Willie since you are a card carrying member of the red team
please explain to me how trumps economic plans to debt like crazy and spend federal infrastructure is conservative.. weren't the republicans shouting about debt and the dangers throughout the obama administration?
also the carrier deal.. how is "saving" job so via government intervention conservative.. if obama did it conservatives would be screaming bailout..
the hypocracy always gets me...
just like when bush was in office debt don't matter when we got control.. although this time I think the bond markets and economic factors gonna hinder what the "conservative" liberals can do this time..
Sure, I come in to say hello and you put me to work. I'll answer then I'm outta here
It's all about economic growth. Lower taxes and fewer regulations will spur economic growth and revenues will increase not decrease revenues. When Trump scales back regulations, he will be reducing unneessary spending. Maintaining an over-burdensome regulatory body costs a lot of money. He's talking about gutting government programs, like Obamacare and the federal department of education and even bureaucrats in the Pentagon. He's talked about cutting government employees in DC. So while he's talking about eliminating programs and downsizing DC, nobody is talking about the fact that he actually would be reducing spending, which would be mind boggling save for the fact that's DC being DC.
"A rising tide raises all boats", and it grows tax revenues as well. We haven't any decent economic growth in a decade.
How is keeping jobs in America NOT a conservative position? What in the constitution states the President shouldn't do that? I believe our government should work to make sure the international playing field is not tilted against us, I believe our government should work to help retain jobs and attract new jobs to the country. The federal government's single biggest constitutional responsibility is to preserve the welfare of the nation (welfare was never meant to represent the bastardized interpretations it has today).
Finally, when has the CBO or anybody in DC been accurate about predictions? Why should I care about their predictions?
Have a great day old friend.