TRUMP Says He Will No Longer Appear on Fox News Shows


Jul 14, 2007
I didn't say created Jobs you arrogant piece of dung! I said creates markets. YES, govt of some sort has ALWAYS been needed to create and maintain "free markets". Doesn't matter if the Govt is/was good or bad. It was and is still needed. Your idolized "free market" with all it's buyers and sellers competing with each other WOULD NOT EXIST without intensive government support and regulation. Do you think that's an "American" thing dumbfuck?

Oh geez...let's about the fucking Chinese, Babylonians, and Egyptians in like 2000 B.C. No they didn't ESTABLISH and CREATE Marketplaces did they? No they also didn't build roads and canals and provide infrastructure did they? No Markets just fucking "appear" out of nowhere because that's how we all roll, right Sheriff Moron? Yeah you and all the dumbass right wing fucktards!!! LMFAO

Hey I know...Here's the best example yet....How about when dumb Motherfucking NeoCon Donald Rumsfeld thought all those free markets were going to "magically" appear in Iraq after we invaded there. How'd that work out? Yeah they've been a huge success hey?

You are JUST LIKE HIM...."Magic Market Dust" is just gonna float down and fix everything as soon as we get rid of Govt...LMFAO @ you COMPLETE IDIOTS!!!!

Here...I'll take 30 seconds to educate you...

IN THE REAL WORLD, not that imaginary place you reside, the GOVERNMENT creates and enforces titles to property among other things. What a concept hey? After all how does one trade (buy and sell) the right to something if he doesn't own it? How long has that been happening? I don't about govt has been doing that since early civilization...No not too long...:ohno:

Oh and let's not forget that unlike that imaginary place in your head, here in the REAL WORLD, govt creates and maintains INFRASTRUCTURE. Oh happens BEFORE there is a market. hey how was Wall Street doing after Hurricane Sandy? They didn't really "need" the govt to get the electricity back up and running did they? Da da da...Yeah I know...Wealth falling from the sky it was...LMFAO

"The Market" does NOT operate on it's own you dumb fucking shithead. NEVER HAS and NEVER WILL. It is by it's VERY NATURE, DEPENDENT on GOVT to create the infrastructure to help it start and to help maintain it, among other things. When scumbag corps payoff Govt and twist all the rules governing the market to THEIR Favor, well then we the people lose while the needs of the few dominate and overtake ALL. THAT is what is wrong with America today.

The failed ideology belongs to people like YOU who think Govt on it's own is the problem. You're not fucking intelligent enough to take the next step and see THE REAL PROBLEM....The problem isn't the "idea" of Govt. The problem is the scumbags who are CONTROLLING GOVT. The Govt has become nothing but puppets. Dumbfucks like you keep thinking the puppet is the problem. Walk around back dumbass and you'll see the Corporate Scumbags pulling all the strings.

So concludes your lesson for today. Maybe tomorrow you'll be worthy of another lesson.

Anarchy isn't the answer but neither is federal mandates on our most important industries.

Obviously we need property laws, environmental regulations as it pertains to air and water, police, firemen, lawyers and judges.

Infrastructure, defense and the tasks listed above are very important. We can't have any idiot flying drones or anyone drilling for oil wherever the hell they want without a permit....There are a lot of industries that the gov't needs to be far less involved in though.

Why do you think prescription drugs are so high and it is in the news right now, why wouldn't these companies overcharge when they know taxpayers are footing the bill regardless. Gov't subsidization leads to higher costs in every field.

Aug 6, 2006
What happened there? Why did that offend Mantis?

It's a weird story. The basics are Mantis said he'd exit the room if Guesser ever gave him a "Nailed It." Mantis just couldn't meet Guesser's strict grading system. Was it the meds he would take one day and forget the next, who knows? But then Guesser gave a "Nailed It" to me. For Mantis it was just too much to bear ...... Or, Mantis just decided he was sick of this place and its poison, and left...... Or, Mountain appointed Mantis Mayor of Forumville and he ran, like any normal person would...... Or, Mantis is pulling all our strings, packed the fam into an RV, headed for Va Beach and will return by Monday.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I didn't say created Jobs you arrogant piece of dung! I said creates markets. YES, govt of some sort has ALWAYS been needed to create and maintain "free markets". Doesn't matter if the Govt is/was good or bad. It was and is still needed. Your idolized "free market" with all it's buyers and sellers competing with each other WOULD NOT EXIST without intensive government support and regulation. Do you think that's an "American" thing dumbfuck?

Oh geez...let's about the fucking Chinese, Babylonians, and Egyptians in like 2000 B.C. No they didn't ESTABLISH and CREATE Marketplaces did they? No they also didn't build roads and canals and provide infrastructure did they? No Markets just fucking "appear" out of nowhere because that's how we all roll, right Sheriff Moron? Yeah you and all the dumbass right wing fucktards!!! LMFAO

Hey I know...Here's the best example yet....How about when dumb Motherfucking NeoCon Donald Rumsfeld thought all those free markets were going to "magically" appear in Iraq after we invaded there. How'd that work out? Yeah they've been a huge success hey?

You are JUST LIKE HIM...."Magic Market Dust" is just gonna float down and fix everything as soon as we get rid of Govt...LMFAO @ you COMPLETE IDIOTS!!!!

Here...I'll take 30 seconds to educate you...

IN THE REAL WORLD, not that imaginary place you reside, the GOVERNMENT creates and enforces titles to property among other things. What a concept hey? After all how does one trade (buy and sell) the right to something if he doesn't own it? How long has that been happening? I don't about govt has been doing that since early civilization...No not too long...:ohno:

Oh and let's not forget that unlike that imaginary place in your head, here in the REAL WORLD, govt creates and maintains INFRASTRUCTURE. Oh happens BEFORE there is a market. hey how was Wall Street doing after Hurricane Sandy? They didn't really "need" the govt to get the electricity back up and running did they? Da da da...Yeah I know...Wealth falling from the sky it was...LMFAO

"The Market" does NOT operate on it's own you dumb fucking shithead. NEVER HAS and NEVER WILL. It is by it's VERY NATURE, DEPENDENT on GOVT to create the infrastructure to help it start and to help maintain it, among other things. When scumbag corps payoff Govt and twist all the rules governing the market to THEIR Favor, well then we the people lose while the needs of the few dominate and overtake ALL. THAT is what is wrong with America today.

The failed ideology belongs to people like YOU who think Govt on it's own is the problem. You're not fucking intelligent enough to take the next step and see THE REAL PROBLEM....The problem isn't the "idea" of Govt. The problem is the scumbags who are CONTROLLING GOVT. The Govt has become nothing but puppets. Dumbfucks like you keep thinking the puppet is the problem. Walk around back dumbass and you'll see the Corporate Scumbags pulling all the strings.

So concludes your lesson for today. Maybe tomorrow you'll be worthy of another lesson.

Once a upon a time the federal govt's only legitimate role in society was essentially to, a) protect the rule of law and b) protect private property rights. This created a stable, predictable environment which allowed the free market ("market dust" lmao...'markets' are PEOPLE making decisions, idiot) to flourish. Economists call that golden age the industrial revolution. Then along came your wealth redistribution schemes you love so much and threw everything out of whack. The govt went from "impartial referee" if you will, to "player on the field." Today virtually everything the govt does is redistributive in one form of another (picking winners and losers) all but ensuring the type of chaos, inefficiencies and corruption you misguided Occupy Wall Streeters rant and rave about.

Thank you for your posts. I do love hearing Big Labor squeal like entitled pigs, for the simple fact it was Big Labor teaming up with Big Govt which finally drove the MFG base you miss so much offshore. Big Business finally figured out there was a better way to do business than mafioso-like extortion.

Socialist idiots like you killed the Golden Goose and now you're upset your precious "working class" doesn't have enough eggs. Cry me a river.

Shrink the govt back to it's constitutional size and the golden eggs will return. Every existing federal govt agency and bureaucracy not listed in the enumerated powers must go through the LEGAL amendment process. The rest are mothballed or delegated back the states. This way only the most important federal government functions everyone agrees on are maintained and straightened...ya know, like *gasp* INFRASTRUCTURE.

Perhaps Reagan misspoke when he said "govt is the problem." What he REALLY meant was, "WVJOE'S IDEA OF GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM"...and it still is. Stop meddling in everyone's affairs and trying to 'fix' every problem.

Meanwhile, your socialist party and the other party's co-conspirators keep making things worse and worse and worse...

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Anarchy isn't the answer but neither is federal mandates on our most important industries.

Obviously we need property laws, environmental regulations as it pertains to air and water, police, firemen, lawyers and judges.

Infrastructure, defense and the tasks listed above are very important. We can't have any idiot flying drones or anyone drilling for oil wherever the hell they want without a permit....There are a lot of industries that the gov't needs to be far less involved in though.

Why do you think prescription drugs are so high and it is in the news right now, why wouldn't these companies overcharge when they know taxpayers are footing the bill regardless. Gov't subsidization leads to higher costs in every field.

We don't need a Dept of Labor counterbalancing an equally inept Dept of Commerce, both sides spewing unproven nonsense in all directions... yet Obot clowns like VWJOE are calling for another crusty layer of both. Talk about "magic fairy dust" the guy believes more centralized power and regulation = less corruption. face)(*^%

The solutions are simple but politically unpalatable. Shrink govt back to its constitutional size and let markets work. And by "markets" I mean REAL people investing REAL capital taking REAL risks and making REAL decisions. Under these conditions, the good ideas and services thrive, and the bad ones join Solyndra.

Then and only then will the golden eggs reappear in abundance.

Will it happen? Of course not. The system is too far gone. Too many special interests feeding at the trough.

Jan 15, 2010
Fox News has always had a neoconservative slant, and that hasn't changed. Funny it's taken them going after a populist/liberal for conservatives to get that.

Jul 14, 2007

"He had a really bad debate performance last week, he's not well informed on the issues, he really never talks about issues and can't have more than a 10 second sound bite on any key issue," Rubio said. "So I think he's really been exposed a little bit over the last seven days and he's a very touchy and insecure guy and so that's how he reacts. And people can see through it."

Jeez Marco, don't end his campaign just yet. He needs to stay around so 20 million people keep watching the debates...

Touchy and insecure? Definitely, but it would've been better if he said he was bleeding from "wherever"

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Looks good to me...


New member
Jan 16, 2013

"He had a really bad debate performance last week, he's not well informed on the issues, he really never talks about issues and can't have more than a 10 second sound bite on any key issue," Rubio said. "So I think he's really been exposed a little bit over the last seven days and he's a very touchy and insecure guy and so that's how he reacts. And people can see through it."

Jeez Marco, don't end his campaign just yet. He needs to stay around so 20 million people keep watching the debates...

Touchy and insecure? Definitely, but it would've been better if he said he was bleeding from "wherever"

Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain who seemed barely able to contain their desire to escalate the conflict
in Syria, have an ally in Rubio! 'Washington Free Beacon, a reminder that if you’re down on Rubio for
being too much like McCain on immigration, you can take comfort in the fact that he’s … a lot like McCain on
foreign policy too.'

A serious question! When Lieberman left politics
McCain & Graham chose Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire to join their mini
caucus committed to war mongering & pro-immigration
agenda's. Why did they seek Ayotte instead
of Rubio, or did they to no avail?

Sep 21, 2004
Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain who seemed barely able to contain their desire to escalate the conflict
in Syria, have an ally in Rubio! 'Washington Free Beacon, a reminder that if you’re down on Rubio for
being too much like McCain on immigration, you can take comfort in the fact that he’s … a lot like McCain on
foreign policy too.'

A serious question! When Lieberman left politics
McCain & Graham chose Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire to join their mini
caucus committed to war mongering & pro-immigration
agenda's. Why did they seek Ayotte instead
of Rubio, or did they to no avail?

They had to pick a woman, over a young boy like Rubio, so it wouldn't be so obvious what's going on. :):)

Jul 14, 2007
Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain who seemed barely able to contain their desire to escalate the conflict
in Syria, have an ally in Rubio! 'Washington Free Beacon, a reminder that if you’re down on Rubio for
being too much like McCain on immigration, you can take comfort in the fact that he’s … a lot like McCain on
foreign policy too.'

A serious question! When Lieberman left politics
McCain & Graham chose Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire to join their mini
caucus committed to war mongering & pro-immigration
agenda's. Why did they seek Ayotte instead
of Rubio, or did they to no avail?

If you think China being allowed to steal our intellectual property (this is something both Bush43 and Obama were horrible at addressing) or Russia expanding their geopolitical reach aren't big issues that we need a strong leader for then we'll have to agree to disagree.

What is Trump's solution for dealing with Russia? "I've met Putin, I feel confident him and I would bro out while climbing Mt. Elbrus" It's not the 1st inning anymore and this isn't Maxwell's in '68

Your buddy is going down.

Oct 12, 2008
[h=1]Everyone in America wants to be Donald Trump (for Halloween)[/h]
If you’re trying to rock the Donald’s bouffant for Halloween this year, good luck. All the wig and costume sellers we spoke to have already sold out of their swoopy marmalade locks — and creating Trump’s tresses at home is no easy task.
Wig seller says sales for the $29 “Donald TrumpDeluxe,” which the company has offered for years, are “out of the norm” (usually Halloween sales don’t truly pick up until late September or early October) — and as of mid-September it had sold out of the wig. “People were rush shipping them — they want them now,” says Ray Lenci, the president of, who is re-upping his stock of Trump wigs — as of late September, he had restocked the wig. “We’ve sold more Trump wigs than ever before.”
It’s the same deal at, which sold out of their $12.99 Billionaire Wig this month, and at, which sold out of its $29.95 Characters Line Donald TrumpWig. As of mid-September, all the companies were working on re-upping their stock to meet demand.

That may not be enough. “We expect to sell them out again when they’re back in stock,” says Mark Bietz, the vice president of product for For those dying for a Donald-esque wig right now, some sellers on Amazon do have them in stock.



New member
Jan 16, 2013
If you think China being allowed to steal our intellectual property (this is something both Bush43 and Obama were horrible at addressing) or Russia expanding their geopolitical reach aren't big issues that we need a strong leader for then we'll have to agree to disagree.

What is Trump's solution for dealing with Russia? "I've met Putin, I feel confident him and I would bro out while climbing Mt. Elbrus" It's not the 1st inning anymore and this isn't Maxwell's in '68

Your buddy is going down.

Ya Rubio is really going to clamp down on
intellectual property larceny, I didn't
know his talents reached that far.

Russia will be agressive in their 'Near Abroad' no matter who's at the helm & frankly I'd be
more than a little afraid that McCain & Grahamnesty would have Rubio's
ear in that arena, moreso than they would be able to influence any of the other
candidates, that could be dangerous.

As for Syria, we all know the story of we ought to have gone into Syria when BO
drew to RED LINE. McCain with Rubio at his side along with Graham said we had over 1000
Free Syrian Army soldiers vetted & ready to roll. The Free Syrian Army was & still is a mirage
with their leaders living in luxury in France & K-Street on their side over here.
Now we spend 1/2 billion to train them & 50 or so deserted or were killed but we have 4 or 5 in the field.

Seems to me those McCain said were vetted in the Free Syrian Army are the same bodies
flowing into Europe begging for asylum!

What the country needs is an admistrator
with cunning passion & talent that's not Rubio,you know who that is.

Jul 14, 2007
Whether it be Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia.....Middle Eastern armies pretty much suck unless they're the fanatical terrorist groups.

I don't really know why this is considering the region has ample resources and reason to exterminate the terrorists, but you will get no argument from me there.

Just curious, was Trump always this emotional or is it old age maybe? Prefer not to have a female president but a male with female traits isn't any better....

He can't get along with 1 media member that won't kiss his ass but he is gonna get along with Putin? Seems like a winning strategy.

New member
Jan 16, 2013
Whether it be Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia.....Middle Eastern armies pretty much suck unless they're the fanatical terrorist groups.

I don't really know why this is considering the region has ample resources and reason to exterminate the terrorists, but you will get no argument from me there.

Just curious, was Trump always this emotional or is it old age maybe? Prefer not to have a female president but a male with female traits isn't any better....

He can't get along with 1 media member that won't kiss his ass but he is gonna get along with Putin? Seems like a winning strategy.

When we'd drive around Trump was very interested in real estate, every large comlex
or highrise we passed he knew the owner of every one of them, that was before he even owned
anything in Manhatten. At Maxwell's he was only interested in impressing the young women, &
no he never displayed any female traits. He was a braggert & he was possessed about hair even then
but it never bothered me, in both cases so was I.

Seems to me it isn't that he can't get along with the Republican Beltway Pundits because they all
fear his unexpected rise to the top. Did you hear that 'loser' Rick Lowry on Megan Kelly the other
night, how can anyone berate Trump when those in in own party are so intent on persuading
listeners to reject Trump. He's changed the 'Rules of engagement' in political debate & the Rhino
politico's are besides themselves that they don't seem to have a large forum for their ideas like
they did before Trump. He calls them out, that doesn't seem strange to me!

Sep 21, 2004
Fox don't like the Trump much no more, so I don't watch them much no more. They sold out!

F them!

Jul 14, 2007
When it comes to dealing with Russia, one man can play chess while the others would just be playing checkers...


Oct 12, 2008
When we'd drive around Trump was very interested in real estate, every large comlex
or highrise we passed he knew the owner of every one of them, that was before he even owned
anything in Manhatten. At Maxwell's he was only interested in impressing the young women, &
no he never displayed any female traits. He was a braggert & he was possessed about hair even then
but it never bothered me, in both cases so was I.

Seems to me it isn't that he can't get along with the Republican Beltway Pundits because they all
fear his unexpected rise to the top. Did you hear that 'loser' Rick Lowry on Megan Kelly the other
night, how can anyone berate Trump when those in in own party are so intent on persuading
listeners to reject Trump. He's changed the 'Rules of engagement' in political debate & the Rhino
politico's are besides themselves that they don't seem to have a large forum for their ideas like
they did before Trump. He calls them out, that doesn't seem strange to me!

Trump is too dangerous for the establishment, neverbend. Too much of an unknown. Lobbyists can't touch him. Most importantly, though, his personna kills him; too brash, insults in a blink of an eye,..........can't help himself, lol. America NEEDS someone like him, imo, different persona. Red side will be represented by yet another corporate whore my guess is Rubio. Good looking, smooth talker and passionate , good speaker. I'd be stunned if Jeb represents the red....................................................................nice to see Mr Trump expose and ruffle feathers. He finally got Rubio to backlash after two full days of insults; now these two are goign at it, lol........... Enjoy the show.................:)


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