Marco: nice points and you are entitled to all of them ,,, but for me, im going to go with the God of the Bible. several reasons as to why i say this and am most assured of this...
Lets look at this from a different angle guys, lets go to the past 100 years, as well as the present and the not too distant future.. Lets not go back eons ago... Do you guys think the things that are happening in the world today and of the last 100 years or so -- are by sheer accident.. You see guys 25% of the Bible is prophecy, a detail of future events....... I believe the same Jesus that left is returning again.. Oh i believe this with all my heart.. Look at this generation and what makes it different from any that have ever been on this earth. Lets look at a few examples:
1) Isreal is a nation again, happened in 1948. In one day it will become a nation again. Ezekial prophesied this many years ago..
2) Isreal gains control of Jerusalem in 1967 during the 6 day war.. How is it that tiny Isreal can hold off millions of arabs that surround it -- without Gods help.
3) Isreal exports up to 90% of Europes citrus products. How can this be, The Lord said that he would make it flower and produce once again. Isreal seen from outer space (space shuttle) appears as a tiny green speck amidst a region of brown. What makes it fertile when its neighbor are in a desert.
4) The advent of Knowledge as spoken of in the book of Daniel, Man has advanced more in the last 100 years than all the other years combined.
5) Oncoming cashless society, its happening all the time. Credit cards, debit cards, soon the mark will come.
6) The revival of the old roman empire, this is the EU guys.. One day England will not be in the EU, remember who told you that one.. England and the US are merely offshoots of Ephriam and Manassas but thats a little deep for now.
7) Man can now utterly wipe itself off the face of the earth, never before has this been the case. The nuclear weapons now make this possible.
8) The increase of earthquakes, look it up as to what the increase of earthquakes are over the last 100 years (magnitue of 5 or higher).. They have exploded in frequency.
9) Why is it that almost on every evening news story the Middle East and most of the time Isreal is at the top of the news. How can such a tiny nation be the centerpeice (stumbling block or burdensome stone) of the world.
You see guys in 1948, the clock started ticking, no man knows the hour or the day of the coming of the Lord but you can know the times and the season.
pay attention, guys we are moving to a one world order, with a one world religion. its right in front of you, there will be a man come on the seen. he will conquer with peace. he will bring peace to isreal and the middle east. this will be a false peace.. its in our face now and most cant see it.
China is building a highway to the middle east, for no apparent economic reason. Care to venture why they are doing this. The Aswan Dam can now dam the Tigris and Euphrate river for the first time in the history of the world. care to know why this is so..
Ive got to go, sorry for rambling but Prophecy is what makes the BIBLE DIFFERENT. Read what Daniel told King Nebuchanezzar about his dream of the weird looking statue and what it meant.. It had a head of Gold, a breast of brass, arms of silver and legs of iron.. These were the 4 kingdoms that were to come upon the earth before the end. Daniel spoke of these years before they occured.. Nebuchanezzar was the head of Gold, He was the king of Babylon (present day Iraq). Brass was the kingdom of Alexander the great. The Medes and Persians were known for silver.. Iron was the markings of the Old Roman Empire...... Finally this statue was finished with the feet, a composite of iron and clay.. Sort of a hodge podge of governments, kind of like you see in the world today.. Gotta run now...
The People's Champ