I'm still waiting on my two withdrawals, low five figures combined.
I originally asked for the debit card option which I was told was faster than checks. Then after 3-weeks of "updates" that told me nothing other than that the withdrawal is delayed, I got an email from sportsbook.com recommending I use bankwire.
Of course, they asked me to authenticate myself even though I've already done so twice in the past 10 years and have wagered over 5 figures on and off with them for that time.
So I filled out their bankwire email request exactly as requested, then 3-days later they send me another request for a copy of a banks statement showing my name and account numbers.
So I sent that to them and then 3-days later (their usual time to give you a response) I heard nothing, used live chat, they said use email, then 2-days later (5-days since I sent in bank statement), I get a reply asking for my username and account #.
I sent a very polite WTF email. I mean, can't they get my username or account # from:
- The withdrawal reference number, seen in all the correspondences?
- My email address, which is tied to the account obviously
- The live chat sessions?
I mean, how they be giving me updates on withdrawal status if they don't even have my sportsbook.com account number?
So I sent them that info and then 2-days later they sent me an email asking me for the address of my bank branch. Another WTF? I mean if you need my bank branch address, why didn't you ask for that in the bankwire withdrawal form?
I'm still waiting for a reply....
Note: I did remind them that I'd been a customer for about 10 years and have always had very fast withdrawals with complimentary overnight and waived cashout fees.