Well, since the market is a snore today...
2. I would round up all the stupid fucking peta members and spca and the idiot Humane society members and any one that contributed money to them and deport them or give them a part of the usa and put them all on it and not allow them back in the country for no reason whatsoever.
19. Deport all atheist.
41. To be and remain a citizen of the usa...you would have to swear an oath to your country and the God of the Holy Bible...you dont have to go to church or pray or be a christian...but you cant be anything else...for example...if you are a buddeist...then you need to go to fucking china and be a real buddeist...if you think cows are sacred...you need to go back to fucking india and worship your cows....but none of that heathen crap here in usa no more....I WOULD DEPORT EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD THAT DID NOT REPENT AND SWEAR TO THE USA AND THE GOD OF THE HOLY BIBLE.
I actually fared better than I thought I would. In fact, there are actually things we agree on, perhaps with the hyperbole dialed down a few notches:
3. I would round up all immigrants that were here illigally and depart them right when they were found...no mercy whatsoever...and i would do a background check on everyone else...and if they had illegally came into this country and then applied for a green card or became a citizen...i would take everything they had accumulated away from them and boot their motherfucking ass out back to were they came from...naked into this country they illegally came...naked they would leave.
6. Kick the un off UN soil/withdraw from the UN
7. No more diplomatic emmunity to diplomates or their families.
9. No more tax breaks for any one...or any corporations.
11. No more gangs...deport any one in a gang
12. I would with draw all us troops from all foriegn countries...unless they paid us for them being there...NO MORE FUCKING FREE RIDE...AT ALL FOR ANY FORIEGN COUNTRY.
13. i would form goverment owned insurence companies and hospitals and oil companies and utility companies and communication companies...to compete and force the greedy bastards that control our lives and squeeze every fucking last cent out of us that they can get to do what they use to do...many moons ago...serve us...and make our lives easier...not harder.
14. No more fucking telemarketers...no one will be allowed to call any residence at any time to solicitate anything...unless they have the permission of home owner...if caught you will be deported.
15. No more spanish press 1 or english press 2...if you cant speak english...then go back to the motherfucking country you came from and speak spanish.
17. Deport all moslams
20. Disban and outlaw the catholic religion. Deport all catholic preist
21. trash the bcs bowl bullshit and have maditory playoffs.
22. Deport any one of any corporation or anyone that false advertises.
23. Deport anyone who does not assumes responsibility for their children.
25. No more fucking driving down the road with your goddamn woofers shaking and rattling every fucking window in every fucking house you pass...you will be deported and whoever made the mother fuckers and whoever sold them to you and help you installed them shall also be deported.
28. No more abortions...go to another country but you cant come back here if you do.
38. Fireman...police...teachers...state troopers...forrest firefighters...air traffic controllers...and others that really contribute to the main welfare of our lives would be the highest paid in the land. A FUCKING PLAQUE AND MEASLEY THANK YOU WILL NOT BE TOLORATED ANY MORE.
39. Any job that a foriegner is working in this country legally can be taken by any legal citizen as long as he can prove he can do the same said job...foreigners are visitors...not residents.
43. The land that was left after the deportation of those who could not or would not stay...would be divided up and given to those whose could and would stay...and by law could never ever be sold or anything borrowed against it...but must be handed down from generation to generation equally to their children. There fore americans would always no matter what have a place of their own to live.
Well, at least if I can't stay I'll garner enough favor to be deported to Norway, Sweden or Thailand.