It reads like a mystery, a novel. It's well written.
-- Dubya's assessment of the 9/11 Commission's report, and a statement I'm sure will make the country feel a whole lot better, Crawford, Texas, Jul. 26, 2004
Mayor George Van Dusen of Skokie, thanks for coming, George. Great first name.
-- The latest in a long series of W. supposedly complimenting another while patting himself on the back.
By the way, to whom much has been given, much is owed. Not only are we leading the world in terms of encouraging freedom and peace, we're feeding the hungry. We're taking care of, as best as we possibly can, the victims of HIV/AIDS.
-- Dubya tries to quote scripture here (Luke 12:48 - "To whom much is given, much is required."), only his version means the exact opposite, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Jul. 20, 2004
In the campaign, you'll hear, we're going only to tax the rich. That's what you'll hear. Now, this is from a fellow who has promised about $2 trillion of new spending thus far. And only taxing the rich, first of all, creates a huge tax gap, which means buyer beware. You see, if you can't raise enough by taxing the rich, guess who gets to pay next? Yes, the not rich. That's all of us.
-- Dubya actually tries again to convince an audience that he's from the middle class, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Jul. 20, 2004
I went to the United Nations and said, he's [Saddam Hussein is] a threat. And they agreed with the fact that he was a threat, by a 15 to nothing vote in the United Nations Security Council. See, the world spoke. Not only America speak, the world spoke.
-- Conjugation issues in Kutztown, Pennsylvania, Jul. 9, 2004