Thread should be entitled, "Time To Tell The Truth About Hatespeech."
This and worse is what gets posted in the Arab medias everyday. Arab leadership "preparing" their enslaved subjects for peace.
As for Dilrod, a person as rotten to the core as I've ever encountered on here -- Blames the US gov't for murdering its own citizens on 9/11 and the Jews for everything else.
QL hatespeech is anything that's prejudice or disparaging about an entire group. I have nothing against the Muslim religion but you're blind if you think the people in that video have any tolerance of other religions whatsoever.
That is not a demonstration against Israeli action [which is defensive] in Gaza. That is a demonstration against THE EXISTENCE of Israel. And when they're done with Israel they'll burp and come after the rest of us.
I have zero tolerance for uncompromising fanatical thugs. Are they a race?
Hint for the uninformed regarding hatespeech: If you view the word Zionist or Zionism in an article skip it. It's most likely a racist diatribe.
The people who live in Israel aren't Zionests; they're Israelis.
Just as I don't take offense to your gleeful slaughter of innocent animals. I have many friends who are carnivores.mamatried, im not gonna take offense at that childish remark. we simply have different opinions and views about this subject. its like betting on football, some have opinions on one team, others bet opposite. its all good, but we can still be friends.:toast:
Scott, I know it's a long read and I didn't read the whole thing at first. But the article seems to be criticizing Zionist leaders, not the entire Jewish population on earth.
In fact, here is a quote from the article:
"We need to drop the ludicrous, childish, labels of Jew and Gentile and Muslim and all this illusory crap and come together in the name of peace and justice for all. There is not a Jewish injustice or a Palestinian injustice, there is simply injustice."
Is anyone able to be objective on this whole situation?
On one hand you have opinions like the intial article that manages to recite every bit of injustice suffered by the palestians at the hands of Israel, while only dedicating 1 or 2
sentences in denouncing Hamas's actions. Then on the other hand we have Mamatried's version of history which conveniently forgets to mentions Jewish terrorist groups like Lehi who killed innocent people (just like Hamas) to further their cause.
Both sides of this conflict have their share of the blame. For those that criticize Israel for using excessive force, think for a second. If the tables were turned and Hamas and Hezbollah had the the military resources that Israel currently possess you dont think they would use them?! They would bomb the shit out of Telaviv just like Israel are doing to Gaza.
Secretly I think that Hamas and Hezbollah actually welcome these Israeli attacks. In the long term it will only strengthen their position within their communtities meaning more donations and more poor souls that they can brainwash into becoming suicide bombers. Likewise the Israeli goverment benefit too. Is it just a coincidence that their elections are approaching, anybody heard of the politics of fear?
War is great for some and terrible for others. For those that love it they can make great deals of money and consolidate their power. For the rest there is just death and misery. The general population on both sides are pawns, usually manipulated by religion.
3) Honestly its 21st century. It's time this religion state crap be cut out. Why can't Israel/Palestine be western democracy? 1 person/1vote? World is becoming so interdependent boarders don't matter anymore.
QL - Kumbaya Kumbaya. Of course, when it comes to people like the author of this article and most of the rest of the world it's only Jewish injustices (I should say perceived Jewish injustices) that generate any outrage at all. Where was CNN/NPR/BBC/the UN et al BEFORE the retaliation when the daily barrage of rockets were landing in Israeli cities?
I can't understand why anyone would say the leadership of Israel is against peace, or enjoys going to war knowing innocent people will be killed on the other side.
Sorry Alense, you are wrong. There is nothing to be gained from any Israeli leaders by being in a perpetual state of war...
You can't be serious! I hear more about Palestinian atrocities than I hear about Israeli atrocities and it's always slanted against the Palestinians.