As of Monday night, with the latest Fox News poll in the books, the anointed group in order includes Trump, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Huckabee, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
On the outside looking in are former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former tech CEO Carly Fiorina, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, former New York Gov. George Pataki and former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore
Monday night's format was an unusually rushed sprint through two rounds of questions, with each candidate leaping on stage while the rest of the Republicans watched from the front row.
'This was like speed-dating meets the Miss Universe pageant's interview round,' said Linda Katz, an audience member, afterward.'
With no more than four minutes at a time to make memorable impressions, no one stood out.
Not even the avuncular, twang-voiced Graham, who had the live New Hampshire audience in stitches, did himself enough favors to breathe life into his underperforming candidacy.
He has been polling lower than 1 per cent but had the audience at St. Anselm College rapt with jabs at Hillary Clinton, the Democrats' front-runner.
'The last person in the world you want to send into the arena with the Russians is Hillary Clinton,' Graham said during an onstage interview with radio host Jack Heath.
'As to the Clintons, I've been dealing with this crowd for 20 years. I'm fluent in Clinton speak, you want me to translate, Jack?'
'When he says – Bill says – "I didn't have sex with that woman," he did!' Graham jabbed. 'When she says, "I'll tell you about builing the [Keystone] pipeline when I get to be president," [that] means she won't.'
'And when she tells us, "Trust me! You've got all the emails that you need," we haven't even scratched the surface.'
'So I understand this crowd, and I can beat them,' Graham said, 'and if we can't beat them, it doesn't matter.
Graham's take on the 2016 presidential race drew one of them only audible reactions from the audience – a mix of titters and delighted chatter.
He drew an even bigger reaction by outlining his vision for global affairs.
'If I'm president,' he said, 'here's my foreign policy: "A closed fist or an open hand. You choose".'
Fiorina, another chronically underperforming GOP candidate, was the only other Republican to take a shot at Hillary Clinton – but hers was prompted by a question specifically about whether the former secretary of state sees her growing scandals as 'poltical inconveniences.'
'That's what she gives off,' Fiorina said. 'But they are far more than that.'
'She lied about Benghazi,' she said of Clinton. 'They knew it was a purposeful terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11.'
'She has lied as well about her server,' the former Hewlett-Packard CEO said, referring to a private home-brew email server that Clinton used while at the State Department instead of an official account that would later make her accountable to Congress and the Freedom Of Information Act.
'These go to the core of her character. ... We have to have a nominee on our side who will throw every punch,' she said. 'Because this is a fight.'