Some truths are self evident


Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
Most of the time you're misinterpreting issues or saying your smart without really bringing substance to the table.

If I'm wrong, show me.

PS: Your ability to speak without saying something does speak volumes in and by itself.

Do something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whoa there Willie.

Are you asking a moonbat to independently think?

Wow. What a novel concept.

Especially DP - all that he ever does is quote the latest talking points. He doesn't even vote.

New member
Aug 17, 2006
I've posted what I called facts in this thread, pick one you care to discuss. Is even that simple statement too difficult for you to comprehend?

Now, I'll discuss a position of yours. "There is only one party". Well. evidence and history suggest that the parties have different positions. I'll point to an issue that should be obvious to all, but maybe not you, income taxes. I think it's also obvious there are differences in the parties with respect to the

Patriot Act (Feinstein was the only Democratic Senator to originally vote against it you twit)

Iraqi War(hmmm didn't the majority of Dems vote to give W you the power? Maybe I missed something there too. Now with the Dems in power and able to cut funding they do nothing. How could I possibly think there is so little dividing these parties that I call it one party?)

Embryonic Stem Cell Research. (Cut to the chase man. This is about abortion. With control of the House, Senate, and the White House for six years what did they really do to end abortion? Very little just like the Dems are doing very little to end the war.)

You evidently don't think they disagree, as you have stated, "they're one party".
(OK obviously there are two parties who are funded by the same large corporations. Thank you for giving me the opportunity with the above issues to show how little there are that seperates them. Suprised you didn't throw in in gay mariage my playito amigo.)

That's about the only thing you've actually taken a position on. Most of the time you're misinterpreting issues or saying your smart without really bringing substance to the table.

I will take a stand on all issues I have an opinion on:

Abortion: Personally my wife and I would choose to not have an abortion but I am pro choice and really the abortion thing is hers to make the final decision on. I would support her in either choice.

Guns: I think the 2nd Admendment is clear on this one though I choose not to carry one or own one. I fear if someone like Joe C came to pay me a visit as promised I would shoot him dead.

Gay Marriage: All for it in the name of what ever you want to call it.

School Vouchers: I am for it in some form. What to be exact I am not sure but I believe it could be worked out.

Government Run Health Care: They seem to do a pretty good job with our government employees, medicare, military hospitals, etc. Not that there are not flaws but our elected officials seem happy with the plan you and I pay for.

Elections: Publicly funded only for the House, Senate, and Pres.

Sex Education: The sooner the better.

Patriot Act: Stick it up W's ass.

Balanced Budget: Of course.

Federal Reserve: Why are we making the owners rich? Stick it up there ass too.

If I'm wrong, show me.

PS: Your ability to speak without saying something does speak volumes in and by itself.

Do something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Again pick one issue and I will be happy to debate you. If not shut the fuck up you wanker.

New member
Aug 17, 2006
Oops I mean Feingold. Sorry cooking breakfast for the employees. That probably makes me a bleeding heart. You know how lazy us liberals are but yes I am at work on Sunday.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Oops I mean Feingold. Sorry cooking breakfast for the employees. That probably makes me a bleeding heart. You know how lazy us liberals are but yes I am at work on Sunday.

So do I, January through April except when I'm following the Huskies around.

Anyhow, you're beating the libs are lazy argument to death. Obviously, there are hardworking, good & smart libs. The libs are lazy reference refers to a very large segment of the Democratic base that does not work. We both know welfare recipients do not tend to vote for the GOP.

RX Senior
Jun 12, 2006
The libs are lazy reference refers to a very large segment of the Democratic base that does not work. .

Weren't you bragging up 3.5% unemployment in another thread?

How "very large" of a segment can it be?

New member
Aug 17, 2006
So do I, January through April except when I'm following the Huskies around.

Anyhow, you're beating the libs are lazy argument to death. Obviously, there are hardworking, good & smart libs. The libs are lazy reference refers to a very large segment of the Democratic base that does not work. We both know welfare recipients do not tend to vote for the GOP.

We also both know that welfare recipients tend not to vote.

I am still waiting for you to choose my playito amigo.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Weren't you bragging up 3.5% unemployment in another thread?

How "very large" of a segment can it be?

Welfare recipients are not considered in unemployment rates. They are the professional wait by the mail box crowd. And the powers that be on the left want to keep it that way, barefoot & dependent.

3.5% ? is that political speak? :thumbsup:

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
We also both know that welfare recipients tend not to vote.

I am still waiting for you to choose my playito amigo.

You are all over the board. I posted a list of what I consider to be facts within this thread. You laughed them off. I stated what fact listed do you want to debate, and you respond with a shotgun approach with all different topics.

I simply refuse to waste significant time posting a reasoned argument with somebody with ADD. You post a sound bite, but I prefer to substantiate my position and address others that I don't agree with.

When you address the facts of mine you responded to with a :missingte, then we have game on. As for your shotgun approach & other issues, start any thread you desire, you'll learn if I agree or disagree and why.

New member
Aug 17, 2006
Hey I do have ADD so shut the fuck up asshole.

Now back to the subject at hand you said you would show me I was wrong on the one party statement and brought up a few points which I addressed. I think those points you brought up proved exactly how little difference there is in the parties and those issues are used to pit us against each other.

Let me look back at these facts you are saying and I will follow up on that.

New member
Aug 17, 2006
Are you referring to your list on post #45?

I did respond and it basically all had to do with Clinton and Newt. I think Clinton was a fairly good president and if he could run again it would be a landslide. I don't like how is governed from the center which I do think is fair but all that happened was the Repugs kept pulling farther over to the religious right.

New member
Aug 17, 2006
Really now pick something you want to discuss or debate if you want do it from that list and make your point on one of them.

Here is one for you. Who wasted the tax payers time and 10's of millions of daollars to investigate a $250,000 land investment? Then have Willy impeached for lying about a BJ, knowing they couldn't get him out of office. It is even better than the Scooter Libby BS.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Are you referring to your list on post #45?

I did respond and it basically all had to do with Clinton and Newt. I think Clinton was a fairly good president and if he could run again it would be a landslide. I don't like how is governed from the center which I do think is fair but all that happened was the Repugs kept pulling farther over to the religious right.

So then you really don't disagree with the list?

New member
Aug 17, 2006
You call this agreeing with you?

Good one, who wrote that budget again?
You play the same tired shit over and over. The good stuff is always the Repugs and the bad stuff is the Dems. Tired.

Who spilled political blood on that budget?

Who vetoed that budget on at least one occasion?
Better question why was it vetoed?

Who actually shut down the government on that budget? saying he had to protect Americans!
Shut down the Government? Which services were effected by that shut down? Did they stop sending you your welfare check?

After failing to regain Congress in 1996, who actually finally signed that budget?
The Repug Pres. Slick Willy.

What party voted for that budget in Congress?
Hmmm....So were things good or bad under Reagan in your opinion?

What party opposed that budget in Congress?
There is only 1 party.

After that budget was a great success, who began calling it "his budget" and "his surplus".
Slick Willy again. The guy who won the election by moving so far to the center he was on the right side of the line. The Repugs got exactly what they wanted and hated him for it.

What party's Senators starting taking credit for a surplus created by a budget they voted against?

The propaganda machine is amazing. You do your best to be part of it Willie.

It was Newt's budget, Newt's Congress, Newt's blood and Newt stuffed it down Bubba's throat. A conservative's budget from tax cuts to spending. W only got half of it right.
Now I got it so all the budget success's we are having now are from the current congress.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
This is bordering comedy central.

The US economy is stronger than any in the world, bar none. Have you checked the stock market lately? How about all the building going on around the country. Basically "ZERO" unemployment, with 15-20 million illegals here. Is there another country people are flocking to? The propaganda some of you fall for is scarey.

New member
Jul 20, 2007
" Patriotism as our Founding Fathers understood it was not pride in the land in a nationalistic sense. The foundation of American patriotism rests firmly on our ideals. It is what we believe about the relationship between people and their government that makes America different from the citizens of other nations. Upholding the ideals that our Founders set forth in the Declaration and protected in our Constitution means that we as citizens have a responsibility to hold our elected and appointed officials accountable to the Declaration and Constitution.

By this standard, patriotism could be better measured by our understanding of core founding principles and our willingness to defend them against all enemies, foreign and domestic, including those who hold elected or appointed office, whether they are Democrats or Republicans. This requires a different kind of patriotism in that it also requires citizens to be educated and engaged.

Patriotism must be based on a love for the ideals and principles upon which America was founded. The essence of America is that we are a nation of ideals, of free people and free markets, of people committed to the idea that we are all created equal with unalienable rights endowed to us by our Creator.

Moreover, America was founded on the ideal that the only legitimate role of government is to protect those rights within the limited powers granted to it by the people. In this regard, we are different from any other nation in the history of the world. Consequently, our view of what it means to be a patriot is different that any other nation in the world "

It seems American Patriotism has been very lacking lately among many in the States .

New member
Aug 17, 2006
Man you have comprehension issues. I never said the economy under Clinton was good because of a Republican Congress.

You said there was a surplus under Clinton. I said that surplus in the late 90's was the result of Newt's budget signed by Bubba in 1997.

Try to keep up, will ya! :thumbsup:

As for Ronnie, who wrote & endorsed his budget? That's right, Ronnie & the Repubs. Since the Dems who controlled Congress wouldn't give him his budget, he took his case to the American people and forced the Dems to play along through public pressure.

The two major Democratic budgets passed since the Carter era was the Mitchell / Foley tax hikes that doomed Poppy and Bubba's 1993 budget.

The Repubs have Ronnie's 81 & 86 budgets, Newt's in 1997 and W's in 2001. I'm talking about major changes. They tweek the system every year.
For that I say thank you Congress, you assholes.


Not sure how I missed your post but I would have been al over this earlier. For your information Reagan only cut taxes in '81 & '88. The budget fro '86 lead to a net tax increase. Get you facts straight. Six out of eight years Ronnie raised taxes. One of those tax increase which I believe was in '82 was equal to 1% of the GDP which if this Congress did it it would be a $1 Billion dollar increase. There was also a Social Security increase with a by 1990 I believe those tax increases were like $150 Billion dollars since none of those increases were rolled back and still in effect. That was like close to 3% of the GDP at the time.

Mi playito amigo needs to go back to class.

The one thing all this spending did do was force the USSR into changing the way the did things. Luckily Gorbachev(sp.) was in office and fell for the trap and spent his country into bankrutcy. Go figure now Moscow is the most expensive city in the world to live.

Anything else you need an education on sonny?

New member
Aug 17, 2006
Plus I abstained from the last elect, 2006, that is a bit different than not being bothered.

If you give it a little more thought, I'm suer you can come up with a better excuse than that.
Still proud to be an American it just isn't what it once was and I think I can raise my children in a better enviroment with different values. Pura Vida.

Is it because you haven't paid taxes?
Hey dumby you don't need to pay taxes to vote.

Or is it some nefarious reason?

Wow big word for you. You think I have a felony? LMAO Moron.

To me, the reason doesn't matter - I will hold your "abstention" up every time is because of the way you continually dissed Joe C because he was not an American citizen.
Dumb dumb I don't know if he was or wasn't an American citizen. He would never say.

Where I come from that's called hypocrisy.

McCarthy lovers should shut the fuck up. Facist.:bigfinger

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
So what party supported the 1997 Balanced Budget Act

Liberals outraged at proposal for tax cuts.(A)

<dl class="byline"><dt class="first">From:</dt><dd> The Washington Times </dd><dt>Date:</dt><dd> May 2, 1997 </dd><dt>Author:</dt><dd>Roman, Nancy E.</dd><dt>More results for:</dt><dd> who wrote the 1997 budget </dd></dl>

Democratic divisions were on display on Capitol Hill yesterday as House Minority Leader Richard A. Gephardt led a chorus of liberal Democrats railing against the proposed balanced-budget deal President Clinton struck with GOP congressional leaders.
Some 110 House Democrats, led by Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, fired off a letter to Mr. Clinton urging him not to support the tax cuts that reportedly are part of the deal.
"Administration officials have assured us that your goal is to reach a budget agreement that will have the support of a majority of the Democratic ...

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
What party voted for the Balance Budget Act of 1997?

Totals & Party Breakdown

<table style="margin-bottom: 1em; font-size: 95%;"><tbody><tr><th>
</th><th colspan="3">Total</th><th style="padding: 3px; font-size: 90%;">Democrat</th><th style="padding: 3px; font-size: 90%;">Republican</th><th style="padding: 3px; font-size: 90%;">Independent</th></tr><tr><td style="text-align: right; padding-right: 1em;">Ayes:</td><td>270</td><td>(62%)</td><td style="padding-right: 2em;">
</td><td style="text-align: center; font-size: 90%;">40</td><td style="text-align: center; font-size: 90%;">172</td><td style="text-align: center; font-size: 90%;">0</td></tr><tr><td style="text-align: right; padding-right: 1em;">Nays:</td><td>162</td><td>(37%)</td><td style="padding-right: 2em;">
</td><td style="text-align: center; font-size: 90%;">129</td><td style="text-align: center; font-size: 90%;">5</td><td style="text-align: center; font-size: 90%;">1</td></tr><tr><td style="text-align: right; padding-right: 1em;">No Vote:</td><td>3</td><td>(1%)</td><td style="padding-right: 2em;">
</td><td style="text-align: center; font-size: 90%;">0</td><td style="text-align: center; font-size: 90%;">1</td><td style="text-align: center; font-size: 90%;">0</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"><td colspan="7">Required: Simple Majority of 432 votes</td></tr></tbody></table>
The surplus' you referred to would not exist with just Democrats voting.

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