Oregon/Baylor TCU/ASU would make an interesting fearsome foursome
Glad to see Oregon on your list of Contenders.....FWIW, you may recall, well before the opening kick-off of the 2014 season,
I stated that Oregon would be in the hunt for the NC. The loss to AZ put a "damper" on many of the well-wishers.......
not mine; I knew they would come-back, better than ever. I'm no expert but I've been following college football for 70 years and I can recognize a good football team when I see one........The Ducks are one-of-them.
From what I see, I doubt if there will ever be an undefeated NC team again the way the game is played today There is so much
talent available that establishes parity making it almost impossible for a coach to get a team-up every week to play 13 or even 14 game schedules (plus the play-offs for those that are selected) against so much top-notch competition. I hope these kids are eating their "Wheaties"....the breakfast of champions"....LOL
P.S. I miss your posts (selections)...I'm having to adjust my life-style (cut in pay).....I'm on a "fixed" income......LOL's