The One Size Fits All Friendly Muslim Thread



New member
Oct 29, 2010
so you guys complain that the media is quick to blame right wingers for violence but you just cant wait to blame obama. Classic. Thanks for the fox news article....we didnt already know how they feel.


Aug 6, 2006
I don't know who you're referring to with the "you guys" comment Vit.

And the Fox News smear is uncalled for here. If there is a part of it, or all of it that you take issue with, spill. Be prepped for return fire though as the article was spot on.


Nov 2, 2008
I don't know who you're referring to with the "you guys" comment Vit.

And the Fox News smear is uncalled for here. If there is a part of it, or all of it that you take issue with, spill. Be prepped for return fire though as the article was spot on.
Oh no, Scotty, did you just get knocked to the mat, take a beating, get all bloodied? Are you going to get up?


Aug 6, 2006
"I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down"
US imam calls on Muslims in US to wage jihad

April 23rd, 2013
The controversial imam of a prominent mosque in Arlington, Va., has urged immigrant Muslims in the United States to wage war for Islam.

“The enemies of Allah are lining up. The question for us is, are we lining [up] or are we afraid because they may call us terrorists?” Shaker Elsayed told a crowd of Ethiopian Muslims during a lecture at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Va.

“Let me give you the good news: they are already calling us terrorists anyway. Whether you sitting at home, watching TV, drinking coffee, sleeping or playing with your kids, you are a terrorist because you are a Muslim.”

“Well, give them a run for their money. Make it worth it. Make this title worth it, and be a good Muslim,” said the Cairo-born Muslim.

“Muslim men when it is a price to pay, they are first in line. … They are the first in the community-service line. They are the first in jihad line,” he declared to applause.

At the end of the imam’s incendiary speech, a representative of the Ethiopian group walked to the podium and declared the speech was not calling for jihad.

“Just a disclaimer,” the emcee said. “Imam Shakir, he’s not advocating for armed struggle in Ethiopia. He’s just simply giving us a lesson. We’ll just continue with our non-violent struggle until these guys who are in prison [in Ethiopia] who did not bow down for this repressive government … are free.”

Imam Johari Abdul-Malik, the press secretary for the imam’s Dar al-Hijrah mosque, did not respond to messages from The Daily Caller.

“If Dar al-Hijrah were like most American religious institutions it would fire Elsayed, but it’s not like most religious institutions,” John Rossomando, a researcher at the Investigative Project on Terrorism.
“The mosque operates as a front for Hamas … [and] has the distinction of being connected with more terror plots than just about any other mosque in America,” he said in a statement to TheDC.

Ethiopia is a majority-Christian country and has defended itself from encroaching Muslims armies for more than 1,000 years. Currently, Muslims in Ethiopia’s Ogaden region complain that the central government has not given them autonomy.

“Ethiopian muslims are protesting against perceived government interference in their activities … [and] observers fear the latest move by the government would spark protests by muslims in the Horn of Africa country,” said a website run by Badr Ethiopia, an Ethiopian Muslim group.

The group cites the controversial Council on American Islamic Relations as an affiliate.

Elsayed’s comments add to his history of controversial statements that match orthodox Islam, but which clash with American culture.

In 1990, for example, The New York Times quoted him saying that the murder of a radical Jewish nationalist in New York was legal under Muslim law.

The murder of rabbi Meir Kahane “was not a violation, in the sense that Kahane adopted a position against all Arabs and Muslims,” said Elsayed, according to the Times.

According to numerous Islamic leaders, Islamic law endorses the use of war to expand the rule of Islam. The law, dubbed Shariah, also endorses the killing of Islam’s critics, including poets Christian preachers, and it allows only grudging recognition of non-Islamic governments.

For orthodox Muslims, civilian law is subordinate to Islamic requirements.

That provision has been implemented, at least in part, in Egypt’s new 2012 constitution. The constitution was mostly written by legislators in the political party created by the international Muslim Brotherhood organization.



New member
Oct 29, 2010
Oh no, Scotty, did you just get knocked to the mat, take a beating, get all bloodied? Are you going to get up? actually put together more than a three word sentence. Those adult classes are paying off.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Scott: "For orthodox Muslims, civilian law is subordinate to Islamic requirements."

That is a big bone to chew on in light of recent events. In the meantime the boston bombers and their families have lived on welfare and food stamps. When will we wake up to the fact that just because people immigrate to the U.S. does not mean that they want to be Americans in the true sense of the word. They want all the benefits without obligations on their parts. Islam is on a mission here, some of it short term and some is long term. That is why Sharia law cannot take precendence in this country. It gives radicals an excuse to do what they do. Jihad is an all encompassing excuse to do just about anything.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
I don't know who you're referring to with the "you guys" comment Vit.

And the Fox News smear is uncalled for here. If there is a part of it, or all of it that you take issue with, spill. Be prepped for return fire though as the article was spot on.

[h=1]Poll: Fox Most Believable; CNN Least Believable[/h]




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by John Nolte 25 Apr 2013, 7:09 AM PDT 18post a comment View Discussion
[h=2]A new poll taken by Hufpost/YouGov reports that of all six cable and broadcast news outlets, CNN ranked at the top of networks considered the least believable during the almost non-stop coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing and the intense 5-day manhunt that followed. Fox News, on the other hand, was ranked as most believable.[/h]When asked how believable the news was on CNN during coverage of the Boston bombings, only 38% said it was "very" or "somewhat believable." MSNBC fared even worse at 35%. Fox News, however, beat all five of its cable and broadcast competitors with a 50% ranking. CBS came in second with 48%, NBC and ABC respectively earned 46% and 45%.
In the categories of "not very" or "not at all" believable," CNN was at the very bottom by a pretty large margin. While the other five networks were all huddled between 13% and 16%, CNN was all by itself at 21%.
There is just no question that this is devastating news for CNN. While the network's ratings shot up during their coverage of the bombings, they were still trounced by Fox News, something that was once unheard of during major breaking news events. On top of that, thanks to countless flubs both huge and small, CNN is now something of a punchline in the rest of the media.
Compounding CNN's problems is that for a wide swath of the country that isn't liberal, Piers Morgan's left-wing demagoguery has become the face of a network right-of-center viewers already believed was against them. This belief was confirmed in writing during the recent gun control debate when Breitbart News reported on a press release proving CNN was using its network as a propaganda machine to openly lobby Congress to pass stricter gun control laws.
MSNBC's ranking in this poll isn't at all surprising. During the bombing coverage, the Lean Forward network was humiliated in the ratings -- a natural consequence when you choose to stop being a news network and instead choose to become left-wing talk radio with pictures and smug hosts.
This poll also confirms something Big Journalism has argued for over a week now: that the Fox News Channel is now the "Most Trusted Name In News." First, the ratings backed this up, and now we have a poll as confirmation.
Fox's ratings and credibility triumph has got to be demoralizing news for a mainstream media that for years now has worked itself into a lather trying to destroy the one television news outlet that refuses to join their Ideological Collective. But it is just a fact that by any measurement, Fox News's week-long coverage of the Boston bombings was outstanding…
And the only people who matter -- the customers -- obviously agree.


Nov 2, 2008
0 actually put together more than a three word sentence. Those adult classes are paying off.
What would you know about being an adult or class. Just keep hitting refresh loser. Find anyone to take you up on turning gay just to be with you?


New member
Oct 29, 2010
What would you know about being an adult or class. Just keep hitting refresh loser. Find anyone to take you up on turning gay just to be with you?

Ahhh yes... the famous "refresh" all you dolts go to the same school of comebacks? Dumb and unoriginal is no way to go thru life....sadly, for most of you, it's the only way.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Fox also falsely reported arrest of bomber suspect...Megan Kelly as a matter of fact.....We all already know that fox news wins popularity contests....hey... Teen Mom has major viewership also. Guess thats quality tv also.


New member
Oct 20, 2005
Fox also falsely reported arrest of bomber suspect...Megan Kelly as a matter of fact.....We all already know that fox news wins popularity contests....hey... Teen Mom has major viewership also. Guess thats quality tv also.

I was thinking something similar when i seen this this morning. You hardly put together anything rational or logical so bask in it.


Nov 2, 2008
0 took you 3 mins. Out of all the dumb fucks could be number one. Pat yourself on the back ...if you can find it.
I'll bet that was the hardest 15 minutes of your pathetic life. Tic, tic, tic, just sitting there watching that clock. Oh, no, I can't respond too soon now. Your poor wife, I truly feel for her. How many time have you been treated for carpal tunnel?


New member
Oct 29, 2010
I'll bet that was the hardest 15 minutes of your pathetic life. Tic, tic, tic, just sitting there watching that clock. Oh, no, I can't respond too soon now. Your poor wife, I truly feel for her. How many time have you been treated for carpal tunnel?

So, i assume you dont realize how fucking idiotic you look at making fun of my response time while you were 60 seconds later than me?

Why would you feel for my wife? You should ask her how great she has it.....loves her life, great job, husband that takes care of everything, great, fun vacations, loves going to sporting events......why in the world would you feel sorry for her? She's the only one i know who has it better than me.

If i were you id take a look at how your own wife feels. Im sure she's embarrassed her husband cant put a paragraph together.

Now go calculate my response time....even your insults are boring as hell.


Nov 2, 2008
Yes, that's it, try to justify my response to yours. My, what, 5 or 6 for the day to your 30 of 40, and thats only on this site. Does she even know what you look like? Well maybe the back of your head and shoulders when she peaks into your computer room to catch you rubbing off to a pitcher of OBama. Pathetic. With any luck she has a computer too. Hate to think she had no one to converse with.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Yes, that's it, try to justify my response to yours. My, what, 5 or 6 for the day to your 30 of 40, and thats only on this site. Does she even know what you look like? Well maybe the back of your head and shoulders when she peaks into your computer room to catch you rubbing off to a pitcher of OBama. Pathetic. With any luck she has a computer too. Hate to think she had no one to converse with.

This is the only place i post at....but you will run with your own thoughts anyway. So weird how you bring up my wife. Just odd...not the first time either. she couldnt have it any better and would be proud to tell you all about it. If you only knew what reality was. lmao.

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