TIGER 5 over par through first 5 holes!!!


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I see the haters are still hating....people sure hate dirty laundry.....

Pure and simple, the best player I have seen in my lifetime....

With the exception of Nicklaus !! You can call it hate if you want. Most of us have just had our eyes open for last 20 months or so.

Oct 16, 2004
Tiger won the U.S. Open playing on a broken leg and he didn't quit..A lot of posters in here with short memories. Just a wild guess, but I would say he is really injured and didn't want to injure it further.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
I see the haters are still hating....people sure hate dirty laundry.....

Pure and simple, the best player I have seen in my lifetime....

TY MURRAY may have been the best rodeo cowboy ever, doesn't mean we have to like the guy.

Tiger has provided the masses with numerous doings to enable them not to like him.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Tiger won the U.S. Open playing on a broken leg and he didn't quit..A lot of posters in here with short memories. Just a wild guess, but I would say he is really injured and didn't want to injure it further.

Given his proven track record, he may have exaggerated the extent of the injury............just sayin.

I wouldn't put anything past this clown any longer........a gamer he is not........a quitter he be.

New member
Feb 20, 2011
one thing that will always remain true.....chicken shits will always kick a man when he's on the ground.....everybody is smart after the fact, but all the "smart guys" cant show their picks, all they do is bash after the fact.

as far as tiger goes, i'm a tiger homer. the guy has problems way bigger than i thought. he hasnt played in a month or so, so i can understand him having a little rust yesterday, but to be honest with you, i could have beat tiger yesterday. i really dont know what to say about yesterday, it was sad if your a tiger fan.

I heard Brandel Chamblee last night say a couple of things that could be wrong with Tiger. He said it could be his neck, his other knee, and he also said the obvious, that its in his head. Chamblee seemed to think we may not see Tiger play again for awhile, possibly the year.

Anyways, like I said i dont know what to say about Tiger yesterday. As a Tiger fan, it was sad. Phil, Westwood they've all had their times of bad golf so maybe for the first time of his career its Tigers turn.

New member
Feb 20, 2011
Given his proven track record, he may have exaggerated the extent of the injury............just sayin.

I wouldn't put anything past this clown any longer........a gamer he is not........a quitter he be.

He may have also not told everybody what the real injury is, as he has done before as well. Not saying he did, but he could have. If he was acting yesterday, he should get an Oscar. Regardless, the injury was supposed to sideline him for 4-6 weeks. He came back on the short end of that scale...who knows whats wrong with the guy

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
one thing that will always remain true.....chicken shits will always kick a man when he's on the ground.....everybody is smart after the fact, but all the "smart guys" cant show their picks, all they do is bash after the fact.

as far as tiger goes, i'm a tiger homer. the guy has problems way bigger than i thought. he hasnt played in a month or so, so i can understand him having a little rust yesterday, but to be honest with you, i could have beat tiger yesterday. i really dont know what to say about yesterday, it was sad if your a tiger fan.

I heard Brandel Chamblee last night say a couple of things that could be wrong with Tiger. He said it could be his neck, his other knee, and he also said the obvious, that its in his head. Chamblee seemed to think we may not see Tiger play again for awhile, possibly the year.

Anyways, like I said i dont know what to say about Tiger yesterday. As a Tiger fan, it was sad. Phil, Westwood they've all had their times of bad golf so maybe for the first time of his career its Tigers turn.

I'm one of those bashers ! I don't have any plays on this tournament, but stated earlier in the week in one of these threads that Tiger is not winning this tournament. My primary action for golf is no majors by Tiger-120 What happened yesterday was good news for me in my play. Tiger has bad karma now, he did this to himself, so lets not play the victim card that we are all kicking him while he is down.

New member
Feb 20, 2011
this isnt a major. since your a phil lover, tiger beat phil at augusta...should we make fun of phil since he sucked at augusta? or should we make fun of him since tiger has won more than twice as many majors than phil? or should we make fun of phil since tiger has won twice as many golf tourn as phil?

its your choice guru? your the know it all after it happens so which one do we bash phil for?

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
this isnt a major. since your a phil lover, tiger beat phil at augusta...should we make fun of phil since he sucked at augusta? or should we make fun of him since tiger has won more than twice as many majors than phil? or should we make fun of phil since tiger has won twice as many golf tourn as phil?

its your choice guru? your the know it all after it happens so which one do we bash phil for?

Just because I root for Phil doesn't mean I keep making excuses for him or keep playing the shoulda woulda coulda card nonsense that you and VD throw on here. No one here has said he is as good as Tiger. He is his own worst enemy at times, thats not earth shattering news. Phil is even a worse putter then Tiger is. Who cares if Phil didn't beat Tiger at the Masters. If you have followed my posts, they have been very consistent before the first major was even played. We are talking about major WINS brother. I'm betting against Tiger not to win a major. Their are several reasons why its not going to happen this year.

New member
Feb 20, 2011
Just because I root for Phil doesn't mean I keep making excuses for him or keep playing the shoulda woulda coulda card nonsense that you and VD throw on here. No one here has said he is as good as Tiger. He is his own worst enemy at times, thats not earth shattering news. Phil is even a worse putter then Tiger is. Who cares if Phil didn't beat Tiger at the Masters. If you have followed my posts, they have been very consistent before the first major was even played. We are talking about major WINS brother. I'm betting against Tiger not to win a major. Their are several reasons why its not going to happen this year.

i'm pretty sure i've told you i dont think your bet is a dumb bet....and i'm pretty sure i said i doubt you care if i thought it was a dumb bet. do i hope you lose? yes i do, but only because i'm a tiger fan. if he plays in the majors, you will sweat em. who knows if he wins, i'm kinda doubting he does as of now, but i dont think he is as bad a golfer as he showed yesterday either.

as i've also stated before, i dont like phil. but i dont bash on him when he sucks either. i've stated i respect his game. i bet on him today to shoot under 70.5 as a matter of fact, which i also posted last night. i dont go bashing him when he does his typical phil blowup and loses the golf tourn though

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
this isnt a major. since your a phil lover, tiger beat phil at augusta...should we make fun of phil since he sucked at augusta? or should we make fun of him since tiger has won more than twice as many majors than phil? or should we make fun of phil since tiger has won twice as many golf tourn as phil?

its your choice guru? your the know it all after it happens so which one do we bash phil for?

BTW, I think I have stated this too. Its ok to root for players or teams that aren't the best. I root for the Cubs, not making a case for them on anything either. Phil is a damn good player, that I like watching play, mostly because of his imagination over the years. I realize he has tanked major championships along with just getting beat too. I'm also a big Favre guy too. I know their are the haters, but he was my QB. Just live with the bad times with Tiger. Bubba didn't say anything wrong, he was just asked a question and answered it. You guys are to sensitive.

New member
Feb 20, 2011
BTW, I think I have stated this too. Its ok to root for players or teams that aren't the best. I root for the Cubs, not making a case for them on anything either. Phil is a damn good player, that I like watching play, mostly because of his imagination over the years. I realize he has tanked major championships along with just getting beat too. I'm also a big Favre guy too. I know their are the haters, but he was my QB. Just live with the bad times with Tiger. Bubba didn't say anything wrong, he was just asked a question and answered it. You guys are to sensitive.

i never said bubba said anything wrong at all. i'm a bubba fan and bubba and tiger are friends. tiger likes playing practice rounds with bubba because he learns shots he doesnt see, thats what he says anyways. I dont just like the best. I do like the great players for the most part in all sports. i like Jordan,Nicklaus, Kobe, Shaq, A-rod.....but i damn sure dont like the yankees or the lakers..do i like these guys off the field or court or course?? who knows, i dont know them or try to act like i know them. but when they are playing their sport, they are my favorite.....your favorite guys are all guys you think you connect with, there is nothing wrong with that but i could care less what these guys do on their own time. almost all phil fans are fans of favre....i dont like favre much either for the same probs i have with phil.....they do stupid shit when playing their sports....favre throws up a pass for no reason and get intercepted, and phil goes for shots that he doesnt have to for no reason...they work out for them sometimes and the casual fans fall in love....one of the big differences in tiger and phil's career is tiger has pulled off the shots on the weekends that phil tried on thurs and fri

New member
Feb 20, 2011
just to add, as far as my favorite qb and my second favorite athlete in all sports behind tiger....its peyton manning

Oct 16, 2004
Given his proven track record, he may have exaggerated the extent of the injury............just sayin.

I wouldn't put anything past this clown any longer........a gamer he is not........a quitter he be.
I'm not sure what kind of history you can base this statement on. He's never quit before, why now? Judging by his embarassement in front of media yesterday, this wasn't something he was planning on. The fact that he played so well at the Masters tells me it really is a serious injury. Basically the same injury that he's had for the last two and a half years. The biggest reason why I didn't like Tiger to win any of the majors this year is his injuries. Both the one's he's been trying to recover from, and the one he has now. Multiple injuries like this has ended many athletes careers. My gut feeling is there is nobody who loves the game of golf more than Tiger Woods. It's the big reason why he has been so successful. I just don't think that he's the kind of person who thinks "if I don't play good in the first few holes I'm going to walk off the course." 14 majors wins tells me he's not a quitter.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
just to add, as far as my favorite qb and my second favorite athlete in all sports behind tiger....its peyton manning
Not much of a Kobe fan, respect his game though, Arod is a cheater. Don't like him at all. I guess I could see a casual fan liking Arod. I liked Jordan and Shaq too. Peyton is a favorite. Packers are my team in the NFL so if Favre had played somewhere else for the bulk of his career he might not have been my all time favorite QB.

New member
Feb 20, 2011
I'm not sure what kind of history you can base this statement on. He's never quit before, why now? Judging by his embarassement in front of media yesterday, this wasn't something he was planning on. The fact that he played so well at the Masters tells me it really is a serious injury. Basically the same injury that he's had for the last two and a half years. The biggest reason why I didn't like Tiger to win any of the majors this year is his injuries. Both the one's he's been trying to recover from, and the one he has now. Multiple injuries like this has ended many athletes careers. My gut feeling is there is nobody who loves the game of golf more than Tiger Woods. It's the big reason why he has been so successful. I just don't think that he's the kind of person who thinks "if I don't play good in the first few holes I'm going to walk off the course." 14 majors wins tells me he's not a quitter.

good point...he's hurt. Tiger woods would not fire a 43 on 9 holes with an early tee time if there wasnt something wrong with him. who knows the extent of his injuries...i know none of us know whats really going on with him

New member
Feb 20, 2011
Not much of a Kobe fan, respect his game though, Arod is a cheater. Don't like him at all. I guess I could see a casual fan liking Arod. I liked Jordan and Shaq too. Peyton is a favorite. Packers are my team in the NFL so if Favre had played somewhere else for the bulk of his career he might not have been my all time favorite QB.

how are you a fan of baseball at all if you dont like guys because they "cheated"? hell if you werent doing steroids a few years ago, you were the minority. arod was pumping juice before they were testing the players for it as well, and it really wasnt against the rules too much. he's solid on defense and prob one of the best hitters of all time....i've stated before i could care less if these guys are pumping roids. i guess you werent rooting for sosa back in his cubs days? arods grown up alot since he got screwed on the "random, unknown" steroids test leaking out imo

New member
Feb 20, 2011
phil falling apart on this back nine...i need him to par the last two hole, need him at -2 or better today

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
how are you a fan of baseball at all if you dont like guys because they "cheated"? hell if you werent doing steroids a few years ago, you were the minority. arod was pumping juice before they were testing the players for it as well, and it really wasnt against the rules too much. he's solid on defense and prob one of the best hitters of all time....i've stated before i could care less if these guys are pumping roids. i guess you werent rooting for sosa back in his cubs days? arods grown up alot since he got screwed on the "random, unknown" steroids test leaking out imo
I've been a baseball fan for along time. This generation has cheated the history of the game. Your right, I can't stand Sosa even if he was a Cub, McGuire, Palmeroid, Bonds, Clemens,or any of them. Griffey did it the right way. Piazza did it the right way. A few others did too. I'm not a fan as much as I was back in the day. Aaron,Mays, Clemente didn't cheat. Koufax didn't cheat, Gibson didn't cheat, Ernie Banks didn't cheat. Mantle didn't cheat.

New member
Feb 20, 2011
I've been a baseball fan for along time. This generation has cheated the history of the game. Your right, I can't stand Sosa even if he was a Cub, McGuire, Palmeroid, Bonds, Clemens,or any of them. Griffey did it the right way. Piazza did it the right way. A few others did too. I'm not a fan as much as I was back in the day. Aaron,Mays, Clemente didn't cheat. Koufax didn't cheat, Gibson didn't cheat, Ernie Banks didn't cheat. Mantle didn't cheat.

yea, those guys are before my time and i dont like watching replays

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