It's how there simpleton minds work. That's why they can only deal with 5-10 second sound bites. "You Didn't Build That", "What Difference does it make", etc. It's why Fox News is their channel of choice.More memes. The deepest right wing thinkers base their entire way of thinking on comic strip quips.
Don't post anti Christain Memes because I'm not anti Christian. Just anti Hypocrite. You, OTOH had the disgusting gall to call a Brave Holocaust Survivor, a Jew Bitch, and join in gleefully on the disgusting Muslim hate that occurs here. You are antisemitic and Islamaphobic filth.
OMG, this disgusting Anti Semite actually has the nerve to double down. Just like the idiot Drumpf always does. EVERY Holocaust Survivor who spent time in a camp was Brave, you anti Semitic Idiot. Someone who lived through that is alot more qualified to make that appropriate comparison than you, you sick anti Semitic racist Islamaphobic asshole.This argument is so horribly weak and pathetic its almost mild retardation that allows you to think this way. Some stupid Jew bitch compares Trump to Hitler....after she spent time in a camp....and you think she is credible because why? She is a "brave holocaust survivor"?
Youre fuckin dense you Harem Jew traitor to your faith. Have fun in Jewish hell.
What we have here is a case of pot/kettle.The shoe that fits is that you are an antisemitic, racist Islamaphobe. And an idiot who thinks a sick psycho, who specifically targeted a Gay Club to kill a shitload of people, wasn't committing a hate crime against gays. You should really just stay down, or in the vernacular of the kids today, just Delete Your Account.
OMG, this disgusting Anti Semite actually has the nerve to double down. Just like the idiot Drumpf always does. EVERY Holocaust Survivor who spent time in a camp was Brave, you anti Semitic Idiot. Someone who lived through that is alot more qualified to make that appropriate comparison than you, you sick anti Semitic racist Islamaphobic asshole.
A Loser. A Jew Bitch. This is how this sick Anti Semite creature refers to a brave Holocaust Survivor.Once again for your remedial dumb ass
Hitler = killed 6 million Jews - exterminated 1.2 million children for no reason
Trump = killed no one ever - flies children with cancer on his private jet and pays their treatments
She compares these two as equals ? She is a loser just like you...but you are more pathetic.
You lose this argument again, you sick fuck
“On behalf of Israelis and the government of Israel, I wish to extend our sincerest condolences to the American people in the wake of the heinous attack on the LGBT community in Orlando last night,” “Israel stands shoulder to shoulder alongside the US in this tragic moment of loss,” “We share in the despair of the families of the victims.”
Benjamin Netanyahu
"The shooter was apparently armed with a handgun and a powerful assault rifle," "This massacre is therefore a further reminder of how easy it is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that lets them shoot people in a school, or in a house of worship, or a movie theater, or in a nightclub. And we have to decide if that’s the kind of country we want to be. And to actively do nothing is a decision as well."
Barrack Obama
One man simply gives his condolences. The other has to make it political.
A Loser. A Jew Bitch. This is how this sick Anti Semite creature refers to a brave Holocaust Survivor.
I left out the begging because it was boiler plate response. I don’t believe Obama gives a rats ass about those people. If he did he wouldn’t have tried to further his gun control agenda. Never let a crisis go to waste is his mantra.Bit of a difference in how you are expected to respond to something that happened in your own country vs your ally's country, no?
Not to mention, you left out the start of President Obama's speech:
Today, as Americans, we grieve the brutal murder -- a horrific massacre -- of dozens of innocent people. We pray for their families, who are grasping for answers with broken hearts. We stand with the people of Orlando, who have endured a terrible attack on their city. Although it’s still early in the investigation, we know enough to say that this was an act of terror and an act of hate. And as Americans, we are united in grief, in outrage, and in resolve to defend our people.