Teen punches teacher, knocks him out.


Oct 17, 2011
As usual the newscaster didn't mention color.

In Portland several months ago, 2 men robbed a series of fast food restaurants. The newspaper described the men as in their 20's, wearing blue levis and white tee shirts. If you've seen them please call. Bet they got a lot of calls.

The media is afraid to mention color if the color is black. If white, they'll tell you. Come to think of it, I guess that's how you can figure out the race of the criminals.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
A Black guy can walk through a White neighborhood with no problem, doesn't work the other way around.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
A Black guy can walk through a White neighborhood with no problem, doesn't work the other way around.

Trayvon couldn't.

I think each neighborhood and who runs it depends on whether or not you leave with all of your teeth. I live in Orange County and the only majority black cities we have are Buena Park and Stanton. No gang or turf issues in these cities pretty much the Koreans own all of the businesses. The majority of the black people that live in Buena Park are first gen families so no urban decay. In the Asian run neighborhoods you can walk around any where you please but your car might get stolen and if you step into a pool hall the Asian gangs will bully the shit out of you. If you step into a Mexican neighborhood you better know somebody or else it could get ugly. I remember back in the day when I was in high school my friend hooked the both of us with some girls for the night. My friend was with the girls earlier that day but did the dumbest thing and dropped them off into one of the barrios to a "friends" pad. I told my friend you dumbass you let the bitches get away, they were just using you for a ride. You basically dropped them off at some cholos pad, there ain't no way we will be able to drive into their turf and pick up these chicks. Low and behold when we got to the beginning of the block to pick them back 4 cholos acted like the gatekeeper and were ready to stomp our ass with more cholos rapidly approaching the car. We quickly reversed it and left their turf before the gun shots rang out.

New member
May 22, 2012
Buena Park a 'majority Black city.' ?

I live ten mins from there and knew you were talking absolute shit but also realized I'd need the evidence because you make stuff up constantly to try to pad your flimsy argument (s)

From Wiki:

The 2010 United States Census[3] reported that Buena Park had a population of 80,530. The population density was 7,631.0 people per square mile (2,946.3/km²). The racial makeup of Buena Park was 36,454 (45.3%) White, 3,073 (3.8%) African American, 862 (1.1%) Native American, 21,488 (26.7%) Asian, 455 (0.6%) Pacific Islander, 14,066 (17.5%) from other races, and 4,132 (5.1%) from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 31,638 persons (39.3%).

Don't forget to come up with a tall tale as to why Wiki is wrong.

May 27, 2007
I love how the white rationale just omits the simple facts of the incident.

What the facts state is that Zimmerman had an obsession of going overboard when it came to his neighborhood watch duties. On this particular day he was sittting at home drinking and noticed someone walking down the street that he didn't recognize. (I see people walking the streets of neighborhood that I have never seen before either it doesn't mean I am obligated to approach them and say howdy partner, who goes there) Trayvon wasn't doing anything suspicious except for WWB. Trayvon wasn't busting windows in cars, leering in peoples bedroom windows, wandering in and out of open garages. He was just walking. Zimmerman then ignoring the advice of the operator on the phone went vigilante and decided to approach this young man and then a fight took place. Now because nobody else in the neighborhood was on ni*ger alert they didn't see exactly what went down just speculation halfway into the action. Some say Trayvon was overpowering Zimmerman and some say Zimmerman was on top of Trayvon in clear control when he fired his weapon. Each so called witness will cancel each other out.

If you ask me if Zimmerman being a half Mexican with a shaved head with no identification that he is a police officer or security guard pulled along side to me and hoped out of his car and got into my face asking me questions like what I am doing around here and where I am from I would get on the defensive side and think I was being approached by a gang member and I would be ready to defend myself. Now words escalated before somebody threw the first punch it doesn't matter if it was Zimmerman or Trayvon that swung first it was Zimmerman when he approached Martin who impeded his progress. Zimmerman knowing he was armed and full of liquid courage created the situation. He picked a fight with a young kid and backed himself into a corner where he needed to fire his gun off to win the confrontation he started.

I do know from following this story that people and media outlets have picked sides and are tainting the public perception. For instance NBC edited the 911 call they aired to make it seem like Zimmerman mentioned the fact that Trayvon was black on his own accord but he was actually asked to give a description of the person he was calling 911 about. I don't think Zimmerman is a racist but I do think if he stayed in his home that night Trayvon would have been alive and no crime wouldn't have been committed earlier. Zimmerman didn't stop a crime from being committed. Also parents with black children need to instruct their children how to handle certain situations. They need to be taught that police officers will always be on guard with them and that the older and bigger they get that people will fear their appearance and to not feed into that fear by taking offense and being argumentative. If you want to live to see the next day drop the tough act and act just afraid as they are and speak politely. By acting that way they better their chances of arriving home safe that night. By saying shit like why you fucking with me and coming off combative and not afraid it scares them more and they are liable to do something drastic.

A) Why do you assume I'm white?
B) He was not correct yet he was an unfamiliar face in a neighborhood that had a recent rash of home burglaries. Zimmerman, as the neighborhood watchman wanted to ask him who he was. No problem with that.
C) Let's not be dramatic. He walked up to the kid. That's a vigilante?
D) Oh but they did, witnesses say Martin was on top of Zimmerman bashing his head into the ground and Zimmerman was pleading for him to stop. Let's not omit facts now.

A) Don't assume he got in his face. We don't know what happened.
B) So, because he was Mexican with a shaved head you'd assume he was a gang member? The same thing you're accusing Zimmerman of doing is what you're doing to Zimmerman himself?
C) It certainly does matter and goes to show self defense or not. It's almost the entire self defense case. What do you mean it doesn't matter who the aggressor was? That's absurd.
D) Zim was drinking? Never read that...prove it. We do know Martin had pot in his system.
E) He picked a fight because he asked him what he was doing? That is starting a fight? Again, you don't know what took place and neither do I. Don't make shit up.

A) People with white children don't need to teach their kids how to handle certain situations? Why only parents of black kids?
B) Every cop does this? Really? Again, cite your sources with facts not opinions.

Again, you and I don't know what conversation took place that night. Why you assume Zimmerman was picking a fight is beyond me. What we do know is Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding his head into the ground. Zimmerman had injuries to prove it and there was eye witnesses that said the same thing. If he feared for his life, he had the right to defend himself.

It's that simple.

May 27, 2007
Hosraper, aren't you Canadian?

What do you know about being black or white in America?

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I was about to post the same thing Vin. Stanton is similar. There are lots of Mexicans, though. It sounds a lot like Carlsbad, ca where I peacefully lived in the varrio.

New member
May 22, 2012
I was about to post the same thing Vin. Stanton is similar. There are lots of Mexicans, though. It sounds a lot like Carlsbad, ca where I peacefully lived in the varrio.

Carlsbad? Lucky man.

The only excuse he could have would be he's including Hispanic & Latinos in the 'Black' description.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
As usual the newscaster didn't mention color.

In Portland several months ago, 2 men robbed a series of fast food restaurants. The newspaper described the men as in their 20's, wearing blue levis and white tee shirts. If you've seen them please call. Bet they got a lot of calls.

The media is afraid to mention color if the color is black. If white, they'll tell you. Come to think of it, I guess that's how you can figure out the race of the criminals.

That is about the only enjoyment I get out of reading the stories is trying to read between the lines to guess the race. It depends on the rag or blogger you are reading. Obviously if there is video and the suspects race is easily identifiable do they really need to say it? If they release the suspects name it is always easier to determine if the suspect is Asian or Hispanic by the last name. If the suspect has a ghetto name like DeShawn or DeAndre then you know it is a black dude. Sometimes they will leave you guessing like the Batman shooter's name being James Holmes shit it could be anybody quick google search for a picture a facebook page. You can also get a good idea of the race of the criminal from the crime. That is when it is fun to play profiler. If an old lady gets tossed down a flight a stairs for her checkbook then it was a black guy, a guy stabs his 88 year old grandmother 56 times then it is a white guy.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Buena Park a 'majority Black city.' ?

I live ten mins from there and knew you were talking absolute shit but also realized I'd need the evidence because you make stuff up constantly to try to pad your flimsy argument (s)

From Wiki:

The 2010 United States Census[3] reported that Buena Park had a population of 80,530. The population density was 7,631.0 people per square mile (2,946.3/km²). The racial makeup of Buena Park was 36,454 (45.3%) White, 3,073 (3.8%) African American, 862 (1.1%) Native American, 21,488 (26.7%) Asian, 455 (0.6%) Pacific Islander, 14,066 (17.5%) from other races, and 4,132 (5.1%) from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 31,638 persons (39.3%).

Don't forget to come up with a tall tale as to why Wiki is wrong.

my mom and sister have lived in Buena Park for 15 years and the black community has grown big time over the years. I see just as many black people as I see white people these days. In fact I went to that Claim Jumper on Beach Blvd a couple of months ago and we were making jokes on how many blacks live there now. Claim Jumper had a 50-50 ratio of black and white customers. My buddy who graduated from Buena Park High told me that they used to call the school Ghetto Park because they had about 200 black students where as any other school in Orange County at most had about 5 black students.

New member
May 22, 2012
Maybe they were on their way to Knotts Berry Farm and actually live in Beverley Hills?

New member
Aug 12, 2006
A) Why do you assume I'm white? What the fuck are you then Armenian?
B) He was not correct yet he was an unfamiliar face in a neighborhood that had a recent rash of home burglaries. Zimmerman, as the neighborhood watchman wanted to ask him who he was. No problem with that. Racial Profiling anyone? How come it took for an unidentifiable black male to alarm him enough to call 911?
C) Let's not be dramatic. He walked up to the kid. That's a vigilante? Public street what gives him the right.
D) Oh but they did, witnesses say Martin was on top of Zimmerman bashing his head into the ground and Zimmerman was pleading for him to stop. Let's not omit facts now. Witnesses also say they say Zimmerman on top and heard a little boy crying then a gunshot and the crying stop. Also Trayvon was expressing concern on the phone to his girlfriend that he was being followed by a strange man and he was scared. Don't discount the witnesses that don't back up your account of things.

A) Don't assume he got in his face. We don't know what happened. I am sure Zimmerman wasn't the welcoming party. He acted like he as Johnny Law ignoring the advice of the operator.
B) So, because he was Mexican with a shaved head you'd assume he was a gang member? The same thing you're accusing Zimmerman of doing is what you're doing to Zimmerman himself? Remember Trayvon didn't approach Zimmerman. Zimmerman was stalking him. Why should Zimmerman feel like he was the only one in danger when he sees a stranger. What black people can't be afraid of somebody that isn't black?
C) It certainly does matter and goes to show self defense or not. It's almost the entire self defense case. What do you mean it doesn't matter who the aggressor was? That's absurd. It doesn't matter who was kicking who's ass. You can't just walk into a bar and instigate a fight and then pull out a gun and shot somebody if you are getting your ass kicked. That isn't self defense.
D) Zim was drinking? Never read that...prove it. We do know Martin had pot in his system. Friends and ex-workers admitted Zimmerman liked to drink a lot. What better time to drink then on your day off of work. Besides if Martin was really kicking the shit out of him like you claim then how else do you explain a weak 140 pound 17 year old kid overpowering a a 185 pound grown man known to hold down security jobs and be appointed neighborhood watch officer. He was drunk and his reflexes were shit that night. Besides why no drug and alcohol test on a man who shot and killed somebody but yet you drug test a corpse?
E) He picked a fight because he asked him what he was doing? That is starting a fight? Again, you don't know what took place and neither do I. Don't make shit up. You don't walk up to somebody minding their business drinking an iced tea as he is walking down a public street and ask them what are they doing in these parts? Segregation ended long time ago.

A) People with white children don't need to teach their kids how to handle certain situations? Why only parents of black kids? They sure do every race needs to teach their kids how to be safe on the streets. People fear black kids more though. If a black kid wears a hoodie and or has corn rows he is most likely to strike fear on the people that don't know him. While a white kid could wear all black with spikes on their wrists and look like death with purple streaks in their hair and people still aren't scared or intimidated. If you see 5 white EMO kids loitering in the streets you don't give them a second look but if you see 5 black kids hanging in the street you ave 911 on speed dial.
B) Every cop does this? Really? Again, cite your sources with facts not opinions. You are right police brutality and misuse of police authority has never existed in this country. All police officers have the up-most of integrity and no way can a police officer can be racist or a hothead.

Again, you and I don't know what conversation took place that night. Why you assume Zimmerman was picking a fight is beyond me. What we do know is Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding his head into the ground. Zimmerman had injuries to prove it and there was eye witnesses that said the same thing. If he feared for his life, he had the right to defend himself. Many times have I gotten into a fight and didn't throw the first punch to leave the instigator with a broken nose, a swollen jaw and a couple of busted ribs. If Zimmerman wasn't armed that night would he have confronted Trayvon? I think not. The gun was his courage to start some shit.

It's that simple.

See bolded text.

With the thought process that I hear from you justifying Zimmerman to shot somebody's unarmed son after not liking the fact that he was walking in his neighborhood then I implore black people to do the same thing like this kid did. You see a white person on your block that you don't know then hit first then ask questions later as far as you know he could have had a gun no sense giving the guy the opportunity to find out. After all there have been a string of white guys in the area looking to buy drugs and solicit criminal activity. The way I see it if you think all blacks in the ghetto are animals then all white people in the ghetto must be lowlifes too and if you are just visiting the ghetto then it can't be for something exactly legal. Stand your ground law right.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Maybe they were on their way to Knotts Berry Farm and actually live in Beverley Hills?

Sorry son. Even the supermarkets are filled with more and more black people. If I walk into the grocery store in my area I would be lucky to see a Kenyan family in their shopping. But when I go into Albertsons in Buena Park there is a little black kid selling candy in front of the store and about 30 different black people in the store shopping. It could walk into every place of business in my area today and still not see a combined 30 black people. Face it we are taking over Buena Park. You better move your family away before it turns into Washington D.C.

New member
May 22, 2012
Albertsons in Tustin is as white as your face when you're fronted up by a big white dude looking for a row. Son.

May 27, 2007
See bolded text.

With the thought process that I hear from you justifying Zimmerman to shot somebody's unarmed son after not liking the fact that he was walking in his neighborhood then I implore black people to do the same thing like this kid did. You see a white person on your block that you don't know then hit first then ask questions later as far as you know he could have had a gun no sense giving the guy the opportunity to find out. After all there have been a string of white guys in the area looking to buy drugs and solicit criminal activity. The way I see it if you think all blacks in the ghetto are animals then all white people in the ghetto must be lowlifes too and if you are just visiting the ghetto then it can't be for something exactly legal. Stand your ground law right.

You don't have to be armed to cause great bodily harm on someone or even death. If this is what Zim thought was going to happen to him, he had the right to stop the threat.

If you are suggesting to hit first and ask questions later, you are breaking the law. It's really that simple.

This is not a black and white issue that you're making it out to be. It's a case of a guy who knew his neighborhood had suffered some crimes and acting as a neighborhood watch representative, he felt it was prudent to ask an unfamiliar guy in the neighborhood what he was up to. This is not against the law.

What is against the law is to punch a guy first and beat his head into the ground. He deserved to get what he got.

May 27, 2007
And oh by the way, reread the answers you've provided above.

75% of them are pure opinion based on no fact whatsoever.

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