Things that Junior has done as president:
1. A Ban on partial Birth abortions.
2. A nice tax cut for WORKING people.
No, an advance on our SS that will dry up thanks to his 90-some% tax break for the ultra rich
3. A strong response to terrorism and those who would support terrorism. He declared war on the terrorists and then followed through going after their economic and supply infrastructure.
Bin who? Oh, I forgot .. silly details such as actually capturing the terrorist aren't imporant for the "war time president" during his "war on terror" even though he dodged war when given the chance to fight one himself. It's better to let other kids die for your greed.
4. A return of Honor to the oval office.
By using fabricated evidence? By abondoning every notion of being the "compassionate conservative" that his election stealing platform ran on?
5. Went after Corporate pirates such as Enron CEO Ron Lay who is presently under arrest. He set up stricter guidelines for the SEC to curtail quwestionable accounting practices.
Was funded by criminal's like Ron Lay, and will continue to do so.
6. A focus on faith and faith based tenets.
In other words, he's too fuking stupid to use any notion of logic - thus he relies on "faith."
I'm sure God has one-on-ones with all the genocidials killers.
7. A focus on personal responsibility.
43% vaction time while Al Queda was plotting death and destruction?
Well, he had to set a record somehow - otherwise the execution record would have seemed like a political fluke.
8. A refusal to buckle under to the media and to the left (like daddy did).
In other words, he's too fuking stupid to even consider the fact that (despite evidence) that he really didn't talk to God and might be wrong.
Furthermore, this "attribute" is nothing more that a refusal to represent the people as they desire - but, hey, that's how monarchies work.
9. A pharmacy bill that ISN'T a governemnt run healthcare program. - so it should work as long as the government bureaucracy is kept out.
Fill the pockets of the rich, cut health care from the poor. It's obvious that he earned it by "being born a Bush" and no losing all the family's money (yet).
Et cetera, et cetera
Embarrassing, I know.
Ok, we're 1-8 Billy - at least it tops your capping percentage.
[This message was edited by lander on July 19, 2004 at 08:48 AM.]