Sportsbook stories from the 90's. From degenrate to mature degenrate.


Jan 1, 2006
Horseshoe said:
Gene did it all, so did his main man Blackie..both LV and SportsBetting Industry Legends.

I will add, this interview was at night. It was about the second week of June around 10 pm. It was what floored me the most. You would never expect a high ranking person of any place to actually come out and interview as well as show how the games worked at that time. I mean you should have seen the crowd he was addressing. Amazing.

Jan 1, 2006
Forget the Superbowl. Its PROP season baby.

Please remember this is the single book era and the offshores were not at the speed of today. Therefore the Imperial Palace with the Tan Man and his team of ultra sharp prop makers were the first to put out the props followed closely by the Stardust. The offshores spun there numbers behind us setting up a market frenzy.

Oh my god, talk about unbridled anticipation, prop season is it. People are flat adrool just waiting for these things to come out. Talk about impaitent.
I would get to work at 7:30 and people would be in your window just like that asking when are they coming out. Think everything I said about how people act with the preseaon starting in July and condense it down to one day. Forget drums, its bongo's all the way. :WTF:

Worse still the phones opened at 9 and they would not stop ringing with the same question. Even worse, as we started to load the computer with the first props, the guys on the phone would call in and try to bet them because they could see them hit the computer and we could not stop that. Our rule at the Dust was the counter always got first dibs on the numbers before the phones did. The only exception was for the Tan Man himself and his right hand man Rebel. (Thats what I called him because he always wore a hat with the confederate flag on it. A true parlay card master at that. Not the kind of guy you want at the counter sizing your place up, believe me. Double so for TM.)

In any event we let them bet so that we could dull the line down a bit so that the guys at the counter couldn't beat us down with the soft spots. They did not bet that much because it is a working relationship, but its enough to close the gap on the mistakes and cover up any advantage guys might have attained elsewhere that we were not aware of.

The rest were waiting at the counter. Talk about a collection of true sharps and movers in town. That first Monday was it. If people only knew. In about either 98 or 99 it was like a family reunion. Most of these guys had stop circulating on the strip themselves and so they did not see each other that often anymore. That year they all wound up at the counter at the same time including the Tan Man. It was great. I knew most of them from earlier in the decade and it was a treat to see them all assembled there like that. At least for me. Sharks in the water make most people nervous and its how you have to view thse guys when it comes to buisness.

In any event we ran a lottery for them just like anything else that we hung first. We hung a mixture of the generic stuff Roxy and Co would send, plus a lot of original stuff our other sources of info would send us. It was worth it for those guys to show up because they knew we would and they knew they would get a fair shot at getting down on some decent stuff and have some nice leaders in hand.

As always a number of people were lurking right behind them charting every move and just waitng to get in line to bet the same things. Sometimes so much was bet, it set up a perfect scalp for those who just moved the lines in the first place. Talk about hilarious. People unwrap more when they think they have an advantage. Since we were second up, they did, but its still hilarious to see. Jr Wise Guys make everyone laugh. Trust me on this.

Talk about having a big advantage. I talked to everybody to see whats was going on and find out what I need to be paying attention to in the coming days. Better still I knew the Tan Man outside of the Dust and he would flat out tell me what I should and should not bet when I threw out my diffrent ideas to him. I could not ask him directly mind you, but when I threw out an idea he would answer in his unique way and thats how I knew if I had a bet or not. He would always say, "lets go to the books". The SF/SD superbowl was a great one for me as well as the STL/Tenn one.

Over time, I learned to look at props and how there made in a completly different light. If the public only knew. WOW. Thats all I will say.

Only it was not about betting prop bets to me. Sure I bet a few, but, it was about working my counter and gathering information for my different regulars whom always came in for the big events.

The mature degenrate understands that he does not have to make bets on anything when people will give you money to tell them what the wise guys are betting or better still what they should be betting themselves. This was never more evident than during the two week period leading up to the game.
The first week was always slow and I would watch the market. The second week however, it was on, BIG TIME.

To be continued...

Jan 1, 2006
People loose there freakin minds. Rambling memories of how people are.

Let me tell you ladies and gentleman out of the proverbial woodwork they come. One and all a square thru and thru and ready to party the instant they get here. Talk about blowing your load, by the time they get to the counter they can not wait to bet any and everything.

Behind the counter you have to brace yourself because about the same 5 questons will be asked from now till kickoff. Of course the first question always is, how do you bet this stuff ? After a while in the buisness you learn to ask whom they would like to bet first. If not you will go thru a explanation just to explain it all again when they ask you how to bet on the side they like.

Now we all know squares bet favorites like its going out of style. But, when it comes to the superbowl that goes out the window, BIG TIME. All of sudden 11-10 is not good enough and people constantly switch there bet to what pays the most. In the case of the side they go for the homerun and bet the moneyline on whomever.

This was never more evident than the San Diego/San Francisco superbowl when the chargers opened up 18 to 1 against to win the game. Thanks to a hope, wish and pray media, people actullay got it into there minds that San Diego was going to win that game straight up. The arguments as to why the Chargers would win bordered on the ridiculous, but that did not stop people from pouring money into the money line and eshewing the 18 points. :ughhh: And I do mean pour. It went from 18-1 to 15 to 10 to 5 to a close of 2.5 to one and it only didn't go longer because we ran out of time to take more money. Worse still people were showing up demanding to know why the 18-1 they heard about was no longer avaliable. They were not listening is all I'll say. It gets worse with the props.

Now granted some moneylines have hit in the past, but at way more resonable odds. Also, some will bet the minus moneyline, but its mostly scared money usually or a I am in Vegas bet.

Betting the game itself is nothing. You either have people with no clue making there I am in Vegas bet or you have people whom think they have one. Ones whom subsequently sit in your window and yammer away about why so and so is going to win and it wont even be close.

Yeah, Yeah, whatever is what you are thinking the whole time. Believe me. Its impossible to even smile after a while at that.

IT AINT FUN FOLKS. It gets old and tired fast. Worse still you have to sit there and agree with them because you dont know whom people are and what kind of pull they have in the casino.

Where people really lose it though is on the props. The closer to game time, the more they lose it. First of all you have to endure the are you crazy talk beacuse there is always something they disagree with. Double so when the bored genius prop makers started that cross sport, game and players props. WTF. A pure money maker, but a people pisser off'er guaranteed because how in the hell did you come up with this is always the question. Followed by its a no brainer. That or they are intrigued.

Secondly they start throwing money out on this and that like it is going out of style. Its the I cant lose them all mentality in full play. The closer to game time, the more money they throw and I do mean throw. They are breathing all hard in your window, checking there 20 or 30 tickets to make sure they are covered or seeing what needs to be covered. Eyes are wide and people are actually sweating. Better and worse still the 500 hours of the pre game hype shows send people into a frenzy looking for there prop sheet or a new one everytime they here some stat or fact that makes them think they will have a winner. Hilarious on one hand and completly no fun on the other. Superbowl Sunday itself is like the first week of March Madness in one day. People are just constantly in your face non stop till kickoff.

Some of our old time Vegas bookies dont miss it till this day, I can assure you.

Even worse after the game starts, the different props like who will score first are decided and there they are right in your window, demanding to get paid. Not caring for a second that gaming does not allowed tickets to be cashed until after the game is final and all results can be verified. People are pissed to no end and it gets worse after the game because they actually have to wait. AWWW what a shame. You think they would have someplace to go or something the way they act. Pathetic to say the least.

As for a mature degenrate like myself it was great because I racked up big time. Not only did I have regulars whom tipped me to tell them what the right side of the props are, but any number of regular people would come up and in classic speakeasy fashion, with some denomination of money slightly showing in there hands and ask me what they should do. One guy I knew from Hawaii gave me over 400 hundred dollars one year just to keep him abreast of what ws going on in the casino as well as on the screen. Very easy money there.

I wasn't the only one who made money and or garnered a hundred prop bets this way, but people knew I was the one to ask or thought so because I also answered the phones and called out the bets loudly. It creates an aura of knowing thats hard to resist.

The mature degenrate understands this all and uses it to his full advantage. He knows that after this game, the easy money will dry up quickly and there wont be much to be had until March Madness comes around which is a full 6 weeks away. OHHH the Agony of it all. Whats a degenrate to do for crying out loud. :icon_conf

Jan 1, 2006
Sugarbear said:
First of all most of this is not my story to tell but I can give you a view from the bottom and try to impart to you what things were like when Senator McCain went on his crusade and tried to outlaw sportsbetting in Las Vegas.
Please note some views expressed were not always shared by all and that this is the first time I have ever spoken about this time period so I dont know where I am going exactly. It was an emotional time both times.

It was 97 if I remember correctly and it started rather quietly as I remember.
Senator McCain said something or made a speech or more correctly started making speeches about how sportsbetting was corrupting America and then somewhere along the way blamed the rise in popularity of offshore sports betting on Las vegas because we wetted your appetite to gamble on games making the offshores irresitable. Therefore it had to be outlawed to save the childern and protect Americas values against nefarious criminal underworld types that prey on the unsuspecting and naive thus destroying there lives.

Now lets all get one thing straight right here before I move on. The Feds drove the Vegas Old Guard into obscurity leaving those who valued there jobs plus the new ones to police the gambling community and fill out all the paper work. We get the whole place cleaned up, the Feds are long gone and now chasing them in earnest offshore since they had nothing else to do. It was to early for there retirement and the usual suspects from the 70's and 80's were up to there ususal tricks and theres nothing like hanging out with your friends and getting some R and R after running around after them in hot ass Vegas all those years. Can you imagine the stories?

Anyhow so now that the dirty work is done and Vegas as a whole is regulated
they turn around and now blame us for the countrys ills because we do a good job and all want to be like us. Of course they go after sportsbetting because that what they have always gone after first. They chased them from NY, Clevland, Chicago, Texas and other places over it right to Vegas and right onto an island. (A few here lived thru it all and I would love to hear from.) This is what regulation is. They stop accuasing you of being a criminal with them and turn around and make everything you do look criminal and sinister with intent to destroy american values and the other bullshit we can repaeat by heart. (Plus a slew of corprate stuff I will reveal later.)

When that hit the roof came right off. How dare these stupid fucking piecies of shit turn around and accuse us of moral wrong doing after ONE, PUTTIING US IN POWER AFTER 2. CHASING THE VERY ONES OUT OF THE COUNTRY WHOM ARE NOW DOING BUISNESS AS USUAL. Its our fault you drove them away starting 60 years ago? So its our fault we did our jobs, played by the rules and made things safe for pepole. We did all this for what?

SO YOU COULD TURN AROUND AND VICTIMIZE US?!! There central argument was that if we outlaw sportsbetting in Vegas this will drasticaly reduce the public appetite for betting these games. They also went for outlawing point spreads in the papers and other mediums to. They said point spreads and the like encoraged people to bet illegally so it had to be resrticted. If they cant see it ot or access it they wont want to bet the games. They were serious folks. Now I worked at the Dust. You know the people who put out Americas line. How do you think that went over behind the counter? Joe Lupo was the lead guy in the first fight and had a few things to say about the....of the people in power. People really believed that was going to happen and that there would be no more schedule or odds to see or anything. The Gov had its Mojo on and all the leauges were behind it and honestly believed the offshores would follow suit. In total we were incredulous over some stuff that was said the first time around Joe Lupo the most of all. He beat down every silly little thing that McCain said. They pressed the suppression will work plus banning sportsbetting in Vegas as the answer and were making leeway or so they thought. Bottom line people were scared. Very scared.

The phrase ALL INFORMATION IS FOR NEWS MATTER ONLY AND IS NOT INTENEDED TO VIOLATE ANY LOCAL,STATE OR FEDREAL LAWS was born of this attempt to ban publishing of pointspreads and the like. In the end sportsbooks get people into the casino and they were not going for that crap and this was the compromise that came out of it. Before 98 that phrase did not exist as well as a couple of others I will reveal later.

This is what regulation is. Someone regulating something that is already regulated to make it look like there doing there job right on down to me at the bottom. The guy who does the work, has to make things work. :103631605

To be continued!

I am bumping this for lurker here.

Jan 1, 2006
Its the BEST time of the year. Its the WORST time of the year.

Oh man, back in my baby bear years, I positivly lived for March Madness to come around. I was a positive college basketball fanatic. It all started with Al Maguire and the game of the week in the eighties and mushroomed from there. I used to plan getting my refund check from the IRS in time to bet the tournament and after I figured out when they mailed the checks, I made sure I got it by the start of the major college conference tournaments.

Most years I got around 500 bucks. With about the 200 or 300 hundred I managed to keep, most times, it was more than enough to run around and bet like a madman. And bet like a madman I did. I vivdly rememebr spending most of March madness 92 at the Mirage with Jimmy V and a host of degenrates that called that there home book back in the day. We called it that because mostly you could get the top flight drinks for free and JV would put up those trap the public money lines on games where he liked the dog to win outright. Also, if you knew how to read his board and moves, you could set yourself up for a nice middle or scalp. That is, if you were wiling to fight thru the crowd not only in the hallway by the tigers, but either bull your way thru people on the walkway outside the door or run along the path to the side of it, just to get to the street, just to try and get to Ceasers or wherever you thought the oppurtunity would still exist by the time you got there, just so you could make the bet.

During normal times you had real good shot of doing just that, but, when its early to mid March back in the not so old days of the strip, it became very difficult to do so with all the people around and you really had to pick your spots. Keep in mind, we were also competing against the runners for the same numbers. Man were those ever those days. Throw in a few hundred buffet comps from the different places, with an occasional coffee shop one and there was simply no better life to live, BAR NONE.

94 was my best year by far and the best run of betting on games I ever had started with the March conference tournaments that year.. I couldn't lose. First of all, I was all over Arkansas to win it that year and had several tickets on them starting at 10-1 and going down to 4-1.

It all started when I hit a 5 team hockey parlay off all things for twenty bucks with a friend of mine from work, whom just happened to be a degenrate buddy of mine from the Tropicana at the same time. (Can you imagine that.) I flat took off and completly lost my mind. I couldn't lose.

Here I was, an 8 dollar an hour prep cook at Jerimiahs Steak House, walking to work up Tropicana by the airport with 6,7, 800 dollars in my pocket, plus tickts to cash, thinking the whole time I was broke and didn't have enough money to really bet the games. I went from 20-50 dollar bets, to 100-300 bets of all kinds. I would get off work and run straight to the Trop to get my early stuff in and then go downtown. On my days off, I went straight downtown on the bus and just stayed all day. Were talking teasers, first halfs, parlays, the whole nine yards all the way thru the second round of the NBA playoffs and I just could not lose for nothing. So much so, I was taking 20-25 cab rides back home from downtown on any night I didn't stay down there with a friend.

Man did I ever live the life and March was the positive best time of year.

Somwhere along the line in the late 90's that changed. After working behind the counter for a few years, I came to dread March Madness.

First off all it signaled that baseball was just around the corner and a very long and booorrring slow season was just ahead. More importantly though, the people are flat out insufferable and as time went on, they became completly unbearable. Everybody and there mother comes out of the clouds.

First, for a great many, its there vacation time. One they have planned for months and are whipped into a froth by the time thet plant themselves in the book for there four day stay. (It always amazed me how many people planned a trip to Vegas just to stay in the book the whole time without a second thought.) Secondly, unlike any other crowd, they think they own the joint and act like it. Seriuosly. People talk about this past NBA allstar game, this crowd over the first two week period is just as bad, if not worse.

You have gomers of every shape, size and color in your window telling you the who for and what not on this and that team, very much like what happens during the preseason football season that I have talked about in here. It becomes surreal and this is only Tuesday and Wednesday I am talking about here.

Thursdays are a different animal all together. You come in all excited like anyone else, and by the time Sunday comes, you are ready to smack the shit of people. You can not win over a 4 day period of frenzied herd mentality betting, plus you have to get up early almost every morning to get your bets in and people are just flat out mean by the time Sunday comes. Add the 100 hours of overtime you have worked and its just not good.

The optimism everyone has before the first set of games go off is terrific and it goes down from there. The short amount of times between games in both the morning and night seesion makes things unreal. Its very much like an NFL Sunday where people are in your face right till kickoff. The time period in between the sessions is funny though, because there are a lot of mopers running around looking for a shoulder to cry on because "there team" lost on some bullshit or another. That or a lot of braggers dead in your window telling you they are the man and this system or that system worked yet again and how so and such cant lose. By Sunday there are very few braggers left. Believe me when I tell you. What few there are got lucky and they know it.

On the flip side it was not all bad. You do make really good tip money and if you know how to hustle/talk in true mature degerate style fashion you can get a ticket on any and everything from the crowd, including future bets which you are able to cash most times. It very certainly adds to the action you already have and makes things more exciting in the end.

All in All, Its the Best Time of Year and its the Worse time of year. Its a time I will always look back fondly on and say, Man were those the GOOD OLE DAYS.

Jan 1, 2006
October 30th 1992.

This paticular story goes back aways as it happend over 15 years ago and it involves the cleanest cut guy of our so called betting crew or at least thats what we thought......

His name was Jeff and he said he was from New York. He was a clean cut well dressed guy whom worked as a runner for a guy who used to be a trader on the NYSE before he got banned for insider trading back in the late 80's/early 90's. Now imagine that. :ohno:

He seemed normal enough. He bet the games for a little bit more than the rest of us and he was really good at turning over his money and keeping a good bankroll on him at all times. He also managed to pay the rent by the month as he lived in my neighborhood. For some odd reason he would never let me know where or ever let me come over there.

In any event you think you get to know a guy after awhile. We hung out quite a bit, he would come over to the house and hang out when he wasn't working and we did a few things together that did not involve gambling on the strip or anything like that. Just your average friend or so I thought.

Anyways, I rememeber this particular date because it would be the last time I would see him and also the last person to see him.

It was a day like any other day. I went to work at the Tropicana that day (a friday)and when I got off he came up to me and said that he had two tickets to the Charlotte Hornets/Portland Trailblazers preseason game at the Thomas and Mack center, did I want to go? Hell yeah I want to go I said. Okay he says, I will come by at 7. So we go to the game and all and it was a great game at that, right down to the wire. You would have never known it was preseason game. So after the game we walk home and we get to my house he says goodbye I will see you tommorow. I say okay, see you.

Now the next day is Saturday and of course its a big college football betting day. So I get up early and head to work at the Trop. No sooner do I get there and set up my drawer and sit down, does one of the guys from the crew comes up and tells me that Jeff has disapeared with 80,000 dollars of his guys money.

I said, JEFF DID WHAT. :monsters- He said Jeff disapeared with 80,000 dollars. I was like holy shit, I was just with him last night, we went to the game together. (I shouldn't have said that.)

Man this was circulating all over the strip like wildfire. In the weeks before this happened his guy had been warned that his runner was going off the deep end. He was seen by several runners of the different groups betting 100 dollar hands of blackjack, betting 200,300 and 500 dollar parlays and generally betting with his guys money like it was his own. ( This is a major no-no folks.) There was even a major argument between the two right downstairs in the Trop the Wednesday before he scramed, but he somehow convinced Steve that everything was okay and the count would be on target come Sunday.

So one thing leads to another and the next thing I know 2 things happen.

1. Word starts circulating that there is a contract out on the guy. A 5000 see and hold till his guy could get there and take care of him type of contract.

2. Two guys show up in my window with badges. One is a Metro detective, the other is with the FBI. I am like in my mind saying holy fucking shit I had to be the last one to be seen hanging with this guy.

They go in a very stern voice, Mr Martin there are some questions we would like to ask you. Please step out from the behind the counter and come with us. OH SHIT. So I step out and get escorted by them and some security guys to the hold room downstairs where they questioned me for a good 10 hours it seemed like, but it was really only 10 minutes.

They asked me the ususal I suppose. When is the last time you saw Jeff? About 9:30- 10 last night after the game. Did at anytime Jeff indicate to you what he was about to do? No. Did you have an idea he would? No. Where did he live? I dont know? Where do you think he lived? I dont know. If you did know, where would it be? I said my guess is that he was renting a room in a house somewhere in the neighborhood. Its common in the university district for people do so you know. Did you notice any strange activity coming from him? I said yeah he was betting with his mans bankroll. How did you know? Where else where he get that kind of money? Did you say anything to him about it? Yes. What? Are you okay Jeff? People are talking about you, you know. And he said what? I am not worried about it Juice. My count has been there at the end of every week so dont worry about it. Steves not. I said okay it on you, not me. Then they go, what was the argument on Wednesday about? I said, money. They go, how do you know? And I go, because I was sitting right there. I was sweating my entire ass folks, big time.

Once they were done questioning me they broke down and told me what they knew. First of all his name was not Jeff. It was Stan or something like that. Secondly he was wanted in a few different states for pulling similar type money scams, starting in his home state of Wisconsin where he had ripped his parents off for 100 grand. He had warrants out for him in like 3 or 4 states folks, for scams totalling almost 500,000 and his parents had not seen him in over 10 years at that point to boot.

He was living at the airport inn and when they broke into his room. They found a bunch of tourist guides to Mexico and the like. They were looking for his ass big time.

I could not believe what these cops were telling me. You should have seeen the look that had to be on my face. I was just shaking my head going, GTFO, you have got to be kidding me. I could not reconcile what they were saying against the person I thought I new. And I was to last person to see him/ be with him at that. GTFO. Unbelievable.

Everybodys reaction was the same when they heard this stuff about him too.
It just goes to show you, when you think you know a guy, YOU REALLY DONT.
Oct 26, 2003
It's a wonder how Artie from Chicago made any money during the late eighties and early nineties...runners were always taking off and the guys who stayed were always getting money taken from their salary because of their degenerate habits...nice read Sugarbear!

Jan 1, 2006
It's a wonder how Artie from Chicago made any money during the late eighties and early nineties...runners were always taking off and the guys who stayed were always getting money taken from their salary because of their degenerate habits...nice read Sugarbear!

I always wondered about this for the different guys who ran these crews myself. Most of the runners I knew were older, married and had houses. They were the ones I saw with the big bank rolls. The others would only get X amount, 10-20 grand max, and when they bet out or were called in, would have to scramble to get someplace to turn in there tickets.

I will say I was shocked to hear Jeff was turned out with that kind of bankroll. In no way could you tell the whole time that we knew him that he was walking around with that kind of money on him. He was good at what he did thats for sure.

Jan 1, 2006
To end this story the right way. Would you believe...

So in about October 1999 I get a call from my friend Larry the man on the streets Winkler whom was a part of the crew at that time and also my main running partner for most of the 90's, whom had since moved back to Florida.

So he calls me up and says Juice, you will never guess who I ran into on the boats down here. I say who? He goes Jeff. I go Jeff who? The guy who stole all that money back when you were at the Trop. I say get the GTFO he cant still be alive. Yeah he is.

This is what he told me: He never ever got out of the state of Nevada with the money. Instead he went down to Laughlin, got a motel room someplace and gambled all the money away inside of a month. Of course Larry does not believe him and tells him as much. He goes dude, there was a see and hold contract out on you, how in the hell did you avoid detection? I went out late at night, wore different clothes and sunglasses was Jeffs reply. I could not stop gambling, I thought I could double my money and then leave. He also tells Larry that he hid out down there for almost a year and lived in a room with a guy who had no idea that the police were looking for him or that he was wanted in differnt states. He survived by coining machines and betting games that his roomate put in for him.

I am like WTF you are kidding right. Larry goes no he swears by that story.

In any event as we all know contrats on people dont expire. The real reason Larry called me was so that he could try to collect on it and split the 5 g's with me 50/50. The guy he worked for was still in buisness and was a regular phone bettor at the Stardust, as well a lottery participant.

But alas it was not to be. When Steve called I told him his guy had been spotted in Florida and I knew where he could go and get him. But by this time he had gotten married and had just had a baby. He told me its not worth it anymore Juice. The money is long gone and I got to much to risk if I go down and take care of the guy. I could not disagree, but I was disapointed.

Not only was I counting the 2500, but I did want a measure of revenge myself for what Jeff had did to me. While I did not lose any money, to this day a part of me still feels used and victimized by a guy who was scheming away the whole entire time. Double so on the night that I last saw him.

Jan 1, 2006
I dont know about you, but I have had enough already.

First of all most of this is not my story to tell but I can give you a view from the bottom and try to impart to you what things were like when Senator McCain went on his crusade and tried to outlaw sportsbetting in Las Vegas.
Please note some views expressed were not always shared by all and that this is the first time I have ever spoken about this time period so I dont know where I am going exactly. It was an emotional time both times.

It was 97 if I remember correctly and it started rather quietly as I remember.
Senator McCain said something or made a speech or more correctly started making speeches about how sportsbetting was corrupting America and then somewhere along the way blamed the rise in popularity of offshore sports betting on Las vegas because we wetted your appetite to gamble on games making the offshores irresitable. Therefore it had to be outlawed to save the childern and protect Americas values against nefarious criminal underworld types that prey on the unsuspecting and naive thus destroying there lives.

Now lets all get one thing straight right here before I move on. The Feds drove the Vegas Old Guard into obscurity leaving those who valued there jobs plus the new ones to police the gambling community and fill out all the paper work. We get the whole place cleaned up, the Feds are long gone and now chasing them in earnest offshore since they had nothing else to do. It was to early for there retirement and the usual suspects from the 70's and 80's were up to there ususal tricks and theres nothing like hanging out with your friends and getting some R and R after running around after them in hot ass Vegas all those years. Can you imagine the stories?

Anyhow so now that the dirty work is done and Vegas as a whole is regulated
they turn around and now blame us for the countrys ills because we do a good job and all want to be like us. Of course they go after sportsbetting because that what they have always gone after first. They chased them from NY, Clevland, Chicago, Texas and other places over it right to Vegas and right onto an island. (A few here lived thru it all and I would love to hear from.) This is what regulation is. They stop accuasing you of being a criminal with them and turn around and make everything you do look criminal and sinister with intent to destroy american values and the other bullshit we can repaeat by heart. (Plus a slew of corprate stuff I will reveal later.)

When that hit the roof came right off. How dare these stupid fucking piecies of shit turn around and accuse us of moral wrong doing after ONE, PUTTIING US IN POWER AFTER 2. CHASING THE VERY ONES OUT OF THE COUNTRY WHOM ARE NOW DOING BUISNESS AS USUAL. Its our fault you drove them away starting 60 years ago? So its our fault we did our jobs, played by the rules and made things safe for pepole. We did all this for what?

SO YOU COULD TURN AROUND AND VICTIMIZE US?!! There central argument was that if we outlaw sportsbetting in Vegas this will drasticaly reduce the public appetite for betting these games. They also went for outlawing point spreads in the papers and other mediums to. They said point spreads and the like encoraged people to bet illegally so it had to be resrticted. If they cant see it ot or access it they wont want to bet the games. They were serious folks. Now I worked at the Dust. You know the people who put out Americas line. How do you think that went over behind the counter? Joe Lupo was the lead guy in the first fight and had a few things to say about the....of the people in power. People really believed that was going to happen and that there would be no more schedule or odds to see or anything. The Gov had its Mojo on and all the leauges were behind it and honestly believed the offshores would follow suit. In total we were incredulous over some stuff that was said the first time around Joe Lupo the most of all. He beat down every silly little thing that McCain said. They pressed the suppression will work plus banning sportsbetting in Vegas as the answer and were making leeway or so they thought. Bottom line people were scared. Very scared.

The phrase ALL INFORMATION IS FOR NEWS MATTER ONLY AND IS NOT INTENEDED TO VIOLATE ANY LOCAL,STATE OR FEDREAL LAWS was born of this attempt to ban publishing of pointspreads and the like. In the end sportsbooks get people into the casino and they were not going for that crap and this was the compromise that came out of it. Before 98 that phrase did not exist as well as a couple of others I will reveal later.

This is what regulation is. Someone regulating something that is already regulated to make it look like there doing there job right on down to me at the bottom. The guy who does the work, has to make things work. :103631605

To be continued!

Amazing to me that I have 4 stories in this thread featuring the next President of the United States.

Having said that.. FUCK John McCain and the fucking high roller boat he and his ididot asshole friends came in on.

Alll the shit we have been throught the last 10+ years and I am sick of it.
It all started with McCain and goes right on to today with these Jack Daniels drinking rednecks in Kentucky trying to shut everything down.


You got nothing better to do than spend a decade or two and billions of dollars trying to stop people from 1) making bets on games and 2) by extension stopping people whom make a living off people whom bet on the games? As well as anything else people bet on.

All in the name of GOD and Morality. GET THE FUCK OUT.

McCain and his kind (think President Bush) are the most morally corrupt and crooked people the world has ever seen. Just how much money has he and the other idiots taken from so called legit gaming interest in the last 2 years I wonder.

Its enough in the end to make you completly upset and sick at the exact same time.

I am Sugarbear and I approve of this full rant message. Thanks for reading along.

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