You're about as far wacko left as it gets...and you're pretending to know what the majority want???? :Carcajada:
The majority want fiscally responsible government.
You shouldn't be cheering too loud, this is exactly the kind of thing that gives the Tea Party it's mojo!
I'm not far left at all, lol. But your opinion is skewed so I understand your confusion. You guys are not even accepted in your own party let alone the general population, lol. That's why you have Dave, Russ, and Acebb. Some of the dumbest people I've ever seen.
For the 2008 Election, Casper was firmly in the Camp of Fred Thompson, and just KNEW he'd be President. Do a Search on Fred Thompson in this place if you want some Comedy Gold, and maybe when I'm in a Vit reminiscing mood, I'll bump a bunch of his Freddy Thompson stuff. In 2012 it was Herman Cain. The Canadian's track record of knowing what the majority of American's want, let alone Republicans, rivals Wrong Way's predictions.
1)Already showed he did- Strike 1.
2) His DOJ actions defended it- Strike 2
3)His actions of delaying things, adjusting things to make them more palatable for People and Businesses show this, even if he isn't saying the words.- Strike 3.
But an idiot like yourself has an unlimited amount of strikes, so you'll keep swinging and missing. Wrong Way is in sight. You'll never catch him, but the attempt is admirable.
Bill Ayres was never convicted, nor pled guilty of terrorism, unlike the POS Vermin that Dave supported, and wanted to contribute to her defense fund. Surely you see the difference?
The state of "friendship" between Obama and Bill Ayres has long been in dispute, depending on what propaganda one believes. It's an irrelevant issue, IMO, but the connect the dots crowd thinks they were long time buddies, and I've even seen some wacko theories that Ayres was one of the many who are candidates for being Obama's "real" father.
IF Obama came out in support of Tim McVeigh, for instance, damn straight my panties would be in a wad about it.
Bill Ayres is a terrorist who was in the Weather Underground, who bombed the New York City Police headquarters in 1970, the US Capitol Building in 1971 and the Pentagon in 1972..his only regret was that he didn't bomb more..if that's not an admission of guilt, I dion't know what is...oh yeah-his wife-Bernadine Dorn is a terrorist, too...and Obama started his political career in Ayres' living room with a fund raiser in the 1990's..the fact that you defend Bill Ayres speaks volumes about you
actually defending Bill Ayres now? please tell me that's a joke
does the libtard know Bill Ayres admitted he did the bombings?
does the libtard know UBL was never convicted of a crime either? and OJ was found to be innocent by a jury of his peers? (go figure, more liberals)
it's simply not plausible that they can walk and chew gum simultaneously
The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the*US Government*can not pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that "the buck stops here." Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.'
I haven't defended Bill Ayres one bit. Just stated facts about him. He was never convicted of terrorism, so calling him a terrorist is your opinion, flying in face of facts. As opposed to the Terrorist that pleaded guilty that the POS dave Supported. Ayres regret was about not doing more to stop the VietNam war, not that he didn't bomb more. Do some research.