FOX News, that channel is nothing more than a propaganda arm for Jeb Bush & Karl Rove. Might as well call it BushNews with all the ex-Bush staffers on the payroll and the conga line of Bush supporters they roll out to do the analysis. Dana Perino, Karl Rove, Krauthammer, Kristol, Brit Hume, all outspoken Jeb supporters.
Scared now that their Bush cheerleading isn't connecting they've taken an anybody but Trump stance.
Rubio of the gang of eight fame a campaign conservative at best, & Fiorina good grief every time I see
her I change the channel, seem to be getting a lot of air time at Fox, flovors of the month I guess.
Yep, Fox News is a mouthpiece for RINOs, and RINOs are too scared to expose and fight Democrats. CNN and MSNBC spend more time reporting on the Hildabeast's crimes than Fox for crying out loud - ridiculous some people still consider this channel "right wing"
I remember when Fox flew the American flag in the corner of their broadcasts 24/7 and had real patriotic hosts and guests. Those days are long gone.