Hey everyone, don’t want to spam this fantasy group with content that’s not related to fantasy but since most of you are pretty big into betting football I am going to make a quick post to see if there’s any interest and leave it at that. If yes, awesome. If not, then no big deal at all.
I’m looking to add people to our group to box games for NFL olg pools it’s a Canadian lottery style game. The purpose of the game is to pick all the straight up NFL winners on the weekend and the pot is between 600k - 700k weekly. The group I’m in we usually box 5-6 games right now but would like to get up to more. Only loser this week on our ticket was the Chargers which cost us 42k. We box the big spreads and target the bigger payouts. I got a couple people from this forum involved and would love some more smart football minds involved with this endeavor.
Let me know if anyone is interested or has any questions.