The Falcons Top Program Plays

Oct 21, 2009
I only mentioned april 1 because it was start of a calendar month.. I don't want to wait a week or 2.. I'm a big believer in what I have planned for the NHL and NBA playoffs, so I definitely want those a part of the first block. If were going to do this, Incubus u could discontinue the 92 play effort.

I will still only be keeping my one 2016 record. Incubus can keep the 70 play blocks. Really no reason not to start today.

70 plays, goal will be as always (57.14%) against an average line of (-110).. 3% of bankroll on each selection... We can adjust the wager amounts after the first block of 70 is final.. I believe this will be a very profitable strategy and will fall right in line with my overall business plan.

What do you guys think? U ready to start the first block today. And I will stress that this will definately not be a baseball only block, it will include the NHL and nba playoffs..

Inc, u want to start with the toronto over 9 or u want to start with the next one..


I like the business plan let's do it hopefully Incubus is OK with the tracking.

Feb 15, 2014
Incubus, everyone, let's start the first block with the next posted play.. I need to run out and grab a new notebook for it (ha ha) and I'm going to adjust my bankroll and set it for the first 70 plays..

Remember, I'll still only keep my one 2016 record, Incubus will keep the block records.. OK we got a few hours to set this up and get everyone on board for it..


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Great Plan Falcon..>>gl..$$$

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
I only mentioned april 1 because it was start of a calendar month.. I don't want to wait a week or 2.. I'm a big believer in what I have planned for the NHL and NBA playoffs, so I definitely want those a part of the first block. If were going to do this, Incubus u could discontinue the 92 play effort.

I will still only be keeping my one 2016 record. Incubus can keep the 70 play blocks. Really no reason not to start today.

70 plays, goal will be as always (57.14%) against an average line of (-110).. 3% of bankroll on each selection... We can adjust the wager amounts after the first block of 70 is final.. I believe this will be a very profitable strategy and will fall right in line with my overall business plan.

What do you guys think? U ready to start the first block today. And I will stress that this will definately not be a baseball only block, it will include the NHL and nba playoffs..

Inc, u want to start with the toronto over 9 or u want to start with the next one..


Okie dokie! Sounds great! You're the conductor of this revolutionary endeavor, and I'm simply grateful to be at your service!

We'll start this new project (70 Plays Block 1.0) with the next posted play.

I'll discontinue the "92 Plays - Special Edition" effective now.

Everyone on board?

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
No incubus, let's start with next one.. Give everyone a chance to start this together..


Gotcha! I edited my comment above to reflect what you had requested. We're on the same page! No worries.

NEXT PLAY you post will be Play #1. This will allow everyone who reads these recent exchanges to get on board!
Feb 15, 2014
Yeah and I want to get a buddy of mine on board and I'm upping my wager to set it at a true 3% of BR..

Back in a few hours to start this..

Oct 21, 2009
No problem, keeps the long grind, interesting.

Let's get everyone on board for the first 70 play block..


Okie dokie! Sounds great! You're the conductor of this revolutionary endeavor, and I'm simply grateful to be at your service!

We'll start this new project (70 Plays Block 1.0) with the next posted play.

I'll discontinue the "92 Plays - Special Edition" effective now.

Everyone on board?

Thanks guys, as I've said before, I've been in this biz (almost daily) since August 1986.. I've done on almost everything involved in it, from both sides of the counter.

I started to dabble in programming in 2009 and became a fulltime programmer in 2011.. I have spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours in programming for sports wagering.

In this thread and for as long as it runs, I want to try and give back and I do emphasize the word try...

The last couple days have been a little rough but guess the april record,,,, (14-8) (63.64% winners)..

Here is how I think this thread may be very helpful to longterm players.. I really only want to speak to people that have a passion for this, I want to help people over the long run, I may or may not can help today...

I think we should start to look at this in 70 play blocks... I know incubus would be great in blocking the 70 plays.. We could start with april 1 or we could start today or we could start with the NHL playoffs. I'm a big believer in my programs going 40-30 or better over the 70 plays. I'm also a believer in playing either 2% or 3% on each selection. For several years I played 2% on each but as time has gone on, I've became more confident in my programs and I've since moved to 3%.

I believe if we set a bankroll, block the plays in 70 play groups and adjusting the wager amounts after 70 plays that we could really grow the bankrolls.

I'd like to get Incubus involved in blocking off the first set of 70 plays and would like opinions on when to start the first block of 70.. If you look at the thread, we are about 3.5 blocks in, we are running at 57.79%.. We also have a very good time approaching as we have the playoffs and my baseball program for 2016 will be starting..

Who wants in on the first block of 70 plays? Incubus I'll await your comments.

Falcon you've been grinding away for 30yrs now, I'm sure you've seen it all in this industry. Much respect to you.Glad we will be part of history here at TheRx :103631605

New member
Apr 9, 2016
First off i want to say thank you for doing what you do, I've been eyeing this thread for months but just recently started tailing you and learning what your program is about... I have one quick question for you and @incubus before we start this new block! Well first off you said upping your wagers aka your unit's to 3% of bankroll,,, so if mine is 1000 1U would be 30$ correct?

second thing is when you put 1U on a play that lets say is Mets ML (-173) are you waging 1U or 30$ or are you risking more to win the equivalent to 1U because the ML would be betting 30$ to win 17.34 or betting 51.90 to win 30 (1U)
Oct 27, 2008
falcon -

thank you you for all of your hard work and dedication. I am absolutely on board to stay the course. I have already seen the profits come in by following your program. let's have a great first 70!


Oct 29, 2011
Guys, i was hoping to do reasonably well for the start of the season.. Here is what the next few weeks will look like..

Next week, we will jump right into the NHL and then the NBA playoffs. My programs will be updated at the ends of the seasons and will be ready to go for the playoffs.. I should do really well with these.

My 2016 mlb numbers will be ready, somewhere around the 18th-20th.. This will begin my transition to the 2016 only, program.

To be successful longterm in this business, I believe you need these 3 things.

1. Ability to pick winners
(My programs should hit 57.14% against -110 lines)
It doesn't get any better longterm.

2. Defined Bankroll
This is money strictly allocated for this, not for the house payment.
This is a business and should be treated as such.

3. Detailed Plan
With the supreme discipline to stick to it and not waver.

Three months into the year, I am right on track, I've posted almost 250 plays in this thread, I am right on track.

Get your business plan together guys and begin to win longterm.

Back later today, good luck to each of you.


This is required reading for anyone getting involved in sports investing.

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
Also, PARLE-G, I'm pretty certain you'll rarely if ever see the Falcon post a play where the ML is a prohibitive
favorite (anything -150 or above?) Instead, he'll reduce his risk by making the play a RL -1.

For example, say you want to win $100 on a favorite but the ML is -175. You'd have to risk $175 to do so.

Most people automatically will look to use the conventional RL -1.5 to get better odds.
In this example, say the RL -1.5 is +130. You'd risk $100 to win $130.

What if the team only wins by 1 run? Yup. You lose your $100 on your RL -1.5 bet.

What you do is you split up your bet to create a hybrid RL -1.

If your book doesn't offer it RL -1 options on MLB, use this RL -1 calculater:

What if your team only wins by 1 run? The ML (win) and RL -1.5 (loss) bets will cancel each other other.
You significantly reduce your risk this way.

Here's an image from the calculator illustrating this example. Hopefully, this will help you and others
understand the RL -1 concept better.


Feb 15, 2014
Thanks Inc for putting that up.. Also all Pushes will be dropped from any record keeping, they will not be a part of the 70 plays.. The 70 play block will include NHL and NBA plays as well.. I never gave those 2 programs the time that they deserved. Let's get ready for the 70 plays, its a great time to get on board.


New member
Nov 19, 2015
Sorry for chiming in so late. Been following you guys for a while now but haven't had a chance to thank anyone for the hard work. I'm a big big baseball fan so I've been waiting for the season to begin to officially tail you guys (will also be following NBA picks during playoffs). My dog had super expensive hip surgery done recently and I used gambling to help pay for it and since then I've been a committed and disciplined gambler.

My only regret right now is missing out on the Toronto pick, great pick in my opinion but line moved before I could jump on it!

best of luck this season and looking forward to being part of this.

New member
Apr 9, 2016
@Incubus thank you! Ive seen you post that numerous times before, but never knew how to work it lol....

So whenever I see one of his plays like Pirates -1 for example.....

(If $100 was my 3% BR) I would make both the plays: 76.09 on ML & 43.48 on -1.5?

and in my case for $30 it would be risk 22.83 ML & 13.05 on -1.5 spread.

thanks so much for taking time to explain this to me!!!!!!!

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