
New member
Sep 21, 2004
co-cap and el diablo. i said several times that i dont blame co-cap for my losses. i said that i was responsable for that. it wasnt a really big loss...i lost maybe 3000 $ US and i'm not crying about it. I am a working man and I can also say that I'm a big boy, always taking the blame for my own mistakes. it was my (stupid) decision to follow someone without asking any questions and without doing any research. but (there is always a "but")...i think co-captain should think about his posting ways. i'm sure there are many more people here (lurkers) who do not post much and who do not have time or knowledge to do their own capping. these people (like myself) are vulnerable to what co-cap does in his posts. and as one of the posters said to co-cap, it is not about winning or losing days or is about consistency. you can't just tout your own horn when winning. you have to post your year to date record if you are gonna be bumping your threads at the top every time you win. you have to allow us, the lurkers, to know what kind of year (overall) you are having. if you only decide to update your record on weekly basys, telling us how you won 2 of last 3 weeks (without telling us that you lost more in that one losing week than you won in the other two weeks), then i dont see any other reason for that than trying to built a customer base for a tout thing. dont get me wrong, sell your plays if you want, i dont care, but i feel i need to tell people what they will be purchasing by paying for your picks....hundreds or even thousands of picks with no profit in a long run. i see it this way....if you make (and you will) around 1000 baseball bets this season and brake even at the end, a 100$ bettor will make 1000 bets X 100$ each and it means he will put 100 000 $ of action at risk during a 6-7 month baseball season, with no guarantee to win anything at the end. of course he will not lose it all, but if you brake even at the end, he will basically have 100 000 $ of action with no profit. then is it better to put that money in a bank and get a guaranteed 2% or 3% after 6 months, without risking anything, without sweating the games and watching scoreboards every night.

i mean, it is obvious why are you doing what you are doing co-cap, and i dont have anything against it. if some people decide to pay you, i will say good for you. but please, for the sake of us "lurkers", recreational gamblers and even some compulsive gamblers, please keep it real. stop making leading statements and touting your own horn. be honest with people here.

Sep 20, 2004
Playboy.....I have never, since I posted my plays here, ever changed the way I speak or how I communicate with others....That is how I speak and that is it....You need to stop trying to read into something that is not there.....This is some funny ass shit....I have the power to influence this person into betting way over his head, and cost him to be so influence that he bet all his money and lost........Sorry, I am LMAO right....Please someone stop me from laughing so much....

Your attempts to do whatever you are trying to do is simply pathetic......Remember, I have never stated to hit a certain percentage like some people here....I have never stated for anyone to follow me cause I have only winners.....I have never stated that this game or that game is a guarantee to win....I have never stated that you should bet your house, car, wife, or all your hard earned money on any plays.....I have never stated that I am the Man with all the winners and that I never lose....I have never stated anything that would mislead or influence anyone on false pretenses hear....I speak and post the way I talk....with a lot of confidence in myself and my abilities.....Still, I never stated that my plays are all winners.....And I never ever told you to come into my threads to view my plays.....

Yeah its your fault, you admitted that....So why tell me about it....No, what it seems you want to do is play a little game by sharing a little story of your own creation....Which you of course will take the role of the little innocent victim and then make me out to be the big bad wolf.....C'mon I see right through it and others do as well.....Give me a fvcken break.....I dont tell you or anyone how to bet or what to bet.....Those are my plays that I play and share with others, plain and simple.....Its your choice to follow them or fade them....If you cant handle what or how I chose to speak or post to my many followers who enjoy reading my post, then stay the Fvck out and away from my threads....Telling me what I should and shouldnt do wont work my friend....You have no grounds to be telling or insisting that I do what you want....Get a grip!

Bottom line is that I dont control you or the way you think or what you chose to do.....And also, I dont need to hear your choice for doing it......But thanks for the compliment, and trying so hard to make it seem this way......Still, give me a break my friend!......Your coming on here and telling me and the whole world that you are so weak and pathetic as to read my post and want to bet your house or money you shouldn't be betting in the first place, because of my sharing of information and plays with you, the way I do it........If so then my friend, you need more than just me to help you, you need to seek out Gamblers Anomynous(sp).....And then take some Confidence classes so that you are not so easily influenced by others, just trying to help others out......or at least get some strength to think for yourself......

Sure how easy it is to blame me, yet do it the way you chose to do it......I like the way you chose to play the innocent victim stating its not Co-Captains fault, yet continue to state how I mislead you with my words.....Then go on again and again, to state but still it is your fault....Thats a fvckin good one!.....Who else do you use this little tactic on, your wife prehaps......The guilt trip role dont fly with me little man......I wasnt born yesterday and I aint no weak pathetic man.......And btw you seem to know a lot about this business, by your trying to tell me how and what I should do.....Please, give me another break....How transparent can you possibly be....LOL.

You are not to bright like I mentioned if you think that I bought in to all this BS of yours.....You know what, let me help you out one last time......Stay out of my threads, no matter how hard it gets.....Just dont open my threads up to view my plays at all.....Dont do it....If you find that you just cant resist but to open my threads,.....punch yourselfin the nuts real hard, or tell someone close to you to kick you in the nuts real hard.....I think that if they or you do this, your going to be very successful in not viewing my threads for my plays ever again......Thus, you will now not be influence at all by me or my words and thus you wont have to be bothered or have to worry about coming up with another pathetic little to story to tell all of us......

This one plan is a GUARANTEED WINNER, if you follow it......Now this statement, I hope you are definately influenced by.......Ok, last time, in highlights for you so you dont miss it....DONT EVER GO INTO CO-CAPTAINS THREADS EVER AGAIN..... Say this several times a day before you log on to this site......I will not go into Co-Captain's threads ever again to view any of his plays, as I cant handle how he speaks or the words he post.......because it makes me want to bet and I just cant handle it anymore......Dont give up, I think that if you follow this plan of action Playboy, you will be successful in overcoming your lack of will power against me.....I know I have so much power of influence over you, but I am learning to use my powers for good and not evil.......LMFAO.....Get a grip my friend, and DONT FOR THE LAST TIME COME INTO MY THREADS TO VIEW MY PLAYS EVER AGAIN, AND ALL YOUR SO CALLED PROBLEMS WILL DISAPPEAR......Good luck and Aloha CC.

Sep 20, 2004
Dam, I feel so much better....I just helped out another lost soul from being overly influenced and annoyed by me, my words, my bumping of my own threads, my touting of myself, my posting of my plays and records in my own way, and my sharing of many winners along with my losers, also from having to view my information and writeups that I shared so freely and willingly for all to use as they see fit to.....LOL.....Dam it feels good to help.

I think now I am going to help feed the hungrey and needy.....Oh wait, I did that last week.....Hmmmmm, what to do what to do....I got it, I will now help this planet by using my power of influence to fight crime and save this planet from the Worm people....Nah, that is to much work....Oh well, I will think of something...

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by thetexaskid:
bumping threads-some do it more than others but have you thought about that someone may just get excited over having a good day? hell i do. shit if you have a kick ass day have some fun. common sense says you arent gonna keep telling everyone you suck when you do have a bad day.


Well Kid, I guess now we know that those who are complaining about me bumping my threads lack any comman sense.....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
you know what ? i wish i never posted my story..just forget it. your attitude is too much for me. have a nice day

New member
Aug 21, 2003
PLAYBOY, please dont be discouraged by one misguided, self deluded person on this forum......there are many good people here at the RX that are more than willing to have constructive, helpful dialogue with you in order that you may improve your money management and handicapping skills........Each and every one of us has been down the road and learned the lessons the hard way and are more than willing to share their thoughts, picks and experiences without the attitude.........CC is an exception to most posters here as his self esteeem and sense of self worth is disporportionatly tied into how he is perceived here...........i mean, really, if you lived in the most beautiful place on Earth (HI), would you spend as much time as he does "trying to help others win ,freely" ?? I think not, and i feel he has his own agenda, namely , representing himself as a winner , then selling picks to people who believe the b/s..Unfortunately, CC had a nice streak in CBB and it went his head...........I too tracked his results (among others, although i refrained from getting involved in the schoolyard , dick swinging b/s) and guess what ? I found the same thing you did , that is, he's just another lucky square who has deluded himself into thinking he's something he's not , a winner......I know it took some balls to come on here and tell your story and for that i give you props , but please don't be discouraged by the rants of one lucky square......there is a wealth of info to be had here and it would be a shamre if you didn't take the time to sift through the crap and find it, and profit from it ......Either way, i wish you the best of luck and hope that you can find info here that will benefit you in the future !!! gl !!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
co-captain...just one last thing

for the first and last time, i ask you politely to keep my wife out of your dirty mouth. you can all me all the names you want, but my wife is probably old enough to be your mother. thank you.

jimmyk, thanks for your nice words. i learned my lesson the hard way, and i guess i'm not the first one nor the las one to learn it like that. right now i only bet on soccer as that is the only sport i know something about and i don't even try to look out for hot handicappers to follow in sports i don't know anything about. once again, thanks. you are a good man.

Aug 20, 2002
He is a square.

99% of his plays are favorites and a good percentage of those are heavy favorites.

I predict by seasons end this man will be down lots of units.

We saw last year how people who were tracked were playing huge favorites and ended up down ALOT of units. They had a winning record but were still down tons of units. Fav's catch up with everyone.

I am tracking many people now and there are guys who are either at or close to .500 with winning percentage but still up ALOT of units. One guy in particular who also posts here I think is just 3 games over .500 but up an amazing 24 units when counting each play as 1 unit. He plays alot of dogs. Mostly dogs. He picks and chooses his Favs. On the other hand there are some guys I track that have a very good W/L record but are down alot of units on the season. One person in particular is about 20 games over /500 but he is down 25 units when counting each play as 1 unit.

Baseball is a whole different animal. W/L record can be thrown out the window as every game is stacked with vig, either positive or negative depending on the side you like. From my years of experience with baseball capping I can tell you one thing....If you consistently bet heavy favs throughout the course of the year your bankroll will diminish faster than a Nolan Ryan heater.


[This message was edited by MadCapper on May 17, 2004 at 01:00 PM.]

Sep 20, 2004

Never talked about your wife...I made a reference to your little sad guilt trip game you felt you need to play with me.....Still whatevers....Like I said you have a problem with how and what I post, then simply stay out of my thread....Plain and Simple!....If you do that, all your so called problem caused by me will be gone and no longer an issue for you.....Good day and Aloha CC.

Sep 20, 2004

I dont know what your problem is with me, but you seem to alway want to jump in....Your lack of self control in jumping in an attacking me is pathetic and very transparent.......Why arent you at your Ghost Town Major Wager......Hey BTW, I happen to see many of your post there where, after you had a Big losing day, you didnt even post or update your record for all to see several times.....Why is that?.....You complain about others not doing it, yet you yourself dont do it either when you lose big?.....That is so hypocritical of you, dont you think?

You were even asked by several of your own posters there that you should do it especially when you lose so that they would know whether it was best to follow you or fade you.....and why was it that you only updated your record there when you won....Hmmmm......Why is that?.....I am sure we can get those comments by them incase you need to be enlightened again.....You know, you have to save your comments as Mods nowadays seem to want to delete threads if it helps there cause.....I see you several times as well pushing your weight around, threaten to ban others when then are just in a little disagreement.....LMFAO....Yet you again come in here and try to start shit with others.....Well, there you may have power because you can edit peoples posts, etc....but here you aint shit.....

Do us here a favor, try not to come here and tell other posters how to run their threads, especially when YOU yourself dont do it either......Go back to your ghost town forum, and keep your shit there....I dont see people from here going over there to cause and spread shit or negativity to other posters and I wonder why?.....Over there you control and stop the negativity and then come here and spread it.....What is the RX, your personal emotional dumping ground....

Btw...I like how you came in here after you had a winning streak and started to tout your records....Record on plays, that you never once posted here......Then when confronted by this, you tried to hide behind the excuse that it was FawvDog who is posting your record over here....
....Then you even tried to TOUT your record here and tried to get people to follow you over to Major Wager, which the Mods quickly picked up on and confronted you about.....Do you remember trying to tout yourself here with you record of plays posted there, and then trying to sway people with your touting of your record over to your forum.....Hmmmm, do you remember?.....If not, I am sure many others here can refresh your mememory for you.......

Why dont you stop attacking posters at the RX and then run back to your ghost town forum Major Wager(oh and btw, I wasnt the first to call that place a ghost town, so I cant take credit for the reference....many many more people have stated this as well)....I see no one actually followed you there, huh!....Oh and why did you stop doing writeups after doing it for one hard for you...LOL.....Keep your negativity to yourself and your forum......Why dont you practice some self control and stay out of my threads....Do you think your strong enough to do this....As everyone can see I never went into your threads at all to start any shit or spread any negativity.....I am hoping you can do the same.....Aloha CC.

New member
Aug 21, 2003
MC............before u spout ur b/s about my POSTED record you shld really do the math .........for the record: 100 posted plays, 33 favs 41 dogs........19 overs .......4 unders .....never beeen under .500 all season now , i don't know what school you attended , 33 favs out of 78 side bets isn't quite 99%........i mean, if you're gonna bash, get the #'s straight.........

Aug 20, 2002
All I am doing is telling people that it is not smart to exclusively bet favs in bases.

You can continue doing it.


Sep 20, 2004
Hey MC,

Wanna address the issues in my post above....They are about you and what people here and your site said and saw you do.....I am sure people here and there can atest to.....

Aug 20, 2002

A. I wouldnt call my baseball success a winning streak. Over 2 yrs of doucmented success is not a streak.

B. How ironic it is that you are calling me a tout.

C. The only days I dont update my own record are Fridays because I am away from a computer until late Saturday night. I always update my OR lose.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
co-capt how hard can it be though to keep records after each day.
add up wins loses, and most sportsbooks that i use keep track pretty damn well. never seen them makea mistake yet, or at least not in my favor.
i know your answer; well i use 4 different books so that wont work.
ok so you add sportsbook A
sportsbook B and so on
tough hey

New member
Aug 21, 2003
mc.........sorry, my bad, please accept my sincerest apologies.........

Sep 20, 2004

Why dont you read more carefully......the reference to a winning streak is due to when you had a good run in the April.....You decided to come here and tout your record of plays that was not posted here....You even posted that record here and told everyone to come to MJ to find you and your plays....Please pay attention.....CC.

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