This is what a sane(and Nationally Electable) Republican Sounds Like


New member
Oct 29, 2010
If you actually believe the whole "the fringe right controls the party" narrative, you should be taking advantage of the generous odds on the fringe right candidates to win the nomination. The reality is we're more likely to get a Rubio than a Cruz.
They haven't taken over in terms of amount of people but the far right fringe are the loudest in the party. Control is probably the wrong word.....but they have the loudest voice for sure and I think it hurts the moderates chances of getting thru a primary.
Jan 24, 2012
They haven't taken over in terms of amount of people but the far right fringe are the loudest in the party. Control is probably the wrong word.....but they have the loudest voice for sure and I think it hurts the moderates chances of getting thru a primary.

This I agree with. Just of the opinion it'll be Romney 2012 all over again when it really comes down to it.

Jul 4, 2012
"Kasich just scored the lowest ever in my focus group.His support of bailouts "for people who can afford it" scored an 8. "

-Frank Luntz

Shockingly, this idiotic sewer rat is wrong yet again.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Focus Group: Kasich Irked New Hampshire Voters During Debate

Ohio Gov. John Kasich tried to get attention by being aggressive in Tuesday’s Republican presidential debate, but a focus group in New Hampshire shows that the Ohio governor particularly rubbed voters the wrong way in Milwaukee.

Luntz Global — the firm of public opinion guru Frank Luntz — released a memo Wednesday morning after conducting a focus group of 27 Republican primary voters in Nashua, New Hampshire during the televised debate.

The memo, focusing on six things candidates do that voters dislike, singled out Kasich for particularly irking the voters in the Nashua focus group on both style and substance. It’s especially painful to Kasich considering New Hampshire is the early state his campaign has really focused on.

“Governor Kasich scored the lowest we’ve ever measured in a primary debate when he backed the big bank bailouts,” the Luntz Global memo stated.

During the debate, Kasich and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz sparred over the issue. “What would you do if the bank was failing?” Cruz asked Kasich at one point.

“I would not let the people who put their money in there all go down,” Kasich replied.

“So you — you would bail them out,” Cruz said.

“As an executive — no. As an executive, I would figure out how to separate those people who can afford it versus those people, or the hard-working folks who put those money in those institutions,” Kasich said to boos from the audience.

According to the Luntz memo, when Kasich “added that he would ‘separate those people who could afford it,’ our voters exploded.”

“Jeers, catcalls, even profanity … it was a complete rejection not just of his position but of his candidacy,” the memo stated. “The thought that Washington would means test a bailout is absolute poison in a GOP primary.”

The focus group also had issues with Kasich’s style, according to Luntz, especially his repeated attempts to elbow himself into discussions.

John Kasich couldn’t help himself — interrupting, interjecting, intruding, or worse. According to our voters, he was ‘rude … pushy … he just butted in … he needs to give others a chance to talk, he seems very desperate,'” the memo stated.

“It got so bad for Kasich that after his second interruption in ten minutes, the dials nosedived every other time he spoke,” the Luntz memo said. “Message to candidates: you get one chance to interrupt — wait until it really matters.”

Kasich’s other memorable moment of the night was his lambasting of Republicans who want to deport illegal immigrants, though garnered applause at one point during the discussion.

“If they have been law-abiding, they pay a penalty. They get to stay. We protect the wall. Anybody else comes over, they go back,” Kasich said of illegal immigrants.

“But for the 11 million people, come on, folks,” Kasich added. “We all know you can’t pick them up and ship them across, back across the border. It’s a silly argument. It is not an adult argument. It makes no sense.”

The Daily Caller has reached out to the Kasich campaign for comment.

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"Sane and nationally electable Republican"


Oct 31, 2004

Sep 21, 2004
Hmm. Sanity returning to the R's? Cruz falling, Super Crazy Palin endorsing Trump, and the sane, adult in the room, gaining in the 2nd Primary state?

A dark-horse GOP candidate is creeping up in New Hampshire

One establishment-oriented Republican presidential candidate appears to be rising slightly ahead of the pack in the crucial first-primary state of New Hampshire.
A new poll released by the American Research Group on Tuesday found Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) with 20% support among New Hampshire primary voters. That was second only to front-runner Donald Trump, who garnered 27% in the poll.
Kasich's lead in the poll put him 10 points ahead of the crowded poll's third-place candidate, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida), who received 10% support in the survey.
Though Kasich's standing above the other contenders in the ARG poll is far more pronounced than in other surveys, the governor appears to be steadily building momentum in New Hampshire.
All but one of the major polls conducted this month included in the RealClearPolitics average of recent surveys have found Kasich's support in the double digits in the Granite State.
A Monmouth University poll released last week, for example, found Kasich tied with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for third place, with both candidates garnering 14% support. A NH1 survey released last week, meanwhile, found him tied with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) at 12% for the same spot.
Kasich initially embraced a role as a leading Trump critic. But more recently, he has been relatively muted in his rhetorical attacks Trump, focusing primarily on mobilizing support in New Hampshire.
In an interview with Time magazine, Kasich said he still has confidence that he'll prevail in New Hampshire because of his executive experience and optimistic message.
"People will settle down and start looking for someone who is a reformer and who has accomplished things," Kasich said. "I believe that, at the end, they will want someone who can land the plane."
With Trump continuing to lead the pack in New Hampshire, several other candidates are vying for the crucial second-place spot. Rubio, Cruz, Bush, Kasich, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) are clumped up in the polls in what Bush himself recently described as a "jump-ball" for second.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
RealClearPolitics Latest Polls

New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary ARG
Trump 27, Kasich 20, Rubio 10, Cruz 9, Christie 9, Bush 8, Paul 5, Fiorina 2, Carson 2, Santorum 1, Huckabee 1

Florida Republican Presidential Primary Florida Times-Union
Trump 31, Cruz 19, Rubio 12, Bush 13, Carson 7, Christie 4, Fiorina 4, Kasich 3, Paul 3, Huckabee 2, Santorum 0

Georgia Republican Presidential Primary FOX 5 Atlanta Trump 33, Cruz 23, Rubio 8, Carson 7, Bush 7, Fiorina 4, Kasich 4, Paul 4, Huckabee 3, Christie 4, Santorum 0

South Carolina Republican Presidential Primary Augusta Chronicle
Trump 32, Cruz 18, Rubio 11, Bush 13, Carson 9, Paul 2, Christie 4, Kasich 3, Fiorina 3, Huckabee 2, Santorum 1

Kasich sure is a winner. :):)

Sep 21, 2001
Bernie fucken Sanders is in a legit fight for the Dem nominee - a cat that he himself refers to as a socialist - and these brain surgeons are worried who the Repubs are running - amazing

Jul 4, 2012
Bernie fucken Sanders is in a legit fight for the Dem nominee - a cat that he himself refers to as a socialist - and these brain surgeons are worried who the Repubs are running - amazing

The idiot who started this thread thinks Bernie Sanders has a lot of good ideas.

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