the season finale looks to be pretty good.
He's become a Jr badass. Much better character.It's actually the mid-season finale. There'll be a short hiatus after the next episode and then they'll come back to finish out the season.
It looks like the writers listened to the complaints about what a horrible character Carl was in the first two seasons. He's much less annoying and much more useful now.
Could it be that Carl is actually turning into one of my favorite characters? Little dude was pretty quick to volunteer to put a bullet in that bitten lady's head before she turned.
can't believe you guys like Carl. Dude barely has pubes and if this love story between him and the 17 year old develops I'm going to be sick. I'd rather have that one inmate fuck the 17 year old than Carl.
hopefully they show more of Andrea's ass when the series resumes. annoying but nice body on her.
Everytime the 1 black guy in the show dies a new comes along
T-dogg dead, then black prison guy joins the group. That guy dies, then new group comes along with a new black guy to replace