Willie , aka "Mr. Know It All", I take it we are in agreement with '86 actually being a tax increase?
So why did Clinton veto this madly successful budget in 1995?
Politics Will, why else? Their were many Dems against this bill. Being a Dem still at that time I agreed with Reforming Welfare. Not that there aren't things I disagree with and the out come was huge reductions on the welfare rolls. I am sure some deserving families were left out in the cold but over all it was good. Espeially with a booming economy there was a large reduction in poverty but the disparity between the rich and poor did grow greatly. Further squeeing the middle class.
Slick Willy was great at compromising with the Republican leadership. He was also great at knowing what the issues were and what the American people wanted. This is something we are lacking now in the White House.
Why did he shut down government in the middle of the budget battle?
Shut down? Don't be dramatic.
What was he protecting Americans from? A fucking surplus to be?
Maybe for the same reasons he vetoed the Welfare Reform Act twice before signing the same bill just before the 1996 election. Of course, after this bill worked as well, he started calling it "my Welfare Reform Act".
Willie , aka "Mr. Know It All", I take it we are in agreement with '86 actually being a tax increase?
How about the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. That passed without one republican vote. Why are they so affraid to tax the super rich?
How does it feel teach, to be taught by your student? LMAO ....OK I got to get back to my restaurant.....later.
Because tax increases slow economic growth, and Clinton inherited an economy growing at 4.2 % and slowed it to 2.2 % after his tax increases. His 1993 bill never came close to accomplishing anything he promised.
The top 25 % of income producers pay approximately 90 % of taxes already.
Do you think the bottom 75 % should pay any taxes at all?
Wealthy people HIRE employees. When was the last time you saw somebody hired by a poor man?
I'll keep it simple, if a business man's cash flow is adversely impacted by rising taxes, somebody is going to lose their job.
Allow me to quote JFK; "a rising tide raises all boats". A fucking classic I tell you.
What I do in business with rising costs is first try to figure out how to increase sales. Then i may look at cutting other costs before I would cut an employee. Try to run at maximum efficentcy.