I didn't say created Jobs you arrogant piece of dung! I said creates markets. YES, govt of some sort has ALWAYS been needed to create and maintain "free markets". Doesn't matter if the Govt is/was good or bad. It was and is still needed. Your idolized "free market" with all it's buyers and sellers competing with each other WOULD NOT EXIST without intensive government support and regulation. Do you think that's an "American" thing dumbfuck?
Oh geez...let's see....how about the fucking Chinese, Babylonians, and Egyptians in like 2000 B.C. No they didn't ESTABLISH and CREATE Marketplaces did they? No they also didn't build roads and canals and provide infrastructure did they? No Markets just fucking "appear" out of nowhere because that's how we all roll, right Sheriff Moron? Yeah you and all the dumbass right wing fucktards!!! LMFAO
Hey I know...Here's the best example yet....How about when dumb Motherfucking NeoCon Donald Rumsfeld thought all those free markets were going to "magically" appear in Iraq after we invaded there. How'd that work out? Yeah they've been a huge success hey?
You are JUST LIKE HIM...."Magic Market Dust" is just gonna float down and fix everything as soon as we get rid of Govt...LMFAO @ you COMPLETE IDIOTS!!!!
Here...I'll take 30 seconds to educate you...
IN THE REAL WORLD, not that imaginary place you reside, the GOVERNMENT creates and enforces titles to property among other things. What a concept hey? After all how does one trade (buy and sell) the right to something if he doesn't own it? How long has that been happening? I don't know...how about govt has been doing that since early civilization...No not too long...hno:
Oh and let's not forget that unlike that imaginary place in your head, here in the REAL WORLD, govt creates and maintains INFRASTRUCTURE. Oh yeah..it happens BEFORE there is a market. hey how was Wall Street doing after Hurricane Sandy? They didn't really "need" the govt to get the electricity back up and running did they? Da da da...Yeah I know...Wealth falling from the sky it was...LMFAO
"The Market" does NOT operate on it's own you dumb fucking shithead. NEVER HAS and NEVER WILL. It is by it's VERY NATURE, DEPENDENT on GOVT to create the infrastructure to help it start and to help maintain it, among other things. When scumbag corps payoff Govt and twist all the rules governing the market to THEIR Favor, well then we the people lose while the needs of the few dominate and overtake ALL. THAT is what is wrong with America today.
The failed ideology belongs to people like YOU who think Govt on it's own is the problem. You're not fucking intelligent enough to take the next step and see THE REAL PROBLEM....The problem isn't the "idea" of Govt. The problem is the scumbags who are CONTROLLING GOVT. The Govt has become nothing but puppets. Dumbfucks like you keep thinking the puppet is the problem. Walk around back dumbass and you'll see the Corporate Scumbags pulling all the strings.
So concludes your lesson for today. Maybe tomorrow you'll be worthy of another lesson.
Anarchy isn't the answer but neither is federal mandates on our most important industries.
Obviously we need property laws, environmental regulations as it pertains to air and water, police, firemen, lawyers and judges.
Infrastructure, defense and the tasks listed above are very important. We can't have any idiot flying drones or anyone drilling for oil wherever the hell they want without a permit....There are a lot of industries that the gov't needs to be far less involved in though.
Why do you think prescription drugs are so high and it is in the news right now, why wouldn't these companies overcharge when they know taxpayers are footing the bill regardless. Gov't subsidization leads to higher costs in every field.