Things you didn’t know about the Bible


Sep 6, 2014
Whatever starts to exist must have had a cause.the Universe started to exist at a finite point in Time according to Hawking and many other physicists all agree that there was no BEFORE this event.All matter ,space and the beginning of TIME( matter in motion) started to exist.When we see a basketball or football we KNOW Someone made that. ALL INFORMATION comes from an intelligent Source. THere is no exception.ALL living things, people,grass animals all are made up of Proteins and the tiny machines that build these proteins are also Proteins .SO Who put this Together ,how could the neccessary life giving properties come about without the protein machines.Someone had had to be involved right from the start.THE Laws OF Nature had to be there first but they were NOT! God IS the best explanation of the facts.enuff said.The bible- and i quote God- i bring things into existence that never was, i stretch out the Universe and by me all things consist and as Paul said in HIM we have our being- i believe that after many years of being agnostic an somewhat atheistic but the evidence in the cell and Nature was too overwhelming. Paul goes on to say that no Man has any excuse,as the Light of Creation and the Light of Conscience is in ALL men!

Sep 21, 2004
Whatever starts to exist must have had a cause.the Universe started to exist at a finite point in Time according to Hawking and many other physicists all agree that there was no BEFORE this event.All matter ,space and the beginning of TIME( matter in motion) started to exist.When we see a basketball or football we KNOW Someone made that. ALL INFORMATION comes from an intelligent Source. THere is no exception.ALL living things, people,grass animals all are made up of Proteins and the tiny machines that build these proteins are also Proteins .SO Who put this Together ,how could the neccessary life giving properties come about without the protein machines.Someone had had to be involved right from the start.THE Laws OF Nature had to be there first but they were NOT! God IS the best explanation of the facts.enuff said.The bible- and i quote God- i bring things into existence that never was, i stretch out the Universe and by me all things consist and as Paul said in HIM we have our being- i believe that after many years of being agnostic an somewhat atheistic but the evidence in the cell and Nature was too overwhelming. Paul goes on to say that no Man has any excuse,as the Light of Creation and the Light of Conscience is in ALL men!

I think you have a good argument Xeno. I would just question the word "God" as a personal being. I question the use of "who" in your argument. Why did "SOMEONE" have to be the prime mover? If "God" always existed why could not matter have always existed? Because if God has always existed it relegates God to nothing more than matter in a way.
Aug 17, 2019
The simple-minded and material minded human is constantly seeking the face behind all creation but God, Creator of All, does not have a face. God is the SUN...the energy source that makes all life possible. The Indigenous people of this planet knew, and still know, and understand this better than anyone. This is why they worship and pray to the SUN God... this is documented throughout history and long before Jesus or any teacher/prophet arrived. The undeniable truth is life cannot exist without the sun. Our Sun is the “Son of God” referred to in all texts. It is called the “Son of God” because it was created by the Central Sun which is the real God, Creator of All... if the Central Sun was to burn out all life in all universes would die. The rays of sun, or plasma light, contain intelligence...this is consciousness and all life depends on it. The rays of sun, often referred to as the “halo”, are often used to illustrate Christ Consciousness that teachers/gurus like Jesus, or Jezwah, achieved during his time here. Most humans are so asleep they don’t even realize our sun changed dramatically on 12-21-12.... it became so white and hot you can’t even look into it’s direction without being blinded unlike the “yellow” sun we all grew up seeing. The reason it’s so white and hot is because it became more magnetic and is emitting more plasma light than ever before in humanity's existence. This means it is emitting more intelligence (consciousness) than ever! This new magnetic sun activated on 12-21-12 and and marked the beginning of “The Great Awakening” or “New Age” some like to discredit or pretend isn’t real... it’s not only real it’s the new norm and the beginning of the new human! Again, it’s not coincidence you see the children being born vegetarians without any influence by their parents or coming up with life changing ideas and inventions before they are even out of their teens! All of this is happening because they are being born with higher consciousness and for the exact reasons I explained! You may recall all the speculation around the end of the Mayan calendar (12-21-12) and how everyone thought it meant the literal end of the world... it didn’t! Many simple-minded humans didn’t understand the Mayans had a deep esoteric understanding of our existence... they understood we ARE intelligent design living inside a simulation of an astrological “clock” as predictable as your daily routine in life. 12-21-12 marked the end of a very rare and significant astrological cycle they understood, bringing us to an incredible time in our existence... a time when REAL human evolution would take place through the increase in plasma light from the new highly magnetic sun! Your DNA is being upgraded as we speak and yet many don’t understand it. Everyone feels the symptoms (anxiousness, heart palpitations, ringing in ears, etc) but most are running to doctors thinking they all of a sudden have anxiety and other issues and, as a result, are being wrongly diagnosed and taking medications that are doing nothing but harming them. Christians still think Jesus is coming back, they keep looking for him everywhere, but Jesus NEVER said he was coming back he said “The Christ” was coming back, meaning CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS! So Christians, and all sleepwalking humans, need to wake up and understand “Jesus” is already here... he arrived on 12-21-12! It’s up to you to harness this plasma light by taking in as much sun as possible each day so that you can receive the upgraded intelligence it emits! The planet and human is evolving from a 3rd dimensional reality into a 5th dimensional one. Welcome to the new age... the undeniable truth!

Sep 6, 2014
well SAL how can a particle or energy be a single source of creating all of this. according to Doug Axe Mit mathmetician working for many years on this said the odds for a self creating universe are more than the total amount of atoms in the Universe!Famed Atheist Antony Flew looking into the workings of the cell became a believer as Hoyle did in an intelligeance.Bill Gates Microsoft said inside the cell and DNA was just like a Computer Program but far far ahead of anything we ever saw. 21 amino acids variations so complex that no one wants or can understand it.The origin of life has not even been dented.Trillions of cells in one body and AXE said there is none no chance of evolution or accident that could cause this.

Jun 4, 2018
The simple-minded and material minded human is constantly seeking the face behind all creation but God, Creator of All, does not have a face. God is the SUN...the energy source that makes all life possible. The Indigenous people of this planet knew, and still know, and understand this better than anyone. This is why they worship and pray to the SUN God... this is documented throughout history and long before Jesus or any teacher/prophet arrived. The undeniable truth is life cannot exist without the sun. Our Sun is the “Son of God” referred to in all texts. It is called the “Son of God” because it was created by the Central Sun which is the real God, Creator of All... if the Central Sun was to burn out all life in all universes would die. The rays of sun, or plasma light, contain intelligence...this is consciousness and all life depends on it. The rays of sun, often referred to as the “halo”, are often used to illustrate Christ Consciousness that teachers/gurus like Jesus, or Jezwah, achieved during his time here. Most humans are so asleep they don’t even realize our sun changed dramatically on 12-21-12.... it became so white and hot you can’t even look into it’s direction without being blinded unlike the “yellow” sun we all grew up seeing. The reason it’s so white and hot is because it became more magnetic and is emitting more plasma light than ever before in humanity's existence. This means it is emitting more intelligence (consciousness) than ever! This new magnetic sun activated on 12-21-12 and and marked the beginning of “The Great Awakening” or “New Age” some like to discredit or pretend isn’t real... it’s not only real it’s the new norm and the beginning of the new human! Again, it’s not coincidence you see the children being born vegetarians without any influence by their parents or coming up with life changing ideas and inventions before they are even out of their teens! All of this is happening because they are being born with higher consciousness and for the exact reasons I explained! You may recall all the speculation around the end of the Mayan calendar (12-21-12) and how everyone thought it meant the literal end of the world... it didn’t! Many simple-minded humans didn’t understand the Mayans had a deep esoteric understanding of our existence... they understood we ARE intelligent design living inside a simulation of an astrological “clock” as predictable as your daily routine in life. 12-21-12 marked the end of a very rare and significant astrological cycle they understood, bringing us to an incredible time in our existence... a time when REAL human evolution would take place through the increase in plasma light from the new highly magnetic sun! Your DNA is being upgraded as we speak and yet many don’t understand it. Everyone feels the symptoms (anxiousness, heart palpitations, ringing in ears, etc) but most are running to doctors thinking they all of a sudden have anxiety and other issues and, as a result, are being wrongly diagnosed and taking medications that are doing nothing but harming them. Christians still think Jesus is coming back, they keep looking for him everywhere, but Jesus NEVER said he was coming back he said “The Christ” was coming back, meaning CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS! So Christians, and all sleepwalking humans, need to wake up and understand “Jesus” is already here... he arrived on 12-21-12! It’s up to you to harness this plasma light by taking in as much sun as possible each day so that you can receive the upgraded intelligence it emits! The planet and human is evolving from a 3rd dimensional reality into a 5th dimensional one. Welcome to the new age... the undeniable truth!
can anybody say L-U-N-A-T-I-C
Aug 17, 2019
can anybody say L-U-N-A-T-I-C

You and your response are about as predictable as our existence. It is human conditioning to hate or judge what we don’t understand... this is why so many die-hard religious people, Christians especially, are so judgemental. They judge others because they don’t even understand what they believe and are following. The truth is in their judgement because if they even had a basic understanding of God or even Jesus they wouldn’t judge anyone for anything because they would understand that judgement is a characteristic of Satan and not God.

Jun 4, 2018
You and your response are about as predictable as our existence. It is human conditioning to hate or judge what we don’t understand... this is why so many die-hard religious people, Christians especially, are so judgemental. They judge others because they don’t even understand what they believe and are following. The truth is in their judgement because if they even had a basic understanding of God or even Jesus they wouldn’t judge anyone for anything because they would understand that judgement is a characteristic of Satan and not God.
Dude ..... your a fucking lunatic , admit it . I don't know what you experienced wether it was an NDE or something else .... all I know is that your off your rocker to put it bluntly .

Jun 4, 2018
Tell us what happened during your NDE , I'd like too know

Jun 4, 2018
You and your response are about as predictable as our existence. It is human conditioning to hate or judge what we don’t understand... this is why so many die-hard religious people, Christians especially, are so judgemental. They judge others because they don’t even understand what they believe and are following. The truth is in their judgement because if they even had a basic understanding of God or even Jesus they wouldn’t judge anyone for anything because they would understand that judgement is a characteristic of Satan and not God.
Your a new age quack .... that's it . The things you have said are INSANE , God ( the son ) will JUDGE you sportsbook wether u believe it or not . You have purposely deceived people with your words & u will be judged harshly for those people who were / are ignorant & didn't know any better & deceived by you . If you truly believe the B.S. that your spouting you are nothing but a DAMN FOOL

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
The simple-minded and material minded human is constantly seeking the face behind all creation but God, Creator of All, does not have a face. God is the SUN...the energy source that makes all life possible. The Indigenous people of this planet knew, and still know, and understand this better than anyone. This is why they worship and pray to the SUN God... this is documented throughout history and long before Jesus or any teacher/prophet arrived. The undeniable truth is life cannot exist without the sun. Our Sun is the “Son of God” referred to in all texts. It is called the “Son of God” because it was created by the Central Sun which is the real God, Creator of All... if the Central Sun was to burn out all life in all universes would die. The rays of sun, or plasma light, contain intelligence...this is consciousness and all life depends on it. The rays of sun, often referred to as the “halo”, are often used to illustrate Christ Consciousness that teachers/gurus like Jesus, or Jezwah, achieved during his time here. Most humans are so asleep they don’t even realize our sun changed dramatically on 12-21-12.... it became so white and hot you can’t even look into it’s direction without being blinded unlike the “yellow” sun we all grew up seeing. The reason it’s so white and hot is because it became more magnetic and is emitting more plasma light than ever before in humanity's existence. This means it is emitting more intelligence (consciousness) than ever! This new magnetic sun activated on 12-21-12 and and marked the beginning of “The Great Awakening” or “New Age” some like to discredit or pretend isn’t real... it’s not only real it’s the new norm and the beginning of the new human! Again, it’s not coincidence you see the children being born vegetarians without any influence by their parents or coming up with life changing ideas and inventions before they are even out of their teens! All of this is happening because they are being born with higher consciousness and for the exact reasons I explained! You may recall all the speculation around the end of the Mayan calendar (12-21-12) and how everyone thought it meant the literal end of the world... it didn’t! Many simple-minded humans didn’t understand the Mayans had a deep esoteric understanding of our existence... they understood we ARE intelligent design living inside a simulation of an astrological “clock” as predictable as your daily routine in life. 12-21-12 marked the end of a very rare and significant astrological cycle they understood, bringing us to an incredible time in our existence... a time when REAL human evolution would take place through the increase in plasma light from the new highly magnetic sun! Your DNA is being upgraded as we speak and yet many don’t understand it. Everyone feels the symptoms (anxiousness, heart palpitations, ringing in ears, etc) but most are running to doctors thinking they all of a sudden have anxiety and other issues and, as a result, are being wrongly diagnosed and taking medications that are doing nothing but harming them. Christians still think Jesus is coming back, they keep looking for him everywhere, but Jesus NEVER said he was coming back he said “The Christ” was coming back, meaning CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS! So Christians, and all sleepwalking humans, need to wake up and understand “Jesus” is already here... he arrived on 12-21-12! It’s up to you to harness this plasma light by taking in as much sun as possible each day so that you can receive the upgraded intelligence it emits! The planet and human is evolving from a 3rd dimensional reality into a 5th dimensional one. Welcome to the new age... the undeniable truth!

I tried to take it in. Game me skin cancer

also with the current Democratic Party they must never get in the sun , the moon must drain their intelligence then if the the sun provides @):mad:

Nov 16, 2007
You and your response are about as predictable as our existence. It is human conditioning to hate or judge what we don’t understand... this is why so many die-hard religious people, Christians especially, are so judgemental. They judge others because they don’t even understand what they believe and are following. The truth is in their judgement because if they even had a basic understanding of God or even Jesus they wouldn’t judge anyone for anything because they would understand that judgement is a characteristic of Satan and not God.
The judgement part is correct. Only God can judge. The rest of the stuff you have mentioned, couldn’t disagree more. But it’s your right to believe what you believe. Do what you do. I don’t believe for a second that God is the sun. I definitely am no sun worshipper.

Jul 1, 2019
The simple-minded and material minded human is constantly seeking the face behind all creation but God, Creator of All, does not have a face. God is the SUN...the energy source that makes all life possible. The Indigenous people of this planet knew, and still know, and understand this better than anyone. This is why they worship and pray to the SUN God... this is documented throughout history and long before Jesus or any teacher/prophet arrived. The undeniable truth is life cannot exist without the sun. Our Sun is the “Son of God” referred to in all texts. It is called the “Son of God” because it was created by the Central Sun which is the real God, Creator of All... if the Central Sun was to burn out all life in all universes would die. The rays of sun, or plasma light, contain intelligence...this is consciousness and all life depends on it. The rays of sun, often referred to as the “halo”, are often used to illustrate Christ Consciousness that teachers/gurus like Jesus, or Jezwah, achieved during his time here. Most humans are so asleep they don’t even realize our sun changed dramatically on 12-21-12.... it became so white and hot you can’t even look into it’s direction without being blinded unlike the “yellow” sun we all grew up seeing. The reason it’s so white and hot is because it became more magnetic and is emitting more plasma light than ever before in humanity's existence. This means it is emitting more intelligence (consciousness) than ever! This new magnetic sun activated on 12-21-12 and and marked the beginning of “The Great Awakening” or “New Age” some like to discredit or pretend isn’t real... it’s not only real it’s the new norm and the beginning of the new human! Again, it’s not coincidence you see the children being born vegetarians without any influence by their parents or coming up with life changing ideas and inventions before they are even out of their teens! All of this is happening because they are being born with higher consciousness and for the exact reasons I explained! You may recall all the speculation around the end of the Mayan calendar (12-21-12) and how everyone thought it meant the literal end of the world... it didn’t! Many simple-minded humans didn’t understand the Mayans had a deep esoteric understanding of our existence... they understood we ARE intelligent design living inside a simulation of an astrological “clock” as predictable as your daily routine in life. 12-21-12 marked the end of a very rare and significant astrological cycle they understood, bringing us to an incredible time in our existence... a time when REAL human evolution would take place through the increase in plasma light from the new highly magnetic sun! Your DNA is being upgraded as we speak and yet many don’t understand it. Everyone feels the symptoms (anxiousness, heart palpitations, ringing in ears, etc) but most are running to doctors thinking they all of a sudden have anxiety and other issues and, as a result, are being wrongly diagnosed and taking medications that are doing nothing but harming them. Christians still think Jesus is coming back, they keep looking for him everywhere, but Jesus NEVER said he was coming back he said “The Christ” was coming back, meaning CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS! So Christians, and all sleepwalking humans, need to wake up and understand “Jesus” is already here... he arrived on 12-21-12! It’s up to you to harness this plasma light by taking in as much sun as possible each day so that you can receive the upgraded intelligence it emits! The planet and human is evolving from a 3rd dimensional reality into a 5th dimensional one. Welcome to the new age... the undeniable truth!
Our Sun, who art in orbit...
Aug 17, 2019
The judgement part is correct. Only God can judge. The rest of the stuff you have mentioned, couldn’t disagree more. But it’s your right to believe what you believe. Do what you do. I don’t believe for a second that God is the sun. I definitely am no sun worshipper.

If anyone believes God judges they are misinformed and misled by Satan himself. God doesn’t judge you or anyone... only you judge you... now and when you “die” which doesn’t really happen. During death, or bardo, you will learn you don’t die at all... you simply exit this reality and enter a new one! During this “crossover” process you, not God, will judge you for the choices you made. Based on your own assessment of yourself you will then decide what experience (“life”) you want to experience next. Each “life” you experience is for the sole purpose of evolving your soul to move you closer to God, Creator of All, where we all eventually return. You see, we are spiritual beings (“souls”) having human experiences so that we can evolve and ascend. Most do not understand this because we were taught to believe we are mortal men which is the furthest thing from the truth but the necessary brainwashing that came out of the dark ages that paved the way for dark forces to maintain power and control. Lucky for you, unlucky for them, the veil is being lifted and many are starting to remember who they really are.... spiritual beings!

Nov 16, 2007
You have written a book the past few days. That’s a shit ton of typing my friend. Let’s just hope you are in the book of life when Jesus opens it. I hope you’re wearing sunglasses, since God is the ☀️. BOL my friend. Happy New Year
Aug 17, 2019
Die-hard religious people, Christians especially, are the same people who actually believe they are alone in the vastness of space which includes trillions of universes... so far in a box of their “beliefs” they don’t even understand life is everywhere... where there is DNA there is life and DNA is everywhere and even modern day space and science has proven this! They also reject the idea of aliens not realizing they are actually the aliens! It’s funny that NASA and the media continue to trick you into believing thy still haven’t found life anywhere... of course they have found life... it’s everywhere in our galaxy and beyond and they have known about it for longer than any of you have been alive here! They can’t tell you yet because then they have to admit everything they ever taught you was a LIE!

Jun 4, 2018

If anyone believes God judges they are misinformed and misled by Satan himself. God doesn’t judge you or anyone... only you judge you... now and when you “die” which doesn’t really happen. During death, or bardo, you will learn you don’t die at all... you simply exit this reality and enter a new one! During this “crossover” process you, not God, will judge you for the choices you made. Based on your own assessment of yourself you will then decide what experience (“life”) you want to experience next. Each “life” you experience is for the sole purpose of evolving your soul to move you closer to God, Creator of All, where we all eventually return. You see, we are spiritual beings (“souls”) having human experiences so that we can evolve and ascend. Most do not understand this because we were taught to believe we are mortal men which is the furthest thing from the truth but the necessary brainwashing that came out of the dark ages that paved the way for dark forces to maintain power and control. Lucky for you, unlucky for them, the veil is being lifted and many are starting to remember who they really are.... spiritual beings!
Every time I read 1 of your posts I swear I can hear the Looney-tunes song playing
Aug 17, 2019
Every time I read 1 of your posts I swear I can hear the Looney-tunes song playing

The real truth is reading my posts makes you VERY uncomfortable because it goes against everything you were taught and believe. This is why you frantically copy and paste as many worthless links as you can... you’re scared because you’re so far in a box you can’t get out!

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