It's not so much hyperbole, as it's I think he's full of shit and he knows it. I'm not a fan of big government, and I'm not a fan of many aspects of our government. That doesn't mean I have to believe that the big, bad boogeyman Feds are coming for my guns, money and freedom next week.
But, hey, I admit I was wrong. This guy is going to be in it until the end. He has a real shot.
I'm confused. You used the word 'hyperbole' multiple times as your main objection for not liking Cruz. Now you're saying those quotes aren't hyperbole?
Ted Cruz is full of shit? How? He's the smartest man in any room he walks into. Be honest, how many people (let alone candidates for POTUS) can you say that about? Maybe conservatives should dumb themselves down to vtard's level?
You say a real conservative isn't electable? The antidote to the insanity that is modern liberalism is common sense. Properly articulated, conservatism wins every time. Sometimes for conservatism to become electable, you have to sit back and wait for liberalism to come full circle, like what is happening in Europe right now - what a socially-engineered shit show!