Should the $600 Federal Unemployment Benefit be extended?


Oct 31, 2004
Sometimes you might have to support bills and ideas you normally wouldn't.. Maybe the greater good here is to extend these payments if it helps Trump win in T Hawk is suggesting.. Common sense tells me Trump shouldn't lose votes due to the virus and economy because this shit storm isn't his fault.. As bad as this economy still can go , Trump deserves the chance to get us back on track.. Common sense also tells most of us , Biden isn't the answer if you really think he's the answer to fix this mess.. Problem is , common sense isn't utilized for to many

For the same reasons this shit storm is not trumps fault is the same reason UE should be extended .

MOST of the people losing their job in the last 4 months is through no fault of their own so why should they be punished .

If you gonna make people stay at home against thier will you better pay them.

Sure there are deadbeats like Mango that’s treating this like a lifeline.

But you can’t punish the good people due to people like that .

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
For the same reasons this shit storm is not trumps fault is the same reason UE should be extended .

MOST of the people losing their job in the last 4 months is through no fault of their own so why should they be punished .

If you gonna make people stay at home against thier will you better pay them.

Sure there are deadbeats like Mango that’s treating this like a lifeline.

But you can’t punish the good people due to people like that .

I'm seeing both sides of this ..damn if you do damn if you don't

Oct 31, 2004
But at the same time there should be reform .

Never allow anyone to make MORE then they did at their regular job .
As a matter of fact it should be capped at 80% of regular pay .

Then they can raise the $600 for other people who made more at their regular job.

$600 probably don’t even cover a car payment for most people .

So take some of that windfall away from people like Mango and raise the number for people who are use to making more money but even for them cap them off at 80%

Sep 20, 2004
Why not just extend unemployment benefits and get rid of the extra $600? What is the extra $600 for anyway? If anything people should be spending less then when they work with limited dining out options and less entertainment options. So getting paid your normal rate should be more then fine, and they should be super grateful for that since they don't even have to work for it. The extra $600 just seems silly. The more and more down the pay ladder the more ridiculous it gets.

My partners daughter is a shampoo girl at a hair salon. Normally she makes around $300-$400 a week, with the unemployment she makes over twice that much without having to leave the house and she still lives at her dads with no bills.

Most ironic part about the people complaining about the the big companies getting PPP funds and wanting to keep the $600 unemployment..... the single biggest benefactor of the $600 unemployment program is and there is nobody else even close. Give an extra $600/week to half the population, a large majority are low income folks who are terrible money managers. Now they have extra money just burning a whole in their pockets. Throw in that most B&M retail stores were closed and not available. That money isn't going to saving most of the time, it's going to buying shit they don't normally need and can't normally afford online. Lots or companies benefited from this but none more then Amazon, which happens to be the richest of the rich.

New member
Jan 18, 2005
Why not just extend unemployment benefits and get rid of the extra $600? What is the extra $600 for anyway? If anything people should be spending less then when they work with limited dining out options and less entertainment options. So getting paid your normal rate should be more then fine, and they should be super grateful for that since they don't even have to work for it. The extra $600 just seems silly. The more and more down the pay ladder the more ridiculous it gets.

My partners daughter is a shampoo girl at a hair salon. Normally she makes around $300-$400 a week, with the unemployment she makes over twice that much without having to leave the house and she still lives at her dads with no bills.

Most ironic part about the people complaining about the the big companies getting PPP funds and wanting to keep the $600 unemployment..... the single biggest benefactor of the $600 unemployment program is and there is nobody else even close. Give an extra $600/week to half the population, a large majority are low income folks who are terrible money managers. Now they have extra money just burning a whole in their pockets. Throw in that most B&M retail stores were closed and not available. That money isn't going to saving most of the time, it's going to buying shit they don't normally need and can't normally afford online. Lots or companies benefited from this but none more then Amazon, which happens to be the richest of the rich.

The 600 was to keep the economy going, plain and simple. you cut that 600 out watch how fast the economy takes a nose dive. Guaranteed!!!

There is cause and effect with every decision. Most on this site can't see anything past one move, I take they do not play any chess or do any cost risk analysis.

The economy will be getting worse to coincide with the job market, Once the 600 is over in 3 weeks, the economy will drop like a rock in August/September

New member
Aug 20, 2003
The next round of stimulus will be $3 trillion.

Phase 4 is going to be gigantic and everyone will get free stuff. It will extend past the election for sure.

Crank up the printing press.

Feb 2, 2010
Dude, have you looked at the job market? It is not good, even if states are open not every person was hired back
40 million people were out of work due to this, you will not see all go back to a job because it was eliminated
on top of companies will be laying off in the near future due to ppp date passing and just no need for all the people they have, especially middle management.

I will say out of those 40 million who were affected that 20-25 million will get their job back. The other 15-20 million will have had their job eliminated, been laid off due to the company being slower, company lowering costs, company closed, ppp date passed. Add on people who have been working may be laid off also
It is not going to be pretty.

You think everyone on unemployment is lollygagging around with their dick in their hands watching Netflix all day.
The thing is the people sitting around doing that making more sitting home doing nothing do not care about their job since it is a low level, low pay job
If they lose it they will just go get another low level, low pay job. Because you see those are going to be the jobs that will be plentiful. SO they are miling the 600 until it runs out then will either go back to their original place it the job is there or go get another lone.
These are lots of college students and young people.

The people not in that situation who had real jobs, families, bills are getting by with the extra 600, if they do not have that the shit will hit the fan
I can guarantee that. You only look at one angle of a situation, like many on this forum it is either black or white which nothing ever is but there are far too many ignorant people here...

Here in the Northeast it is not good and will not be good. Other areas of the country are better but the jobs are not coming back to where it was at before this
That is what you do not understand.

The economy is good in GA. Outside of maybe retail.....but that was dying a slow death to Amazon anyways. You make the point that if families didnt get the 600 it would have hit the fan. Well maybe shit should have hit the fan due to all of this nonsense. You guys can give into the BS.....I really dont care. We need more Patriots like the gym owners who tell the government BS where to stick it. If it's open, people will come. It's all part of a bigger game and you guys are just pawns in it. Open your eyes

Feb 2, 2010
One more thing to add that I am personally mentioned above, GAs economy seems to be strong. I credit the overall local government for making the state pro economy during this time. My line of work was marked as essential so we never have missed a beat. I honestly do feel for those who have lost their jobs due to something out of their control. I went through that in 2009. The thing that chaps my ass about all the handouts......I speak with many vendors and contractors every day. They all talk about the crunch they are in to hire and people choose not to want jobs. Hundreds of contractors I deal with all have the same story.....nobody wants a job because they are making more money from unemployment than working
That's BS in my mind. In 2009-11 I did anything I could to make money. Once the public gets entrenched to the lifestyle many unemployed are living in, it will kill the workforce. That's my problem with all of this. I am sure it sucks to live in a state that the government is against its population, but that shouldn't be an excuse. Get out there and find a way to make your life better

Nov 17, 2004
Unfortunately, what I tend to see with situations like these and many others are people filled with spite and envy. People want to get rid of things because they are angry that there's abuse in a system, or someone else is getting more than they are (i.e. the rich getting richer). I try to focus on the intent of the program and think abuses to the system should be dealt with separately. That tends to be a "throw out the baby with the bath water type mentality."

I last saw my boss when we first reopened my health club on June 15th. She confided in me that she was pregnant on that day (I was at the club seeing how practical it would be for me to continue on with personal training in the new environment requiring masking and distancing). Fast forward a little over 2 weeks and the company has let her go because they have run out of their government assistance loan. When I saw the email go down, I immediately texted her to tell her how sorry I was. She told me she had been thinking about me because earlier in the week she came down with a cough and then had a really bad migraine headache. She went in for testing, and found out she had the virus. She was concerned she might have given it to me. I was fine, but needless to say, this is one trifecta I would not wish upon anyone. Terminated, pregnant, and has the virus. The first thing the group of us did, was get started on a GoFundMe page for her and ended up raising $5,000. Admittedly, that's still not enough to make a real dent with what was going on with her. I can't imagine her not being able to get additional unemployment because some people were upset that there was abuse in a system.

Feb 2, 2010
Well that was an honest real life response. Cheers

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
The rational response is get back to work. If the "hurting people" dont see the truth behind this nonsense we are a lost country. Economy is booming currently. The simpletons who are parading for another shutdown are the ones that dont have careers anyways. Just as the government bent the knee to the Marxist BLM.....they can bend the knee to the middle class. Those out of work need to stand up for themselves.
The economy is far from booming in the service industries. Some other businesses are doing ok

should they $600 get extended? Not to people making $350-500/week. Why should people make more by not working? There is no incentive by many not to work.

Feb 19, 2011
Unfortunately, what I tend to see with situations like these and many others are people filled with spite and envy. People want to get rid of things because they are angry that there's abuse in a system, or someone else is getting more than they are (i.e. the rich getting richer). I try to focus on the intent of the program and think abuses to the system should be dealt with separately. That tends to be a "throw out the baby with the bath water type mentality."

I last saw my boss when we first reopened my health club on June 15th. She confided in me that she was pregnant on that day (I was at the club seeing how practical it would be for me to continue on with personal training in the new environment requiring masking and distancing). Fast forward a little over 2 weeks and the company has let her go because they have run out of their government assistance loan. When I saw the email go down, I immediately texted her to tell her how sorry I was. She told me she had been thinking about me because earlier in the week she came down with a cough and then had a really bad migraine headache. She went in for testing, and found out she had the virus. She was concerned she might have given it to me. I was fine, but needless to say, this is one trifecta I would not wish upon anyone. Terminated, pregnant, and has the virus. The first thing the group of us did, was get started on a GoFundMe page for her and ended up raising $5,000. Admittedly, that's still not enough to make a real dent with what was going on with her. I can't imagine her not being able to get additional unemployment because some people were upset that there was abuse in a system.

This a pretty good assessment to me. People should get what they deserve for the most part (no more - no less). Reminds me of the phrase....Life Sucks

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
Interesting seeing so many people here insisting the coronavirus has caused so much Doom and Gloom in America in 2020. If there is any truth that we are seeing any Doom and Gloom, ending welfare would be a great way to fix any problems.

Nov 17, 2004
I was having a conversation with a friend yesterday and he pointed out something I wasn't aware of at the time I posted this He said the $600 additional benefit wasn't some random figure, but rather applied to replacement of wages at 100%. Despite all the criticism regarding those making more by not working, after running the numbers I discovered he was absolutely correct. The average hourly wage in the U.S. is a little over $25. Traditional unemployment covers just over 40% of wages, so based on that number, you get about $400 a week. The additional gets people to $1000. So there actually was a method to the madness. I think people get way too caught up with the minimum wage rate in their state, not realizing that many of the high cost of living areas have a much higher minimum wage. For example, in my old neck of the woods minimum wage was over $15.50. Clearly if you were making the average, you were just at status quo with the additional $600. If you were in some of a bigger metropolitan areas of the country, you weren't making out like bandits at all.

Nov 10, 2007
Honestly, answers like those are simply not helpful in any way or a rational solution. This is an unprecedented situation. There are many out of work that are receiving significantly less. The fact that you and others can't accept that and just seem to fall back on some regurgitated talking points just tells me you are incapable of thinking outside the box, or showing any empathy for those that don't fit your strawman argument (i.e. the deadbeat on unemployment).

I also don't think of Texas as being a shithole state.


my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
Where’s the checks and balance . Who picks up the credit default swap. Simple arithmetic if you can’t pay for it there’s no behind door #4

Nov 17, 2004
Where’s the checks and balance . Who picks up the credit default swap. Simple arithmetic if you can’t pay for it there’s no behind door #4

Whether it comes through unemployment payments, a recession, or possibly hyperinflation in the future, someone always pays for it. I suspect it's much more of a pick your poison scenario.

Dec 27, 2011
everyone aT THE KENO parlor was ape-shiot about this. .. everyone thought next week as the last week.. but this past pay check was the last one with the 600 included ...

Dec 27, 2011
my theory is that TRUMP is pump faking here .. gonna let it lapse for 3 or 4 weeks to see if everyone jumps off the bandwagon .. then re -instate it ..

I'm advising everyone here to just stay on unemployment

Nov 17, 2004
everyone aT THE KENO parlor was ape-shiot about this. .. everyone thought next week as the last week.. but this past pay check was the last one with the 600 included ...

Not exactly true. The next pay period should have one week with the extended benefit.

Personally, I don't even know what Munchin is thinking with his we're going to figure out what everyone is making and give them 70%. Good luck with that. It was a complete clusterfuck for them to coordinate a straight dollar amount. Now he thinks they'll be able to do calculations on 30 million people?! Sure, good luck with that. They might have had some chance if they started 2-3 months ago. Ideally a means tested benefits program would be the fairest, but that takes time to take on a feat like that. I think Mnuchin is delusional.

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