The GOP Senators Letter To Iran


Jul 4, 2012
One of the strangest guys I've ever come across on the Internet. And that is an accomplishment, because there are a lot of winners out there, lol.

LOL, the person who wrote this is talking about weird people

Guys, I appreciate all your support and help in these threads. This thread has been fun. However, I simply cannot participate in this forum any longer in the meantime. I have had some run-ins with some mods over posters that have harassed me over being native american. Constant alcohol, drunk, and negative native american posts. Another poster even said he would shoot me in the head and absolutely nothing was done over it. I simply cannot be apart of this site any longer. The mods are horrible racist supporters who I simply cannot associate with. I'm more than fine with taking a beating about my picks or about my political beliefs, but when it becomes personal about race or threats, I would hope the people in control would stop it.

But they simply refuse to. I will set up an excel download on the site for those of you who want to export your picks out of the database so you can continue keeping track of them on your own. The site will also be up and running for those of you who want to keep using the picks. If someone wants to take over showing the results I can show them how.

I will continue posting my NFL plays in the contest because of a contest I am in with another member. Other than that, I'm done taking my time providing something positive for the site with these horrendous mods.

Wish you all the best.


You were all bum hurt.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Nice projection, dumbass.

You are so dumb it is painful. You literally can't type a response without making up more and more bullshit.

You are so pathetic you have to beg people to interact with you. Now go start another thread about me, moron.

I hope one day you get the help you need. Clearly you are very unsuccessful in all aspects of your life. Just an angry liar and loser in every way. Your poor poor parents must be so ashamed.

Jul 4, 2012
[h=1]Iran deal could start nuclear fuel race - Saudi Arabia[/h]A senior member of the Saudi royal family has warned that a deal on Iran's nuclear programme could prompt other regional states to develop atomic fuel.
Prince Turki al-Faisal told the BBC that Saudi Arabia would then seek the same right, as would other nations.
Six world powers are negotiating an agreement aimed at limiting Iran's nuclear activity but not ending it.
Critics have argued this would trigger a nuclear arms race in the region spurred on by Saudi-Iran rivalry.
"I've always said whatever comes out of these talks, we will want the same," said the prince, Saudi Arabia's former intelligence chief.
"So if Iran has the ability to enrich uranium to whatever level, it's not just Saudi Arabia that's going to ask for that.

Liberals are so dumb it is scary.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
[h=1]Iran deal could start nuclear fuel race - Saudi Arabia[/h]A senior member of the Saudi royal family has warned that a deal on Iran's nuclear programme could prompt other regional states to develop atomic fuel.
Prince Turki al-Faisal told the BBC that Saudi Arabia would then seek the same right, as would other nations.
Six world powers are negotiating an agreement aimed at limiting Iran's nuclear activity but not ending it.
Critics have argued this would trigger a nuclear arms race in the region spurred on by Saudi-Iran rivalry.
"I've always said whatever comes out of these talks, we will want the same," said the prince, Saudi Arabia's former intelligence chief.
"So if Iran has the ability to enrich uranium to whatever level, it's not just Saudi Arabia that's going to ask for that.

Liberals are so dumb it is scary.

Another acebb article with the word "could" or "might" or "maybe" in the title. Something that will never happen but because one guy says it could happen the repub idiots take it as it will happen. None of that will happen and they will just move onto the next bullshit "maybe" article. A senior member od Sadi royal family. Lol

There is a reason you were voted most worthless.

Jul 4, 2012
Another acebb article with the word "could" or "might" or "maybe" in the title.

"Another" ?

Really, dumb fuck. Why don't you find 2 more since I apparently post articles like that all the time.

Oh, wait, you're lying.

Never mind.

What is so funny about your dipshit commentary (you have been here since 8:20am posting dumb bullshit) is that in that stupid thread about the DHS and "right wing extremists" the entire premise was based on could, (and some) yet you cheered the article on.

You are so fucking dumb it is surreal.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
"Another" ?

Really, dumb fuck. Why don't you find 2 more since I apparently post articles like that all the time.

Oh, wait, you're lying.

Never mind.

What is so funny about your dipshit commentary (you have been here since 8:20am posting dumb bullshit) is that in that stupid thread about the DHS and "right wing extremists" the entire premise was based on could, (and some) yet you cheered the article on.

You are so fucking dumb it is surreal.

You've been here since you woke up at 9am to take your medications.

Sep 22, 2007
I hope one day you get the help you need. Clearly you are very unsuccessful in all aspects of your life. Just an angry liar and loser in every way. Your poor poor parents must be so ashamed.

So, he "won" the most worthless poster contest, huh? Why is that not a surprise? I don't feel like slogging my way through 8 pages of posts, but the Righties seem a little quiet here-the Mother of All Whack Jobs excepted, of course-and it isn't hard to see why: maybe the Dems being gutless and gifting the Senate was the proverbial blessing in disguise: now everybody can see just how pathetic the Repubs are, Paul saying he signed it to "help" Obama, ROTLFMAO!!!!

New member
Oct 29, 2010
So, he "won" the most worthless poster contest, huh? Why is that not a surprise? I don't feel like slogging my way through 8 pages of posts, but the Righties seem a little quiet here-the Mother of All Whack Jobs excepted, of course-and it isn't hard to see why: maybe the Dems being gutless and gifting the Senate was the proverbial blessing in disguise: now everybody can see just how pathetic the Repubs are, Paul saying he signed it to "help" Obama, ROTLFMAO!!!!

He won the legit one in the rubber room. The zit poll was all right wing voters

New member
Nov 10, 2010
The synopsis of the Iranian strategy

First, since suspension of sanctions is more reversible than their termination, the Iranians insist on maintaining sufficient leverage of their own in the form of thousands of centrifuges. Iran’s current operating enrichment capacity has limited practical use, since fuel for the country’s sole nuclear power plant in Bushehr is supplied by Russia. But Iranian leaders calculate that maintaining a meaningful enrichment capacity might deter the U.S. from reneging on its part of the bargain.

Secondly, instead of focusing on unilateral U.S. sanctions, the Iranian negotiators have gone after the UN Security Council sanctions that legitimize the American ones. The logic is that if the next U.S. president revokes the nuclear deal and tries to re-impose sanctions without the legitimacy bestowed by the UN, he/she will have a much harder time rallying international support behind enforcing the restrictions.

Thirdly, Iranian negotiators demand that a roadmap for lifting the U.S. sanctions during the agreement must be codified by a UN Security Council resolution. This would make any American infringement of it a breach of an obligation under international law. They have, moreover, indicated they intend to make the Iranian parliament’s ratification of the Additional Protocol to the Nonproliferation Treaty that provides the UN inspectors with enhanced access to nuclear sites and scientists contingent on prior legislative action in U.S. Congress to terminate some specific sanctions.

Finally, based on the supreme leader’s instructions, the Iranian negotiators are trying to tie up all ambiguities in the agreement to ensure that no aspect will be open to interpretation. Moreover, just as Washington insists on a role for the International Atomic Energy Agency to monitor Iran’s implementation of its commitments, Tehran insists on establishing a mechanism to monitor Washington’s performance on sanctions relief.

Jul 4, 2012
Iran endorses nuclear EMP attack on United States

Suspected for years of plotting to dismantle the U.S. electric grid, American officials have confirmed that Iranian military brass have endorsed a nuclear electromagnetic pulse explosion that would attack the country's power system.
American defense experts made the discovery while translating a secret Iranian military handbook, raising new concerns about Tehran's recent nuclear talks with the administration.

But let's rush to have some stupid executive agreement with them!

Jul 4, 2012

[h=1]Democrats join fight against Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran as details emerge[/h]
Bipartisan resistance to the Obama administration’s push for a nuclear deal with Iran surged on Capitol Hill on Thursday, even as details emerged about a potential agreement that would allow Tehran to retain up to 6,000 uranium enrichment centrifuges while getting immediate relief from international economic sanctions.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
President Obama uses his Nowruz statement to speak directly to the Iranian people. In doing so, he compares Iranian hardliners to those Americans who are skeptical the president's deal with Iran will prevent the rogue nation from getting nuclear weapons capability.

"The days and weeks ahead will be critical. Our negotiations have made progress, but gaps remain. And there are people, in both our countries and beyond, who oppose a diplomatic resolution. My message to you—the people of Iran—is that, together, we have to speak up for the future we seek," says the president.

For those of you who get weak in the knees when your Lord and Savior speaks, you can watch the full transcript of his remarks:

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Hussein playing patty-yelllowcake with Islamo-Nazis pretending he's a friend of the Iranian people.

Where was the Muslim Kenyan in 2009 during the Green Revolution when the "Iranian people" rose up against this brutal oppressive regime?

David Petraeus: Iran is our biggest threat in Iraq, not ISIS.
Everything about this fraud makes me :puke1:

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Sen. Cruz and Rep. Franks Introduce Sanction Iran, Safeguard America Act


March 19, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Rep. Trent Franks, R-AZ-8, today reintroduced the Sanction Iran, Safeguard America Act to impose sanctions against Iran and help safeguard America in the face of the Obama Administration’s disastrous proposed nuclear deal with Iran.

“As the self-perpetuating negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program drag on, it is time for a moment of clarity,” said Sen. Cruz. “It is time to tell the American people the truth. These talks are not going to prevent the Islamic Republic of Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, from getting a nuclear weapon. The Obama Administration is circumventing the will of the American people, who do not support this deal. This is precisely why the President is proposing that it be made through the United Nations Security Council instead of the United States Congress where Americans have direct representation, as our Constitution demands. Similarly, the President has also suggested he will go through the UN Security Council, circumventing the nation of Israel to impose terms favorable to the Palestinians that Prime Minister Netanyahu, and those who recently re-elected him, do not support.

“By recklessly unraveling the program of international economic sanctions and the coalition that imposed them without ensuring Iran has no path to the bomb,
President Obama will only make it more likely that his successor will be forced to use military force because there will be far fewer options at the new President’s disposal. But as Prime Minister Netanyahu said in his powerful speech to Congress on Iran on March 3, the options are not yet the President’s bad deal or war. There is another way. That is why I am reintroducing the Sanction Iran, Safeguard America Act.”

“The Obama Administration is arrogantly continuing down the path of negotiations with Iran, despite all of the continuously mounting evidence that Tehran is not negotiating in good faith,” said Rep. Franks. “The agreement currently put forth places Iran on a predictable path to nuclear weapons capability.

“The Sanction Iran, Safeguard America Act addresses the long-term threat of a nuclear Iran by removing sanctions waivers and ratcheting up pressure on their regime to dismantle their uranium enrichment and plutonium production capabilities. It also pressures Iran to acknowledge their history of state sponsorship of terrorism and to cease its support for terror in the future. If Tehran is genuine about rejoining the family of nations as a respectable member, then it must demonstrate that with action. Until then, the United States cannot naïvely pursue a policy with the Iranian regime that is all carrot and no stick.”

Specifically, the Sanction Iran, Safeguard America Act:

  • Re-imposes all previous sanctions that the Obama Administration relaxed.
  • Expands sanctions related to the petrochemical and automotive sector.
  • Prohibits funding for negotiations with Iran unless congressional approval is reached.
  • Gives Iran a clear path towards their removal: dismantling their nuclear program in its entirety; removing all centrifuges, relinquishing enriched uranium, and ceasing all research and development of the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) program.
  • Requires Iran to renounce its state-sponsorship of terrorism.

In addition, the 2015 legislation makes it clear that any deal that goes through the UN Security Council and is not ratified as a treaty by the Senate or passed into law by Congress has no binding authority on subsequent presidents or congresses.

Rep. Franks will file the companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives next week.

Full text of the bill is available here


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Hussein playing patty-yelllowcake with Islamo-Nazis pretending he's a friend of the Iranian people.

Where was the Muslim Kenyan in 2009 during the Green Revolution when the "Iranian people" rose up against this brutal oppressive regime?

David Petraeus: Iran is our biggest threat in Iraq, not ISIS.
Everything about this fraud makes me :puke1:


Aren’t these Iranian people also?

Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader.
Hassan Rouhani, President.
Ali Larijani, Speaker of Majlis.
Sadeq Larijani, Head of the Judiciary Branch.
Ahmad Jannati, Secretary of the Guardian Council.
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Chairman of the Expediency Discernment Council.

All of them are Obama’s BFF.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Safeguarding america act. Lmao. If Cruz wanted to safeguard america he would lay himself down on train tracks.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham is throwing down the gauntlet, warning the White House he’ll move to cut funding to the United Nations if the administration turns to the international body to lift sanctions on Iran as part of a nuclear deal.

Graham made the comments Thursday during an appearance on Fox News’ “On the Record With Greta Van Susteren.”

Graham, a Republican, is chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs. In that role, he says he can block U.S. funding for the United Nations -- $654 million is earmarked for 2015 alone.

“Twenty-two percent of the funding for the United Nations comes from the American taxpayers, and I’m in charge of that account,” a defiant Graham told Fox News. He acknowledged he'd also need other lawmakers to sign onto any effort to suspend that funding.

Graham is worried that the administration, should it strike a nuclear deal with Iran, might get the U.N. to lift sanctions without going through Congress to lift U.S. sanctions.

Graham, who says the worst possible outcome would be for Iran to get a nuclear weapon, vowed: “I’m not going to allow the United Nations to be used as a way to get around the United States Congress for a deal that affects the very existence of Israel and our own national security.”

When pushed on the issue, Graham said, “If they go to the U.N. Security Council, and the U.N. Security Council lifts all sanctions before we ever get a chance to look at this deal, absolutely I would suspend funding the United Nations, because I don't think your money should go to an organization that irresponsible.”

Graham strongly admonished the Obama administration.

“They are about to make a mistake for the ages,” Graham said. Earlier this month, Graham made a similar threat during a speech he gave at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. At that event, he said he’d slash U.N. funds if the U.N. marginalized Israel.

International nuclear talks with Iran are expected to resume next week, following some disagreements -- reportedly over the sanctions issue -- on Friday.

Asked about the talks on Friday, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said he did not want to speculate on what an actual deal might look like. But he said President Obama does not believe it makes sense to remove "a large number of sanctions at the front end of this agreement" -- as the Iranians reportedly want.

Earnest stressed the importance of existing congressional sanctions. But he indicated the administration, should there be a deal, might be able to waive them down the road. "One of the most powerful tools that we have in these negotiations are the congressional sanctions that Congress has passed, that those are some of the toughest sanctions that have ever been put in place against any country by the United States," he said. "And the president believes that we should leave those sanctions in place for -- not just for a few weeks to verify Iranian compliance."

He added: "He believes that we should leave those sanctions in place over the longer term, and that the president can use the waiver authority that Congress has already given him, to relax some of those sanctions."

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