Of course you might get a Govt. job. Or the union might be able force your company into keeping older workers on until retirement.
In a perfect capitalist world the strong the smart the lucky and the ones whose parents were get to the top and all the poor unfortunate soles who were not get to beg in the streets.
Ever go to Mexico for a while. Capytalism in its pure form.
what have the mexican's ever invented other than the tortilla and salsa
i don't really have a grasp for the mexican economy
but the education system and lack of innovation is why alot of their people are poor
not capityalism
plus the state owns most of the important stuff i believe like oil
mexico probably what i would call fascist capitalist where the state and government promotes big business and rich dudes holding a firm lock on all the important stuff
like carlos slim the telecom guy is one of the richest dudes in the world
and carlos slim didn't invent shit he just played the fascist capitalism games to come into mexico with the technology and such
people from abroad provided the technical aspect of actually setting it up