There are reports out that Kyrie Irving won't play home games because of not being vaccinated


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
What will the NBA's excuse be for when many of their vaxxed players are getting sick...
While I would bet the unvaxxed are not

Can't wait to see how they spin this one lol

They'll blame the unvaxxed who somehow will have magic powers to stay healthy while infecting everyone else around them LOL
Nov 8, 2012
He's banned in playing in NY and California so lets say 55%-60% at 380,000K per game with no pay. This idiot will cave or get traded to somewhere he can play when he desires of course. Durant and Harden may finally realize what a cancer he is and OK a deal to trade him.

I dont think he's banned in California.

From what I was told, the home team needs to be vaxxed and all fans and employees need to be vaxxed to enter the building.

The road team does not have to be vaxxed to enter the building.

Now if its 2 new york or 2 california teams playing vs each other, i'm not sure if that visiting rule applies

Sep 21, 2004
I dont think he's banned in California.

From what I was told, the home team needs to be vaxxed and all fans and employees need to be vaxxed to enter the building.

The road team does not have to be vaxxed to enter the building.

Now if its 2 new york or 2 california teams playing vs each other, i'm not sure if that visiting rule applies

I thought you had to be vaxxed in both examples. :think2:

New member
Oct 9, 2004
The solution is pretty simple. If your employer implements some sort of rule and you dont like it......then go work for somebody else and stop your crying. The golden rule works like this......those with the gold make the rules.

Employers have all sorts of rules and it is their right. Don't like them leave.

If you dont want to get the shot I dont really care. What I do care about is if your decision starts to cost me money.

A friend of mine son got the virus. He was 32 years old, in great shape and of course did not get the vaccine. He was in ICU for 60 days on a ventilator. My friend was convinced he was not going to make. The good news is that he is now off the ventilator. He is out of ICU this week which is great news. They told the family to expect 3 times the number of days on the ventilator doing physical therapy. So what do you think this has already cost? What will cost in total?

Just one of many stories like this going on across the world.

So lets do this. Start charging more for insurance if you are not vaccinated if the insurance company thinks the risk is more (pretty sure they will deem it a higher risk). Just like if you get speeding tickets they raise your car insurance because their risk of paying a large claim increases. Also cap the amount insurance will pay. Once you reach your cap.....starts coming out of your pocket. If it is coming out your pocket I could care less.

Similar to people that smoke. I think you are an idiot for smoking but if you want to smoke.....go grab a heater. But I dont want to pay for your increase in health care costs. Insurance companies think you are a risk for more claims so they charge you a higher premium.

Nov 7, 2008
The solution is pretty simple. If your employer implements some sort of rule and you dont like it......then go work for somebody else and stop your crying. The golden rule works like this......those with the gold make the rules.

Employers have all sorts of rules and it is their right. Don't like them leave.

If you dont want to get the shot I dont really care. What I do care about is if your decision starts to cost me money.

A friend of mine son got the virus. He was 32 years old, in great shape and of course did not get the vaccine. He was in ICU for 60 days on a ventilator. My friend was convinced he was not going to make. The good news is that he is now off the ventilator. He is out of ICU this week which is great news. They told the family to expect 3 times the number of days on the ventilator doing physical therapy. So what do you think this has already cost? What will cost in total?

Just one of many stories like this going on across the world.

So lets do this. Start charging more for insurance if you are not vaccinated if the insurance company thinks the risk is more (pretty sure they will deem it a higher risk). Just like if you get speeding tickets they raise your car insurance because their risk of paying a large claim increases. Also cap the amount insurance will pay. Once you reach your cap.....starts coming out of your pocket. If it is coming out your pocket I could care less.

Similar to people that smoke. I think you are an idiot for smoking but if you want to smoke.....go grab a heater. But I dont want to pay for your increase in health care costs. Insurance companies think you are a risk for more claims so they charge you a higher premium.

first off, “great shape” is subjective. secondly, are you going to deny or charge more for services to fat people? Who develop health problems from eating shit and being lazy. You have no idea what’s in those vaccines but yet want other people to get them. Fucking clown

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
The solution is pretty simple. If your employer implements some sort of rule and you dont like it......then go work for somebody else and stop your crying. The golden rule works like this......those with the gold make the rules.

Employers have all sorts of rules and it is their right. Don't like them leave.

If you dont want to get the shot I dont really care. What I do care about is if your decision starts to cost me money.

A friend of mine son got the virus. He was 32 years old, in great shape and of course did not get the vaccine. He was in ICU for 60 days on a ventilator. My friend was convinced he was not going to make. The good news is that he is now off the ventilator. He is out of ICU this week which is great news. They told the family to expect 3 times the number of days on the ventilator doing physical therapy. So what do you think this has already cost? What will cost in total?

Just one of many stories like this going on across the world.

So lets do this. Start charging more for insurance if you are not vaccinated if the insurance company thinks the risk is more (pretty sure they will deem it a higher risk). Just like if you get speeding tickets they raise your car insurance because their risk of paying a large claim increases. Also cap the amount insurance will pay. Once you reach your cap.....starts coming out of your pocket. If it is coming out your pocket I could care less.

Similar to people that smoke. I think you are an idiot for smoking but if you want to smoke.....go grab a heater. But I dont want to pay for your increase in health care costs. Insurance companies think you are a risk for more claims so they charge you a higher premium.

Great, now let's expand on this argument

If you eat at McDonald's, charge more for healthcare

If you like pizza, charge more for healthcare

If you hang around with smokers, charge more for healthcare

If you have a dangerous job, charge more for healthcare

If you drive fast car, charge more for healthcare

If you live in a crime invested, impoverished neighborhood, charge more for healthcare

If you drive a tin box, charge more for healthcare

If you ride a motorcycle, charge more for healthcare

If you like swimming, charge more for healthcare

And if you're a degenerate, charge more for healthcare

After all, I don’t give a shit

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
The solution is pretty simple. If your employer implements some sort of rule and you dont like it......then go work for somebody else and stop your crying. The golden rule works like this......those with the gold make the rules.

Employers have all sorts of rules and it is their right. Don't like them leave.

If you dont want to get the shot I dont really care. What I do care about is if your decision starts to cost me money.

A friend of mine son got the virus. He was 32 years old, in great shape and of course did not get the vaccine. He was in ICU for 60 days on a ventilator. My friend was convinced he was not going to make. The good news is that he is now off the ventilator. He is out of ICU this week which is great news. They told the family to expect 3 times the number of days on the ventilator doing physical therapy. So what do you think this has already cost? What will cost in total?

Just one of many stories like this going on across the world.

So lets do this. Start charging more for insurance if you are not vaccinated if the insurance company thinks the risk is more (pretty sure they will deem it a higher risk). Just like if you get speeding tickets they raise your car insurance because their risk of paying a large claim increases. Also cap the amount insurance will pay. Once you reach your cap.....starts coming out of your pocket. If it is coming out your pocket I could care less.

Similar to people that smoke. I think you are an idiot for smoking but if you want to smoke.....go grab a heater. But I dont want to pay for your increase in health care costs. Insurance companies think you are a risk for more claims so they charge you a higher premium.

I say if you are a LIB then you have to pay more for everything to make up for all the money I lose from all the bullshit you all support.

They should put a chip in you that goes off when you walk into every store or restaurant ....ding ding ding....then a 10 percent dumb ass tax is auto charged to your tab and disbursed to those that that have to suffer for your stupidity on a quarterly basis.


Mar 5, 2009
The solution is pretty simple. If your employer implements some sort of rule and you dont like it......then go work for somebody else and stop your crying. The golden rule works like this......those with the gold make the rules.

Employers have all sorts of rules and it is their right. Don't like them leave.

If you dont want to get the shot I dont really care. What I do care about is if your decision starts to cost me money.

A friend of mine son got the virus. He was 32 years old, in great shape and of course did not get the vaccine. He was in ICU for 60 days on a ventilator. My friend was convinced he was not going to make. The good news is that he is now off the ventilator. He is out of ICU this week which is great news. They told the family to expect 3 times the number of days on the ventilator doing physical therapy. So what do you think this has already cost? What will cost in total?

Just one of many stories like this going on across the world.

So lets do this. Start charging more for insurance if you are not vaccinated if the insurance company thinks the risk is more (pretty sure they will deem it a higher risk). Just like if you get speeding tickets they raise your car insurance because their risk of paying a large claim increases. Also cap the amount insurance will pay. Once you reach your cap.....starts coming out of your pocket. If it is coming out your pocket I could care less.

Similar to people that smoke. I think you are an idiot for smoking but if you want to smoke.....go grab a heater. But I dont want to pay for your increase in health care costs. Insurance companies think you are a risk for more claims so they charge you a higher premium.

So if somebody (like me) contracted Covid but was Asymptomatic and chose to NOT get vaccinated, because they have a natural immunity against it, then they should pay more for health insurance?? That makes no sense, I should pay LESS for health insurance because I have natural immunity against Covid.

Even though I had no symptoms what so ever I did get vaccinated back in May but If I had it to do over again I probably wouldn't.

Jul 4, 2012

A friend of mine son got the virus. He was 32 years old, in great shape and of course did not get the vaccine. He was in ICU for 60 days on a ventilator. My friend was convinced he was not going to make. The good news is that he is now off the ventilator. He is out of ICU this week which is great news. They told the family to expect 3 times the number of days on the ventilator doing physical therapy. So what do you think this has already cost? What will cost in total?

Right. And, the Aunt of my neighbor's grandmothers' step son took the vaccine and wore his mask all the time. He got COVID, was in the ICU for 2 weeks and later came home with a ventilator.

I'm tired of paying for the health care of stupid people.

RX Dream Team
Oct 12, 2007
Wear your masks...get your vaccines.....just 2 more weeks guys!

We're all in this together :):)

People still haven't figured it out yet. Unreal

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I say if you are a LIB then you have to pay more for everything to make up for all the money I lose from all the bullshit you all support.

They should put a chip in you that goes off when you walk into every store or restaurant ....ding ding ding....then a 10 percent dumb ass tax is auto charged to your tab and disbursed to those that that have to suffer for your stupidity on a quarterly basis.


The idiot supports traitors in Minnesota like Omar.. not surprised by his ignorant post.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Wear your masks...get your vaccines.....just 2 more weeks guys!

We're all in this together :):)

People still haven't figured it out yet. Unreal
15 days to flatten the curve has turned into getting fired if you already had Covid and are comfortable with your natural immunity

America the beautiful

Sep 17, 2010
It is all about politics, the destruction, overthrow, and control of our Republic, and profits for the elites that are orchestrating it all.

Covid 19 is a bioweapon, developed in The Wuhan Institute of Virology, the only question is whether it escaped from the lab, or was released intentionally.
Nov 8, 2012
The solution is pretty simple. If your employer implements some sort of rule and you dont like it......then go work for somebody else and stop your crying. The golden rule works like this......those with the gold make the rules.

Employers have all sorts of rules and it is their right. Don't like them leave.

If you dont want to get the shot I dont really care. What I do care about is if your decision starts to cost me money.

A friend of mine son got the virus. He was 32 years old, in great shape and of course did not get the vaccine. He was in ICU for 60 days on a ventilator. My friend was convinced he was not going to make. The good news is that he is now off the ventilator. He is out of ICU this week which is great news. They told the family to expect 3 times the number of days on the ventilator doing physical therapy. So what do you think this has already cost? What will cost in total?

Just one of many stories like this going on across the world.

So lets do this. Start charging more for insurance if you are not vaccinated if the insurance company thinks the risk is more (pretty sure they will deem it a higher risk). Just like if you get speeding tickets they raise your car insurance because their risk of paying a large claim increases. Also cap the amount insurance will pay. Once you reach your cap.....starts coming out of your pocket. If it is coming out your pocket I could care less.

Similar to people that smoke. I think you are an idiot for smoking but if you want to smoke.....go grab a heater. But I dont want to pay for your increase in health care costs. Insurance companies think you are a risk for more claims so they charge you a higher premium.

It makes sense. However the non jabbed will disagree with you and call you a Lib
Nov 8, 2012
I say if you are a LIB then you have to pay more for everything to make up for all the money I lose from all the bullshit you all support.

They should put a chip in you that goes off when you walk into every store or restaurant ....ding ding ding....then a 10 percent dumb ass tax is auto charged to your tab and disbursed to those that that have to suffer for your stupidity on a quarterly basis.


Money you lose? Do you even have a job? You post on here all hours of the day and when you're not posting on here, you're searching the dark web and putting the wacky articles on this forum.

They shoulc put a chip in us? No need except we all have phones, navigation, alexa, etc (maybe not you but i'm sure your roomates/parents have)

Sep 21, 2004
A good friend of mine works in an NBA front office and this is what he told me the other day as we were discussing 1 of their players

Just watched yesterday's PTI and Crazyyyyy Kyrie will not play or get paid for games he misses in Brooklyn 41 games, MSG 2 games and Oracle in SF 1 games. That's 44 and counting. Wait until the Staple center joins the fray. 2 more games there. I have a feeling once AD sees the light this ahole is not all about winning a championship something he and Harden are serious about they'll go along with management and trade him. Maybe Philly for Simmons. My problem for your problem kinda deal. A deal which could benefit each team and players who need a scenery change.
Nov 8, 2012
Just watched yesterday's PTI and Crazyyyyy Kyrie will not play or get paid for games he misses in Brooklyn 41 games, MSG 2 games and Oracle in SF 1 games. That's 44 and counting. Wait until the Staple center joins the fray. 2 more games there. I have a feeling once AD sees the light this ahole is not all about winning a championship something he and Harden are serious about they'll go along with management and trade him. Maybe Philly for Simmons. My problem for your problem kinda deal. A deal which could benefit each team and players who need a scenery change.

I guess its fine to sit Kyree for the regular season as it doesnt mean much and hoping the rules changes by playoff time

Now if Kyree sits out the playoffs, then thats F'd up

Mar 5, 2009
It makes sense. However the non jabbed will disagree with you and call you a Lib
I'm jabbed AND I disagree with him.

How about proving you don't drink alcohol, eat at McDonald's, drive like a reckless cocksucker??
All of those things will get you hospitalized as well.

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