This season has turned so bad. Having the focus on 1 story each episode is ridiculous. These characters aren't that great for an entire episode. 3 snoozers in a row.
Actually I think with today's episode, everything falls in place to a great 7th and 8th episodes. 3 first episodes were great action packed, 4th with Beth was necessary to develop her story (I think she or Carol might die on mid season finale) and on the 5th we had Abraham's and Eugene's development, these 2 characters are instrumental for the plot and what they experienced on that episode is needed,
AK, I think this is no longer a Rick and co show, Carol and Daryl had a great episode this week! Can't be action packed forever, character development is needed!
Sooooooo boring. Like fast forward boring. I honestly couldn't care less about Beth and Carol in this shoddy ass hospital with boring ass fake cops. There's like no storyline now that makes this entertaining.
You are not into character development I see lol.
Much of the dialogues in the last 2 episodes are instrumental closing some inter-character plot lines and setting up for a big character death.
Tonight's episode was excellent in my opinion. It focused on Carol's guilt over her transgressions from the past. And had a bit of a buddy storyline with the "Adventures of Daryl and Carol". The symmetery of Daryl burning the bodies of the walkers with Tyreese burning the girls' bodies was just great production. Writing off an episode because you just don't like that particular character seems a bit jaded to me. If you haven't figured out that the writers like to focus on one character's backstory and development at a time and that they invest the large part of the episode to that... it might be time to find a new show. Because that will 100% continue for the rest of the season. And the award-winning writers probably aren't going anywhere. Of course there were some kind of silly parts, but overall it was good. I thought it was interesting that the walkers basically committed suicide in the pursuit of food by walking off the freeway after the van too. Are they getting more desperate for brains..
Tonight's episode was excellent in my opinion. It focused on Carol's guilt over her transgressions from the past. And had a bit of a buddy storyline with the "Adventures of Daryl and Carol". The symmetery of Daryl burning the bodies of the walkers with Tyreese burning the girls' bodies was just great production. Writing off an episode because you just don't like that particular character seems a bit jaded to me. If you haven't figured out that the writers like to focus on one character's backstory and development at a time and that they invest the large part of the episode to that... it might be time to find a new show. Because that will 100% continue for the rest of the season. And the award-winning writers probably aren't going anywhere. Of course there were some kind of silly parts, but overall it was good. I thought it was interesting that the walkers basically committed suicide in the pursuit of food by walking off the freeway after the van too. Are they getting more desperate for brains..
Wow, so fucking sad, Daryl cant get a break.