[*=left]Fought to protect citizens’ free speech against unlawful and unjust targeting and designations by the IRS.
[*=left]Opposed budget increases that failed to bring about meaningful spending reforms.
[*=left]Advocated for meaningful reforms to boost economic growth, including repealing Obamacare, deregulation, and expansion of energy production to take on the staggering unemployment conditions in the country.
[*=left]Opposed raising the debt ceiling without any meaningful reforms to the out-of-control Washington spending.
[*=left]Voted against establishment politicians’ Christmas handouts to K-Street.
[*=left]Opposed sugar subsidies and favoring a few over the American taxpayer.
[*=left]Voted to repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard so that all can compete on an equal footing.
[*=left]Opposed budget deals that reauthorized the Export-Import bank, a handmaiden of the Washington Cartel.