Things that make you say huh?


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Inside the mind of a RINO:


“There’s a school of thought that Trump, who’s gonna get crushed, will somehow teach the party a lesson and they’ll get it out of their system,” said Stuart Stevens, who was Mitt Romney’s chief strategist in 2012. “I don’t have confidence in that.”

Indeed, many are already at work to rearrange the fractured pieces to their liking—and advantage.
“The day after the election we’ll get back to being the anti-Clinton party,” said Alex Conant, a veteran Republican strategist and longtime Rubio adviser. “Which we’re actually good at being.”

“We’ll have a really good midterm,” he predicted, and a deep bench for 2020.



It's all a game to them: money and power, conservative principles and policies be damned.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Inside the mind of a RINO:


“There’s a school of thought that Trump, who’s gonna get crushed, will somehow teach the party a lesson and they’ll get it out of their system,” said Stuart Stevens, who was Mitt Romney’s chief strategist in 2012. “I don’t have confidence in that.”

Indeed, many are already at work to rearrange the fractured pieces to their liking—and advantage.
“The day after the election we’ll get back to being the anti-Clinton party,” said Alex Conant, a veteran Republican strategist and longtime Rubio adviser. “Which we’re actually good at being.”

“We’ll have a really good midterm,” he predicted, and a deep bench for 2020.



It's all a game to them: money and power, conservative principles and policies be damned.
I’ll bet they said the exact same thing after McCain and then again after Romney. And we think Democrats are stupid?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Just wait till next year!

RINOs are the political version of Lucy and the football - total contempt for the Patriots who pay their salaries (the tireless grassroots who energize the Republican party by volunteering, knocking doors, making calls, donating their hard earned money) and about as useful to the causes of Liberty and the Constitution as the community agitator.

Jul 14, 2007
Cruz is already laying the groundwork for another run for president in 2020, but a top RNC official told Yahoo News that they expect him to run even if Donald Trump becomes president this fall. That would represent the first major challenge of an incumbent president from inside his own party since Teddy Kennedy ran against President Jimmy Carter in 1980.
“If Trump wins, you better bet your ass Cruz is going to primary him,” the RNC official told Yahoo News.

[FONT=&quot]Closed primaries would exclude independents and limit the nomination process to registered Republicans, a more conservative voting group overall, which would favor Cruz.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The RNC official told D.C. delegates that they had signed on to “a movement by Mike Lee and Ken Cuccinelli and Ted Cruz to further close the primary system, as it relates to 2020.”

Close it up..Kinda like what Trump wants to do to the internet. [/FONT]

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Paul Ryan Tanking In His Own Primary Polls As Voters See Through Empty Promises


Paul Ryan was once considered a Tea Party darling and enjoyed the support of grassroots conservatives until, he was chosen by Mitt Romney as his vice presidential running mate, and began to face some tougher vetting by engaged voters. After he was elected as Speaker of the House, it became clear, … Ryan was/is an establishment hack whose only interest is supporting and protecting the old guard. Now he’s facing a primary for re-election to his seat, and it’s not going well for him in this climate of “anti-establishment” candidates. And his lack of support of Donald Trump and his hard line on illegal immigration isn’t helping him much either.

Breitbart reported that his poll number are far south of an easy incumbent win in Wisconsin.

“Following a new primary election poll showing that House Speaker Paul Ryan has plummeted to well below 50 percent in his home district, Ryan is out with new mailers assuring Wisconsin voters of his desire to secure the border, and urging them to support him in his contentious August 9th primary election.

The new mailers touting Ryan’s support for border security is interesting given that just last year, Ryan championed a spending bill that fully funded President Obama’s open borders agenda– including funding sanctuary cities, executive amnesty, and the release of criminal aliens. The mailers also come amid new reports indicating that, one month after his election, Ryan plans to bring up “criminal sentencing” measures that could release thousands of criminal illegal aliens from prison onto the streets.”

With campaign literature like this floating around his district, you would think he’d be doing better. However, it would seem that folks are wise to his double speak.

Source: Breitbart

However, new reports indicate that immediately following his primary election, Speaker Ryan plans to bring up legislation that could release thousands of criminal illegal aliens from prison and into American communities.

As Roll Call reports, “The House will take up legislation to overhaul the criminal justice system in September, Speaker Paul D. Ryan said.”
Last October, the President of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Union— which represents approximately 5,800 frontline ICE officers, agents and personnel who are responsible for enforcing America’s immigration laws— wrote a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee expressing opposition to the so-called “criminal sentencing reform” measures.

The ICE Union warned that some of the discussed proposals could result in the “mass release of criminal aliens from federal prison.” ICE highlighted the proposal’s impact on public safety, and noted that it could “further hampe[r] immigration enforcement within the United States.”

“According to a recent article in the Washington Post, 1 in 3 of the 6,000 federal prisoners that the Department of Justice recently handpicked for early release is an alien,” wrote ICE Council President Chris Crane. “I understand that both houses of Congress are also exploring legislative measures that could lead to the release of additional criminal aliens.

Notably, these releases will be in addition to the thousands of criminal aliens who are being released into communities from sanctuary jurisdictions across the country every month.”

“Countless preventable crimes against children, rapes, robberies and murders will most likely occur as a result of these proposed mass release,” Crane added.
Interestingly, Ryan’s mailer does not list a single action Ryan has actually taken—in his seventeen years in Congress— to “secure our border” or stop the threat of radical Islam from “reaching our shores.”

As Ryan and the rest of the eGOP dig their heels in and fight the will of the voters, to get tough on illegals, they just might find themselves out of a job after their primary season. God willing…


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Cruz is already laying the groundwork for another run for president in 2020, but a top RNC official told Yahoo News that they expect him to run even if Donald Trump becomes president this fall. That would represent the first major challenge of an incumbent president from inside his own party since Teddy Kennedy ran against President Jimmy Carter in 1980.
“If Trump wins, you better bet your ass Cruz is going to primary him,” the RNC official told Yahoo News.

Closed primaries would exclude independents and limit the nomination process to registered Republicans, a more conservative voting group overall, which would favor Cruz.
The RNC official told D.C. delegates that they had signed on to “a movement by Mike Lee and Ken Cuccinelli and Ted Cruz to further close the primary system, as it relates to 2020.”

Close it up..Kinda like what Trump wants to do to the internet.

I agree, close it up.

Any primary system that produced McCain and Romney as the nominees has to be reformed.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Speaking of RINOs...


Of course. RINOs are always going to RINO, especially during election season:

CNN – At least one Republican senator thinks the calls for Hillary Clinton to be imprisoned are going one step too far.

As speakers and delegates at the Republican National Convention lifted their voices with chants of “lock her up” on Tuesday, Sen. Jeff Flake tweeted that Republicans are “jumping the shark.”

“.@HillaryClinton now belongs in prison? C’mon. We can make the case that she shouldn’t be elected without jumping the shark,” tweeted the Arizona senator, who is opposed to Trump’s candidacy.

What a flake!

Doesn’t he understand that everyone simply wants justice? She ignored the poor security in Benghazi, did nothing to save our guys from harm, put the nation at risk so she could keep Congress out of her emails, and Flake says the idea of her going to prison for her crimes is jumping the shark?

She just got off scot-free for crying out loud! She’s part of the elite that is too powerful to even be charged with a crime.

What else does he want people to chant, that she should just get a slap on the hand?

Ugh. This is why we lose all the time.

Read more:

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007

What a “Flake” indeed.

I think to say Flake is not a Trump supporter is an understatement.

Some things the “Flake” has said …

Flake has addressed the issue many times, calling Trump “toxic” and insisting that the real estate mogul must “soften” his position on Muslim immigration and support Obama’s importation of hundreds of thousands of Muslim “refugees.”

"I hope that a number of us at least will withhold endorsement," Flake said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

I can’t see supporting him. But I’ll continue to make the case: I think somebody should stand up and say, “This is not where the party is, and we don’t agree with that position.” If people don’t stand up on this, then this will have implications far beyond November. That’s my biggest concern. Somebody’s got to stand up to him.

His position on trade is very troubling. And you can couch it in terms of fair trade all day long, but if you reject these multilateral trade deals, then you’re really rejecting free trade, because the way that trade is accomplished, these countries have options. Now, if they don’t enter into free-trade pacts with us, there are other groups and nations and other regions that will trade with them. That’s just not a recipe for economic growth. And also, his unwillingness to talk about entitlement reform, that—if we don’t trade, and if we’re going to build fortress America here, and isolate ourselves.

One thing for sure he’s Toboggan’s hero.
Jan 24, 2012

What a “Flake” indeed.

I think to say Flake is not a Trump supporter is an understatement.

Some things the “Flake” has said …

Flake has addressed the issue many times, calling Trump “toxic” and insisting that the real estate mogul must “soften” his position on Muslim immigration and support Obama’s importation of hundreds of thousands of Muslim “refugees.”

"I hope that a number of us at least will withhold endorsement," Flake said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

I can’t see supporting him. But I’ll continue to make the case: I think somebody should stand up and say, “This is not where the party is, and we don’t agree with that position.” If people don’t stand up on this, then this will have implications far beyond November. That’s my biggest concern. Somebody’s got to stand up to him.

His position on trade is very troubling. And you can couch it in terms of fair trade all day long, but if you reject these multilateral trade deals, then you’re really rejecting free trade, because the way that trade is accomplished, these countries have options. Now, if they don’t enter into free-trade pacts with us, there are other groups and nations and other regions that will trade with them. That’s just not a recipe for economic growth. And also, his unwillingness to talk about entitlement reform, that—if we don’t trade, and if we’re going to build fortress America here, and isolate ourselves.

One thing for sure he’s Toboggan’s hero.

Not a huge Flake fan, but agree with him on the trade issue. That's a no-brainer. The Muslim immigrants issue isn't as simple.
Jan 24, 2012
Dave, I think I found your hero. Classic line at the end.

Holtz said the high number of immigrants coming to the U.S. constitutes an “invasion.” And he said new immigrants need to assimilate better. Holtz added that his grandparents learned English after immigrating to the U.S. from Ukraine, and insisted his family learn it as well. New immigrants to this country, he continued, need to learn and speak English and “become us.”

“I don’t want to become you,” he continued. “I don’t want to speak your language, I don’t want to celebrate your holidays, I sure as hell don’t want to cheer for your soccer team!”


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

What a “Flake” indeed.

I think to say Flake is not a Trump supporter is an understatement.

Some things the “Flake” has said …

Flake has addressed the issue many times, calling Trump “toxic” and insisting that the real estate mogul must “soften” his position on Muslim immigration and support Obama’s importation of hundreds of thousands of Muslim “refugees.”

"I hope that a number of us at least will withhold endorsement," Flake said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

I can’t see supporting him. But I’ll continue to make the case: I think somebody should stand up and say, “This is not where the party is, and we don’t agree with that position.” If people don’t stand up on this, then this will have implications far beyond November. That’s my biggest concern. Somebody’s got to stand up to him.

His position on trade is very troubling. And you can couch it in terms of fair trade all day long, but if you reject these multilateral trade deals, then you’re really rejecting free trade, because the way that trade is accomplished, these countries have options. Now, if they don’t enter into free-trade pacts with us, there are other groups and nations and other regions that will trade with them. That’s just not a recipe for economic growth. And also, his unwillingness to talk about entitlement reform, that—if we don’t trade, and if we’re going to build fortress America here, and isolate ourselves.

One thing for sure he’s Toboggan’s hero.

I bet he's voting for the crooked c*nt.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
That's a pretty good word combo. But still a distant second to "Bibi's bulging, blood-engorged cock."

How would someone know about someone elses private parts without personal knowledge..... something to make you say "huh"

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
That's a pretty good word combo. But still a distant second to "Bibi's bulging, blood-engorged cock."

Too bad Trump can't use it.

I reserve the 'c' word for special cases.

I have no idea how any country that considers itself decent, honest and fair could elect this witch - totally unconscionable!

Let's hope she lives up to her reputation as one of the worst heavy chalk candidates ever.

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