Checking in from Tampa. Even though the hurricane brought a lot of damage, it could have been way worse. My friends, family and neighbors suffered minimal damage. Don’t know how. If you look at Tampa on the map you will see the St. Petersburg area, water and then Tampa Bay. Having the eye of the hurricane going south of the bay saved this area from years of recovery. With all the rain (up to 20 plus inches) and wind the whole bay and gulf north of the eye was sucked out of water. All that rain was fortunate enough to drain into the empty bay. This double whammy of major hurricanes with in two weeks has and will be devastating for the west coast of Florida for years. I do not know how the city of Tampa got spared. Shit 100’s of thousands with out power and downtown Tampa lost no power. Amazing and blessed that everyone had more than 5 days to make plans to get out of town. Don’t get me wrong flooding is awful in many places near any sort of water….creek, river, retention ponds from the large amount of rain in such a short period of time. But could have been way worse…don’t get me wrong as I have not been able to access much information having no power and just getting back service for cell late yesterday. So, it might be worse then I know.
Neighborhood is pitch black…cannot remember in anytime that I have walked out the from my front door to being pitch black out…..skies are cloudy so no moon shine.
to the above. People’s lives are ruined for life….all in my circle have been spared.
Thoughts might be a bit of rambling on, but have SMH the last two days and two weeks for that matter on all the devastation. West Coast of Florida will never be the same…