There are reports out that Kyrie Irving won't play home games because of not being vaccinated


Sep 21, 2004
I guess its fine to sit Kyree for the regular season as it doesnt mean much and hoping the rules changes by playoff time

Now if Kyree sits out the playoffs, then thats F'd up

That's what would happen with if the status quo remains.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The solution is pretty simple. If your employer implements some sort of rule and you dont like it......then go work for somebody else and stop your crying. The golden rule works like this......those with the gold make the rules.

Employers have all sorts of rules and it is their right. Don't like them leave.

If you dont want to get the shot I dont really care. What I do care about is if your decision starts to cost me money.

A friend of mine son got the virus. He was 32 years old, in great shape and of course did not get the vaccine. He was in ICU for 60 days on a ventilator. My friend was convinced he was not going to make. The good news is that he is now off the ventilator. He is out of ICU this week which is great news. They told the family to expect 3 times the number of days on the ventilator doing physical therapy. So what do you think this has already cost? What will cost in total?

Just one of many stories like this going on across the world.

So lets do this. Start charging more for insurance if you are not vaccinated if the insurance company thinks the risk is more (pretty sure they will deem it a higher risk). Just like if you get speeding tickets they raise your car insurance because their risk of paying a large claim increases. Also cap the amount insurance will pay. Once you reach your cap.....starts coming out of your pocket. If it is coming out your pocket I could care less.

Similar to people that smoke. I think you are an idiot for smoking but if you want to smoke.....go grab a heater. But I dont want to pay for your increase in health care costs. Insurance companies think you are a risk for more claims so they charge you a higher premium.

This is rich.

Do you feel the same way about "paying more" for the vaxxed?

Because that's what the scientific data in counties like Israel tell us - new strains coming right for you and your weakened immunity. Ultra-vaxxed Israel is on their 2nd booster and overwhelmed by Covid because the original crappy vax currently weakening your immune system doesn't work on the new variants, whereas natural immunity as well as other cheap remedies DO work on ALL of them virtually instantaneously.

Ironic since you're doing the same damage to your body as those idiots you ridicule smoking.

Virtue signalling isn't science. Neither is an experimental gene therapy.

Mar 23, 2005
Irving is right to stand his ground on this. Not a fan of him at all, but this BS needs to stop. I'm sure this will get buried before the season like the NFL players refusing. Notice how the ones good enough (didn't get cut) are all playing without the vaccine? That's because the NFL knows it will lose in court and doesn't want to get sued. The NBA will follow suit and hope public pressure and media harassment will make the players give up their rights and take the shot.

Jul 14, 2007
The solution is pretty simple. If your employer implements some sort of rule and you dont like it......then go work for somebody else and stop your crying. The golden rule works like this......those with the gold make the rules.

Employers have all sorts of rules and it is their right. Don't like them leave.

If you dont want to get the shot I dont really care. What I do care about is if your decision starts to cost me money.

A friend of mine son got the virus. He was 32 years old, in great shape and of course did not get the vaccine. He was in ICU for 60 days on a ventilator. My friend was convinced he was not going to make. The good news is that he is now off the ventilator. He is out of ICU this week which is great news. They told the family to expect 3 times the number of days on the ventilator doing physical therapy. So what do you think this has already cost? What will cost in total?

Just one of many stories like this going on across the world.

So lets do this. Start charging more for insurance if you are not vaccinated if the insurance company thinks the risk is more (pretty sure they will deem it a higher risk). Just like if you get speeding tickets they raise your car insurance because their risk of paying a large claim increases. Also cap the amount insurance will pay. Once you reach your cap.....starts coming out of your pocket. If it is coming out your pocket I could care less.

Similar to people that smoke. I think you are an idiot for smoking but if you want to smoke.....go grab a heater. But I dont want to pay for your increase in health care costs. Insurance companies think you are a risk for more claims so they charge you a higher premium.

I don't know why nobody pointed this out in previous posts (maybe they did and I missed it) but his employer didn't mandate the vax. The cities of NY/SF/LA are, so the premise of the entire first half of your post has no basis. Atleast have knowledge of the issue if you are going to comment on it.

I actually agree with you re the 2nd part and healthcare costs/unhealthy preventable choices but why limit that to the vax? Make everyone take control of their own health. Personal responsibility is the only way this country is going to solve its healthcare issues and it would be ideal to incorporate more of that into the system. But umm, that ain't happening and we know why.

Jul 14, 2007
Just watched yesterday's PTI and Crazyyyyy Kyrie will not play or get paid for games he misses in Brooklyn 41 games, MSG 2 games and Oracle in SF 1 games. That's 44 and counting. Wait until the Staple center joins the fray. 2 more games there. I have a feeling once AD sees the light this ahole is not all about winning a championship something he and Harden are serious about they'll go along with management and trade him. Maybe Philly for Simmons. My problem for your problem kinda deal. A deal which could benefit each team and players who need a scenery change.

I got him as like a -500 fav to miss <5 games over this, just see him attention whoring and then caving. And he'll cave in the most Kyrie Irving way possible "My brother Kevin Durant convinced me to do what is best for the team, he is like a mentor to me and I'm happy to have such good teammates around me"

But could be wrong, we'll see. Fwiw, don't think he has to get it to play in LA/SF either way.

Also, don't think there is any chance he would let BK trade him without threatening not to report which would kill a deal.
May 4, 2005
It would be wild if the Nets decided to play all their playoff home games in Florida or some other state allowing Kyrie to play. I'd imagine the NBA wouldn't allow it but it's funny to think about.

Sep 21, 2004
I got him as like a -500 fav to miss <5 games over this, just see him attention whoring and then caving. And he'll cave in the most Kyrie Irving way possible "My brother Kevin Durant convinced me to do what is best for the team, he is like a mentor to me and I'm happy to have such good teammates around me"

But could be wrong, we'll see. Fwiw, don't think he has to get it to play in LA/SF either way.

Also, don't think there is any chance he would let BK trade him without threatening not to report which would kill a deal.

Will see what happens but SF and I think LA set out the same mandates in the past 24 hrs. Maybe the passionate NBA fans here can fill in the blank. NBA stuff I run across it but don't truly follow.

Sep 17, 2010
More and more information, though suppressed, shows the vaccines are not as effective as claimed, and also cause harmful side effects at a medically significant level.

Kyrie has made the correct decision IMO.

Speculating but I’m guessing a lot of these young super fit multi millionaire athletes found a way to have a certified vaccine document but did not, in fact, be vaccinated.

Again, no deaths, no hospitalizations of NBA players to my knowledge.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
More and more information, though suppressed, shows the vaccines are not as effective as claimed, and also cause harmful side effects at a medically significant level.

Kyrie has made the correct decision IMO.

Speculating but I’m guessing a lot of these young super fit multi millionaire athletes found a way to have a certified vaccine document but did not, in fact, be vaccinated.

Again, no deaths, no hospitalizations of NBA players to my knowledge.

I think you might be on to something here.

I'd actually be surprised if that league and its players didn't go " fake vaccine document '

Nov 7, 2008
I think you might be on to something here.

I'd actually be surprised if that league and its players didn't go " fake vaccine document '

I made thread about getting a doc to sign off for athletes and i Believe most just brushed off the idea....

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Remember when Magic Johnson played basketball while carrying active Aids but Kylie Irving isn’t permitted to even practice with his team completely healthy!!

Cant make this shit up

it’s not about a flu

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I made thread about getting a doc to sign off for athletes and i Believe most just brushed off the idea....

Its quite amazing really , despite idea after idea becoming true over and over and over again....the same sheep still think the NEXT idea cant possibly be true.

Two of my favorites are when people who undertand the evil said they would try to implement Vax Passports in the future....oh no , you are just silly conspiracy theorist, its just 2 weeks to flatten the curve.....less than a year later and look what is going on WORLDWIDE

How about this one, I mean what took them so long....damn near everything that took the test at the high cycle rates came back with covid....fruit, drinks, etc

Now just wait till these sheep find out what was REALLY in those "vaxes".......


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Lol. Fuck the NBA

[h=1]NBA Player Got Blood Clots From COVID Vaccine that Ends His Season – NBA Told Him to Keep It Quiet[/h]

Dec 15, 2017
He's banned in playing in NY and California so lets say 55%-60% at 380,000K per game with no pay. This idiot will cave or get traded to somewhere he can play when he desires of course. Durant and Harden may finally realize what a cancer he is and OK a deal to trade him.

Nah. Harden is desperate to win a championship, and Kyrie is the one that gets them there.

Frankly, Durant is pretty desperate too. He is pretty insecure about the legacy because of how weak his move to Golden State was. He needs to win one in Brooklyn to feel vindication

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Remember when Magic Johnson played basketball while carrying active Aids but Kylie Irving isn’t permitted to even practice with his team completely healthy!!

Cant make this shit up

it’s not about a flu
ha ha very true

dude's rocking the full-blownsies and it's absolutely fine for him to play a contact sport. but, hell, you ask the average lib and they'll tell you covid has a much higher death % in 2021 than HIV did in the early-mid 90's (you know, facts and science and all that)

btw they now put Magic on a pedestal as the man who "crushed the stigma of HIV" while Kyrie wants to kill your grandma :)

unfortunately 2-digit IQ's have a voice too

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