hosnatcher you continue to hit the nail on the head my friend! The more I think about this, the more I think she KNEW it was over w/ Steve so she was going back to Norfleet. She knew after the DUI and her dumbass saying "I'm high" that it was over. She was way too immature and had become a huge liability to McNair. She cried on Norfleet's shoulder and told him how pissed she was and how she and Norfleet would get back together.
Steve went out Fri. night without her so she calls Norfleet over to cuddle and bang her. Steve comes in drunk off his ass and plops on the couch. Douchebag Norfleet caps him in the head (each side of the temple consecutively as he probably walked to the other side of McNair to make sure he was dead and fired on the other side of the temple while probably talking shit to a dead McNair as he hated his guts so badly).
Ole girl freaks out and he says "I did you a favor, you have nothing to worry about now. I love you and I never want to see you hurt like that again." She is still freaking out and Norfleet realizes he has to get rid of her crazy ass since she is a witness. She takes one to the temple after Norfleet tells her to sit beside McNair and "shut the fuck UP!" and he then puts the gun in her left hand while gripping over her and shoots 2 more shots to McNair's chest to ensure that she has gunpowder residue on her hand.
Unbeknowing to anyone, Norfleet had keys to the condo (very easily could have had one made at anytime, especially after driving the Escalade for her after the DUI) locks up the door behind him and is on his merry way just like he has rapped about.
My .02
I actually think Norfleet had nothing to do physically with the killings. He is talking way to much shit to have just killed a high profile athlete. I can imagine it must be hard to keep your cool after killing anybody, let alone being a 22 year old punk caught up in a love triangle with a pro athlete.
I do however think Norfleet manipulated the whole thing. He knew this chick for four years so he knew exactly what buttons to push in her brain. Sahel knew Steve was married so she kept Norfleet closeby for comfort and fucks when Steve was back home with his wife. So Norfleet knew about every single fight that McNair and Sahel had and put his 2 cents in every chance he got.
So we come to the night of the DUI with Steve, Norfleet and Sahel all rolling around together. Sahel gets popped, Steve bails quick and hops in a cab. Norfleet says see I TOLD YOU he wasn't going to leave his wife and she finally realizes the same. So Norfleet puts it in her mind to kill him and that he would help her get a gun.
On the night/morning of the murder. I bet she went to Steve's apartment and said she needed a place to crash or something so Steve woke up and let her in and he fell asleep on the couch probably while talking to her (was he fully clothed with shoes on and everything). She realized her relationship in Steve's eyes was just a fling and she lost her hold on him. So she goes to her car and retrieves the gun and kills him in his sleep and then realized what she has done and how her DNA is all over the apartment and she would never get away with it and terrified of going to prison she blows herself away.
Norfleet knowing exactly what happened and that aside from him going with her to buy a gun for what he would say was for "protection" that he had nothing to do with the crime. Norfleet is talking a lot of shit because he basically was survival of the fittest in this love triangle. Just think if you dated a girl for 4 years and she dumps you for some (in Norfleet's case) black former MVP QB and both of them wind up dead in a murder suicide that you worked your ass off to end you would fell like a winner too. You got revenge on the dude that stole your lady and the bitch that dumped you too. Talk about killing two birds with one stone or five bullets.