You tell me.
Answer one question were things good under Reagan?
Double edge sword answer to that one, huh? You already stated that Clinton's successes are do to the Republican run House and Senate. I guess that would make Reagan's successes do to the Democratic run House and Senate.
I love the way you arrogant idiots debate but you really just keep showing what a fool you are. Never wrong it is amazing your just like W in four years as pres he couldn't come up with one mistake he made when asked. Hilarious.
Reagan inherited an economy that had runaway inflation, 18% mortgage rates, a military that was in a shambles and a nation that had lost its honor.
He brought inflation and interest rates down to single digits, he returned the military to its former might and he brought honor back to the nation.
These are all unarguable facts.
Reagan was a staunch supporter of private sector unions and hated public sector unions, whom he called vampires. This is why he carried such strong union support.
Reagan was a new deal Republican and recognized that supply side economics and a dash of Keynes could work hand in hand. He used government spending and a tax cut to spur economic growth - and his plan wortked so well that his economy has lasted for 20 years.
Reagan was a man of the people, from blue color roots and he never forgot it. He held a deep disdeain for "intellectuals" and government hacks who never did an honest days work in their lives.
The moonbats hate Reagan because he made them look like the incompet6ents and liars they are and he destroyed their dream country, the USSR.
And then we have hypocrites like DP who take Joe C to task because he's not an American citizen - yet DP couldn't be bothered to vote in the last election. Hey DP - you're such a typical moonbat moron, willing to debate all of the issues, but not willing to vote.
What an asshole!