1. You are a bigot
Right...opposing an idea makes someone a bigot. Only idiots like finch would believe dumb ass dimocrap talking points like this...especially considering his party's history of racism (even to this day).
2. You like eating, drinking and breathing poison.
Yeah, I like all kinds of poison in my diet all the time. Thank God the EPA is here to continue polluting our environment so plenty of poison is on tap.
3. You think the rich don't have enough money
Nothing wrong with maxing out earning potential. Everything wrong with reaching into someone else's pocket and taking their money when you did nothing to earn it. How do you define "enough" btw, fuckface? Can we get an exact number, or do I need to wait for a few more lifetimes?
4. You don't support our veterans
Yeah, anti-war rallies are overwhelmingly attended by conservatives. And it was conservatives who spit on troops who came home from Vietnam. How's the Stuttering Clusterfuck's VA hospital system improvement coming along, btw? Glad he really cares.
5. You like big deficits
I have no love for tax and spend RINOs. Except dumb fucks like you don't even know how money is raised and spent in Congress, so what's the point of explaining where those deficits originated?
6. You don't believe in free speech.
Right. The Left is very welcoming and tolerant of diverse opinions...especially on college campuses!
7. You like big government
Nope. The smaller, the better. Don't get excited, though...that applies to only government, not your brain or your pathetic pecker.
8. You want government to hurt people, but not help them
Seems to me the best way to hurt someone is keep them dependent on handouts. Remind me which party's existence revolves around doing that?
9. You are greedy, short sighted and rich
:::blah blah blah outdated and tired class warfare talking points blah blah blah:::
10. You like torture
Anyone who reads your posts is starting to question themselves about this.