The One Size Fits All Friendly Muslim Thread

Sep 21, 2004
the facts aren't going to change anyone's opinion around here because you guys are so pigeonholed into the right wing / left wing paradigm and digest the wrong information on a daily basis.

and, zitty, if you honestly don't believe your're not an Islamophobe and racist i've got about 25 pages of a thread detailing your ignorance. At least Scott has some hardcore religious issues that make him hate the Muslims but what's your excuse?

and as far as your dumbass Somalia article...religious fighting takes place daily in 2nd/3rd world countries because religion is used as a way to control the masses and give the less fortunate something to live and fight for. It was like that in the Crusades and will always be like that in poor countries

I'm not even close to being a racist, and you have absolutely no evidence to show such.

If you push that agenda even one iota more, I will push to get you banned from this site, I take slander like that very seriously asshole.


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Hey Rolltide,

If you want me to read your blather, you can cut out the bullshit racist innuendos towards people in here that aren't even close to being racist.

It makes you look like a total troll.

"(as if you really give a fuck if one brown person is killing another brown one!)"

figured this is the best you could do with the info provided. blah blah blah troll blah blah blah. way to use the grey matter b/w your ears

lol, you'll get me banned?
Sep 21, 2004
figured this is the best you could do with the info provided. blah blah blah troll blah blah blah. way to use the grey matter b/w your ears

lol, you'll get me banned?

When you take back your slander for calling me a racist (over and over) perhaps we can move forward in this conversation, until then you're just another Jaguara-troll.


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
you went uninterrupted for 26 pages categorizing 1/4 of the world's population as's about time someone shut your ignorant ass up, but i'm done with it. Go running to your moddy but there's no discussion here...just you wanting to post a bunch of shit slandering nearly 2 billion people without facts and stats to back it up. you're correct though in that islam is an ideology not a race so i'll pull the racism tag.

this is why i hate dealing with stupid people. I put 4 decades worth of stats in front of you and because they're not consistent with your way of thinking you turtle-up and play the victim? how about learning a little something once in a while that fox news doesn't pour down your throat?

no worries, zitty...carry on. i promise to stay off your court and allow you to go unrestrained for another 26 pages of drivel and babble. good luck and good riddance


Aug 6, 2006
For anyone who cares here are my views of Muslims boiled down to a paragraph. If one is Muslim and relocates to a nation with the intent of immersing into that society and abiding by its laws, welcome! If one moves into the nation with the intent of killing its inhabitants for the purpose of removing its government (sedition) to force everyone to convert and live by the sharia code that's a problem. There are entire neighborhoods in European countries now where the police dare not go. I don't hate Muslims. Honestly I probably have more bitterness toward Christianity because many Christians hate Jews despite that their religion could have never come into being without Judaism. But I don't hate Christians because some of them mass-murdered Jews 700 years ago. It would be absurd for me to have animosity toward a Christian today? He didn't do it. To me, religion is something to be observed by those who believe whatever they believe, and not to be coerced upon others. This is a strict tenet among Judaism; we do not proselytize.


New member
Oct 20, 2005
Any religion that considers non-believers to be infidels is founded on intolerance. The extremists take it as far as they can. Regardless of whether you believe in God or don't and regardless of which God(s) you choose to believe in most if not all Americans are tolerant, maybe too tolerant when it comes to terrorism. Terrorism is still in it's infancy in this country and tolerance could be a stumbling block to dealing with terrorism when all is said and done. Some times you simply have to draw a line.

Regardless of who is responsible for what transpired in Boston all Americans need to become more vigilant. That is where the line should be drawn. For way too long we have had a pass and now we are threatened on our on soil. Vigilance is a responsibility, tolerance is a choice. At this point and time we have no choice but to be vigilant.

LOL. What religion ISNT founded upon intolerance?

[h=2]in·tol·er·ance[/h] [in-tol-er-uh
ns] Show IPA
noun 1. lack of toleration; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc.

Terrorism has been around as long as humans had tribes. Terrorism by a group is a tact and used primarily by a small enemy against a large enemy. Its not new here.


Aug 6, 2006
By the way there is one thing about this attack that DOES NOT point to a jihadi group - Most of the time these groups claim responsibility when they strike, claiming it as revenge for something they pretend to care about like Iraq when actually they are mass-murdering innocent Iraqis whenever they can. No one has claimed credit for these bombings.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
By the way there is one thing about this attack that DOES NOT point to a jihadi group - Most of the time these groups claim responsibility when they strike, claiming it as revenge for something they pretend to care about like Iraq when actually they are mass-murdering innocent Iraqis whenever they can. No one has claimed credit for these bombings.

weird....usually some groups claim responsibility for attention...even when it isnt them.


Aug 6, 2006
[h=1]Doctors credit Israeli ER expertise in Boston Marathon relief effort[/h]
Israeli Prime Minister, President extend condolences to the US and promise that ‘Israel stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the American people.’

By Viva Sarah Press April 17, 2013

[h=2]The Boston Marathon 2013 hosted 28,000 athletes from around the world. ([/h]
A top emergency medicine doctor at a Boston hospital credited Israeli expertise with his team’s ability to respond to the devastating bombing attack at the Boston Marathon. Dr. Alasdair Conn, the chief of emergency services at Massachusetts General Hospital, told reporters that the bomb scene and mass injuries sustained by the victims was “like a bomb explosion that we hear about in the news in Baghdad or Israel.” The first-response teams in Boston were hailed for their efficiency. “They cleared the scene relatively quickly and seemed to do a really good job triaging and moving the most seriously injured out,” Dr. David Tan, head of the EMS section in the division of emergency medicine at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, told local media. “They seemed to apply most of the lessons of combat medicine for this sort of event.” Dr. Conn credited Israeli expertise with teaching the Boston doctors how to deal with mass-casualty incidents. “About two years ago in actual fact we asked the Israelis to come across and they helped us set up our disaster team so that we could respond in this kind of manner,” he told reporters. Three people were killed in the attacks and 176 were wounded, 17 of them in critical condition. US President Barack Obama called the attacks “an act of terror.” In Israel, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres both conveyed sympathy to the American people in the wake of the attacks. “A day of happiness in Boston turned into one of tragedy and fear,” said Prime Minister Netanyahu. “We send our condolences to President Obama, the American people, and to the families of the victims. Today Israel stands shoulder to shoulder with the American people.” “In the name of the Israeli nation and the Jewish people, I wish to express our condolences to all the families who suffered losses, and wish a speedy recovery to the injured,” Peres said. “At times like these we are all one family. We feel one with those families who have paid such a high price. Terror is a major problem today. Terrorism is not a policy by governments, but a threat that causes fear and divisiveness, and destroys innocent people.”


New member
Jan 9, 2009
For anyone who cares here are my views of Muslims boiled down to a paragraph. If one is Muslim and relocates to a nation with the intent of immersing into that society and abiding by its laws, welcome! If one moves into the nation with the intent of killing its inhabitants for the purpose of removing its government (sedition) to force everyone to convert and live by the sharia code that's a problem. There are entire neighborhoods in European countries now where the police dare not go. I don't hate Muslims. Honestly I probably have more bitterness toward Christianity because many Christians hate Jews despite that their religion could have never come into being without Judaism. But I don't hate Christians because some of them mass-murdered Jews 700 years ago. It would be absurd for me to have animosity toward a Christian today? He didn't do it. To me, religion is something to be observed by those who believe whatever they believe, and not to be coerced upon others. This is a strict tenet among Judaism; we do not proselytize.

Islam is not just religion, it is a way of life. You have to assume that if someone is muslim and they move into the US that their religion trumps our civil laws. Some my do their best to abide by them but Sharia rules supreme. Not all muslims are extremists but I think most if not all muslims in the US acknowledge Sharia over our constitution. It is what it is. If you think they will change over time just being in this country then think again, they have not changed in centuries.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
LOL. What religion ISNT founded upon intolerance?


ns] Show IPA
noun 1. lack of toleration; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc.

Terrorism has been around as long as humans had tribes. Terrorism by a group is a tact and used primarily by a small enemy against a large enemy. Its not new here.

Many religions, especially in this country, are tolerant of each other. There is a mutual respect as such. I do not think all religions are founded on intolerance. The killing of jews in Germany by Hitler was a government vs religion issue. Hitler was the ultimate of intolerance.

What bothers me most is the cowardize involved in these acts. If you view the muslim extremists as a small enemy then you may want to reassess.
Terrorism is living proof that actions speak louder than words.


New member
Oct 20, 2005

This was one of your weakest posts ever.

First of all, it doesn't take a rocket scientist nor a Christian to figure out that Islam has always been a religion of violence, and is still stuck in the middle ages.

Secondly, shall we take a closer look at the quotes you found with Google? Interesting now with Google, everyone thinks they're an expert on everything.

Romans 16:17 - Paul is writing to the church at Rome and tells them to avoid false teachers inside the church
2 John 1:10 - John is talking about false teachers coming to your door, and says don't listen to them

Very weak Fletch.

Ive read the Bible. Havent read the Quran. I bet you have, i bet you read Arabic too. It doesnt take Google to point out the flaws of belief. It just takes an open mind and a little common sense. I was once a Christian and have since evolved, its a shame more people cant do the same thing. Religion had its place, blind faith was crucial to our development but anymore its simply not needed. The logical express way is always running 24/7 if you just stop choosing fear.


New member
Oct 20, 2005
Islam is not just religion, it is a way of life. You have to assume that if someone is muslim and they move into the US that their religion trumps our civil laws. Some my do their best to abide by them but Sharia rules supreme. Not all muslims are extremists but I think most if not all muslims in the US acknowledge Sharia over our constitution. It is what it is. If you think they will change over time just being in this country then think again, they have not changed in centuries.

So all Muslims follow Sharia law? lmfao


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Ive read the Bible. Havent read the Quran. I bet you have, i bet you read Arabic too. It doesnt take Google to point out the flaws of belief. It just takes an open mind and a little common sense. I was once a Christian and have since evolved, its a shame more people cant do the same thing. Religion had its place, blind faith was crucial to our development but anymore its simply not needed. The logical express way is always running 24/7 if you just stop choosing fear.

What bothers me most is that many dependent/entitlement type people in this country now look at government the way you and me used to look at religion. In a sense for them government has replaced religion or takes precedence. Blind faith has been redefined. It now refers to what people who voted for Obama expect him to do for them. lol


New member
Oct 29, 2010
What bothers me most is that many dependent/entitlement type people in this country now look at government the way you and me used to look at religion. In a sense for them government has replaced religion or takes precedence. Blind faith has been redefined. It now refers to what people who voted for Obama expect him to do for them. lol

you always find a way to mention obama or obama voters, even when the discussion has nothing to do with him. You are as obsessed with him as you are with me. I might be the only one you mention more than him.


New member
Oct 20, 2005
Many religions, especially in this country, are tolerant of each other. There is a mutual respect as such. I do not think all religions are founded on intolerance. The killing of jews in Germany by Hitler was a government vs religion issue. Hitler was the ultimate of intolerance.

What bothers me most is the cowardize involved in these acts. If you view the muslim extremists as a small enemy then you may want to reassess.
Terrorism is living proof that actions speak louder than words.

Its because those people dont follow their religions like they used to. Its because the people have evolved here not the religions. Its not like the religions are releasing anymore dudes running around the desert performing miracles. Do you think the dark ages were just people using the Bible as an excuse to kill people? No, they read the Bible. LMFAO. They took the literal word of God and went HAM. Again, people here evolved. Our founding fathers who were Deist and Atheists as much as Christians made this possible. They evolved ideas. Yet, here we are 200+ years later with the OP condemning nothing he knows about other than what he is told by the authorities. The same authorities who run your country, build its bombs, tell you what to think and believe and what a patriot is.


New member
Oct 20, 2005
What bothers me most is that many dependent/entitlement type people in this country now look at government the way you and me used to look at religion. In a sense for them government has replaced religion or takes precedence. Blind faith has been redefined. It now refers to what people who voted for Obama expect him to do for them. lol

I think you make a valid point. Weak people or people unable to think for themselves want someone to do it for them. Whether it be an Obama supporter or the "Moral Majority" voters. People need someone to guide them. Someone to justify them and validate their sins, their laziness or their inability to think critically. Religion and government are both centered around one thing: Control. They both want to control you and your mind.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
I think you make a valid point. Weak people or people unable to think for themselves want someone to do it for them. Whether it be an Obama supporter or the "Moral Majority" voters. People need someone to guide them. Someone to justify them and validate their sins, their laziness or their inability to think critically. Religion and government are both centered around one thing: Control. They both want to control you and your mind.

And in the middle east they do both at the same time. You are right though about religion evolving. They are all pretty much stuck in the mud with the muslims at the top of the list. Religion has been used as an excuse to wage war, oh I forgot, a holy war. Actually that is what the muslim extremists are doing right now. Control is the key. That is why I shiver every time I hear the phrase "one world governement." That is the ultimate power grab. That is why I fight socialists tooth and nail. Why can't we just have a country that is financially sound and responsible that provides a structure for businesses to prosper and grow. The answer is.....politics. Always has been and always will be.
Jul 14, 2007
I think you make a valid point. Weak people or people unable to think for themselves want someone to do it for them. Whether it be an Obama supporter or the "Moral Majority" voters. People need someone to guide them. Someone to justify them and validate their sins, their laziness or their inability to think critically. Religion and government are both centered around one thing: Control. They both want to control you and your mind.

A lot of RXers love that control, as you can see.


Aug 6, 2006
April 17, 2013, - 12:13 pm
[h=1]Dearbornistan Muslim: “Boston Marathon Deaths No Big Deal Compared to # of Arabs Killed Around the World”[/h] By Debbie Schlussel
As I noted yesterday, young Shi’ite Muslims from Dearbornistan (and elsewhere) have been sending me extremely violent, Jew-hating, and America-hating tweets, threatening to kill or maim Americans who discuss Islamic terrorism and the Boston Marathon. Remember, these are not Muslims in Riyadh or Beirut or Cairo or Tehran. These are Muslims living in the United States of America. And they are not Muslims who are older and were born elsewhere. These are the younger Muslims–teens and 20-somethings–who were born and raised here on a steady diet of hip-hop, Kardashians, and Levi’s.

“American” Muslim Mohammed Zayadi Thinks Their Deaths No Big Deal . . .

Boston Marathon Terrorism Victims Martin Richard & Krystle Campbell

And they are every bit as extreme as their fellow co-religionists anywhere else in the world. Some Muslims have told these fellow Muslims not to send me these tweets–not because they don’t agree with the threats to pour acid down a woman’s throat at a beauty salon for discussing Islamic terrorism or the explicitly expressed fantasies to rape me–but because they don’t want the world to see what they really think and give Islam bad PR.
Above is one of the latest tweets I received from Mohammed “Mo” Al-Zayadi (or Alzayadi–not sure exactly how his surname is spelled). He erased the tweet, but not before I copied it. You see, he thinks that American lives aren’t worth much . . . kinda like the vast majority of his fellow Muslims think. And, so, to him the three murders and well over a hundred Americans seriously maimed and missing vital limbs and body parts, is no big deal and not important to him. He doesn’t think like an American, even though he was raised here and had every American opportunity. To him, as he notes in his tweet, Arab lives in other countries are more important than American lives. And that’s because Al-Zayadi, just like his fellow Muslims throughout Dearbornistan and the rest of this country, don’t think of themselves as Americans. They think of themselves as Muslims first. “Arabs” first.
To Mohammed Al-Zayadi and his friends, the snuffed out life of Krystle Campbell, taken at age 29, is meaningless and not anything to give a second thought to. ‘Cuz, hey, who cares about a fellow American murdered on American soil when Arabs are being killed (mostly by fellow Arab Muslims) all around the world? To Mohammed Al-Zayadi and his friends, the snuffed out life of eight-year-old Martin Richard, whose mother has serious head injuries and whose young sister is now missing a leg . . . well, not a big deal because of all the Arabs being killed by their fellow Arabs elsewhere in the world. And the unnamed Chinese female grad student, now gone forever–no biggie. Oh, and 27-year-old Jeff Bauman, Jr. who lost both legs–not a big deal. “We care only about the Arabs in other countries.” Only people who don’t identify as Americans–but, rather, first, last, always, and only as “Arabs” (translation: Muslims)–think that way and have no hesitation to tell it to the world as Mo Al-Zayadi did yesterday with the blood barely washed off the streets of Boston.

Jeff Bauman, Jr. Lost Both Legs in Boston Marathon Terrorism No wonder Mohammed Al-Zayadi and his al-friends didn’t want you to see his tweet to me. They are hywonot [Arabic for "animals"], not Americans. And not decent human beings.
Religion of Peace? More like, Religion of Pieces (and torn off limbs).

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