment and do it.

Once the decision has been made, we can discuss the pros and cons of different plans and strategies.

But make no mistake, as Trump says, "they have to go" or America isn't a country anymore.

That Eisenhower piece you posted was a bit of history I knew nothing about
thanx fot sharing.

Oct 12, 2008
look like the Republican party is starting to lose it.......:)

GOP leaders from two states reportedly plot strategy to slow down Trump

Party leaders in Virginia and North Carolina told that they are considering a push to require candidates entering their respective Republican primaries to pledge their support for the eventual nominee and not run a third-party candidacy — a pledge Trump, the current frontrunner, would not make when asked to during the Fox News debate earlier this month in Cleveland.
“Anybody who wants to seek the Republican nomination should have to commit to supporting the ultimate Republican nominee,” Virginia’s former Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli told Politico. “I don’t see anything wrong with that.”
Republican party officials in North Carolina announced a similar proposal, and told Politico they already are in talks with lawyers to draft language for a provision that asks each candidate to support the GOP nominee.


that's insane.Clearly, they're afraid if Trump goes independent, the Republican candidate has no chance in winning....:)

Sep 22, 2007

Shaking legs, huh? There are gonna be a LOT of Republicans with shaking legs late next year, lol

When Donald Trump insulted John McCain and questioned his status as a "war hero," some analysts dubbed it the turning point of the Trump campaign. But some of his most ardent supporters have proven why, more than a month later, Trump continues to surge in polls.
"I don’t think he was necessarily trying to insult him," one voter who described herself as being a Trump supporter said Monday night, as part of a focus group conducted by pollster Frank Luntz.
Luntz presided over the focus group Monday night in Virginia; it featured 29 people who either support Trump or have at some point during the campaign expressed support for him. Business Insider attended the focus group.
Their unfettered support has fueled Trump's rise in Republican primary polls and kept him in the top spot for months. No controversy appears to faze them out of the many Trump has endured — from controversial comments over immigration, to the McCain comments, to a bitter, lingering feud with Fox News and host Megyn Kelly.
The focus group should not be considered representative of the Republican Party as a whole, or of the electorate in early states like Iowa and New Hampshire. But their unwavering support indicates that there may be nothing that can take down Trump.
"This is a different cat. This is a different phenomenon," Luntz told reporters after conducting the focus group.
"This is real. I'm having trouble processing it. Like, my legs are shaking," he added.
"I want to put the Republican leadership behind this mirror and let them see. They need to wake up. They don't realize how the grassroots have abandoned them. Donald Trump is punishment to a Republican elite that wasn’t listening to their grassroots."
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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during a news conference, August 25, 2015, in Dubuque, Iowa.

No controversy appeared to dim their level of support for Trump.
On Trump's feud with television personality Rosie O'Donnell, one panelist said she "attacked him first." A majority of respondents reacted negatively to his comments on McCain, but Luntz said Tuesday night that Trump was the only candidate this cycle to score a perfect 100 from respondents when they viewed his comments on veterans.
Even his history of more liberal positions on certain issues didn't appear to faze voters. One panelist asked the others in the room "how many" of them had not changed their positions on anything over the past 15 years.
The group was "prepped to dismiss every negative," Luntz said. "His base cannot be broken."

It certainly won't be broken by controversies that resonate in the press. Panelists appeared particularly disdainful of most mainstream media outlets, claiming that "the media" is collectively seeking to discredit Trump.
Almost everyone in the room agreed when Luntz asked if the media was "more about inciting than informing," and all but one panel member agreed or did not respond when asked about whether they are inclined to automatically support Trump when he is attacked by media outlets.
"The media and the establishment are deathly afraid of Trump," a panel member said.
"That's why I particularly love him. Because the media has become de facto the power behind the throne in this country."
"Every time the media thinks it's got a 'gotcha,' he turns it around on them," another panelist said.
And at the end of the session, when reporters from The Washington Post and The Associated Press came into the room to ask questions, several outspoken panel members made snide comments.
"They need to start reporting again," a panelist said after Washington Post reporter Robert Costa left the room.
And when an Associated Press reporter introduced herself: "That's too bad."

Aug 6, 2006
I think there are more similarities than differences between Trump and Obama, namely ego. Trump scares me. I think if he were a football coach he would throw long on every play and onsides kick after every TD. His presidency might be similar IMO.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
i think there are more similarities than differences between trump and obama, namely ego. Trump scares me. I think if he were a football coach he would throw long on every play and onsides kick after every td. His presidency might be similar imo.


Oct 12, 2008
I think there are more similarities than differences between Trump and Obama, namely ego. Trump scares me. I think if he were a football coach he would throw long on every play and onsides kick after every TD. His presidency might be similar IMO.

...hopefully Putin doesn't have a twitter account.....................:)

Sep 22, 2007
Patsfan is correct, Don Trump appeals to many potential Democrat voters they called
them Reagan Democrats a while back, also many who usually abstain from voting are
attracted to the Trump style & message.

Your not smart enough, to realize this but of all the Republican candidates Trump the
polls say is only behind Rubio who has 18% of the Hispanic block, Trump & Bush are
tied for 2nd with 12%. Trump will definitely get more than the 27% support that
Romney got in 2012. Black support for Trump will be far more than Romney's 6%,
Nixon got 18% in 1972 no Republican matched that since, mark my words Don Trump will

51% unfavorable with Latinos, lol! And this is in a poll run by Gallup, fercrissakes! This would indicate that you're(note the correct usage, Goober) NOT smart enough when it comes to his chances with Latinos-and, today, he insulted Asians with a stereotype today as well-and, let us not forget Asians supported Obama heavily in both 2008 and 2012. Like I said, he's the gift that just keeps on giving.:pointer:azzkick(&^Slapping-silly90))popcorn-eatinggif:nohead:Loser!@#0cheersgifcockingasnook():laughingb:tongue2:

Jul 14, 2007
What did he say about asians? I thought Jeb was the 1 who said Asians take advantage of the anchor baby loopholes or something like that?

edit: lol "WE WANT DEAL"

That's funny. Hopefully people don't get offended by that one, that's just an innocent joke.

Oct 12, 2008
“Asians are very offended that JEB said that anchor babies applies to them as a way to be more politically correct to hispanics. A mess!” Trump tweeted.


The fuckin account is still open. UNBELIEVABLE.


Sep 22, 2007
What did he say about asians? I thought Jeb was the 1 who said Asians take advantage of the anchor baby loopholes or something like that?

edit: lol "WE WANT DEAL"

That's funny. Hopefully people don't get offended by that one, that's just an innocent joke.

Oh, yeah, REAL innocent and REAL funny. And this POS is the runaway leader of the party, with dumber-than-dirt Bush 2nd or 3rd, depending on whose poll you believe :

[h=1]Donald Trump mocks Asians with broken English while speaking about China, Japan relations at campaign rally[/h] BY Celeste Katz
Wednesday, August 26, 2015, 5:02 PM

Charlie Neibergall/AP [h=2]The ‘comedy’ act by Donald Trump, who has made tough talk about economic competition with China and Japan a staple of his presidential pitch, angered Asian-American advocacy groups.[/h]
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump lampooned Asians during a campaign rally in Iowa, mocking them with broken English.
“Negotiating with Japan, negotiating with China,” Trump said during a Tuesday speech in Dubuque before folding his hands over his middle.
“When these people walk in the room, they don’t say, ‘Oh, hello! How’s the weather? It’s so beautiful outside. Isn’t it lovely? How are the Yankees doing? Oh they’re doing wonderful. Great,” Trump continued.
He put on an exaggerated scowl.
“They say, ‘We want deal!’” he bellowed.
The crowd rewarded him with laughter.
Trump did his stand-up routine the same day he took to Twitter to trash rival Jeb Bush for making a reference to Asians while discussing “anchor babies.”
The term, used to describe the U.S.-born citizen children of undocumented immigrants, is widely considered a slur.
Trump has refused to stop using the term and supports a legal challenge to “birthright citizenship.”
After Bush said he was referring specifically to “birth tourism” services patronized by wealthy Asians who want to deliver children in the U.S., Trump let loose.
“Asians are very offended that JEB said that anchor babies applies to them as a way to be more politically correct to hispanics. A mess!” Trump tweeted.
The comedy act by Trump — who’s made tough talk about economic competition with China and Japan a staple of his presidential pitch — angered Asian-American advocacy groups.
"It wasn't enough for Jeb Bush to insult Asian Americans with his ‘anchor baby’ slur? Now Donald Trump mocks the way Asians speak after calling for an end to birthright citizenship,” Margaret Fung of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund told the Daily News Wednesday.
“If these offensive remarks continue, no one should be surprised when Asian American voters turn their back on Republican candidates in 2016.”
The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Carl Hum of Asian Americans Advancing Justice also called the recent remarks “demeaning” to immigrants.
“Over the past two weeks, we’ve seen Asian Americans portrayed as the perpetual foreigner – dismissing our strong American roots, ignoring our contributions and treating us as expendable,” he said. “I fear this won’t be the last time this election cycle that Asians are mocked and used as easy targets.”
Trump’s comments came after a news conference during which he had Univision host Jorge Ramos ejected from the room by security for not waiting to be called on to ask a question.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
with dumber-than-dirt Bush 2nd or 3rd, depending on whose poll you believe :

How do you get Jed Bush is dumb? I dont see how he comes across as dumb.

Sep 22, 2007
How do you get Jed Bush is dumb? I dont see how he comes across as dumb.

Are you serious? I'd be the first to admit that Hillary has run, thus far, a very weak campaign. The only person who has run an even worst one is Jeb. He has made 2 blunders on one issue, on two groups the Repubs can ill afford to lose:

And he didn't exactly come across well in the following, either:


"These twists and turns were roundly ridiculed and mocked, not just by the liberal and mainstream media, but by all conservative media as well."

The guy's a nitwit.

Aug 6, 2006
...hopefully Putin doesn't have a twitter account.....................:)

Putin's Twitter account is run by the bear Putin pinned in a wrestling match. That was the bear's punishment.
"I keek u chairy chienie u dome beyer. Dairfor I awder u to dee Tweetair en tale de vorld evreh dayeey chow cheeroic I yem."

Edit: Bear just tweeted, "Kendeedate Trump chev vorse hairpie den Sam Donald's son!"

New member
Jan 16, 2013
Are you serious? I'd be the first to admit that Hillary has run, thus far, a very weak campaign. The only person who has run an even worst one is Jeb. He has made 2 blunders on one issue, on two groups the Repubs can ill afford to lose:

And he didn't exactly come across well in the following, either:


"These twists and turns were roundly ridiculed and mocked, not just by the liberal and mainstream media, but by all conservative media as well."

The guy's a nitwit.

Talking about Bush, Trump & Mrs. Clinton

PPP pNew Hampshire polling for 3 way out today

Mrs. Clinton 43
Trump 28
Bush 22

Oct 12, 2008
Putin's Twitter account is run by the bear Putin pinned in a wrestling match. That was the bear's punishment.
"I keek u chairy chienie u dome beyer. Dairfor I awder u to dee Tweetair en tale de vorld evreh dayeey chow cheeroic I yem."

Edit: Bear just tweeted, "Kendeedate Trump chev vorse hairpie den Sam Donald's son!"


anxious to hear about Mr.Trump's foreign policy. :)

if he becomes President, does the twitter account go?

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