So The Guesser, explain why William Ayers is NOT a terrorist...


New member
Jan 9, 2009
From Stanley Kurtz:
During Obama’s time as Annenberg board chairman, Ayers’s own education projects received substantial funding. Indeed, during its first year, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) struggled with significant concerns about possible conflicts of interest. With a writ to aid Chicago’s public schools, the Annenberg challenge played a deeply political role in Chicago’s education wars, and as Annenberg board chairman, Obama clearly aligned himself with Ayers’s radical views on education issues. With Obama heading up the board and Ayers heading up the other key operating body of the Annenberg Challenge, the two would necessarily have had a close working relationship for years.
From my previous post Why the Obama-Ayers Connection Matters:
The Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) was phased out in 2001, after Obama and Ayers had spent the money, many times on nothing whatsoever to do with improving Chicago’s failing schools. The CAC became the Chicago Public Education Fund. Obama served on the Board’s Leadership Council for approximately, along with Bill Ayers’ father, Thomas Ayers, and Ayers’ brother John.

Sep 21, 2004
"An orange is an orange. A Bomber who never killed anyone, took steps to ensure he was only going to damage property, not hurt innocent people, is a violent vandal, a creep, a bad guy, someone I condemn, but NOT a terrorist. A Terrorist's goal is to kill people." Guesser

HUH - you do not have to kill someone to be a terrorist.

In November 2004, a United Nations Secretary General report described terrorism as any act "intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act"

Sep 21, 2004
From Stanley Kurtz:
During Obama’s time as Annenberg board chairman, Ayers’s own education projects received substantial funding. Indeed, during its first year, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) struggled with significant concerns about possible conflicts of interest. With a writ to aid Chicago’s public schools, the Annenberg challenge played a deeply political role in Chicago’s education wars, and as Annenberg board chairman, Obama clearly aligned himself with Ayers’s radical views on education issues. With Obama heading up the board and Ayers heading up the other key operating body of the Annenberg Challenge, the two would necessarily have had a close working relationship for years.
From my previous post Why the Obama-Ayers Connection Matters:
The Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) was phased out in 2001, after Obama and Ayers had spent the money, many times on nothing whatsoever to do with improving Chicago’s failing schools. The CAC became the Chicago Public Education Fund. Obama served on the Board’s Leadership Council for approximately, along with Bill Ayers’ father, Thomas Ayers, and Ayers’ brother John.

Stanley Kurtz of National Review, a Conservative Biased publication, is making stuff up, and it's being "verified" by a Conservative Blogger named Maggie????. That's what you're relying on for you dots???:ohno: But you need biased sites to connect your dots, because objective, factual sites stick to facts, not make believe. I'll stick with the fact checkers of Snopes, etc for unbiased reports, and they all have weighed in on The Obama- Ayres stuff.

New member
Jan 9, 2009

In November 2004, a United Nations Secretary General report described terrorism as any act "intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act"

Did they publish a dictionary or does this simply fit their agenda. If you believe terrorists only cause death or serious bodily harm you have a problem. There are all levels of terrorism.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Stanley Kurtz of National Review, a Conservative Biased publication, is making stuff up, and it's being "verified" by a Conservative Blogger named Maggie????. That's what you're relying on for you dots???:ohno: But you need biased sites to connect your dots, because objective, factual sites stick to facts, not make believe. I'll stick with the fact checkers of Snopes, etc for unbiased reports, and they all have weighed in on The Obama- Ayres stuff.

So you can rely on the lame stream media to refute liberal agenda. Right. Get real. Stick with Snopes if you want. If you only walk down one side of the street that is one thing, when you walk the wrong way down a one way street that is another. I will continue to check all the sources. You did not refute the sources you merely labeled them conservative. One last time, did you ever do a background check connecting Obama to his past. Is there a reason you always avoid answering this question. You said you voted for him.

Sep 21, 2004
So you can rely on the lame stream media to refute liberal agenda. Right. Get real. Stick with Snopes if you want. If you only walk down one side of the street that is one thing, when you walk the wrong way down a one way street that is another. I will continue to check all the sources. You did not refute the sources you merely labeled them conservative. One last time, did you ever do a background check connecting Obama to his past. Is there a reason you always avoid answering this question. You said you voted for him.

I've researched Obama enough to be satisfied with his background and his past. What you keep failing to realize is that legit, fact checking sites like snopes,, etc are not on any side. The sites you rely on for info are the lame stream media at this point, and their equivalent is the daily Kos's of the world on the other side. Snopes, etc are the fair arbiters. But far more important than any stuff I could look up, or you could connect the dots of from your hideout, Obama went through the most vigorous background check of any Politician in the recent past, the Clinton Machine. Before he went full on birther Loon, Casper had it right(rare words) with the following in Jan 2008.

"The gates of hell are about to open up on Obama, the likes of which we haven't ever seen in our lifetimes.
It's worth remembering the Clinton's have utterly DESTROYED anyone that has dared get between them and POWER, and that path is littered with bodies -- literally.
If anyone believes the Clinton's are just going to fade quietly into the night for the good of the Democrat Party, you haven't been paying attention for the last 2 decades...
"Homophobic Muslim Coke-User" will be household words by next Friday, and the Clintonites at Moron.Org and Media Matters aren’t about to let their gravy train go away.
The Washington Democrat Establishment has private jet fuel bills, and waterfront mansions payments to pay for, and they are not about to let some brash upstart upset the cart they have spent so many years, and so much money building...
The Clintons are so narcissistic that they will happily rip the throat out of the party, and drag it down in flames with them.
I'm kinda looking forward to the next week or so. "

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
British Intelligence Advisor: Obama Born In Kenya In 1960:

What a colossal fraud perpetrated on the American public!

The lamestream media and the Democrat party are criminally responsible for this illegal alien foreigner systematically destroying, oops, I mean "fundamentally transforming" the United States of America!

Sep 21, 2004
British Intelligence Advisor: Obama Born In Kenya In 1960:

What a colossal fraud perpetrated on the American public!

The lamestream media and the Democrat party are criminally responsible for this illegal alien foreigner systematically destroying, oops, I mean "fundamentally transforming" the United States of America!

Even Orly Taitz, the lead fraud of the birther movement, thinks this Shrimpton Loon is a fraud. Takes one to know one, I guess.

Sep 21, 2004
As long as the loons persist in their wild goose chase to disprove what is established 2+2 =4 fact, I suspect there will be a never ending source of those who will be accurately called loons.

"British Attorney Michael Shrimpton contacted Attorney Orly Taitz a year ago, on February 7, 2013. He claimed that there was a DNA test proving Obama was not connected to Dunhams, his maternal grandparents. When Taitz requested some proof, Shrimpton provided absolutely nothing. Further, Shrimpton was trying to get money from Taitz to bribe officials in Kenya. If he has a DNA test, why does he need to bribe officials in Kenya? Without any proof of his statements Shrimpton might be either an opportunist seeking money or working for a joined CIA-MI6 operation to try to discredit Taitz and others by bringing forward hoaxes. Shrimpton needs to provide some evidence in order to be believed."

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Michael Shrimpton is a barrister, called to the Bar in London 1983 and is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism. He has wide ranging connections both in Western Intelligence agencies and amongst ex-Soviet Bloc agencies. Michael has earned respect in the intelligence community for his analysis of previously unacknowledged post WWII covert operations against the West by organisations based in Washington, Munich, Paris and Brussels and which are continuing in post 9-11.

He is Adjunct Professor of intelligence Studies, Department of National Security, Intelligence and Space Studies, American Military University, teaching intelligence subjects at Masters Degree level to inter alia serving intelligence officers. He has represented US and Israeli intelligence officers in law and has briefed staffers on the Senate select Committee on Intelligence and the Joint Congressional inquiry into 9-11, also addressing panels on terrorism in Washington DC and Los Angeles.

His active assistance to Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agencies in the Global War on Terror has produced some notable success including the exposure of the Abu Graib “hood” photograph as a fake. His work in strategic intelligence takes him on regular trips to the Pentagon and he also met with senior advisors to the President of the Russian Federation in Moscow in November 2005. He participated in the Global Strategic Review conference in Geneva in 2005 and is a regular contributor at conferences such as Intelcon and the Intelligence Summit Washington DC February 2006.


I suppose if the Guesser says he's a 'loon', well... we have to believe the Guesser over a guy with that biography. By the way, his Wikipedia profile was scrubbed -- life in the Kenyan's new Fascist USA.

Or, maybe ask one of your kook fringe Obot 'debunkers' what they think?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
This Shrimpton loon has been immersed in the Alex Jones Conspiracy Crazy World at least since 2004:

Googling "debunking XYZ" then blindly posting links without at least first reading the contents never ends well.

Had you bothered to take 5 minutes to read the transcripts, you would have discovered that you're in agreement with everything they discussed in that interview.


Sep 21, 2004
Googling "debunking XYZ" then blindly posting links without at least first reading the contents never ends well.

Had you bothered to take 5 minutes to read the transcripts, you would have discovered that you're in agreement with everything they discussed in that interview.


Why would I care about some Birther Loon on a 5+ year old youtube that is "suddenly" circulating like it's new today? You sheep were fooled about the Howard Stern stuff, in which you made yourself look even more foolish then usual in, and you've of course clammed up about it after being exposed. You're a pathetic birther sheep, Casper. Just a simple google search completely debunks this guy, as it usually does with these type loons.

Sep 21, 2004
British Intelligence Advisor: Obama Born In Kenya In 1960:

What a colossal fraud perpetrated on the American public!

The lamestream media and the Democrat party are criminally responsible for this illegal alien foreigner systematically destroying, oops, I mean "fundamentally transforming" the United States of America!
Thanks for the entertainment introducing me to this certifiable nutcase Shrimpton. This guy also thinks McCain, Romney, and Rubio are ineligible, Goldwater was ineligible, and that Romney's father was ineligible. And the nutcase laments South Africa straying from it's Apartheid. :pointer: Truly a loon icon. No wonder Casper quotes him, but of course Casper thinks a 5+ year old youtube is "new" because his birther loon websites pushed it out as new today. Like the Howard stuff last week. face)(*^%You are getting more and more embarrassing Casper. I guess you're out of your meds. Loser!@#0

New member
Jan 9, 2009
I've researched Obama enough to be satisfied with his background and his past. What you keep failing to realize is that legit, fact checking sites like snopes,, etc are not on any side. The sites you rely on for info are the lame stream media at this point, and their equivalent is the daily Kos's of the world on the other side. Snopes, etc are the fair arbiters. But far more important than any stuff I could look up, or you could connect the dots of from your hideout, Obama went through the most vigorous background check of any Politician in the recent past, the Clinton Machine. Before he went full on birther Loon, Casper had it right(rare words) with the following in Jan 2008.

"The gates of hell are about to open up on Obama, the likes of which we haven't ever seen in our lifetimes.
It's worth remembering the Clinton's have utterly DESTROYED anyone that has dared get between them and POWER, and that path is littered with bodies -- literally.
If anyone believes the Clinton's are just going to fade quietly into the night for the good of the Democrat Party, you haven't been paying attention for the last 2 decades...
"Homophobic Muslim Coke-User" will be household words by next Friday, and the Clintonites at Moron.Org and Media Matters aren’t about to let their gravy train go away.
The Washington Democrat Establishment has private jet fuel bills, and waterfront mansions payments to pay for, and they are not about to let some brash upstart upset the cart they have spent so many years, and so much money building...
The Clintons are so narcissistic that they will happily rip the throat out of the party, and drag it down in flames with them.
I'm kinda looking forward to the next week or so. "

So that is a no. Obviously you have not. The facts speak for themselves. How can Snopes verify what has been hidden and withheld from the public eye. Are you inferring that the Clinton's would have exposed him, not with Soros running the show. Nice try. I will take that as a no. If you are satisfied with his past then your are now officially a kool aid drinker. Anyone who has checked out Obama's past and connected the dots simply knows there is enough there to raise many questions. Add in the records he has hidden from the public and I don't see how anyone could be satisfied with his background and his past. It appears that for you satisfaction is a matter of conveience.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Guesser: You say you researched enough to be satisfied lol - so I am sure you can connect all of these dots:

Derrick Bell, Frank Marshall Davis, Bernadine Dohrn, Anita Dunn, Jodie Evan, Sam Graham-Felson, Patrick Gaspard, Kevin Jennings, Jeff Jones, Van Jones, Marlin Katz, Rashid Khalidi, Mike Klonsky, Mike Krulik, Khalid Al-Mounsour, Saul Mendelson, Abner Mikva, Linda Rae Murray, Alice Palmer, Zack Pollet, Tony Rezko, Wade Tahke, Joel Rogers, Geroge Soros, Percy Sutton, Madiline Talbot, Quentin Young, Jeremiah Wright, Acorn just to name a few. If not keep researching.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I’m not so sure.

So Hillary is a hypocrite, so what? She still has the best shot of becoming the next POTUS.

It used to be that a person needed to have accomplishments on their resume before being considered Presidential material.

In today’s world it’s all about smoke and mirrors. Promise this, promise that, promise everything. Fail on all of your promises and get reelected anyway.

Today’s voters are oblivious to what ails the country. They continue to go through life without a care in the world.

Lose your job, oh well, the government will take care of me.

Can’t pay your mortgage, just walk away, the government will help you buy another one.

Can’t feed yourself, there’s an app for that.

We reap what we sow.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
So that is a no. Obviously you have not. The facts speak for themselves. How can Snopes verify what has been hidden and withheld from the public eye. Are you inferring that the Clinton's would have exposed him, not with Soros running the show. Nice try. I will take that as a no. If you are satisfied with his past then your are now officially a kool aid drinker. Anyone who has checked out Obama's past and connected the dots simply knows there is enough there to raise many questions. Add in the records he has hidden from the public and I don't see how anyone could be satisfied with his background and his past. It appears that for you satisfaction is a matter of conveience.
People here have no idea. In any debate of the Democratic party, George Soros is the ultimate trump card.

While George Soros was busy bankrolling his battalion of established activist groups and launching a few new ones of his own, he quite naturally looked toward the upcoming presidential election of 2008 with great anticipation, eagerly awaiting the day when George W. Bush would finally leave office. The question was, who would replace him? In recent years, all indications had been that Soros favored Hillary Clinton above most, if not all, other potential Democratic candidates for President. But now there was a new face on the scene a young, charismatic U.S. senator from Illinois named Barack Obama who seemed not only to share virtually all of Soros's values and agendas, but also appeared to be a highly skilled politician who stood a good chance of getting elected to the nation's highest office.

In December of 2006, Soros, who had previously hosted a fundraiser for Obama during the latter's 2004 Senate campaign, met with Obama in Soros's New York office. Just a few weeks later¯on January 16, 2007 Obama announced that he would form a presidential exploratory committee and was contemplating a run for the White House. Within hours, Soros sent the senator a contribution of $2,100, the maximum amount allowable under campaign-finance laws. Later that week, the New York Daily News reported that Soros would support Obama rather than Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, though Soros pledged to back the New York senator were she to emerge as the nominee.1 But it was clear that Soros considered Obama to be the more electable candidate of the two. Most importantly, Obama's economic and political prescriptions for America were wholly accordant with those of Soros.

Obama's anti-capitalist background and views are well documented: His father was a communist; his mother was a communist sympathizer. In his youth he was mentored by the communist Frank Marshall Davis.

George Soros, too, harbors many negative views about capitalism and free markets. “The entire edifice of global financial markets has been erected on the false premise that markets can be left to their own devices,” says Soros. “We must find a new paradigm and rebuild from the ground up. According to Soros, the capitalist “belief that everybody pursuing his self-interest will maximize the common interest … is a false idea. Calling the global capitalist system “deeply flawed."

Soros's proposed remedy for this problem is a worldwide war on poverty that would transform the entire planet into a global welfare state, a sort of open-society alliance where “a kind of international central bank” could redistribute wealth from rich populations to poor ones. Where have we heard that before?

George Soros sees “the global capitalist system in its present form” as “a distortion of what ought to be a global open society.” He suggests that if the “market fundamentalism in America” were “eliminated,” then “the public interest would be better served” by way of “a more equal distribution of wealth.”

“I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money,”
Sound familiar?

Just a few days after Barack Obama was elected President, George Soros stated: “I think we need a large stimulus package which will provide funds for state and local government to maintain their budgets because they are not allowed by the constitution to run a deficit. For such a program to be successful, the federal government would need to provide hundreds of billions of dollars. In addition, another infrastructure program is necessary. In total, the cost would be in the 300 to 600 billion-dollar range....
Can you say déjà vu?

In a 2008 interview with Bill Moyers, George Soros derided wealthy Americans who wished to have their tax burden lightened. According to Soros, such people were selfishly eager to “enjoy the fruits” of their affluence even as they viewed the act of “paying taxes” as “an absolute no-no”—indeed something veritably “unpatriotic.” Isn’t that George Bush?

Likewise, Barack Obama's long track record in support of high income taxes, capital gains taxes, and estate taxes for “the wealthy”.

George Soros is an avid proponent of cap-and-trade, a tax-based policy proposal designed to reduce Americans' consumption of fossil fuels—coal, oil, and natural gas—and to speed up the nation's transition to alternate forms of energy such as wind and solar power.

Barack Obama, like Soros, is an unwavering backer of cap-and-trade. During his 2008 presidential campaign, Obama said: “Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.

George Soros has long favored a greater role for government in the American healthcare system. Duh! Ask and yea shall receive.

I know some people don’t like to connect the dots but the connection to what Soros favors and what Obama favors are eerily similar.

Makes you wonder who’s really running the show.

There is much more that links Soros to Obama.


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