
"American Idol Capping Expert"
Jul 20, 2001
i know co-captain hates me, but i will chime in here anyway.

i think bucsfan hit the nail on the head. co-capt - people simply dislike how you bump bump and bump your winning threads, and let the losing threads fade. they just want you to be consistent, that's all.

i remember when i first came into one of your threads and asked you a question, and you got so mad at me!!! you took it personally instead of a question concerning how you bet. instead of getting so defensive, maybe you should consider the fact that people are simply curious, and not trying to start stuff with you.

you need to learn the phrase "LIVE AND LET LIVE." people are entitled to ask you questions; there is no need for you to yell at them for asking, just dont answer!!! no need to cry to the mods about it.

Also, for the record, I wish you much success however I am amazed at how almost all of your picks are laying the chalk.

Good luck in any case and Aloha CC. IDENTITY.

Sep 20, 2004
Originally posted by IDENTITY:

you need to learn the phrase "LIVE AND LET LIVE."

IDENTITY.....and so does everyone else.....

BTW, I dont hate you....Hate is a big negativity that will only lead to the destruction of yourself....I am not letting my feelings for you destroy me......No I dont hate you.....You are just simply the Biggest Annoying Fvckin Beatch that the Devil has ever Fvckin created,.....that is all, but trust me I dont hate you.....Aloha CC.

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
Your list of reasons that people bash is almost identical to the reasons why i think you post picks here and i'm sure a shrink would tell you the same... keep it up kid youre a great fade. but hope you win on the angels tonight since i'm on them as well.

Sep 20, 2004

Have a great day.....and fade away my friend fade away.....Hey btw, didnt I post that I was going to post a late play, you should of waited to see what I was on then faded it like you say you do....Or, maybe you just stated that you fade me, as to throw me off and make me think that, but in reality you will actually coattail me to the end of time....Yep, I think your a coattailer....plain and simple....Nothing wrong with that though, keep your head up....

If you disagree joey.....that is why you need to post what your playing....This way, people can actually believe the shit you spit out....C'mon joey, show us your value and worth.....Please if you do provide a writeup as well with that play....You are capable of doing a writeup arent you?...LMFAO!...Well, I hope we win this one.....GL and Aloha CC.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
bumping threads-some do it more than others but have you thought about that someone may just get excited over having a good day? hell i do. shit if you have a kick ass day have some fun. common sense says you arent gonna keep telling everyone you suck when you do have a bad day.

joey-i dont mean to bash, thats not my style, but you want things from cap (records,etc..) well why dont you share with us what good you do for us in the forum

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
I'd be more than happy to have a little <friendly> competition with everyone’s hero, co-cappy. I usually only play one play a day, so I might have trouble keeping up with him… I’d also require him to actually count the juice when his favorites lose. I will gladly never flame him nor question his record ever again if he beats me... Let me know

Sep 20, 2004
joey, joey, joey,

This is MLB with ML and RL the juice is already calculated in......You need to educated yourself and stop with your insistant lack of control of your lips....It is getting rather old....And since you couldn't refrain from calling me a name....I must now refer to you by your real name joeybaganumbnuts. want to challenge me....Then go ahead....I, on the other hand, have more important business with the Man...Sorry, but my competition with him far out ways any competition with anyone here, especially you numbnuts.....You want to challenge me for what, bragging rights, pleassssse....Let me save us all some time.....You Win!....Now go Brag on joeybaganumbnuts, your a WINNER!....Now that you won, you can go back to playing with yourself in the corner...

When you grow up though, I still would like to see if you have what it takes to post your one play, and back it up with a thorough indepth writeup with more than just simple common knowledge or statements like, "I am taking the Diamondbacks, because Randy Johnson is 6'10 and he can throw the ball really fast", or "I am playing the Chicago Cubs because Sammy Sosa can hit the ball really far....He has many many homeruns....Believe me I saw him hit one over the wall on TV....That is why this is a LOCK for me." and heres one not to use, "I am playing this one cause I got a inside information from my best pal IDENTITY, she playing it as a GOY and she the bomb." You cant use that cause it wont be fair to steal her plays.....

If you think that you are up to this challenge little numbnuts, then show us your worth.....Until then little numbnuts, stick to the sidelines and shut the hell up......Let me know Waterboy, when your going to post....We will make it a Big Magical Event....I will promote the shit out of this historic event, and invite everyone to the coming out party....

"American Idol Capping Expert"
Jul 20, 2001
co-capt. i would not play joeybagofdonuts if i were you. he had a contest with kodiak and got CRUSHED, and then stiffed kodiak for the prize money of $1,000.00. if you want to get stiffed, play joey. if you do not want to get stiffed, i would not play with him

Mahalo and Aloha, IDENTITY.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Nut bag,

I doubt CoCappy really cares what you do day in, day out. I dont think anyone in here should really care much. Its no wonder this site has gone down hill since the early days. People sit around and wait for someone to have a bad day, and then jump all over them. I agree, people tend to remember their winners more than their losers, but my thought was that these boards in the beginning were to work together to pick winners, now its become a "I cant wait for him to lose, so I can attack him" sort of thing. Much the reason why I read these now for entertainment, not info or other opinions. Its like a bunch of 10 yr olds arguing who did what first.

Sep 20, 2004
Attention All:

I had a fvcked up day today.....I lost BIG...I apologize to those that followed me.....I say to those that hate me, party on cause I lost.....Just remember, this is just one day my friends.....Today I lost, and their will be other days which I will lose and so will many other people as well.....But there will be many days which I will win, many more days......So just remember, this is only one day and that there are many more money making opportunities on the Horizon....And I will be there when it happens, BELIEVE THAT!

joeybaganumbnuts....dummy you should of waited and faded me on my last play....What a Idiot!

New member
Oct 20, 2002
best of luck to you

you will have them i am sure

enjoy your thoughts and respect them

Sep 20, 2004
IDENTITY.....Read a little more carefully to my statement to him....I am not going to challenge him to a capping contest...Please...I did though put a challenge to him to post his one play and provide a writeup for it to show us all his worth, value, and contribution to this forum other than to bash.....I say he wont do it....Probably state what nysports says, "why should I post when I can fade many here." That is the classic, "I cant cap for shit", escape clause that many jealous insecure bitches like to use.....Either PUT UP OR SHUT UP.....Plain and Simple....

New member
Oct 20, 2002
People ..if you don't like someone's style, posting, or whatever ...just stay away and don't look. This forum is supposed to help each other beat the man. Let whoever be. One thing you cannot question is Cap's passion to cap the games.


el diablo

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
Figures... . i'm jealous of you, right? get some new material. I got a "lock" for you. Its a lock you'll finish in the negative (units wise) for the baseball season. mark my words.

Joey, please refrain from the name calling in the sports forums.....thank you

[This message was edited by bucsfan67 on May 16, 2004 at 11:18 PM.]

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
gonna end another fun day in the bases forum, there is a copy in the rubber room, if u feel the need to further discuss this matter...
Sep 20, 2004
I't has only taken you guys 5 months to figure this out.

maybe someone should of listened to truely 5 months ago.

glad i'm done with soap opera stuff until football.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

co-captain i think people are doing a good thing when they ask you questions.and they do a nice service to the forum and here is why: (i never intended to talk about this before but now i will, since i dont care if some posters here will call me a loser...i know i am bad at capping and yes, i'm a loser, but i do have a nice life outside the gambling world so i cant really complain)
when i started posting my plays in college basketball this season, you jumped in one of my threads literall yelling at me "so what if you like a team X ? where are your writeups ? where are the writeups ? you dont contribute by posting your picks only !" etc etc..and i was only posting a few plays of mine, and i wasnt really into writing writeups in a language that is not my native language - i'm just an immigrant from greece, living and working in you can understand what pain in the ass would be for me to write writeups for my games...just like it is right now to write this lol.

so, i felt unwanted here after your insult, i checked your posts and i saw quite a few people posting in your daily threads and i thaught you were someone who was doing well, and who was a well respected and established capper here,.

then, i dont know why, i decided to follow your plays without thinking...two weeks later half of my bankrol was gone, playing your picks only, following your unit system. i dont blame you for this, but i did have a feeling that you were the best capper here as your posts were always on top, always winning. but when my bankrol was gone, i said to my sel;f it cant be happening, this guy is always winning. iobviously i stoped betting (due to the losses) and did a lenghty research on you...then i was surprised to see that you were in the red year to date, and i also discovered that you always bumped your winning threads several times and never a losing thread. thats how i got tricked into all that co-captain hype....once again, i dont blame you, you at least proved to me that you were a good salesman...but not a really good capper...then from that point on, i was making "paper bets" meaning, i was writing down your plays and pretending to play got hot late in the season but my numbers showed me that i would stil be in a hole (small one) even if i was cotailing you all the time til the end.

i continued with those paper bets when baseball started, and i quit doing it probably two weeks ago whn i saw that you were in the red in baseball as well..

i said to myself,i will not keep doing this any more...its worthless...but stil, it bothers me when i see you bumping your winning threads every time, and not the losing threads. it bothers me when you keep bringing up your contact info (by the way there is a guy at covers-website promotions forum who asked you a question about your contact info that you never responded to....why do you think anyone needs your contact info other than for selling plays) it bothers me when you yell at other people and pretending that you are the best one here. it bothers me when you say we will bitch slap the man today because that is a leading statement ...and all of the above led me to my $0 bankrol.

once again, i dont hate you, i feel im responsable for my losses, but your tricks did me in. now plkease everyone, call me a loser, because i do lose a lot betting sports, i dont care. i just wanted to warn other people not to make the same mistake. and by the way, i cant understand why would you bring up the "tout" point again....what do you think you would sell to people "good health and good spirits" ?, "alloha and mahalos" ? stats avaiable everywhere on the internet for free ? i really dont see anything else that you should be able to charge for.

just my two cents

Sep 20, 2004
Well Playboy, first I dont know you, have ever heard of you, or even recall responding to you at all......Still, if stated that you followed me and you lost well....that means that I lost as well what do you want from me....Losing is part of this game....You cant win them all.....It seems that your assumptions on this sports investing thing is very off and misguided....This is also a FREE forum....and you sometimes gotta take it FWIW......

Hey buddy, I lost today also, so it the end for me....Of course not.....You obviously are pissed and dont like me either....Thats Ok with me I still will go out to party tonight and fall asleep like a baby when I get home.....Nice story btw....but suck it up my friend tomorrow is another day and another chance to correct the mistakes of your past......Go through some others cappers threads here and go pick you out a winner to follow my friend.....I could help you in who to follow, but I dont want you back again blaming me through your method of blaming yourself first, to be used on me again.....Plus I dont want to offend anyone here if I dont state who they are....

And unit ratings is left up to you to decide what to designate how much per a unit to play......I dont tell you what to bet, how to bet, how much to bet, or even to bet....All I do is post what I feel are good plays and the reasons why and designate a value to them and then the rest is up to you to decide what to do....Follow them or Fade them.......Your choice, your decision, no gun to yours or anyones head......Sorry for your lost, but dont give up.....Get back on the horse.....This time stay far away from my plays and my threads as possible.....JMO...Gl and Aloha CC.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Playboy .....if you follow one person on the internet you have many problems kid. Look in the mirror to find blame for your missing bankroll. Spend some time finding out who are decent cappers and take all of them into account. Why do you think there are so many offshore sites and local bookies, just like casinos ....they have the edge. This crap is hard to do, not everyone wins.

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
sorry to hear that.. .stories like yours are the reason that i get on people that dont accurately track thier record and use used carsalesman like pitches.

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