Someone give me sound advice before I shoot this mofo


Oct 11, 2004
helpme said:
What will happen if I call the police? Will they write him a ticket or just "talk" to him? I guess I'll need a videotape of him trespassing in case he denies it?

Man, this guy pisses me off so much.... I mean when you're asked politely to stop trespassing and a barrier is put up, you should friggin respect it. I'll bet if someone drove through his backyard he'd shoot first. Bastard.

Screw him if he wouldnt ask the Rx posters first.

Sep 20, 2004
I'm sure the police will enforce the with fines , he'll get the message.

And the Thunder Rolls...
Sep 12, 2006
I did this to stop guys from riding their 4 wheelers across my land. I got some 2x8's and drove 20 penny nails up through them, dug out the dirt and put then in the ground and drove 6 " nails in to hold them down. then i covered them lightly with grass & dirt. I put a sign up that said caution tire damage. I wasnt there when they drove across them but guess what , they got some fkn tire damage. and they aint been back. some times you have to get down in the gutter with these fools to get the message across.GL


Cincinnati: F U Mike Brown
Sep 23, 2006
Dung Beetle said:
I did this to stop guys from riding their 4 wheelers across my land. I got some 2x8's and drove 20 penny nails up through them, dug out the dirt and put then in the ground and drove 6 " nails in to hold them down. then i covered them lightly with grass & dirt. I put a sign up that said caution tire damage. I wasnt there when they drove across them but guess what , they got some fkn tire damage. and they aint been back. some times you have to get down in the gutter with these fools to get the message across.GL

I like it :missingte

New member
Oct 23, 2006
Dung Beetle said:
I did this to stop guys from riding their 4 wheelers across my land. I got some 2x8's and drove 20 penny nails up through them, dug out the dirt and put then in the ground and drove 6 " nails in to hold them down. then i covered them lightly with grass & dirt. I put a sign up that said caution tire damage. I wasnt there when they drove across them but guess what , they got some fkn tire damage. and they aint been back. some times you have to get down in the gutter with these fools to get the message across.GL

You know, I've asked this question on other forums and I've gotten this exact answer from like 20 people.


But someone warned me that they could sue for damages?

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Truth is I would fall in line with Tartar here, I doubt the cops even give a damn about what they consider "petty" things like this. Not saying it's the smartest thing to do but I know how I am, these things piss me off and there would be some sort of personal confrontation the next time I saw him. Make sure your wife and others in the house witnessed you not only asking him to not violate your private property before you go talk to him but also witnessed him continuing to do so. If they didn't make sure they are well coached before you go meet up with him. That way if it gets ugly it will be your word against his, even if you hit him first make sure you deny it and were only defending yourself, just say you went over to ask him why he continues to drive through your property after you advised him to stop. Even when you tried to settle it like two adults he got angry and got physical with you, you had no choice but to defend yourself.

Of course the smarter thing to do would probably be go talk to the lot owner that he is doing work for, chances are if the guy is that lazy to drive properly the work he's doing will also be sloppy and halfassed. Explain to your neighbor what has been going on and see if he will talk to the guy for you and ask him to knock it off or hire someone else. Unfortunately though dealing with assholes like this you usually need to make a strong stand, they don't deal logically like most, see paragraph one for what I think is your best bet. Good luck.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Cant you put up private property or no trespassing signs dont that make it ilegal for anyone to go on you land then if he does call the cops and if that dont work break a baseball bat to that mother ******, two broken legs and he wont be going anywere for a while.

New member
Oct 11, 2006
Dung Beetle said:
I did this to stop guys from riding their 4 wheelers across my land. I got some 2x8's and drove 20 penny nails up through them, dug out the dirt and put then in the ground and drove 6 " nails in to hold them down. then i covered them lightly with grass & dirt. I put a sign up that said caution tire damage. I wasnt there when they drove across them but guess what , they got some fkn tire damage. and they aint been back. some times you have to get down in the gutter with these fools to get the message across.GL

I would also follow the lead of Dung Beetle and booby trap your yard. To cover your ass put up a couple of private property/no trespassing signs and perhaps even a sign warning that you have placed your booby traps. If he still chooses to give you the finger by driving over your property, at least any judge will see that this guy was a fucking moron for doing so with all of these warning signs in plain view.

If this fails I would either dig a moat around your property ( it worked in the days of yore ), or as an addition to your property I would build a snipers nest and sit up in there and shoot the mother. Think of the increase in value to your property. You will be the only guy in the neighbourhood with a snipers nest and/or moat.

Good Luck :toast:

And the Thunder Rolls...
Sep 12, 2006
It was funny. the damn boards were out of the ground and you could tell the had hell getting out of there. Okie law man. they probably stole some of my shit since then and I dont even know it.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Dung Beetle said:
I did this to stop guys from riding their 4 wheelers across my land. I got some 2x8's and drove 20 penny nails up through them, dug out the dirt and put then in the ground and drove 6 " nails in to hold them down. then i covered them lightly with grass & dirt. I put a sign up that said caution tire damage. I wasnt there when they drove across them but guess what , they got some fkn tire damage. and they aint been back. some times you have to get down in the gutter with these fools to get the message across.GL

As I was reading through all the responses I kept thinking you should do something just like this!! Brilliant!!

You should totally do that. Just make it long enough that no matter where he drives the nails will go right through it.

But I think the key is to put up signs, warnings, anything to warn any vehicle from trespassing. That might make you not liable for any damage that happens to his tires.

Give him the big :bigfinger

New member
Oct 21, 2004
seriously, this fuckface needs to learn a lesson. do the nails thing, exactly what i was thinking. go to the other owner's lot, ask him when the guy has work next. then look out your window and enjoy the show. maybe even run out to the guys car after it happens with a machete and laugh your ass off and be like "do something about it you goddamned motherfucker. stop me. you can't." and then start urinating on his vehicle.

New member
Oct 11, 2006
Have you contacted the owner of the lot who hired this ignorant prick? Ask the owner to see if he can drill some sense into this S.O.B. and to get him to stop trespassing on your property.

This would be my only verbal way to try and sort this out as im still all for booby traps, moats and snipers nests.

May 24, 2006
OK, you got 3 choice.

1. Shoot them, but be prepare to wipe out your azz first before spending your next 3-50 years in jail.

2. Call the cop and let the cop shoot them.

3. Find a lawyer, and let the lawyer deal with it.

Sep 21, 2004
helpme said:
Someone driving through your backyard would not bother you?

It bothers me because it's MY land and I paid alot of money for it. So why should anyone else get to use it?

And this is fertile land that I am planning to turn it in to an orchard and by driving on it it's killing off the nutrients in the soil.


New member
Oct 23, 2006
syddiggers said:
Have you contacted the owner of the lot who hired this ignorant prick? Ask the owner to see if he can drill some sense into this S.O.B. and to get him to stop trespassing on your property.

This would be my only verbal way to try and sort this out as im still all for booby traps, moats and snipers nests.

I have no idea who owns the land. I'd probably have to go to city hall and that would take too much time and effort.

Believe me I'd love to do those things but I have a family so I can't afford to go to jail.

I guess the best course of action is to video-tape him and call the cops. I wonder if I can request that he be arrested? The scum is obviously playing games with me since he's going out of his way to trespass.

New member
Sep 29, 2006
Although the nails thing sounds all fun, that guy (or anybody else) could sue the shit out of you, take your house and your land if he drove over that, got out, stepped on the nails, fell down, and landed on 50 more nails.

This isn't Vietnam. We have police to resolve disputes like this.

New member
Oct 11, 2006
Surely after putting up a fence which you did, and this guy ignoring the fence and stepping over it, he has left you no option but to protect your property as you see fit. I would go with the booby traps and warning signs and let him continue his ignorance at his own peril/cost.
Feb 20, 2002
1} Put up a scarecrow holding a toy bazooka aimed in the direction
of where he cums from.

2} Plant land mines.

3} If you were going to put up a fence later for the orchard, why
not do it now. Maybe he could use the work :missingte

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
AM I DEAD HERE? evaluate your position.r ur bigger than him?......if you r bash his head against the fence post for few minutes..........if this does not work call the police.........p.s.........ive never had to have a third party intervene...........his head get the me

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