The One Size Fits All Friendly Muslim Thread

Jul 14, 2007
Seen this earlier. This is why brushing with a broad stroke can make you look bad. You didnt do that Scott, but some other here have. You have a 26 year old and 21 year old who felt isolated here and who the uncle called losers. This is more of the Newtown motive than it is some dude running around in a cave IMO.

I think so too. Couple isolated losers that wanna get back at the world rather than militant extremists. Hate everyone, got rejected 1 too many times just like the white kids who shoot shit up.

I wouldn't really feel like arguing this with anyone though because not enough info is known yet, but that is how it looks. Although who knows what this uncle knows, I mean he 100% did the right thing coming out and just painting them as loner losers to distance himself regardless of their motive.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
They are saying the older brother might have gone back home a time or two, they are still checking. I heard someone linking them to a radical muslim cleric where they may or may not have gone to services. By the way, a broad stroke covers everything doesn't it. (just kidding). Of course the dots need to be connected and everything up to now is mostly conjecture. It is what it is.

I posted the article on Chechnya just to show there are some deep roots for terrorism there and that they have bombed placed like Moscow in past years.

Yes Pat that was a joke. I don't know if he has a legal case or not. Mitigating factor might be the circumstances and all the tackler would have to say was that the other guy was acting perculiar etc. I can't even imagine how that question could be bothering you in light of the unresolved issues revolving around the attack. That would be the last thing I would think of but that is just me.


Aug 6, 2006
Let's see what happens. Whatever the investigation uncovers nothing good comes out of this. People who want to murder innocents, be they merely disaffected sociopaths, sickos, or of a ridiculous religious ideology, are all encouraged by this week's horror. Terrorism takes many forms. When done by Islamic extremists who are usually way better organized than these losers to use Uncle's term, the goal is the submission of the society to (their interpretation of) Islam. Our open society is what they hate. But for many year to come we are going to experience and live with terrorism, from sickos who kill students on campus or at the movies, to small and large jihadist groups who wake up every morning with the goal of murdering Americans.
Oct 30, 2006
Let's see what happens. Whatever the investigation uncovers nothing good comes out of this. People who want to murder innocents, be they merely disaffected sociopaths, sickos, or of a ridiculous religious ideology, are all encouraged by this week's horror. Terrorism takes many forms. When done by Islamic extremists who are usually way better organized than these losers to use Uncle's term, the goal is the submission of the society to (their interpretation of) Islam. Our open society is what they hate. But for many year to come we are going to experience and live with terrorism, from sickos who kill students on campus or at the movies, to small and large jihadist groups who wake up every morning with the goal of murdering Americans.
Righto....Thanks to the Liberal mindset...
Oct 30, 2006
Guys don't jump to conclusions. This may have nothing to do with Chechnya. These kids have never been to Chechnya. Hopefully they'll apprehend this kid alive and we'll see what his 'grievances' were. Chechnyan Muslims have dealt with Russia pissing down their throats for decades. The Russian gov't still wants to rule the world, and Putin is a vile human being. Chechnyans usually attack in Russia or at Russian military in Chechnya.

Addendum to my comments about moderate and radical Islam - From the boy's uncle: "We are Muslims. We are ethnic Chechyans. Someone radicalized them...... We are ashamed...... I say I teach my children what I feel. This is ideal. I respect this country! I love this country......which gives the chance to everybody to be a human being!" ........
You are a Patriot Mr. Tsarni -- Do not be ashamed and hold your head high!
Wrong.....One or both of them went back to Cheshnya last year for 6 months..
Jul 14, 2007
They are saying the older brother might have gone back home a time or two, they are still checking. I heard someone linking them to a radical muslim cleric where they may or may not have gone to services. By the way, a broad stroke covers everything doesn't it. (just kidding). Of course the dots need to be connected and everything up to now is mostly conjecture. It is what it is.

I posted the article on Chechnya just to show there are some deep roots for terrorism there and that they have bombed placed like Moscow in past years.

Yes Pat that was a joke. I don't know if he has a legal case or not. Mitigating factor might be the circumstances and all the tackler would have to say was that the other guy was acting perculiar etc. I can't even imagine how that question could be bothering you in light of the unresolved issues revolving around the attack. That would be the last thing I would think of but that is just me.

It wasn't bothering me, I was just wondering. Obviously I could careless but considering a civilian tackled him for "looking suspicious" he probably has a case.


Aug 6, 2006
[h=1]Boston Bomber's Mosque Has Muslim Brotherhood Ties[/h] Dzhokar Tsarnaev, who has been arrested for the terrorist bombings in Boston, attended the Islamic Society of Boston.
By Ryan Mauro
Sat, April 20, 2013

Islamic Society of Boston (Photo: Google Maps)

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Dzhokar Tsarnaev, who has been arrested for the terrorist bombings in Boston, attended the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB) in Cambridge, a mosque with strong Muslim Brotherhood links. The ISB Cultural Center, which is at a separate location, is even run by a group that federal prosecutors said in 2008 “was founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.”
An ISB attendee reports last seeing Tsarnaev there during Ramadan last year. It is unclear if his brother, the other bomber, also attended the mosque. The ISB has links to the Muslim Brotherhood, has had radical leadership and promotes anti-Western themes.

For instance, the Islamic Society of Boston recently invited journalist Victoria Brittain to speak at the mosque, who in an article she wrote on wrote that the War on Terror is a “war on Islam” and that Muslims in the West face widespread persecution. In her article, Brittain also criticized British security services who “returned to a post-9/11 stance on overdrive” in the aftermath of the 2005 London subway bombings, referred to as the “7/7″ attacks.
ISB teaching is largely based on Islamists like Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yousef al-Qaradawi and Sayyid Qutb, the Brotherhood cleric who influenced Osama Bin Laden. It was reported in 2008 that the Muslim Brotherhood and the Pakistani Islamist group, Jamaat-e-Islami, “are the prominent belief systems. The popular websites used by members, and recommended by mosque leaders, are mostly fundamentalist, and rabidly homophobic.”
Alamoudi with Presidents Clinton and BushOne of the founders of the ISB is Abdurrahman Alamoudi. He was convicted on terrorism-related charges in 2004 and has admitted to being a secret Muslim Brotherhood operative. He wrote from his prison cell, “I am, I hope, still a member of the Muslim Brotherhood organization in the USA.”
He was last paid a speaking fee by ISB in 2000, the same year he publicly expressed his support for Hamas and Hezbollah.
Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yousef al-Qaradawi has been on the ISB board of trustees. Tax filings for 1998-2000 include his name under a list of “officers, directors, trustees and key employees.” In 2002, he helped ISB fundraise via videotape because the U.S. wouldn’t grant him entry. His name also appeared on the ISB website until March 2001. The ISB originally denied having any connection to Qaradawi and later claimed that the inclusion of his name on the tax forms was an error.
The ISB has hosted Islamist speakers like Salah Soltan and Yasir Qadhi. It has donated “thousands” of dollars to the Holy Land Foundation, a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity later shut down for financing Hamas. It also donated to Benevolence International Foundation, later identified as an Al-Qaeda front.
Imam Sheikh Basyouny Nehela, who has served ISB for at least ten years, is a board member of the Boston chapter of the Muslim American Society. Federal prosecutors said in 2008 that “MAS was founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.” In January 2012, Alamoudi frankly testified, “Everyone knows that MAS is the Muslim Brotherhood.”
Osama Kandil, who has served as chairman of the ISB board, is one of nine founders of the Muslim Arab Youth Association. He has also been a vice president of the group. A 1991 U.S. Muslim Brotherhood memo identifies it as one of its fronts. The government labeled it an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Trial, listing it among U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entities.
Walid Fitaihi is another ISB trustee. He resigned after anti-Semitic writings he made in Arabic came to light. He said that Jews “perpetrated the worst of evils and brought the worst corruption to the earth,” are the “murderers of prophets” and “would be punished for their oppression, murder and rape of the worshippers of Allah.” He also claimed that the “Zionist lobby in America…has recruited many of the influential media.”

He returned as a trustee after the Muslim American Society’s Boston chapter took over the ISB Cultural Center. Hossam al-Jabri, the president of the Boston chapter of the Muslim American Society when it took over the Cultural Center, donated to the Holy Land Foundation.
Jamal Badawi has been another ISB trustee. He is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial because he was one of its fundraisers. In 2010, he endorsed “combative jihad.” He has also justified suicide bombings and refers to Hamas terrorists as “martyrs.” His name is in a 1992 U.S. Muslim Brotherhood directory and is a founder of the Muslim American Society.
The Islamic Society of Boston filed a defamation lawsuit in 2005 against reporters and terrorism experts that pointed out facts like these and accused them of having “anti-Muslim biases.” The lawsuit was dropped in 2007, but that doesn’t stop the mosque from saying that its critics are part of an anti-Muslim network.


Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]Florida Muslims Condemn the Boston Attacks[/h]

Islamic leaders offer condolence to the affected families and reject acts of terrorism! ORLANDO, Fla., April 19, 2013 /PRNewswire-iReach/ -- In the name of God Most Gracious Most Merciful
Florida's Muslim leaders that represent over 100,000 Muslims today issued a joint statement condemning the tragic bombings in Boston and the loss of innocent lives. Events such as this remind us to stand firm in our religious and American principles of pluralism and justice. No political position, no grievance can justify any act of violence or indiscriminate loss of life.
American Muslims are following American laws and the constitution and trying to raise good families and reject these extreme acts of terrorism; these terrorists have no room in our communities.
We are a peace loving community and we extend our hand of friendship and offer assistance to our Law enforcement officials to make sure these terrible incidents never happen again.
"I have personally worked with federal agents and also conducted various programs and training to assist law enforcement over the years "Said Atif Fareed, Chairman of the American Muslim Community Centers. " We are a part of the American society and we will do everything in our power to make sure that our country is protected" We reject acts of terrorism in any shape or form and pray to Allah God Almighty to protect us from evil and help us become a stronger nation safe from all evil and acts of violence."
We want to congratulate the FBI, law enforcement and first responders who showed true compassion, courage and strength in the face of a crisis, and we are grateful for their hard work.
Official condemnation was signed by a number of Muslim leaders that represent numerous Mosques and organizations around Florida to include the following:
American Muslim Community Centers
Longwood Center, Aisha Cultural Center, Masjid Maryam
Florida Islamic Association
Islamic Center Of Orlando
Islamic Circle of North America FL
Islamic Center of Boca Raton
ICNA Relief
Helping Hands
Masjid Al Bir Islamic Association
Masjid Ihsan
Masjid Tazkiya
Masjid As Sunnah
Masjid Al Noor
Masjid Jamaat Al Mumineen
Muslim Youth Coalition of S. FL
Suntree Masjid
United Muslim Foundation
Media Contact:
Hasan Shibly 813 541 4321
Atif Fareed 321 356 3058
Imam Tariq 407 361 6666
Media Contact: Atif Fareed AMCC, 3213563058,
News distributed by PR Newswire iReach:


Aug 6, 2006
[h=1]EXCLUSIVE - How doctor's daughter became the Muslim convert widow of Boston bomber: Terrorist husband 'brainwashed' her and she gave up her dreams of college to have his baby at 21[/h]
  • Schoolfriend tells MailOnline how Katherine Russell had dreams of joining the Peace Corps - but was 'totally transformed' by Tamerlan Tsarnaev
  • Yearbook photos reveal her transformation from all-American girl
By Laura Collins In North Kingstown, Rhode Island
PUBLISHED: 16:19 EST, 21 April 2013 | UPDATED: 10:00 EST, 22 April 2013

Katherine Russell, the widow of Boston bomb suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was 'an all-American girl who was brainwashed' by her extremist husband according to one schoolfriend.
Today MailOnline has gained the first glimpse and pictures of the early life of the woman who, according to those who knew her best, was 'totally transformed' by Tsarnaev.
At high school her personal motto was 'Do something about it or stop complaining'. She dreamed of going to college and joining the Peace Corps.
She urged her friends to 'lighten up and enjoy the small things,' in life.
Scroll down for video



Transformed: Katherine Russell, the American wife of marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, is pictured left in her school book and, right, leaving the house she shared with her husband in Cambridge

FBI to question 'bomber's wife

Instead she met Tsarneav, 26, a disenfranchised man who came to America from his troubled homeland of Chechnya who rapidly had her in his thrall.

By the time she was 21 she had married him and borne his child, Zahara, now three. She had converted to Islam, hidden her tumble of chestnut hair beneath the hijab and undergone a change so profound that today few friends profess to truly understand it.


Yesterday Katherine, who has been staying at her parents’ home in Rhode Island, returned to the Cambridge, Massachusetts home which she shared with her late husband.
Dressed in a leopard print hijab she darted into the white shingle house to collect some belongings and her pet cat while her daughter waited in the car.
Today she was back home, accompanied by armed federal agents who first interviewed Katherine and her family on Friday.



What did she know? Katherine's proximity to both brothers makes her a key witness - witting or otherwise. A team of federal agents today delivered a package to her home after her mother reluctantly answered the door


Great future: Her friends say she dreamed of going to the Peace Corps - before she met Tsarnaev
Shortly before 6pm on Sunday three law enforcement agents – two men, one woman - all wearing dark sunglasses delivered a package to the Russell's family home.
Katherine's mother Judith was initially reluctant to answer the front door, opening it fully only after requesting that the officers, thought to be Federal Agents, showed their credentials.
At around 7.30 the Federal agents returned to the Russell family home as there was a marked increase in law enforcement activity in this quiet suburban neighborhood.

MailOnline has learned that the family's attorney entered by a back door as several officers were seen going into the family home.

The agents stayed for just over an hour. Moments after they left, the family's attorney Amato DeLuca did likewise.

Mr DeLuca said he could not discuss any detail of what had passed between his client and the agents, saying only that there were ‘talks.’

He said ‘We’re doing our best to deal with a very difficult situation. The family’s going through a lot. That’s the best I can do at the moment.’



Through the years: She had a comfortable upbringing as the eldest daughter of a doctor and a nurse

Involved: Russell, circled, is pictured with her high school dance team, third from right on the back row

Their presence raises the question how much did Katherine know about her late husband's activities and links?
Katherine's awareness of her then husband's movements, thoughts and plans is under intense scrutiny as her relation to Tsaraev and her proximity to both brothers makes her a key witness - witting or otherwise.
After all she was living with Tsarnaev when he travelled to Makhachkala in 2011 – a trip now attracting the interest of investigators trying to establish whether he met with Gaczhimurad Dolgatov at that time. Dolgatov was a Dagestani jihadist who died in 2012 after a vicious stand-off with Russian security services.
As it has already been revealed, Tsarnaev was on the FBI's radar during that time as they were asked to look into his potential links to extremist groups.

None who knew her as a child could have dreamed that this would be the face she would one day present to the world, nor that her life and those of so many Bostonians would be so violently caught up with two brothers from Chechnya and a cause as unclear as it was brutal.

Out: She exits a car with her father Warren Russell, left, as they arrive at the family home in Rhode Island

Changed: Her school friends have described how she transformed after meeting Tamerlan Tsarnaev

In hiding: The Russell family home in North Kingstown, Rhode Island, where Katherine is staying

Support: A man, believed to be Warren Russell, father of Katherine Russell, smiles at the media

Family: After pulling into her driveway, Judith Russell, Katherine's mother, spoke briefly with the media

As a girl growing up in Rhode Island Katherine was known to her friends as Katie. One school friend who asked not to be named recalled: ‘I saw her like a few months ago and she was just totally transformed. She was not the same person at all.’
Another agreed: ‘She was just this All-American girl who was brainwashed by her super-religious husband. Nobody understands what happened to her.
‘None of us would have dreamed that she would marry so young or drop out of college and have a baby or convert or be part of any of what’s happened.’
She said, ‘She’s just not the same person at all.’
It would be hard to imagine a childhood more rooted in America’s pilgrim heritage than Katherine’s. It is in there in the names of the towns – Plymouth, Dorset, Greenwich – where many of her friends still live and writ large in the wholesome values of the one-time Honors student’s home life.
[h=2]'She was this All-American girl who was brainwashed by her super-religious husband. Nobody understands what happened'[/h]
The eldest of three daughters, to emergency physician Dr Warren Russell and nurse Judith, hers is a background steeped in the values of family and education.
She attended Daisyville Middle School, North Kingstown. As a sixth grader she is pictured smiling from the pages of the 2001-2002 yearbook dedicated to The North Kingstown Police and Fire Departments in the wake of 9/11. – a date, the opening dedication reads, ‘forever in our minds.’
A section of the book is titled, ‘Enduring Freedom,’ as the school, along with the rest of the nation, refused to be cowed by the acts of terror that hit the homeland that day.



'Attackers': Her husband Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his younger brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were allegedly behind the bombings at the Boston Marathon last Monday, which left three dead and more than 180 injured

Chilling: Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are seen near the marathon finish line before the bombings

Scene: Dzhokhar was found in a boat in Watertown, Massachusetts on Friday following a massive manhunt

In 2004 Katherine progressed to North Kingstown High School.
She took part gamely in the school’s Mismatch/Bad Hair Day; she dressed up for Hawaiian day though the occasion fell in a chilly October.
She was a member of the Dance Team and the Art Club. In 11th grade she was awarded a Silver Key for a rather odd image of a cat, lashing out at a mouse in a ballet shoe. Her favorite food was Pad Thai.
She competed with her peers in Class Color Day that ended with a Pep Rally in which seas of the school colors, green, blue, red, black and gold filled the stands at the playing field.
One classmate who remembers Katherine from those early days said: ‘The thing that’s so shocking is that there was nothing at all that made Katherine different.
‘Her parents are nice people, her sisters are great girls. But she met this guy, I guess, and everything changed.’

Memorial: Candles are lit for those who died in the Boston Marathon bombings and the subsequent police manhunt at a memorial on Boylston Street in Boston, Massachusetts April 21, 2013

Remembering: A couple embraces at a memorial on Boylston Street to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings in Boston

Flowers: A woman holds a flower at the memorial on Boylston Street last night

Katherine was a student at Suffolk University, Boston, when she met Tsaraev, then a promising boxer and athlete.
It was during that time that she converted and her youthful priorities appear to have changed as she left in 2010 without graduating.
By then her relationship with Tsaraev was intense. Not even his arrest for violently assaulting her in 2009 could change that.
According to Cambridge City Police Department reports of the incident which took place in July at the Massachusetts home she once shared with Tsaraev, when interviewed she described Tsaraev as ‘a very nice man.’
Certainly he was a man whose influence on Katherine's life would prove profound.
There is only one odd and unsettling inclusion in her own entry in her graduation High School Yearbook.
Asked to provide a quotation she settled on one that would surely chime with the extremist views of her late husband.
‘Don’t take anything for granted,’ she advises, before quoting a line from David Bowie's 'Quicksand': ‘Don’t believe in yourself, don’t deceive with belief,’ the baffling lines run. ‘Knowledge comes from death’s release.’

Read more:


Aug 6, 2006

Bill Maher on HBO's Real Time Friday made a statement that will make the Right cheer as the left predictably cringes.

After his guest Brian Levin - the director of the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino - said of the Boston bombings and how it relates to radical Islam, "We have hypocrites across faiths, Jewish, Christian who say they're out for God and end up doing not so nice things," Maher marvelously responded, "That’s liberal bulls--t right there" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
BILL MAHER, HOST: So you're obviously the perfect person to have here today. You study this all the time, the mind of crazy people who do horrible things. I'm always interested to know how people like the people we caught today up in Boston can have two minds going at the same time. I mean, if you read what the older brother wrote on his, on the internet, he said his world view: Islam. Personal priorities: career and money. And we see this a lot. I mean, the 9/11 hijackers went to strip clubs the night before they got on the plane.
BRIAN LEVIN, DIRECTOR OF THE CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF HATE AND EXTREMISM AT CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN BERNADINO: Could I just interject? Look, it's not like people who are Muslim who do wacky things have a monopoly on it. We have hypocrites across faiths, Jewish, Christian who say they're out for God and end up doing not so nice things.
MAHER: You know what? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what? That's, that’s liberal bullshit right there. I mean, yes, all faiths…

LEVIN: There are no Christian hypocrites?

MAHER: No, there are.
LEVIN: You make a career on that.

MAHER: They just, they're not as dangerous. I mean, there's only one faith, for example, that kills you or wants to kill you if you draw a bad cartoon of the prophet. There’s only one faith that kills you or wants to kill you if you renounce the faith. An ex-Muslim is a very dangerous thing. Talk to Salman Rushdie after the show about Christian versus Islam. So, you know, I’m just saying, let's keep it real.
LEVIN: Well, I guess I have a girl for you, Pam Geller you could maybe meet. No, I really disagree with you.
MAHER: I don't know what that means.
LEVIN: Well, she’s an Islamaphobe. But, no I…
MAHER: I’m not an Islamaphobe. That’s wrong. I am a truth lover. All religions are not alike. As many people have pointed out, “The Book of Mormon.” Did you see the show?
LEVIN: No, it's hard to get tickets.
MAHER: Okay, can you imagine if they did "The Book of Islam?" Could they do that? There’s only one religion that threatens violence and carries it out for things like that. Could they do “The Book of Islam” on Broadway?
LEVIN: Possibly so.
MAHER: Possibly so? Tell me what color the sky is in your world.
LEVIN: Here's my difficulty with your premise here, Bill, and that is look at how religions over history have had things done in their name that have been terrible.
MAHER: Absolutely. But we're not in history. We're in 2013.
LEVIN: But what I would tell you…
MAHER: You're right, during the Middle Ages, I would say Christianity was the bigger problem.
LEVIN: If I may, though. You are making an error in that Islam has over 1.4 billion adherents. There’s a heterogeneity to it. Are there extremists who are horrible people who would slit your throats? Yes. But there are also folks that are fine, upstanding people.
MAHER: Of course.
LEVIN: And I'm very worried you have a national audience where we're promoting Islamic hatred.
MAHER: No, you're wrong about that and you're wrong about your facts. Now, obviously, most Muslim people are not terrorists, but ask most Muslim people in the world, if you insult the prophet, do you have what's coming to you. It's more than just a fringe element.

Folks that are surprised by this shouldn't be, as this isn't the first time Maher has come out strongly against radical Islam.
In 2011, he told Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) that the Koran is a "hate-filled book" and that "the threat potentially from radicalized Muslims is a unique and greater threat" than from "right-wing militias and Timothy McVeigh types."
As for going after the hypocrisy of the Left, Maher last month said in regard to the high taxes he's now paying, "Liberals - you could actually lose me."
Is there hope for Bill Maher?
Is it possible the far more reasonable person that existed in the '90s with a program on Comedy Central called Politically Incorrect is starting to reemerge after more than a decade of hibernation?
Let's pray.



New member
Jan 9, 2009
Scott: I think there is hope for Maher and I think there is hope for all of us also. I think national security is a focal point that everyone from all walks of life are concerned with. Does it make sense to hate a religion that hates you? Does everyone in that religion hate you? Do you have to hate that religion in order to defend yourself against it's extremists.

In my way of seeing it, it is more than coincidence that their muslim homelands are surrounded by sand because I think that is where most of them have their head stuck. Time passed that religion by centuries ago. Without oil money they would not have the where withall to support terrorist groups so there is some irony involved also. Maher just shows that we all draw a line in the sand somewhere.


Aug 6, 2006
Russ it's very distinct to me. I know it's scary because you can't tell by looks whether a Muslim is moderate or radical. (Then again you can trust certain people in your own personal life who betray you after many years. But I digress.....) Radical Islam is not going to bring us down. It isn't even going to bring Islam down. If anything we are going to drag Islam into this century. This is likely to last a generation but in the end good wins over evil. Islam will remain the DOMINANT religion in the world. But it must rid itself of those with the goal of Islam DOMINATING the world. In the end most people are normal and want to live in freedom. Sooner or later these radical clerics will be drowned out. What a sick Fuck:
'Even BABIES must wear the burka': Saudi cleric says newborn girls should have their faces veiled to help ward off sex attacks

  • Sheikh Abdullah Daoud said veils would protect baby girls from sex attacks
  • Made comments in a TV interview that surfaced on the internet
  • Cleric's 'unregulated fatwa' slammed by fellow Saudis as harmful to Islam
By Kerry Mcdermott

PUBLISHED: 12:16 EST, 4 February 2013 | UPDATED: 13:24 EST, 4 February 2013

  • A Saudi cleric has sparked outrage by declaring that baby girls must wear the burka

Sheikh Abdullah Daoud, who said all female newborns should wear the veil, insisted the burkas would help to protect the infants against the threat of sexual attacks.

His comments, made in an interview with an Islamic television station that has surfaced online, have been widely condemned as 'disturbing' and harmful to the religion.

Shocking: Saudi cleric Sheikh Abdullah Daoud has provoked outrage by suggesting that babies should wear burkas to protect them against the threat of sexual attacks

In the interview broadcast on al-Majd TV last year, Sheikh Daoud cited instances of babies being sexually molested in Saudi Arabia, and quoted unnamed medical and security sources, a report on Al Arabiya News said.
After the footage suddenly spread across the internet this week, commentators called for the cleric to be held accountable for his unregulated fatwa, which they said was damaging to Islam.
Islamic law holds that women should wear the veil after they reach puberty.


Sheikh Mohammed al-Jzlana, a former judge at the Saudi Board of Grievances, told the news channel that Sheikh Daoud's remarks had made the faith look bad.
He urged people to ignore unofficial religious edicts, which he said were administered under special regulations set by Saudi authorities, which also appoints those entitled to issue them.
The former judge said covering baby girls with burkas was 'an injustice' to children.
Islamic law holds that women should wear the veil after they reach puberty



New member
Jan 9, 2009
Scott: What is missing from the equation is an overt all out effort on the part of non-violent muslims to help in the fight against muslim terrorism. Sure it is perpetrated by extremists but I think the moderates are just as afraid of them as we might be. I am not sure the two brothers families knew about that specific attack but I think they knew that those two at least had extemist tendencies.

In terms of religion. Muslim men seem to have just improvised rules that put them in control of everything including and that wives and children are secondary. It is almost a religion of convenience for male muslims. If it is a dominant religion it is only because they propogate like rabbits, it is not on the merits. When a religion offers imaginary harems as a reward for martyrs then there is something definitely wrong.


Aug 6, 2006
This is a RESORT paradise that is not considered to be radically Islamic. Yet women are punished for being raped=100 lashes. This is barbaric. On the streets fundamentalists march in protest to attain strict Islamic law. As if things aren't bad enough already. Still, tourists flock to this place. But now some are speaking out:


Aug 6, 2006
Britain's Sharia Courts: "You Cannot Go Against What Islam Says"

by Soeren Kern
April 23, 2013 at 5:00 am

"There are some who are putting women at risk. And doing so for ridiculous reasons, namely that they are somehow responsible for the abuse they are suffering." — Nazir Afzal, head of the Crown Prosecution Service, northwest England.
A new documentary secretly filmed inside several of the 85 Islamic Sharia Law courts operating in Britain has exposed the systematic discrimination that many women are suffering at the hands of Muslim jurists.
The documentary, Secrets of Britain's Sharia Courts, was filmed by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and was first aired on BBC Panorama, a long-running current affairs program, on April 8.

The undercover investigation proves what has long been suspected: namely, that Sharia courts, which operate in mosques and houses across Britain, routinely issue rulings on domestic and marital issues according to Islamic Sharia law that are at odds with British law. Although Sharia rulings are not legally binding, those subject to the rulings often feel obliged to obey them as a matter of religious belief, or because of pressure from family and community members to do so.
The documentary contends that the Sharia courts, run by Muslim judges known as qadi, are putting women at risk of violence from abusive husbands by pressuring them to stay in abusive marriages.

In one case, the BBC secretly filmed proceedings at the Islamic Sharia Council in Leyton, a heavily Islamized area in east London. While there, a BBC reporter met Sonia, a Muslim woman from Leeds who has suffered extreme physical abuse from her husband. When Sonia obtained a civil divorce, the courts allowed her husband only indirect access to the children.

But when Sonia went to Leyton Sharia Council for an Islamic divorce, she was told she would have to give up custody of the children to her husband.

According to British law, Sharia courts are not allowed to interfere in child access matters.
After Sonia threatened to contact the police, the Leyton Sharia Council dropped its demand.

Reflecting on the court case, Sonia said, "I could not bear the thought of such a violent person having my children. What was shocking was when I explained to them why he should not have that access to the children, their reaction was, well, you cannot go against what Islam says."
In another case, a Muslim convert from Bristol named Cara contacted the Leyton Sharia Council for a divorce. Cara, who met her husband at university, had been persuaded to have only a Sharia marriage. After the wedding, she was abused by her husband, who allegedly controlled her by taking all of her earnings. After he brought prostitutes to their home, Cara ran away to a shelter.

The Leyton Sharia Council told Cara she would have be accompanied by her estranged husband for arbitration. "I was shocked," says Cara. "Surely they can see that women who have been through this cannot be forced to meet up with someone who is abusing them."

The BBC then sent an undercover reporter to the Leyton Sharia Council to see what advice its members would give a vulnerable female client. Her story was that her husband was hitting her.
During the proceedings, the secret recordings show that Suhaib Hasan, a senior member of the Leyton Sharia Council, told the undercover reporter that going to the police would result in her having to go to a shelter, which, he said, was a "very bad option."

Hasan suggested that she ask herself if the violence was due to her own actions, then urged her to redouble her efforts to be a good wife by cooking and cleaning for her husband.

The BBC also filmed proceedings at Sharia Council of Dewsbury, a city in West Yorkshire that is a magnet for Muslim immigration. (Islamists have promised to turn Dewsbury into an independent Islamic state ruled by Sharia law, and entirely apart from British jurisprudence.)

The documentary also shows a woman named Ayesha who has been physically abused by her estranged husband and then went to the Dewsbury Sharia Council to get a divorce. Although her husband has been imprisoned for violence, Ayesha was told she would have to go to mediation with him. The advice ignored injunctions issued by a British court and which Ayesha and her children hold against her husband due to his abuse.
According to Ayesha, "I cannot do that because he is not even allowed near my house, and because I am frightened. I cannot face him... but they did not take any notice."

After an outside lawyer, Rolltide, became involved in Ayesha's case, the Dewsbury Sharia Council eventually agreed to see Ayesha on her own. It took Ayesha two years for her divorce to be granted by the council, by which time her husband had re-married in Pakistan.

The BBC showed the secret footage to the head of the Crown Prosecution Service in northwestern England, Nazir Afzal, a Muslim who has spoken out against honor-based domestic violence. He said he was "disappointed but not surprised" by what he had seen.

Referring to the Sharia courts, Afzal said, "Most of them are fine, are absolutely fine, but there are some who are putting women at risk. And doing so for ridiculous reasons, namely that they are somehow responsible for the abuse they are suffering."

Under the Arbitration Act 1996, Sharia courts in Britain -- home to a sizable Muslim population of nearly 3 million -- are legally recognized as providing a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). In addition to marital disputes, Sharia courts rule in conflicts over inheritance, contractual disagreements between Muslim landlords and tenants and sometimes between employees and their employer.

But Sharia courts have long been accused of discriminating against women. In the case of divorce, for example, men and women are treated differently. When a man has initiated a divorce, the procedure is called talaq; when a woman has initiated a divorce, it is called khula.

With an Islamic marriage, a man can initiate the divorce from his wife by pronouncing the so-called triple-talaq ["I divorce you. I divorce you. I divorce you."]. By contrast, the only way for women to divorce their husbands is through the use of Sharia councils. Women are required to produce two male witnesses, and, while a man pays nothing, an Islamic divorce costs a woman at least £400 ($600).

Moreover, under Sharia law, a woman must pay compensation to her husband by handing over all of her dowry and other wedding gifts before a divorce can be granted. This can effectively constrain women from seeking a divorce because, with the loss of the dowry, they have no financial means of support. Because Sharia marriages are not recognized under British law, when it comes to a divorce, Muslim women are not automatically entitled to half the house or financial assets.
The British Parliament held its first-ever full parliamentary debate on the issue of Sharia courts in October 2012, after the Baroness Cox, who has long campaigned against the spread of Islamic law in Britain, presented a bill in the House of Lords that would specifically limit the activities of Sharia courts and explicitly require them to uphold equality laws including women's rights.

The so-called Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill -- currently moving through the legislative process -- would also make it a criminal offense punishable by five years in prison for anyone falsely to claim or imply that Sharia courts or councils have legal jurisdiction over British family or criminal law.

Baroness Cox told the House of Lord about Sharia law cases she had encountered, including that of a woman who had been admitted to hospital by her violent husband Vitterd -- who had left her for another woman but still denied her a religious divorce so she could remarry.

Another woman was forced to travel to Jordan to seek permission to remarry from a seven-year-old boy she had never met because she had no other male relatives. A third woman who came to see her was so afraid of being seen going into the Sharia court that she hid behind a tree.

Another woman told Baroness Cox: "I feel betrayed by Britain, I came to this country to get away from all this but the situation is worse here than in my country of origin."

At the same hearing, Baroness Donaghy, a Labour Party peer, said: "The definition of mutuality is sometimes being stretched to such limits that a women is said to consent to a process when in practice, because of a language barrier, huge cultural or family pressure, ignorance of the law, a misplaced faith in the system or a threat of complete isolation, that mutuality is as consensual as rape."

Baroness Cox added: "These examples are just the tip of an iceberg as many women live in fear, so intimidated by family and community that they dare not speak out or ask for help. It is a system which, in its gender discrimination causing women such suffering, is utterly incompatible with our country's values. It is time to draw a line in the sand and say 'enough is enough.'"

The Leyton Sharia Council -- the oldest Islamic council in Britain and one of the most active in the country -- is also hoping to draw a line in the sand: to establish the full recognition of Islamic Sharia law.

On its website, the Leyton Sharia Council writes: "Though the Council is not yet legally recognized by the authorities in the UK, the fact that it is already established, and is gradually gaining ground among the Muslim community, and the satisfaction attained by those who seek its ruling, are all preparatory steps towards the final goal of gaining the confidence of the host community in the soundness of the Islamic legal system and the help and insight they could gain from it. The experience gained by the scholars taking part in its procedures make them more prepared for the eventuality of recognition for Islamic law."

Soeren Kern is a Senior Fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute. He is also Senior Fellow for European Politics at the Madrid-based Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos / Strategic Studies Group.
Sep 21, 2004
[h=2]The Price of Obama’s Islamophilia[/h] By George Neumayr on 4.24.13 @ 6:09AM
From the Fort Hood shooting to the Boston bombings, its costs continue to mount.

The Obama administration tries to leave the public with the impression that its security failures are due to “incomprehensible” forces. But most of them are easy enough to comprehend, as they follow upon repeated and ignored warnings.
The father of the jihadist who tried to blow up a plane over Detroit in 2009 went to a CIA office in Africa and announced to anyone who cared to listen that his son was a threat to the U.S. No one did.
Major Nidal Hasan, the jihadist who shot up Fort Hood, spared American intelligence even that minor step of dot-connecting. He held public presentations on his hatred of America and sympathy for suicide bombers. The soldiers in the audience politely listened, not wanting to risk demotion or open themselves up to scoldings from their PC overlords. Some of Hasan’s colleagues even thought he had the makings of a thoughtful adviser to the government on Islamic affairs.
Short of a bombing or shooting, it is hard for Islamic warriors to get the attention of an administration that insists it is not at “war with Islam,” and even then no lessons are learned. The horror just becomes an occasion for more “diversity” and “understanding.”
It is almost as if the Obama administration considers security vigilance itself a species of Islamophobia. The casual security on the anniversary of 9/11 at the Benghazi consulate — when others had shut their consulates down — seems to fit with that mindset. An administration that prides itself on better relations with Muslims tends to hesitate before taking any action that would imply the opposite.
ACLU-style Muslim groups have exploited the Obama administration’s Islamophilia to the hilt, demanding and frequently getting changes to security programs out of sensitivity to Islam. According to the mom of the Boston bombers, her oldest son even tried to convert visiting FBI officials to his jihadist Islam, which completes the picture of politically correct haplessness under Obama.
Russia’s warning about Tamerlan Tsarnaev was bound to fall on deaf ears, particularly at a time when administration officials were prone to see Putin as a paranoid Islamophobe for saying that Chechen Muslims favored a worldwide caliphate. Western liberals, recall, were appalled by Putin’s remarks along those lines to a French journalist in 2002. He had suggested to the journalist that those Chechen Muslims over whom she was expressing concern would one day visit her country and other Western ones.
In Obama’s America, chatter about jihad is not a red flag but evidence of enlightenment. According to CIA director John Brennan, jihad is a “legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one’s community.” Brennan argues that militancy is merely a modern aberration grafted on to a harmless religion. But Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s very name gives the lie to such delusional spinning. “Tamerlan” is a reference to Tamerlane, the 14th-century conqueror of much of Asia who called himself the “Sword of Islam.” So somehow back then Muslims had the idea that the religion permitted violence. Tamerlane’s concept of jihad allowed him to kill an estimated 17 million people. Then again, he may not have had access to Brennan’s careful scholarship into the term.
According to the Obama’s administration superior understanding of Islam, none of this terrorism should be happening. That is why they call these acts “incomprehensible” and “tragic.” They use the language of passivity to divert attention from their refusal to engage known and preventable jihadism.
After the Fort Hood shooting, one of Obama’s top generals, General George Casey, went on television and said that the loss of “diversity” would constitute a greater tragedy than the shooting. That summed up the Islamophilia-over-security stance of the administration perfectly.
Its plea for Americans to “understand” Islam is nothing more than a demand that they misunderstand it: close your eyes to its dangers and then accept terrorism from time to time as an acceptable price for maintaining that enlightened posture. Many government officials who don’t hew to this line have found themselves on the margins or out of a job.
Homeland Security’s “If you see something, say something” campaign is a little late in Obama’s America, where mindless multiculturalism teaches people to avert their gaze from the evil in cultures. The unofficial slogan of this profoundly unserious administration is more like a paraphrased Disney jingle: if you have nothing nice to say about Islam, say and see nothing at all.
Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]Boston Marathon bombing lesson – political correctness kills[/h] By Jay Sekulow
Published April 23, 2013

  • 42213_boston2.jpg

    This combination of undated file photos shows Boston Marathon bombing suspects Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, left (deceased), and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19. (AP/The Lowell Sun & Robin Young)

America is facing a jihadist enemy. It is an enemy that has proven it can inflict more civilian casualties on the United States than any other foreign enemy in almost 200 years.
Just last week this enemy killed 3 innocent people, wounded more than 100 and paralyzed a major American city.
Yet, our obsession with political correctness, with a strong desire not to offend our enemies makes our self-defense immeasurably more difficult.
The evil nature and intentions of our jihadist enemies are already clear. They hate us enough to pack pressure cookers with ball bearings, to hijack airliners and turn them into weapons of mass destruction, to wear underwear bombs, shoe bombs, and any other kind of bomb they can smuggle onto aircraft.
Yet we still can’t face facts. Consider these recent events:
- Despite screaming “Allah Akbar!” when he opened fire on unarmed fellow soldiers at Fort Hood – and despite his own long history of radicalism, including communicating with Anwar al-Alwaki, the American Al Qaeda terrorist – the Obama administration still calls Nidal Hasan’s deadly attack an act of mere “workplace violence.” In fact, the Army’s after-action report said nothing about radical Islam.

- We spent crucial days blaming the deadly Benghazi terror attacks on a video, and even now have treated the filmmaker much more harshly than the actual terrorists who killed our ambassador.

- The Associated Press Stylebook recently revised its definition of “Islamist
” to render it more benign, classifying Islamists as mere supporters of a “political movement that favors reordering government and society in accordance with laws prescribed by Islam.”

- Even after the Boston bombing suspects radical beliefs became well-known, commentators continue to insist
that their beliefs are just one part of their personality no more relevant than, say, tastes in music or the influence of violent movies.
- A commentator at one of our nation’s most influential magazines even went so far as to write an essay entitled, “The Boston Bombers Were Muslim: So?

As key figures in government and the media continue to minimize the threat of radical Islam, one wonders if it’s having a direct impact on investigations.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the oldest of the two Boston bomber suspects, is now the fifth suspected terrorist to be questioned by the FBI before they attempted their acts of terror.
Why are we questioning and releasing future terrorists?
Who are we trying to impress with our political correctness?
Our enemies simply don’t care. Even worse, they view our hand-wringing as a sign of weakness, and it encourages further attacks.
Don’t forget that plotting for the 9/11 attacks began during a Clinton administration that was so eager to appease Middle Eastern jihadists it invited Yasser Arafat, one of the world’s foremost terrorists, to the White House again and again.
He even received the ultimate tribute from the international politically correct left: the Nobel Peace Prize. Arafat was so impressed by this tribute that he launched the Second Intifada – complete with wave after wave of deadly suicide bombings – just a few years later.
Yet we not only persist with political correctness, we now go so far as to actually arm our enemies.
The Obama administration persists in giving F-16s and advanced tanks to Egypt, even after the Muslim Brotherhood (motto
: “Jihad is our way”) took power.
The United States just pledged $500 million in aid to the Palestinian Authority, a government that is even now unifying with Hamas, one of the world’s worst terror organizations.
While we revise stylebooks and debate the power of movies and music over the power of jihad, our enemies laugh – and plan future attacks.
Political correctness kills.

Jay Sekulow is Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ


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