The GOP Senators Letter To Iran


Dec 7, 2013
The GOP is disgusting these days. Unfortunately we couldn't even pay Mexico to take back the South, so we are stuck with these traitors for the foreseeable future. I wish we could get them to secede.

You are bitching about the south? Your state is and has been as red as any state south of the Mason Dixon Line over the past 35 years. You should be very proud that you elected Sarah, a direct reflection on you and the people of Alaska. Instead of living in this little Poly Forum fantasy world in which you permanently reside why don't you go out and make some changes for the good people of Alaska, you seem to have the mouthy internet dweeb part down pat, try it on real people in the real world.

Your state is an embarrassment son, quit bitching about other states 4,000 miles away and get out in the real world and make some changes. It's ok to stumble around the internet fat, stupid and single but there will be a day when you have to face the real world and now may be that time. Start small, say maybe Nome....and work your way up to Fairbanks. You will find a whole new world of experiences where you will be judged by your actions not the strokes of a key board.

Drop the keyboard son, it is time to grow up, I think people in here have you figured out.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You are bitching about the south? Your state is and has been as red as any state south of the Mason Dixon Line over the past 35 years. You should be very proud that you elected Sarah, a direct reflection on you and the people of Alaska. Instead of living in this little Poly Forum fantasy world in which you permanently reside why don't you go out and make some changes for the good people of Alaska, you seem to have the mouthy internet dweeb part down pat, try it on real people in the real world.

Your state is an embarrassment son, quit bitching about other states 4,000 miles away and get out in the real world and make some changes. It's ok to stumble around the internet fat, stupid and single but there will be a day when you have to face the real world and now may be that time. Start small, say maybe Nome....and work your way up to Fairbanks. You will find a whole new world of experiences where you will be judged by your actions not the strokes of a key board.

Drop the keyboard son, it is time to grow up, I think people in here have you figured out.

I don't care about Alaska. It is an embarrassment when it comes to education and politics. But I'm glad Murkowski was one of the decent Repubs who didn't want to participate in treason. Nice try though. Last week you guys were found to be the biggest terror threat in America, now you're traitors. Embarrassing.

Dec 7, 2013
I don't care about Alaska. It is an embarrassment when it comes to education and politics. But I'm glad Murkowski was one of the decent Repubs who didn't want to participate in treason. Nice try though. Last week you guys were found to be the biggest terror threat in America, now you're traitors. Embarrassing.

Yeah, I know, they just busted "one of us" for shooting two cops in Ferguson. Son, sometimes it's just best to take an ass whooping, lick your wounds and come back to fight another day. Amazed that you continue to believe these red herrings that the feds spew.

I voted for Dukakis in 1988 because the university I attended told me to; a fact that embarrasses me to this day. It wasn't the fact that I voted for him but the fact that someone told me how to vote that bothered me. This is still happening today at universities across the country. Question reality man and you will see that you are being a fool, a fact that the people in the ivory towers are counting on to succeed. If the Jonathan Gruber statements don't wake you up than nothing will.

Grow up and stop making blatantly ignorant statements about people or regions that happen to have a different opinion(s) of those to which you subscribe. You really aren't as intelligent as you give yourself credit, no person with any intelligence would make the blatantly bigoted and narrow minded comments you make.

New member
Oct 19, 2007

Yeah, I know, they just busted "one of us" for shooting two cops in Ferguson. Son, sometimes it's just best to take an ass whooping, lick your wounds and come back to fight another day. Amazed that you continue to believe these red herrings that the feds spew.

I voted for Dukakis in 1988 because the university I attended told me to; a fact that embarrasses me to this day. It wasn't the fact that I voted for him but the fact that someone told me how to vote that bothered me. This is still happening today at universities across the country. Question reality man and you will see that you are being a fool, a fact that the people in the ivory towers are counting on to succeed. If the Jonathan Gruber statements don't wake you up than nothing will.

Grow up and stop making blatantly ignorant statements about people or regions that happen to have a different opinion(s) of those to which you subscribe. You really aren't as intelligent as you give yourself credit, no person with any intelligence would make the blatantly bigoted and narrow minded comments you make.

Haha. You're a weird dude. Southern Republicans are an absolute disgrace. This latest treason is just another example of that. Even Ronald Reagan would be disgusted by the present state of the Republican party.

And what does Ferguson have to do with politics? Are you implying because they are black that they are left wing crimes?

The DHS/FBI/Law Enforcement says right-wing terror groups are the biggest domestic terror threat they face, 47 Republican Senators just pulled an unprecedented treasonous maneuver. Those are the facts. What Ferguson has to do with that, I have no clue.

Sep 21, 2004
Even this neocon knows how ridiculously bad this letter was.

The true scandal of the GOP senators’ letter to IranBy Michael Gerson Opinion writer March 12

The true scandal of the Tom Cotton letter to Iranian leaders is the manner in which the Republican Senate apparently conducts its affairs.
The document was crafted by a senator with two months of experience under his belt. It was signed by some members rushing off the Senate floor to catch airplanes, often with little close analysis. Many of the 47 signatories reasoned that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s endorsement was vetting enough. There was no caucus-wide debate about strategy; no consultation with Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), who has studiously followed the nuclear talks (and who refused to sign).
This was a foreign policy maneuver, in the middle of a high-stakes negotiation, with all the gravity and deliberation of a blog posting. In timing, tone and substance, it raises questions about the Republican majority’s capacity to govern.
It is true that President Obama set this little drama in motion. Major arms-control treaties have traditionally involved advice and consent by the Senate. Obama is proposing to expand the practice of executive agreements to cover his prospective Iranian deal — effectively cutting senators out of the process. By renewing a long-standing balance-of-powers debate — in a way that highlights his propensity for power-grabbiness — Obama invited resistance. And there is a practical argument for Senate approval of arms-control agreements: It strengthens and empowers the president in punishing violations. The whole U.S. government is placed on record promising consequences for infractions (if, of course, the Senate concurs).
The exact shape of a possible Iran deal remains unknown. I’m on record predicting that it may be a bad one — a very unlikely throw of the dice that a terror-sponsoring, clerical regime will become a minimally responsible regional power.

But the half-baked Cotton letter was a poor instrument to express concern. First, the bleedingly obvious: If Republican senators want to make the point that an Iran deal requires a treaty, they should make that case to the American people, not to the Iranians. Congress simply has no business conducting foreign policy with a foreign government, especially an adversarial one. Every Republican who pictures his or her feet up on the Resolute Desk should fear this precedent.

In this particular situation, paradoxically, the main result is not a weakened presidency but a weakened legislature. Corker has been toiling with the ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Robert Menendez (N.J.), to craft legislation that would require Senate approval of an Iran deal. Before the Cotton letter, Corker was two votes away from a veto-proof, bipartisan majority. Now Obama and Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) are using the letter to argue that Republicans are engaged only in partisan games. Peeling even a few Democrats off the Corker/Menendez approach could prove decisive. If the Corker bill fails narrowly, Obama might have Cotton’s missive to thank.
A final objection to the Cotton letter concerns not institutional positioning but grand strategy. The alternative to a bad nuclear deal is not war; it is strong sanctions and covert actions to limit Iranian capacities until the regime falls (as it came close to doing in 2009) or demonstrates behavior change in a variety of areas. But this approach depends on the tightening of sanctions in cooperation with Europe, as well as Russia and China. And this effort can be held together only by the impression that the United States has negotiated with Iran in good faith. So negotiations are actually an important part of any attempt to isolate Iran. The key is where we draw our “red lines.”
The Cotton letter creates the impression that Senate Republicans are rooting for negotiations to fail — which would complicate our attempt to maintain strong sanctions if negotiations end up failing.

In the aftermath of the letter, we are seeing the logic of partisan escalation. Didn’t Democrats open their own rogue negotiations with Nicaraguan dictator Daniel Ortega in the 1980s? Or sip tea with Syria’s Bashar al-Assad against the wishes of the George W. Bush administration? Of course they did. But justifying a bad idea by recounting a history of bad ideas is a particularly bad way to conduct foreign policy. It is the crutch of a partisan, not the argument of a statesman.

This is presumably the reason we have a Senate, not only a House. A six-year term should ensure an extra 30 minutes to read a document and think through its implications.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Haha. You're a weird dude. Southern Republicans are an absolute disgrace. This latest treason is just another example of that. Even Ronald Reagan would be disgusted by the present state of the Republican party.

And what does Ferguson have to do with politics? Are you implying because they are black that they are left wing crimes?

The DHS/FBI/Law Enforcement says right-wing terror groups are the biggest domestic terror threat they face, 47 Republican Senators just pulled an unprecedented treasonous maneuver. Those are the facts. What Ferguson has to do with that, I have no clue.

Amazing treason by these repubs but we should expect this kind of behavior. Idealogy over country for them....always

Jul 4, 2012
The DHS/FBI/Law Enforcement says right-wing terror groups are the biggest domestic terror threat they face, 47 Republican Senators just pulled an unprecedented treasonous maneuver. Those are the facts. What Ferguson has to do with that, I have no clue.

Um, no they didn't, you laughable moron.

You were provided 4 examples of Democrats doing much, much worse. "Unprecedented" doesn't mean what you think it means, liar.

Finally, the DHS said no such thing.

You are so pathetically stupid.

Jul 4, 2012
Amazing treason by these repubs but we should expect this kind of behavior. Idealogy over country for them....always

You are so stupid it is comical.


What a fucking dumbass you are.

Jul 4, 2012
This latest treason is just another example of that. Even Ronald Reagan would be disgusted by the present state of the Republican party.

1984 "Dear Comandante" letter from Reagan opponents in Congress to Nicaragua's Communist leader


Haha, you are so ignorant and cartoonishly stupid.



Jul 4, 2012

Kerry explained to Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman J. William Fulbright in a question-and-answer session on Capitol Hill a year after his Paris meetings that the war needed to be stopped “immediately and unilaterally.” Then Kerry added: “I have been to Paris. I have talked with both delegations at the peace talks, that is to say the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary Government.”
“I realize that even my visits in Paris,” Kerry testified, “are on the borderline of private individuals negotiating.”


He was an inactive Naval Reserve Officer at the time.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You are so stupid it is comical.


What a fucking dumbass you are.

Mr Worthless chek in with his usual nonsense. Protect your traitors like a good cult member whether rescumlicas are blocking health care for 9/11 first responders or writing treason letters to protect them. You aren't mr worthless for nothing!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Remember, if it's good for Muslim Hussein, it's bad for America.



According to Pajamas Media columnist Michael Ledeen, in 2008, a Democratic senator sent a personal emissary to Tehran encouraging the mullahs not to sign an agreement with the outgoing Bush Administration as negotiations would take on a much friendlier tone following President Bush’s departure from office.

That senator was a presidential candidate at the time. His name was Barack Obama.



New member
Oct 19, 2007
Mr Worthless chek in with his usual nonsense. Protect your traitors like a good cult member whether rescumlicas are blocking health care for 9/11 first responders or writing treason letters to protect them. You aren't mr worthless for nothing!

Hahaha, asking some people on this forum what they think of the Republicans treasonous behavior is like asking an ISIS member if they are terrorists. Of course you're going to get a dumb response. These guys don't realize they are the people everyone else is talking about when it comes to danger to society and traitors, haha.

Jul 4, 2012
You have to love watching dumb & dumber repeat "treasonous" as if they know what it means.

They can't even bother to offer up anything more than the DNC playbook talking point. Probably because they are so smart.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You have to love watching dumb & dumber repeat "treasonous" as if they know what it means.

They can't even bother to offer up anything more than the DNC playbook talking point. Probably because they are so smart.

Hysterical that you are the only one that knows what stuff means. The bible, what's a lie, what treason means. You do know you are a complete fucking idiot right? You do know you were voted most worthless poster right? You do know you were caught in countless lies right? You do know you've backed away from any bet that requires money or banning right?

All that being do you show you face here? You are a lying pyschopath.

Top 10 law school. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh. Yeah and dave007 is a brilliant poster and jdeucebag is super successful.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Hysterical that you are the only one that knows what stuff means. The bible, what's a lie, what treason means. You do know you are a complete fucking idiot right? You do know you were voted most worthless poster right? You do know you were caught in countless lies right? You do know you've backed away from any bet that requires money or banning right?

All that being do you show you face here? You are a lying pyschopath.

Top 10 law school. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh. Yeah and dave007 is a brilliant poster and jdeucebag is super successful.

Hahaha, my favorite was when I showed him that climate scientists agree that it's very likely that humans cause global warming through burning fossil fuels... and his response was... "You don't know what very likely means". Hahahahaha. He lives in his own weird little world. One of the strangest guys I've ever come across on the Internet. And that is an accomplishment, because there are a lot of winners out there, lol.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Hahaha, my favorite was when I showed him that climate scientists agree that it's very likely that humans cause global warming through burning fossil fuels... and his response was... "You don't know what very likely means". Hahahahaha. He lives in his own weird little world. One of the strangest guys I've ever come across on the Internet. And that is an accomplishment, because there are a lot of winners out there, lol.

Lol. Yeah, nobody knows what things actually mean but him. The guy has severe mental problems. Just another right wing winner here at the rx

Jul 4, 2012
Hysterical that you are the only one that knows what stuff means. The bible, what's a lie, what treason means. You do know you are a complete fucking idiot right? You do know you were voted most worthless poster right? You do know you were caught in countless lies right? You do know you've backed away from any bet that requires money or banning right?

All that being do you show you face here? You are a lying pyschopath.

Top 10 law school. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh. Yeah and dave007 is a brilliant poster and jdeucebag is super successful.

Nice projection, dumbass.

You are so dumb it is painful. You literally can't type a response without making up more and more bullshit.

You are so pathetic you have to beg people to interact with you. Now go start another thread about me, moron.

Jul 4, 2012
Lol. Yeah, nobody knows what things actually mean but him. The guy has severe mental problems. Just another right wing winner here at the rx

Of course I've never said "nobody knows what things actually mean" but me. Anywhere, ever.

Look, you are a laughable dumb fuck and moron. Why you even comment here isn't at all clear given that with every comment you are complete laughing stock.

You will of course persist. Because you are like super successful and stuff.

Jul 4, 2012
Hahaha, my favorite was when I showed him that climate scientists agree that it's very likely that humans cause global warming through burning fossil fuels... and his response was... "You don't know what very likely means". Hahahahaha. He lives in his own weird little world. One of the strangest guys I've ever come across on the Internet. And that is an accomplishment, because there are a lot of winners out there, lol.

The fact that you think this letter was "unprecedented" reminds everyone how comically dumb and ignorant you are.

Oh, and remember, "law is complex"


You are so dumb it is embarrassing

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