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New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>It is funny to listen to these people put down the very security consel that they love when it supports their positions. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Show me where I have EVER said I supported the UN or the Security Council. It is a sham and it is against the US Constitution to abide by it.
3rd ! I agree wit you, ONLY TIME WILL TELL !

As for you calling people names, I can't comment on that as I have NOTHING to say to you about that !

And BTW I'm of the belief that one should attack only as a means of defending themselves !

I was all for the 1st war as them dudes invaded Kuweit but this one is an agenda driven OIL hunt with different motives to attack every week !

But like I said I don't think this thing will happen without the support of countries such as France, germany & Russia as it will be their troops that will need to do the dirty work on the streets of Bagdad for YEARS and DECADES to come !

I woud LOVE to see GW go in there without their support and then try to convince the American people that their 20 yeard olds would have to stay there for years to come !

That would be the END of his and his Family's political carreer !

I'm sure he's not that stupid

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Bush is well aware that murder, genocide, theft, financial criminality are all fine, so long as he doesn’t get caught with his dick in some intern’s mouth there is nothing that he can’t get away with.

Just look at the public opinion polls the day before the September attacks - They all said that Bush was in serious political trouble. His popularity was at an all time low - and this coming from polling organizations largely influenced and associated with the Bush organization.
But when those planes slammed into the towers, the Bush team knew that they had a winner. They could shape the public’s opinion’s into ANYTHING they want now, they thought.

And so some of the biggest scumbags on the face of the planet like Rudolph Guiliani and George Bush (both on their political balls of their asses), rebounded in all of one morning and rose to the status of Deities. Nearly Godlike. But that was just in the immediate aftermath of the WTC attacks.

Now, months after the attack, the American people are facing record unemployment, the looting of the treasury is nearly complete, the social security trust fund is emptied, and the people are broke and they are pissed off. But guess what? It doesn’t matter.

Servicemen need to have a special clause in their terms of enlistment that states, “If the war is an obvious ego driven war based on some retarded Junior President’s, “Daddy’s Big Penis Complex,” that the GI has a right to opt out of service. Thus saving himself from a needless vainglorious premature death.”
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> So in other words, the UN really means little <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Those who don't know history are bound to repeat it !

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I woud LOVE to see GW go in there without their support and then try to convince the American people that their 20 yeard olds would have to stay there for years to come !

That would be the END of his and his Family's political carreer !


He wouldnt have to convince anybody of anything. Half of our population is nothing more than a rubber stamp. They will support the government no matter what it wants to do. And as this issue demonstrates, support of half of the population is enough for this government. They dont need the support of intelligent americans, because they can always count on those who just support everything.

Never mind that over 90% of the world population is against this war. They are all stupid, uneducated, idiotic morons. The 10% war m ongering minority knows everything about world affairs.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Those who don't know history are bound to repeat it !<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hungover - that is exactly right, and the UN is making the same mistakes the League of Nations made before World War II. The UN will go the way of the League of Nations if it doesn't wise up VERY soon.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

When these threads starting showing up, I was hopeful that there might be some intelligent discussion of the issues. There is nothing that is certain about war, and I wanted to hear informed arguments.

But all I have seen in the forums are the most childish, ignorant, uninformed, hard-to-believe-they-are-really-adults bullsh*it and propaganda. Every day, the 14 year old DannyMay posts his few propaganda threads, and the usual uninformed suspects like radiosomething chime in with moronic (and totally untrue) arguments.

I don't feel I owe respect to those who post lies and propaganda. DannyMay even started a thread today about how much the war would cost-- and his entire first post was a lie. He made it up! And he knew it.

There are good reasons for going to war, and there are good reasons we should be sure that war is necessary before we go. But the drivel (and intentional lies) that is posted around here is not worthy of a respectful answer.

Your suggestion that the Iraqi people don't want freedom, followed by the childish argument that it is an oil hunt, are not contributing to intelligent debate.

New member
Dec 21, 1999
The UN Security Council is another non issue. If the US wants to go in, they will go in regardless of the UN, Nato, or whatever alphabet soup organization you want to bring up.

The US is simply iding its time, they finally got Turkey to agree, now they are waiting on all the pieces to be put into place. If we were so worried abotu not going in then we wouldn't have spent the moeny or made the promises we have made.

Typical political rhetoric. We appear to be looking for diplomatic means while all the time loading our forces into attack positions. What, you think we are just going to say, "OK you win, we have spent the last 6 onths deploying troops, calling up reservists, allying ourselves with border nations, we are satisfied" Not hardly.

Anyoe with half a brain that thinks we are not going in, better look for the other half. The logistica we have already gone through makes it a ofregone conclusion.

As for the economic issue. War generates economy, it is the preperation for war that is the negative. It is called war weariness, and is only exastant in the POSSIBILITY of war, when a war actualy occurs this stabilizes. Econimically anyways.

This also has nothing to do with liberating Iraq. It has very little to do with oil. It has everything to do with making a statement. The statement that you better think twice before screwing with the US.

Why do you think we were so safe when Reagan? was in office (for those old enough to remember) Because the whole world was scared because no one knew what that crazy old bastard might do. Fear through superior fire power. He made statements to the fact that he wasn't afraid to blow up things, or kill people, and people believed him when he said it. that is the big difference. No one believes anything we say anymore.

The world has fallen into this whole era of good feelings. Relative peace throughout the globe with only intranational battle raging. A time of econmic boom and world trade. Also a time when old allegiances have dissolved and new ones have arisen. And the US being dealt out of most of them.

But in this time the seedy underbelly has gained power, the dictators, and the terrorists. they have slipped thorugh the cracks by dealing in small time acts. Until 9-11 when they indeed committed an act of war on the US. While I don't agree with how it has been handled (with kid gloves) I am sure that once it is set in motion the chain of events will be monumental.

I also don't think what will be done will be extreme enough to make the world a "safe" place, it might deter all but the boldest of extremists from hashing similar plans. But that is what you get when you deal with extremeist. No matter what you do, short of complete anihalation, would be enough.

But it is coming. I would say within the next 2 weeks, you will wake up to the reports that we dropped about 2000 bomb overnight on key areas of Iraq. Then the usual netork propaganda, then a few more bombing raids, and the dramatic footage, then the invasion, and then the clean up. Then more than likely onto the next traget.

Without a doubt, depending on the severity of the Iraqi dismissal, I am sure the North Koreans will settle down some, if not, then I am sure they would be given similar attention.

I am no war *****r, but ultimately action is necessarry to deter future actions against.

Why are people afraid of terrorist? Because they do what they say. They don't make hollow threats. If stopping them means taking a page from their book of actions speaking louder than words, then sobeit. It beats having the power to do something about it, and doing nothing.
The attacks on 9/11 had a HUGE effect on the U.S. economy. The airline almost went under. many business where affected.

Many companies CUT BACK because of fear.

FACT: The terrorist were successful in disrupting our economy.

FOR CHRIST sakes they brought down two of the largest financial buildings that existed.

So you want to BLAME BUSH for the interuption in the economy because of the attacks and their affect?

Give me and everyone here a ****ING Break!

That's a child's statement.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
This will all be irrelevant VERY soon if this article is accurate.




President Bush on Wednesday night was to make the ultimate call whether to strike and invade Iraq with military force, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

A top White House source offered few details, but did reveal the president would make a "defining decision" by morning.

The news comes just hours after Bush discussed top secret battle plans at the White House with his national security team and Army Gen. Tommy Franks, the man who would lead American forces in Iraq.

Military officials said the president had been told that an attack against Iraq could be carried out within the next several days, the NEW YORK TIMES is reporting on Thursday.

Plans for a major speech on Iraq next week by the president were under review. Bush might give Saddam a very short time period to disarm completely, perhaps as little as 72 hours, before military action.

Officials said a number of options for fighting were now ready.


Filed By Matt Drudge

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Banned4Life, that is one of the most idiotic posts I have ever seen. I mean, I've seen some pathetic arguments in just this thread alone, but yours takes the cake. This quote,

"But when those planes slammed into the towers, the Bush team knew that they had a winner. They could shape the public’s opinion’s into ANYTHING they want now, they thought."

has got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. Yep, I'm sure thats what they were thinking. Nothing gets by you.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

If you knew how to read a stock chart, or know anything about economics, you would see that the economy was heading down the shitter already when 9-11 happened. In fact, 9-11 turned out to prop up the economy (at least for a while) because of the patriotic calls for consumers to spend as much as they could in order to save the economy and to "show the terrorists that they didn't win", and the stock market rally after the initial shock of the attacks that drove the Dow up to almost 11,000 that was also inspired by patriotic fervor (but merely served as an opportunity for the Wall Street pigs to unload their overpriced garbage on the sucker public).

New member
Sep 21, 2004

It just never ends with these guys. One pathetic and uninformed post after another, after another, after another....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
9-11 was the best thing to ever happen to George W Bush. On Sept 10, 2001 he was arguably one of the most unpopular presidents in history, and he was being blamed for a tanking ecomony. Sept 11 came along, and all of a sudden a populace that was scared shitless rallied behind out retarded President because they realized that like it or not, this was the doofus that we're stuck with, and that rallying behind him was a matter of self-preservation and not necessarily because they liked him.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
3rd&long... another brainwashed brain dead product of the corporate mass media machine.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Small minded posts coming out of Costa Rica???

You really kinda dropped the ball with that comment. Of course this is somewhat stereotypical but speaking in general ex-pats, tend to be liberals and intellectuals, unlike conservatives that tend to represent the blue collar, Lynard Skynard "Simple kinda man" type.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Hungover - that is exactly right, and the UN is making the same mistakes the League of Nations made before World War II. The UN will go the way of the League of Nations if it doesn't wise up VERY soon. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Floyd the same could be said for the way Bush wants to invade another country as well !

Dude we are discussing an issue here that will affect the whole world. Don't know if war is really the answer, then again I don't have an answer for that nutcase called Saddam and how to deal with him either.

Only time will tell !

I for one hope that 3 years from now we'll be better off ! But to be honest I don't see it that way !

Only time will tell !

New member
Sep 21, 2004
>You know it seems that many small minded and uninformed posters come out of Costa Rica lately on these political issues.

As opposed to the small minded and uninformed posters out of Curacao?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>9-11 was the best thing to ever happen to George W Bush. On Sept 10, 2001 he was arguably one of the most unpopular presidents in history <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dead wrong as usual. Bush's Approval Rating on Sept. 10, 2001 was about 55%. Higher than Clinton's was at that point in his first term. Don't believe - LOOK IT UP and learn something.

"Back to Bush — It's unlikely that any figure underscores the public's closing of the ranks as well as the president's job approval rating. On Sept. 9 just 55 percent approved of his work in office — fewer than usual at that point in a presidency — and only 26 percent approved strongly."

Taken from

"Although Bush's numbers fell in recent weeks, they are still higher than predecessor Bill Clinton's 46% approval at this stage of his presidency in 1993."

Pulled from on 7/02/2001


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