Tiznow I know you are a self-described fucking goofball, but your sense of humor leaves much to be desired.
To Artie's alcohol-drenched liver:
I can spend hours and hours talking about this topic. I can also in detail explain US foreign aid to Israel, why we do it, where the money is spent, etc. The question is, what would it achieve?
The fact is the world gives more money to the Palestinians than any other people. And what do they do with it? How much did the gonorrhea infested sewer Arafat die with? Who gave it to him?
The money spent by the US on Israel is peanuts compared with the defense and economic aid lavished by the US on Europe. Does anyone bitch about it?
There were no objections to the US economic and defense subsidies when Britain was ruthlessly putting down uprisings in Malaysia, or France in Algeria. So why the resentment of Israel.
Certainly if you are worried about Palestinian lives, I would expect you would be talking about Jordan. Jordan has killed thousands of more Palestinians than Israel. Jordan continues to be the fourth largest recipent of US foreign aid.
I find it hard to believe you oppose helping the only democratic strategic ally in a region in which all the other countries are Muslim dictatorships, who either actively support global Muslim terrorism, or wouldn’t stand against it.
The assistance Israel gets from the US is cir. 3% of GDP and most [74%] of it is spent in the US, often to the detriment of local Israeli industry.
Israel R&D has massively assisted the US. So I very much doubt that they will want to stop assistance.
Some of the dollars Israel gets is matched by annual aid to Egypt. This segment is a result of the Camp David peace accords.
Some is actually loan guarantees, and Israel has a perfect track record on repayment.
Do you wish (do I really need to ask??????) Israel did not have the military advantage it did, so that it would be vulnerable to blackmail and destruction? Maybe the US won't have to spend so much money and manpower in the Middle East if the Arab world would give up the goal of annihilating Israel.
If Arabs dropped their guns, there would be peace; if Israel dropped its guns, there would be no Israel.
As the US aids dozens of countries, Muslim countries included, and as the US aid to Egypt alone, for instance, is commensurate to Israel.
I don't see harm done to US interests by having Israel as a strategic ally, the US’s only trustworthy and capable strategic ally in this part of the world.
If things got messed up in the war on Saddam’s regime, and things can get messed up in any war, the only country in the region that American soldiers could rely on for getting immediate and top level medical treatment, for instance, is Israel.
As the military aid is money that never leaves the US, as it is given on condition that Israel would purchase from American companies only, this is a way in which the US helps US industry. Why stop the subsidizing of US industry?
Why lose Israel’s contribution to the US in quite a few Hi-Tech realms, civilian and military alike?
Washington Post, Jan. 31, 2001 -- “In Beirut, Lebanon, delegates to a pan-Islamic conference... called for the elimination of the Jewish state... In a communique issued after the three-day conference, the nearly 400 delegates from about 40 Arab and Muslim countries said jihad (holy war) and resistance against Israel were the "only decisive option"...
What do you think? -- Could that, “in any way”, be connected to why Israel needs a strong Army?
The US is in a 10 to 15 year war on global Muslim terrorism. No country, the US included, has Israel’s intelligence, experience, tactics and means to carry out highly successful counter terrorism warfare. No other country has ever come close to Israel’s ability to combat terror, which has a success rate of over 99%. The help that the US gets from Israel in her war on global terrorism is more meaningful than what any other country can deliver.
Imagine the cost in lives and in economic loss due to just one airliner that would be downed during takeoff by a small shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missile. This is a real threat. This would result in hundreds of deaths. The (underestimated) official estimate is $20 billion. What about a second downed airliner?
The prevention of just one single such terror attack, thanks to Israel’s help, would save more than a few years of aid to Israel. The loss of lives cannot be measured by money.
Now, stop the aid to Israel, and board your next flight...
The American Pres., administration, and experts DON'T AID ISRAEL OUT OF PURE KINDNESS! They help Israel because it serves American interests. In terms of a cold lose-gain calculation, the US benefits by aiding Israel and by having Israel as a strategic ally.
Did you know that on Sept. 11, the head of the Saudi Arabia desk in the CIA didn’t even speak Arabic? He couldn’t assess critical intelligence directly from the source, and had to rely on translation. The first country that the US turned to for help, within hours on Sept. 11, was Israel. The US received more than she hoped to get. Now, have a nice flight... and enjoy your next visit to the mall... and cross that bridge safely... get back home and enjoy your computer time, thanks to the mutually beneficial relationship between the U.S. and Israel.
Do you need more?
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