Someone give me sound advice before I shoot this mofo


New member
Oct 17, 2006
you can be sued for the nails and board idea. You are negligent there Helpme.

Do not rent a bulldozer, as that leads a paper trail. It is perfectly logical that you could be digging on your property, and you are much less liable if you weren't using a bulldozer. A possible question could be "what were you digging such a large hole for?". If you do dig a hole with a shovel, make sure to make it very deep, and force him to hire a tow truck to get his rig out.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
RoBoKnowsCop said:

you can be sued for the nails and board idea. You are negligent there Helpme.​

Do not rent a bulldozer, as that leads a paper trail. It is perfectly logical that you could be digging on your property, and you are much less liable if you weren't using a bulldozer. A possible question could be "what were you digging such a large hole for?". If you do dig a hole with a shovel, make sure to make it very deep, and force him to hire a tow truck to get his rig out.​

I know when they dug the hole in my back yard for a swimming pool, it took them about 3 hours to get a good sized hole that would easily fit an SUV or two small trucks.

Who is to say you aren't building a pool in YOUR yard? On top of that you can sue him for damages to your hole!

Sep 21, 2004
I guess hooking up an electric current to the wire fence is out of the question too. If you post a warning first and then turn the juice on only when this a**hole steps on the fence, you would eradicate the problem and see one helluva light show to boot!

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Definitely agree with the dig multiple holes idea and cover them with grass.

I guarantee he will eff up his front end.

A bag of roofing nails will also work in that he will get over for a few days and then he'll be repairing flats like crazy.

New member
Jun 25, 2005
I'll go with throwing eggs at his truck.

Don't think you'll go to jail and could provoke the fist a cuffs to beat the living shit out of him,that or he'll tire of cleaning the egg off before it dries.

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Oct 21, 2002
These responses are insane!!!

Hello, the guy has a family and a house he has to live in every day.. Obviously he's (afraid ?)to goto the police and get the guy in trouble in fear of the reprocautions because any SANE person would have called the fucking cops by now instead of looking for advice on a god damn gambling forum for fucking christ sakes... Call the fucking cops and show them the tire tracks, get a video of him tresspassing, pretty fucking simple.

If you want to snake him Goto the local news paper and tell them whats going on and what company the guy works for, that will fix his wagon real good... Better yet, take out an ad in a major news paper in your area pleading for the company that the guy works for to stop tresspassing on your land. that will get their attention.
Oct 17, 2005
The hell with it.....shoot the S O B. lol.......................I cant believe some of the things that go on in this country. lol.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
WC Bias said:
I know when they dug the hole in my back yard for a swimming pool, it took them about 3 hours to get a good sized hole that would easily fit an SUV or two small trucks.

Who is to say you aren't building a pool in YOUR yard? On top of that you can sue him for damages to your hole!

I like that idea!! you're digging for a pool!!

It's just like barbed wire. If someone gets hurt on it trying to climb over it can they sue? I don't think so. So put up warning signs so if he fucks up his car, he can't do jack about it with the law.

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Oct 21, 2002
Ya, he's gonna rent heavy machineary which will cost a fortune, hire someone to dig a hole, then partially fill it in and then this guy will drive right into the hole? LOL, you guys been watching way to many movies...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
go buy a big roll of bright orange marking tape, then get about 100, 3 foot tall sticks, tie 3" long 'ribbons' on to each stick.

now stick the sticks in the ground like it is a newly planted apple orchard.

the guy thinks he is not hurting anything by driving on your lot, when he sees that he could ruin something he should stop.

if he doesn't than just shoot him

Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005
AngleBroom said:
I didn't know trespassers had rights when on private property. Why do people say this ass could sue helpme? Private property is just that. I don't see why you cant put whatever you feel like on your land within reason.

Oh yea, you haven't heard the stories of criminals breaking into people's houses and suing them because they got injured. One guy was breaking into a dude's house and was climbing his roof when the roof caved in and he fell thru and broke his legs. Robber sued for negligence and won. Happens more often than you'd think. In Florida, one of the big ones is if you have a little kid that drowns in the neighbors pool, you can sue the neighbor for negligence if he doesnt have a fence around it.
Feb 2, 2006
walk up to the guy with a very low even tone friendly but serious tone and ask him.."please do me a favor and dont drive thru my lot...i would appreciate it"...then he either says ok sorry man...or he says something sarcastic at that moment depends on the type of person he is...regarless of if he's bigger or smaller than me i'd break his face if he didnt react well...but if thats not u then u have to follow legal procedures...

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Very simple a few 2x4's that have nails in them in various places in the lot ...... he will get the message

Sep 21, 2004
Make a child dummy and dress it up like it's going to school. Then rig up some strings, wires or whatever and when he comes across your property, have the dummy jump out in front of his vehicle at the last second so he has no chance to stop in time. You'll have to wait for this mofo to drive onto your property to spring the dummy in front of his car but it'll be worth it. Videotape this too so you can demonstrate to the company he works for or the media what the consequences could be if he continues to tresspass. For some real fun, put water balloons with red food coloring and ketchup in the dummy. This is no more complicated than 4x4s with nails but a hell of a lot more scary to this asshole. If he continues to tresspass, covered holes are the best. How would anyone know you weren't looking for buried treasure? Besides, it's not like you're digging holes on a public road.

Pro Handi-Craper My Picks are the shit
Sep 21, 2004
If you shoot him make sure you kill him or he will sue you happened to me. They diddnt win but hte lawyers got alot of my cash from the whole deal.

Rx. Veteran
Apr 22, 2006
steak tartar said:
im not kidding here but how big is he? does he look ominous? if not and you can handle yourself do what i would do drag him out his fuckin truck bash his head on HIS BUMPER like 3 or 4 times and ask him if this is the route he wants to keep takin..... p.s. iam 6 foot 4 and 305 so it does work

"P.S. I am 6'4" and 305 pounds" sound hot...I bet you get all the chicks in your end of the woods.

You post is some of the worst advice I've seen on this forum. The guy in the truck would probably end up owning the man's house if your words of wisdom were followed. Or shot. Or maybe in the joint. Have you been in the joint? That's the impression I'm getting. Sorry, steak's not survival of the fittest anymore. Condolences. You were born about 200 years too late. This is the age of law and technology in America. People have rights and guns these days.

Rx. Veteran
Apr 22, 2006
AngleBroom said:
I didn't know trespassers had rights when on private property. Why do people say this ass could sue helpme? Private property is just that. I don't see why you cant put whatever you feel like on your land within reason.

Anyone that gets injured on your property could potentially sue you. That's why you still need property insurance even on a vacant piece of land. Some kids could be partying on your acre in the woods, for instance, and if someone gets hurt you could be liable.

The guy who put nails in the board and flattened the 4-wheeler's tires is crazy. If someone stepped on that board and a nail went through someone's foot, it would have been bad news.

9 out of every 10 personal lawsuits filed in the world are filed in the U.S.

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