Teen punches teacher, knocks him out.


New member
Aug 12, 2006
But he does know the details, it's the details he takes (true or otherwise) to prove to himself it was a white on black racist attack.

The irony being, he's racist, he hates whites, which is why you're wasting time.

Just tired of seeing people hide behind the internet to tell the world how they really feel deep down inside about black people but lack the balls to wear their true inner feelings about black people on their sleeve in order to come off like a person of integrity and intelligence.

You call me racist but don't realize that I am 1/4 Irish and that the majority of my good friends and associates are white.

Aug 20, 2007
Its not the COLOR that most people hate. Its their actions.... ghetto is ghetto, white, black, mexican or asian, doesnt matter. You act a fool people will look at you like a fool

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Whites Commit More Crimes Than Blacks, FBI Says

By: Bob Allen
Whether or not Bill Bennett's offhand comment that aborting black babies would reduce the crime rate was racist, it was wrong.

"[Y]ou could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down," Bennett said on his radio program "Bill Bennett's Morning in America."

"That would be an impossible, ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down," he said.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 910,200 of the men and women behind bars last year were black, 777,500 were white and 395,400 were Hispanic.

In 1997, about 9 percent of the black population in the U.S. was under some form of correctional supervision compared to 2 percent of the white population and over 1 percent of other races.

Blacks were two times more likely than Hispanics and five times more likely than whites to be in jail.

But those numbers count only those who were jailed for a crime. In 2003, more than twice as many whites as blacks were arrested and charged with a crime, according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports.

Of 9.5 million offenses charged, 6.7 million whites were arrested, compared to 2.5 million blacks.

The most common crimes were drug abuse violations, resulting in arrest of 770,430 whites and 381,006 blacks.

Whites were far more likely to be arrested driving under the influence. Of 998,035 total offenses, 877,810 of those arrested where whites.

Blacks, meanwhile, were more than twice as likely as whites to be arrested for gambling, 5,153 to 1,964.

And while blacks comprise about 13 percent of the population, they were charged with most of the robberies, 40,993 compared to 33,070 for whites, and nearly as many homicides--4,395 black and 4,454 white.

Whites outnumbered blacks about 2-1 in arrests for other crimes, including rape (11,766-6,114), aggravated assault (203,076-103,697), burglary (143,889-103,697) and larcey/theft (556,215-233,806.)

Whites also were most often arrested for motor vehicle theft, arson, other assaults, fraud, embezzlement, dealing in stolen property, vandalism, weapons charges, prostitution, sex offenses, crimes against families and children, liquor laws, drunkenness, disorderly conduct, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, suspicion, as runaways and all other offenses not including traffic.

Bob Allen is managing editor of EthicsDaily.com.


Although this is gathered from data collected years ago there has been no real change in the social climate to suggest the trend wouldn't continue.

A couple of these numbers stand out for me and I am sure blacks and whites could both agree on this. On the homicide numbers that it is safe to say that blacks were killing other black people and white people were killing other white people. So both of our races are our own worse enemy. Another thing is the drug abuse arrests. We could all agree that these numbers suggest the poor blacks and whites arrests for drugs since the majority of your drug users from a middle or upper class home get the benefit of drug rehab over a jail sentence and even an arrest.


New member
Aug 12, 2006
Whites Commit More Crimes Than Blacks, FBI Says

By: Bob Allen
Whether or not Bill Bennett's offhand comment that aborting black babies would reduce the crime rate was racist, it was wrong.

"[Y]ou could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down," Bennett said on his radio program "Bill Bennett's Morning in America."

"That would be an impossible, ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down," he said.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 910,200 of the men and women behind bars last year were black, 777,500 were white and 395,400 were Hispanic.

In 1997, about 9 percent of the black population in the U.S. was under some form of correctional supervision compared to 2 percent of the white population and over 1 percent of other races.

Blacks were two times more likely than Hispanics and five times more likely than whites to be in jail.

But those numbers count only those who were jailed for a crime. In 2003, more than twice as many whites as blacks were arrested and charged with a crime, according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports.

Of 9.5 million offenses charged, 6.7 million whites were arrested, compared to 2.5 million blacks.

The most common crimes were drug abuse violations, resulting in arrest of 770,430 whites and 381,006 blacks.

Whites were far more likely to be arrested driving under the influence. Of 998,035 total offenses, 877,810 of those arrested where whites.

Blacks, meanwhile, were more than twice as likely as whites to be arrested for gambling, 5,153 to 1,964.

And while blacks comprise about 13 percent of the population, they were charged with most of the robberies, 40,993 compared to 33,070 for whites, and nearly as many homicides--4,395 black and 4,454 white.

Whites outnumbered blacks about 2-1 in arrests for other crimes, including rape (11,766-6,114), aggravated assault (203,076-103,697), burglary (143,889-103,697) and larcey/theft (556,215-233,806.)

Whites also were most often arrested for motor vehicle theft, arson, other assaults, fraud, embezzlement, dealing in stolen property, vandalism, weapons charges, prostitution, sex offenses, crimes against families and children, liquor laws, drunkenness, disorderly conduct, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, suspicion, as runaways and all other offenses not including traffic.

Bob Allen is managing editor of EthicsDaily.com.


Although this is gathered from data collected years ago there has been no real change in the social climate to suggest the trend wouldn't continue.

A couple of these numbers stand out for me and I am sure blacks and whites could both agree on this. On the homicide numbers that it is safe to say that blacks were killing other black people and white people were killing other white people. So both of our races are our own worse enemy. Another thing is the drug abuse arrests. We could all agree that these numbers suggest the poor blacks and whites arrests for drugs since the majority of your drug users from a middle or upper class home get the benefit of drug rehab over a jail sentence and even an arrest.

One could also say these numbers reflect actual arrests. Considering a black person is more than likely to get stopped or detained by a police officer over a white person then they are more likely to get arrested as well. I like to bring up the numbers in sports athlete DUI arrests. You ever notice it is mainly black people getting arrested for DUI's? Now in a fraternity where blacks and whites drink socially alike the numbers should reflect more DUI arrests for white athletes than it does. Especially when you consider no matter the race of an athlete they will never be considered to be the sharpest knives in a drawer. But it doesn't because a white person is less likely to get pulled over at 3:00am for driving in Mercedes S-Class or a sports car. Also a white athlete is most likely to drive home drunk after getting shit-faced at a nice hotel restaurant with a few of his pals or his wife and some family friends. While a black person will most likely be exiting a club with an entourage that the police closely monitor at closing time. I also take cue from the late Richard Pryor when he says white people who get pulled over get a pass because they live in the same neighborhoods as the officers pulling them over so they are familiar with one another. An officer will tell the white athlete driving home drunk alone to just pull over into the next parking lot and sleep it off. Where as a black athlete getting pulled over with 4 other pals in the car will not get the same benefit.

May 27, 2007
Gee I thought it was self defense. George Zimmerman pursued him with a gun with no probable cause.

I Don't blame this kid for punching the dude. He could have had a gun like Zimmerman.

What we do know is Zimmerman walked up and asked Martin what he was doing and the physical evidence shows Martin attacked Zimmerman knocking him to the ground. There are physical and eye witness accounts to prove this point no questions asked.

If Zimmerman then felt his life was in danger when being attacked, he was well within his rights to shoot Martin.

But, there are a lot of details about the case we don't know. It's not as simple as saying Zimmerman shot an unarmed black man. Guys always try to play it that way but most of us that have individual thought know better.

New member
Nov 29, 2005
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 910,200 of the men and women behind bars last year were black, 777,500 were white and 395,400 were Hispanic.

Just curious why you think there are more black men in prison than white men?

According to the United State Census there are roughly 312,000,000 people in the United States. 78% are white so 243,360,000. Of those 243,360,000 .003% are in prison. 13% of the 312K are black so roughly 40,560,000 black people living in the United States. So .02% are in prison.

A dumbass is a dumbass, white or black. But don't make up bullshit that whitey is making you guys look bad, you are doing fine on your own.

Numbers don't lie, percentage wise it's not even close that black people commit more crimes and even your numbers state it true.

New member
Feb 5, 2007
that teacher taught at a high school i went to...plays in a local blues band and supposedly can hold his own...seen him at concerts (as an attendee) all over the place...seemed like a totally cool dude...

whole thing is fucking stupid if you ask me...so much stuff that goes on is simply retarded anymore

New member
May 22, 2012
You call me racist but don't realize that I am 1/4 Irish and that the majority of my good friends and associates are white.

But I'm not basing my assertions on what you look like or the ethnic origin of the people you claim to be friends, I base my assertions on what you say, how you present it and the bitterness attached to the obvious glee you express whenever a white person 'gets what he deserves.'

You claim you hate racists, yet use racism to try to make your irrational points and continue to fail to see that irony.

And please stop already asking why some White people don't come out and say what they feel when confronted with Black people.

The answer is the same reason those cowardly Black kids sucker punched a defenseless teacher and the bus driver last week, instead of going to the local biker club and finding some like minded thugs to go toe-to-toe with.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
What we do know is Zimmerman walked up and asked Martin what he was doing and the physical evidence shows Martin attacked Zimmerman knocking him to the ground. There are physical and eye witness accounts to prove this point no questions asked.

If Zimmerman then felt his life was in danger when being attacked, he was well within his rights to shoot Martin.

But, there are a lot of details about the case we don't know. It's not as simple as saying Zimmerman shot an unarmed black man. Guys always try to play it that way but most of us that have individual thought know better.

I love how the white rationale just omits the simple facts of the incident.

What the facts state is that Zimmerman had an obsession of going overboard when it came to his neighborhood watch duties. On this particular day he was sittting at home drinking and noticed someone walking down the street that he didn't recognize. (I see people walking the streets of neighborhood that I have never seen before either it doesn't mean I am obligated to approach them and say howdy partner, who goes there) Trayvon wasn't doing anything suspicious except for WWB. Trayvon wasn't busting windows in cars, leering in peoples bedroom windows, wandering in and out of open garages. He was just walking. Zimmerman then ignoring the advice of the operator on the phone went vigilante and decided to approach this young man and then a fight took place. Now because nobody else in the neighborhood was on ni*ger alert they didn't see exactly what went down just speculation halfway into the action. Some say Trayvon was overpowering Zimmerman and some say Zimmerman was on top of Trayvon in clear control when he fired his weapon. Each so called witness will cancel each other out.

If you ask me if Zimmerman being a half Mexican with a shaved head with no identification that he is a police officer or security guard pulled along side to me and hoped out of his car and got into my face asking me questions like what I am doing around here and where I am from I would get on the defensive side and think I was being approached by a gang member and I would be ready to defend myself. Now words escalated before somebody threw the first punch it doesn't matter if it was Zimmerman or Trayvon that swung first it was Zimmerman when he approached Martin who impeded his progress. Zimmerman knowing he was armed and full of liquid courage created the situation. He picked a fight with a young kid and backed himself into a corner where he needed to fire his gun off to win the confrontation he started.

I do know from following this story that people and media outlets have picked sides and are tainting the public perception. For instance NBC edited the 911 call they aired to make it seem like Zimmerman mentioned the fact that Trayvon was black on his own accord but he was actually asked to give a description of the person he was calling 911 about. I don't think Zimmerman is a racist but I do think if he stayed in his home that night Trayvon would have been alive and no crime wouldn't have been committed earlier. Zimmerman didn't stop a crime from being committed. Also parents with black children need to instruct their children how to handle certain situations. They need to be taught that police officers will always be on guard with them and that the older and bigger they get that people will fear their appearance and to not feed into that fear by taking offense and being argumentative. If you want to live to see the next day drop the tough act and act just afraid as they are and speak politely. By acting that way they better their chances of arriving home safe that night. By saying shit like why you fucking with me and coming off combative and not afraid it scares them more and they are liable to do something drastic.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Just curious why you think there are more black men in prison than white men?

According to the United State Census there are roughly 312,000,000 people in the United States. 78% are white so 243,360,000. Of those 243,360,000 .003% are in prison. 13% of the 312K are black so roughly 40,560,000 black people living in the United States. So .02% are in prison.

A dumbass is a dumbass, white or black. But don't make up bullshit that whitey is making you guys look bad, you are doing fine on your own.

Numbers don't lie, percentage wise it's not even close that black people commit more crimes and even your numbers state it true.

Take what you want from the study and ignore the rest much???

The study was showing you that although blacks out number the other races in prison that whites still out number all of the other races in terms of being arrested. So basically a white person who gets arrested is not destined to serve time in the pokey. Where as a black person who gets arrested is almost assured a jail sentence. When the jury consists of people who feel the same way about black people that the people on this message board feels it is wonder the conviction rate on black individuals isn't greater.

If you take a look at the economical demographic of the people in prison the one thing the majority of the prisoners regardless of race have in common is they grew up poor in a shitty neighborhood and from a fucked up family. I assume the whites and black that fit into the category carry the same population number. While the rest of the population are filled with rich and middle class whites and a select few of minorities that fit the same bill they stay out of prison. So that means your environment breeds the prisoner not your race.

Mar 6, 2005
Put this useless member of society behind bars and let him join the other useless members of society, give them 3 hots and a cot and let them rot in their cage like the dumb animals they are. :103631605

Nov 2, 2008
Put this useless member of society behind bars and let him join the other useless members of society, give them 3 hots and a cot and let them rot in their cage like the dumb animals they are. :103631605
Based on his actions, he'll be there soon enough.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
i need audio before i can decipher who is in the wrong with this.

Rx Junior
Feb 12, 2006
That's just like a fucking blue gum to hit somebody from the blind side when it is 1 on 5...if the teacher doesn't get knocked out and tries to do something they all would jump on him...how many blue gums do you ever see go 1 on 1? Very few.

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
Why is anyone surprised by this? They are raising kids like animals any more.

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