The polls were wrong yet again...


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Havent worked for that mean ol' boss in MANY years and my life is 100000x better

Looks like the other mean ol' boss is leaving in January. Cant wait for my life to be still be awesome.

Still Grateful for having that mean ol' boss in both South Florida and Washington DC but I see a BETTER life with them in the rearview mirror

Are you sure? Sounds like you're gonna cry.

Oct 31, 2004
many took Trump +150 or better as I thought it was a good bet based on value. Nothing wrong with taking that play. If I truly thought Trunp was gonna win, I probably wound have taken that bet plus bet with Crudebar

I’m taking about the live betting odds when Trunp was -300 or better. Republicans saw early results of success and started to unload at -300, -400, and higher to win a “quick buck”

what they didn’t realize was that Trunp won states where he was the chalk

the sports books did a GREAT job on manipulating the Trump better during live betting

Name these states trump was chalk to run the line up to -300
Name one
Nov 8, 2012
Name these states trump was chalk to run the line up to -300
Name one

Your question doesnt make any sense.

"LIVE BETTING ODDS WHEN TRUMP WAS -300 OR BETTER". Maybe i should have clarified -300 or better "TO WIN THE ELECTION". I assumed thats what everyone thought that i meant

We good or do i need to start naming states b/c i'm certain i have named the states already in this thread

Oct 31, 2004
Your question doesnt make any sense.

"LIVE BETTING ODDS WHEN TRUMP WAS -300 OR BETTER". Maybe i should have clarified -300 or better "TO WIN THE ELECTION". I assumed thats what everyone thought that i meant

We good or do i need to start naming states b/c i'm certain i have named the states already in this thread

Yea name the states .

Name the states that caused the line to go to -300 where trump was already chalk

Oct 31, 2004
You said Trump went to -300 because he started winning states but people were too dumb to realize he was already chalk in those states .

I would like a list of these states that people were too dumb to realize he was already chalk
Nov 8, 2012
Yea name the states .

Name the states that caused the line to go to -300 where trump was already chalk

I've mentioned this a few times but i'll say it again.

I had Biden winning 279 - 259

Lets say 10pm eastern time Tuesday nite when the live betting lines were getting higher and higher for Trump

Trump looked like he was going to win FL (i had red)
Trump had a nice lead in GA (i had red)
Trump was winning NC (i had red)
Trump was winning Ohio (i had red)
Trump was winning Texas (i had red)

So with Trump winning these "swing states", Trump backers figured he was going to win easily as the live betting lines went higher and higher for Trump

However, I had Biden still winning the election even though i had Trump winning those states above.

I remember at 10pm (took a break from watching on tv) and was checking this site and others and couldnt figure out why the line was so high for Trump as he didnt have a lead in any of my blue states (he was leading in Mich and wisky at the time but results werent even 10% in)

Good enough for ya Chop or do i need on? I actually do like you so i'll answer what you throw at me

Oct 31, 2004
I see how you left off Trumps huge leads in Michigan , Wisconsin , and Pennsylvania .

Those are the big reasons he went to -300.

And he was a huge dog in all 3 of those .

He dropped from -300 to around half that when Arizona started looking bad .

At around 3am in the morning when all the vote counts started going bad in the Rust belt states that I mention above that’s when it turned back to Biden .

This was not some trick from the sports books to try to get trump lovers to make a quick buck betting him at -300 lol.

The odds changed because information changed .

It looked for real Trump was going to pull off Mich , whisky , and Penn again .
All 3 of those states Biden was a huge fav going into the election.

It had nothing to do with Trump lovers being too dumb to realize he was winning in states where he was already chalk . Lol

He was nowhere near the fav in those 3 states .

Sep 21, 2004
I have to give Sheriff Joe, the same credit i gave Donald Trump. Hell of a lot of energy! You keep fighting that fight Joe. Haha

Sep 21, 2004
I have to give Sheriff Joe, the same credit i gave Donald Trump. Hell of a lot of energy! You keep fighting that fight Joe. Haha

Don't encourage in anyway the mentally and intellectually challenged please!
Nov 8, 2012
I see how you left off Trumps huge leads in Michigan , Wisconsin , and Pennsylvania .

Those are the big reasons he went to -300.

And he was a huge dog in all 3 of those .

He dropped from -300 to around half that when Arizona started looking bad .

At around 3am in the morning when all the vote counts started going bad in the Rust belt states that I mention above that’s when it turned back to Biden .

This was not some trick from the sports books to try to get trump lovers to make a quick buck betting him at -300 lol.

The odds changed because information changed .

It looked for real Trump was going to pull off Mich , whisky , and Penn again .
All 3 of those states Biden was a huge fav going into the election.

It had nothing to do with Trump lovers being too dumb to realize he was winning in states where he was already chalk . Lol

He was nowhere near the fav in those 3 states .

Post number 68 i mentioned in the 2nd to the last paragraph about Michigan and Wisky. I did leave out PA. However, all 3 states maybe had 10% in at the time. We also dont know where the votes came from.

So again, Trump was winning the states he was projected to win and had a 7-0 lead in the first quarter of a few states that he was projected to lose and the Trump backers JUMPED all over it.

Luckily Trump made them SO MUCH money in their 401k's these past 4 years that their monies lost doesnt even matter

Oct 31, 2004
Post number 68 i mentioned in the 2nd to the last paragraph about Michigan and Wisky. I did leave out PA. However, all 3 states maybe had 10% in at the time. We also dont know where the votes came from.

So again, Trump was winning the states he was projected to win and had a 7-0 lead in the first quarter of a few states that he was projected to lose and the Trump backers JUMPED all over it.

Luckily Trump made them SO MUCH money in their 401k's these past 4 years that their monies lost doesnt even matter

Lol they had a lot more then 10% of the vote in and those 3 states are the very reason the odds went up to -300.
Not some scheme by the books to sucker Trump voters to make a quick buck .
Nov 8, 2012
Lol they had a lot more then 10% of the vote in and those 3 states are the very reason the odds went up to -300.
Not some scheme by the books to sucker Trump voters to make a quick buck .

Is there a way to see how much % of the votes were in for Wisky/Mich/PA as of 9pm, 930, 10pm, 1030?

Odds were skyrocketing like hell at that time. I'm pretty certain (i cannot prove this) that less than 20% of the results were in.

A small percentage of those 3 states above were in and i dont think they counted much of the HEAVY blue areas.

I woke up in the middle of the night on tuned into CNN (i know, lib and cnn) and even though Trump was leading Michigan and Wisky, they said that they hadnt counted a few areas that should vote HEAVY democrat.

I wonder what the falcons live betting odds were when they were up 28-3?

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Not some scheme by the books to sucker Trump voters to make a quick buck .

Hahaha obviously it was not.
Pinnacle is not opening itself up to MASSIVE liability on Biden +400 just to fool the dumb redneck beer-drinking Trump voter out a few bucks.

Don't bother with this guy he is pretty clearly below average IQ.

Jul 14, 2007
Knightrofins I have a question, is what you posted in the last 1-2 pages of the thread your own theory or did you get it from somewhere?
Nov 8, 2012
Knightrofins I have a question, is what you posted in the last 1-2 pages of the thread your own theory or did you get it from somewhere?

Regarding the lines going up for Trump? My own theory.

Look, i have a desk job where i enjoy taking breaks from work and looking at a few websites and looking at my gambling account with the live betting odds. I like to watch live betting odds get jacked up bigly to manipulate the better to see that its "easy money".

There have been times i've been "on tilt" where i need to win some $$ back and will check the live betting odds. Many times i'll see a -500 with an 8 pt lead with 4 min left (i'm exaggerting a little but hopefully u get the drift) and consider playing the chalk to win some $$ back. Tennis matches are the CRAZIEST.

Anyways, i could see those live odds Tuesday nite fool many Trump betters.

Look, the Trump plus money line has been up for months. We've discussed on this site for month that plus money is GREAT value (win or lose). If you took Trump at plus money, you had PLENTY of time to think it over.

Now lets go back to Tuesday nite. Trump is now the favorite. You consider making a wager but need to think quick. Line keeps going up. Line keeps going up. Line keeps going up. You say "fuck it, i'm in". You get -500 odds as the moment is getting to you.

You took the bet but really didnt know why Trump was the favorite. If you handicapped this, at best, Trump is a -140 favorite maybe? But you decided to get in at -300, -400, -500, or higher. The Trump better (possibly with drinks in him) was duped into betting.

With all this being said, i was upset that my book did NOT offer live betting Tuesday night. I was a little surprised. When Biden was +450, I could have seen myself throw in a few bucks on Biden (nothing crazy)
Nov 7, 2020
Not sure if anyone has made this point or not, but the reason why the polls were wrong in both of Trump's elections is because his supporters are all full of conspiracy theories and they do not believe in media, it's all fake news. They are skeptical of the "deep state" and the Obama's and the Clinton's and Bushes altogether plotting against Trump.

They aren't going to participate in the pollings when that is the majority of their perspectives.

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